What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 229 It’s so great to meet you (33 guaranteed)

Chapter 229 It’s great to meet you (33 guaranteed)

When Kasugano Masao and Kasugano Anzu came out, Aokiji, who was leaning on the bench and looking at the ceiling with tired eyes, quickly stood up and looked at Kasugano Masao nervously.

The discussion in the ward just now could be vaguely heard in the corridor. Aokiji seemed to have heard the quarrel between Kasugano and his wife.

He believed that what Kasugano Masao and Kasugano Anzu were talking about just now must be about how to take care of Qiong in the future.

Comparing his feelings, if something like this happened to his daughter, he might not dare to entrust his daughter to a guy like him anymore.

However, unexpectedly, Kasugano Masao just patted Aoki Tsukasa on the shoulder with a calm expression and said softly: We are leaving tonight.

Ah? Aokiji's eyes widened in shock.

So suddenly?

Kasugano Masao looked at Aokiji with deep eyes: When I came back this time, I have temporarily put down all the work at hand. Now the branch is at a critical moment of negotiating with customers. Every minute and every second is crucial. It's very important. The leader just sent me a text message asking me if I can go back tomorrow.

But Aokiji was a little confused, but Kasugano Xing smiled bitterly and explained the reason: This is also Qiong's intention. She doesn't want the two of us to work hard here, let alone delay anything because of her.

Hmph, I don't know what's wrong with you. Masao Kasugano looked a little lonely and a little angry. He glanced at Aoki Si, then patted Aoki Si's shoulder and squeezed it hard.

Qiong is unwilling to come with us at all. He would rather stay alone in the hospital and stay with you after he is discharged. Kasugano Masao's tone sounded more like jealousy, which may be the case for every father of a daughter. Such a feeling.

There is no place for women to stay in college!

Kasugano Masao became furious when he thought about Qiong's resolute attitude just now, and even when he wanted to forcefully pick her up, the cold and decisive look in Qiong's big eyes.

This kid is so angry with you that he came to the hospital, how can you still do it?

Masao Kasugano feels angry and helpless towards Tsukasa Aoki.

To be honest, Aokiji had nothing to do with him - although he gave Aokiji a place to stay, that was basically it.

Originally thinking that he could not take care of Qiong, he would at least have to bear the living expenses of the two of them. However, Aokiji found a boxing job on his own. Not only did he earn enough money to live on, but he also took care of Qiong's living expenses. Furthermore, he had heard a lot about taking care of Qiong's three meals a day. Qiong also said that Aokiji often got up at five in the morning to make lunch for Qiong.

A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old can do this to a girl with no relatives and a bad temper. His only relative has just passed away, but he can still bear the burden of his own life. Kasugano Masao will occasionally feel inferior to him. .


Still angry!

Why is it that the girl I have taken care of for so many years now has my whole heart attached to you and lost my temper with you because of you!

Just thinking about Qiong Dai's expression in the operating room just now that you two won't leave today, I'll make myself angry again, Kasugano Masao felt itchy with hatred - it's all this brat's fault.

Aokiji blinked and lowered his head in embarrassment and guilt: I

Okay. Kasugano Masao sighed loudly, and his tone finally softened: Thank you for your hard work.

Uncle. Aokiji raised his head, but when he saw Kasugano Masao's eyes, there was no blame at all.

Kasugano Masao just looked at Aoki Tsukasa and raised his eyebrows slightly: Your aunt and I already know why you became a bad boy. But to be honest, you may be able to live a good life without doing this now. Ah. Si, uncle hopes you can study hard. With a character like yours, you will achieve great results no matter what you do. Why do you have to become that kind of bad boy that everyone hates?

Wait, what do you know? Aokiji's eyes widened and he didn't know how he could say such a thing - he became a delinquent entirely because he was in a system and had to do it.

Kasugano Masao, however, had an I understand expression and said, The things from your hometown were mailed to you by your former friends. It's really hard for a girl. It took almost a month of hard work to get the goods from the company. Please come to my current address and mail your things over.

When you look back, you have to thank me properly. Kasugano Masao's words made Aokiji look confused and at a loss.

A friend from back home?

In other words, Aoki Tsukasa's own friend before time travel?

Aokiji racked his brains to recall, and in his relatively clear memories, the original Aokiji didn't seem to have many friends, right? Most of them are some of the bad friends he made when he was a delinquent, and no one seems to be able to send him anything.

And the so-called hometown, does it refer to the place where I lived with my biological father before, or does it refer to the hometown where Aokiji grew up as a child?

In the impression, it seems that during elementary school, Aokiji lived with his parents in the countryside. It was only after his father had an accident that he found a small place to settle down.

Are they old friends we met before the accident?

Unfortunately, after much deliberation, Aokiji couldn't think of who it was. His childhood memories were a bit too vague for him.

Okay, don't guess. I won't bother to pick up the things this time. I'll mail them to you when I get back. Kasugano Masao sighed again and warned: This time, I hope you can really look at you. With the responsibility on my shoulders, Qiong may only be able to persist for one more year. In this year, please ask Sijun to make Qiong live a happier life.

Please! Kasugano Masao said, and he actually wanted to bow. Aokiji was so frightened that he hugged him hurriedly: Uncle, don't do this, this is what I should do.

Kasugano Masao took advantage of the situation and got up with a faint smile on his face. He punched Aokiji lightly in the stomach. Aokiji instinctively bowed his waist and saw Kasugano Masao laughing easily: Professional Boxers are just like that.

Uncle. Aokiji smiled.

Okay, I remember there is a plane taking off in an hour. I won't tell you anymore. We have to leave as soon as possible. Masao Kasugano stared at Aokiji seriously: This time, don't let me down.

Yes. Aokiji nodded solemnly and patted his chest hard: I will definitely make Qiong healthy!

Kasugano Masao and Kasugano Anzu looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and thought of what Qiong said in the ward before.

Qiong actually said that Si would definitely get her better within half a year.

The Kasugano couple only regarded this sentence as a white lie from Aokiji, or as a comfort to each other, but they did not expect that Aokiji's expression would be so serious now.

Then I'll leave it to you. Kasugano Masao didn't expose anything, just smiled: When your game starts, I will definitely watch it, come on.

Yes! Aokiji took a step back and bowed heavily: Thank you!

Seeing Aokiji not getting up for a long time, Kasugano Masao just smiled. Kasugano Anzu reached out and touched his bare head: It feels so good.

Aokiji raised his head with a slight blush on his face, but saw Kasugano and his wife smiling and waving to him, saying in unison: I'll leave Qiong to you.

This, how is this like what you should hear when facing your father-in-law and mother-in-law?

Aokiji's face turned redder, a little embarrassed: I will try to be a better brother.

Well, come on! Kasugano Anzu waved her fist at him, smiled and pulled Kasugano Masao back.

As Kasugano Masao walked, he gave Aoki Tsukasa a feigned evil look: Next time you do this, I'll have to beat you up even with all my strength!

Yes! Aokiji bowed deeply again. It wasn't until they disappeared into the corridor that he breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up.

Just as he was about to go in and talk to Qiong, the nurse in the ward came out: The family members can go home. We will take good care of the patient here. It's better not to disturb her today and let her have a good rest.

Ah? Aokiji frowned slightly.

The nurse saw Aokiji frowning and his demeanor changing completely. She was stunned for a moment, and her tone became a little softer: Don't worry, we are a VIP ward, and there are nurses taking care of you 24 hours a day. There are also dedicated staff to provide three meals a day, and there are doctors checking the condition every day, so you don’t have to worry at all.”

No, I just... Aokiji sighed. He was just worried that Qiong would feel lonely when he was alone in the ward.

As if thinking of something, the nurse suddenly took out her mobile phone: The patient inside has fallen asleep. Can you leave us your mobile phone number? The patient said that he can contact you if he has anything to do, but I saw that the patient registered outside just now The number doesn’t seem to be yours.”

Okay. Aokiji left his phone number, and the nurse added: Tomorrow you can bring the patient's clothes, mobile phone chargers and other trivial things. There is an LCD TV in the ward, and there is also high-speed WIFI for VIPs. , you don’t have to worry about the patient getting bored and can rest assured that she can recuperate here.”

Okay. Aokiji nodded.

The nurse smiled: I will send you a text message, that is my number. If you have any requirements for the hospital or want to help the patient do anything, we will do whatever we can to help you.

Is this VIP treatment?

Aokiji has never seen such meticulous care. After thinking about it, it can only be one of the reasons why this VIP ward is valuable.

Oh. What else could Aokiji say besides agreeing?

Then is there anything else you need to know or make arrangements for? The nurse's smile was sweet and standard. Aokiji thought for a while, and didn't seem to have anything special to say. He just warned, If Qiong misses me, , or if you need me to come over, please give me a call on her behalf.

I will bring her the mobile phone tomorrow. After finishing speaking, Aokiji looked at the nurse and nodded in agreement. He sighed and walked to the ward with his hands in his pockets. Only the bed could be vaguely seen through the glass window on the door. I looked at the foot of the bed for a long time but saw nothing, so I turned around and left helplessly.

After leaving the hospital, the first thing Aokiji did was to call Songshanyan.

Brother Yan, thank you.

Thank you, come train with me tomorrow, okay? Song Shanyan's voice was steady and powerful, no different from usual.

Aokiji raised his head. The night sky after a heavy rain was extremely bright. The twinkling stars filled the sky. The bright moon illuminated the road ahead. In front of the hospital with few pedestrians, the whole street was unexpectedly quiet.

Yeah! Aokiji's answer was also very forceful.

Say hello to your friends tomorrow. You won't be able to see them for the next half month. Get ready. Starting from the day after tomorrow, your training will be in hell mode every day.

Don't worry, hell mode is much easier than the days before. Aokiji finally relaxed, all the big rocks in his heart disappeared, and he finally regained the leisurely and peaceful mentality of the past.

Hmph, don't cry out when the time comes. That's it, have a good rest tomorrow, and your sister's money will be deducted from your salary. Also, I will take care of that boy named Xiangliang Meng for you, for at least three years above.



thank you so much.

If you say it again I'll die!

Thank you very much!

Bah! Di~di~di~

Song Shanyan hung up the phone in disgust, Aoki Si put down the phone, raised his head, and quietly felt the damp night wind blowing across his face, and then suddenly realized that he had a smile on his face at some point.

It's so great to meet you.


PS: It’s so great to meet you.

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