What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 215 Summoned by the Principal (15 guaranteed)

Chapter 215 Summoned by the Principal (15 guaranteed)

Aokiji came to school a little tired. As soon as he entered the class, he saw the sullen Maeda Tora sitting in his seat with dark circles under his eyes, deep in thought.

Aokiji walked up and patted his shoulder: Didn't you sleep?

Maeda Tiger rubbed his eyes and showed a somewhat ugly smile: Yeah.

Hold on, Fujiwara Miao and the others are here. Aokiji put his schoolbag on the desk, his expression was also not very good, he sat on the chair and rubbed his temples.

Maeda Tiger sighed: Not yet.

Is the injury serious? Aokiji frowned.

Dawu is fine, just a little dizzy. I checked yesterday. My family asked me to recuperate for a few days, but I didn't let him come to school. Amiao is a little bit. Maeda Tiger punched the desk angrily. At this time, he The wounds on his face had not been treated, and his expression looked a bit ferocious.

What's wrong with Miao? Aokiji didn't see Miao Fujiwara and Daitake Matsuzaka in the hospital yesterday, thinking they were only slightly injured, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

Maeda Tiger gritted his teeth: Amiao's leg is broken.

Broken leg? Aokiji's eyes widened and his fists clenched slightly.

Well, he didn't tell me yesterday. When I called him in the evening, he hesitated and said that he was in the hospital and it would take at least a month to be discharged. Maeda Tora's eyes twitched with anger.

Aokiji was also a little angry, even a little incredulous: Logically speaking, we have never offended Kaijiu's students, how could they do such a heavy hand?

Boss Tora Maeda looked at Tsukasa Aoki with a dumb expression: This is the bad boy.

Aokiji fell into silence.

For him, whether he is fighting or being a bad boy, he always has an unrealistic innocence.

Perhaps it was because he had never experienced the so-called bad life in his previous life. Aokiji's view of bad boys was just a group of energetic, passionate, and unscrupulous young people.

They are not regarded as so-called 'evil people' at all.

Fighting, for Aokiji, is just fighting. It's okay if you win, and it's okay if you get hurt. I never thought about seriously injuring the opponent.

After all, this world also has laws.

But the reality in front of him told Aoki Si naked that evil is evil, even if he is just a bad boy, it is not as beautiful as Aoki Si imagined.

Even if Aokiji can act in moderation, more delinquents sneer at the so-called moderation.

Silent, Aokiji raised his head and looked out the window.

Before he could figure out why they could be so cruel when they were only sixteen or seventeen years old, a bald boy suddenly burst in outside the door and walked up to Aoki Si with an angry look on his face.

Boss, those guys who keep driving for a long time are going too far.

What do you mean? Aoki Si looked at the angry expression on the bald boy's face and frowned even more.

Hearing this, the bald boy put his face close to Aokiji's ear and whispered: The people of Kaijiu spread the news everywhere, saying that Kaijiu is the boss of Shangcheng District. The so-called Wuyang and Ruanye have already It was their men who were defeated.”

Aokiji nodded and said calmly: I understand, I will handle it.

Boss, just ask, no matter how many of us brothers there are, we will definitely not give in! The bald boy's eagerness made Aokiji sigh.

You should go back to class first. Class is about to begin. Let's talk on the rooftop at noon. After finishing speaking, Aokiji took out his mobile phone, only to see another message from Songshanyan on his mobile phone.

After clicking it and taking a look, Aokiji felt even more irritated.

The original video has been deleted, but unfortunately, the news has come out. This matter is a bit troublesome. I will try my best to deal with it. Just don't make trouble these days, okay? I'm asking you to take care of it, okay?

Song Shanyan's words made Aoki Si unconsciously open the mobile phone network and check the relevant entries. As expected, several news items had appeared on the phone.

Delinquent teenagers have another dispute, where is the justice? 》

The problem of delinquent teenagers is becoming more and more serious. When will children be able to have a blue sky again? 》

The supernova of mixed martial arts is actually a bad boy. What is the event organizing committee looking for when selecting candidates? 》

There were several pieces of news, including local news in Yachiyo City and major media in Chiba. What surprised Aokiji the most was that the Tokyo Daily News, which had great influence on the entire neon world, also reported his news. Moreover, the target is pointed at the Supernova Conference.

For the Supernova Conference, this may be a good thing. After all, this kind of exposure is an indispensable part of the fighting league that is about to start.

Aokiji opened the news of Tokyo Daily with a gloomy face.

It is reported that yesterday afternoon, a conflict between delinquent teenagers broke out in Yachiyo City, Chiba. The original video sparked heated discussions on the Internet, but what few people know is that one of the bald teenagers on one side was actually Supernova Conference's contestant.

According to the reporter's understanding, the boy is not only an ordinary delinquent, but also the so-called school boss and the leader of the delinquents.

What makes people wonder is that a bad boy can also participate in the Supernova Conference. Does this mean that there are intriguing problems in the review of the competition team?

Our reporters have gone to Yachiyo City to conduct investigations and interviews. Please pay attention to the Tokyo Daily. We will continue to follow the reports and bring you updated real-time news.

Aokiji looked at it for a while, then exited the browser, turned off his phone, and dropped it on the table with a loud bang.

The students in the class were attracted by the sound and turned around to look, but they saw the angry and cold look on Aokiji's face at this moment. His face that originally looked very bluffing looked even more gloomy and terrifying, and he suddenly became silent. The entire class had not started yet, but it had become a bit quieter than during class.

Si-kun, can you come out for a moment? Shinmei Teruhashi suddenly appeared at the door of the class and spoke cautiously to break the strange silence.

Aokiji silently put his phone back into his pocket and walked out of the classroom.

Leaning against the wall of the corridor, Aokiji said with deep eyes, What's wrong?

Are you okay? Teruhashi Shinmei looked at Aokiji's appearance at this time, feeling a little distressed and a little scared.

It's okay, what happened? Aokiji felt that the ominous premonition was getting stronger and stronger.

Teruhashi Shinmei sighed: The principal wants you to go to the office to find him. It may be related to what happened yesterday.

Such a big thing happened at Wuyang School, and it was even reported on the news. How could Teruhashi Shinmei know nothing about it? The so-called 'best friends', 'friends' and even suitors have long since sent detailed information to her mobile phone, and their words are full of gloating about Aoki Tsukasa's misfortune.

Some people even secretly rumored that Aokiji was in big trouble this time.

I understand. Aokiji nodded to Teruhashi Komimi, without giving her a chance to say anything else. He put his hands in his pockets and turned around and strode towards the principal's office with an extremely cold expression.

The students in the corridor moved out of the way. Wherever Aokiji went, it became extremely quiet, as if he had pressed the mute button.

Aokiji climbed several floors and arrived in front of the principal's office. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

Nakamura Jinnosuke was sitting on a chair, with his back to the door and facing the window. He didn't know what he was looking at. He heard the sound of pushing the door, turned the rocking chair, patted the table with a cold expression, and raised his hand. : Please sit down.

Aokiji just walked up to him and said in a calm tone: If you have anything to do, just tell me.

Nakamura Jinnosuke slowly raised his eyes: This morning, a police officer came to see you.


PS: When there is pressure, there will be an increase, and when there is depression, there will be an increase, right?

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