What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 206 Help me (25 guaranteed)

Chapter 206 Help me (25 guaranteed)

Mitsuhashi Takashi paused in his steps and turned around with a startled expression, only to see Aokiji, who was lying on the ground, struggling to support himself on the ground with one hand and raising his upper body with great reluctance.

I said, it's not over yet. Aokiji gritted his teeth, raised his head, and his eyes widened angrily.

At this time, Aokiji's eyes turned blood red due to the chili powder, which made his already intimidating face even more terrifying, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

I said, it's not over yet! Aoki Si stood up unsteadily. In front of him, a bad boy from Soft Leaf High School punched him. Aoki Si seemed to just sway unintentionally and then hid. He went over and then punched the bad boy in the stomach.

Before the bad boy could bend down in pain, Aokiji grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up.

Three! Bridge!! Aokiji suddenly hit the boy in front of him with a headcone on the forehead. The pain made him feel a little dazed and conscious. He casually threw away the collar of the bad boy in his hand, and the boy Lying helplessly on the street.

Mihashi Takashi looked at Aokiji's fierce appearance, his eyes trembling slightly.

At this time, Aokiji's red eyes were as dazzling as the blood on his cheeks. As he stood up unsteadily, the blood was washed away by the rain, but his bloodshot eyes were even brighter red.

Come on. Aokiji supported his knees with one hand, barely stood up straight, raised his head, straightened his chin slightly, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: Knock me down.

Mitsuhashi Takashi's expression became increasingly gloomy, he stopped about to leave, and suddenly walked towards Aokiji: Okay!

When Takashi Mihashi was still two steps away from Aokiji, he suddenly accelerated and hit Aokiji's side of the face with his right fist like thunder, causing him to stumble unknowingly and his upper body tilted backwards. passed.

However, the next moment, Aokiji bounced back again like a fully stretched bowstring. At the same time, what fell on Mihashi was Aokiji's hateful and merciless punch.

This punch failed to hit Mihashi's chin accurately, but it also hit his left cheek, making a jaw-dropping 'pop' sound.

Mitsuhashi Takashi felt his eyes suddenly go dark. He took a few steps back and shook his head. When he looked at Aokiji in front of him, he even felt that there was a double image.

Okay, what a heavy fist!

Moreover, after being beaten so many times, he could still resist my fist?

Mihashi Takashi endured the dizziness and stood there.

Aokiji spat out a mouthful of blood, tilted his body, but still raised his head tenaciously: Come together, defeat me.

A hint of admiration flashed in Shinji Ito's eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

I'm sorry, I can only say that you went too far before! Shinji Ito whipped his leg to Tsukasa Aoki's head.

so fast.

In Aokiji's blurred vision, he could only see a black shadow hitting his head.

But...it's too late.

Aokiji's legs were bent, and his upper body was lurking downward strangely. His legs erupted with terrifying explosive power, and he rushed towards Shinji Ito's inner circle with this lightning-fast whip leg. When this leg hit Aokiji When he arrived, Aokiji had already rushed in front of Shinji Ito.

In the end, this leg only hit Aoki Si's shoulder on the inner thigh, and it was not painful or itchy at all.

When Aokiji leaned over and rushed into Shinji Ito's arms, Shinji Ito had to lower his head to see Aokiji's face clearly.

And just when Shinji Ito lowered his head, he saw Tsukasa Aoki's expression.

He, he... is actually smiling?

In Ito Shinji's sight, for a moment, only Aokiji's evil smile remained.

When Shinji Ito's whip leg failed and Aokiji invaded the inner circle, the ending of the story was already decided.

Just seeing Aokiji exert a little force on his hands, Shinji Ito staggered and was pushed to the ground by Aokisi before he had time to withdraw his legs. Then, Aokisi was riding on him unmercifully, and his fists were pounding like a torrential rain. On Shinji Ito's face.

Shinji Ito had no choice but to cover his head with both hands, but he had no way to resist. He could only be hit by heavy punches like raindrops and was knocked into a daze.

It was only then that Imai Katsutoshi realized that one of the Mihashi partners was beaten to the point where he was unable to stand, and the other was pushed to the ground and beaten severely. He rushed forward in a hurry and hit Aoki Tsukasa with his shoulder, knocking him away from Ito. Shinji was knocked down.

Of course, Aokiji was pushed to the ground by him, but the fighting skills that had been deeply rooted in his bones allowed him to instantly use the ground skills in mixed martial arts. Before Imai Katsutoshi could take this opportunity to punch, Aokiji was knocked to the ground. Overturned again.

The moment Aokiji broke free from the restraints, he instinctively used his joint skills and hooked Imai Katshun's arm. Imai Katshun originally wanted to get up, but he was made to cry out in pain from the severe pain in his arm. :ah!!

Imai Katsutoshi was in severe pain and didn't know how to resist. Facing an opponent like Aokiji who was almost a professional player, his old street fighting skills were completely useless.

Before Imai Katsutoshi could figure out how to break free, Aokiji punched him in the face again. He was in a daze and couldn't use any strength.

So strong! Tatsukawa Tokio stopped and was about to leave. He looked at Aokiji, who was fighting bloody battles, and knocked over the three of them with lightning speed, his eyes serious.

This series of movements was skillful and fast, with a strong sense of power. It was tedious to say, but it had already knocked down three people in a row in less than ten seconds.

You know, Aokiji looks like he has run out of oil at this moment! Can he still see people in his red eyes sprayed with chili powder?

A flash of light flashed in Serizawa Tamao's eyes, and he also stopped: This guy

But it's probably useless. After all, there are more than a dozen people over there who can fight. With his current condition, a one-on-one fight might be okay, but if he gets beaten up by a group, Tatsukawa Tokio sighed regretfully.

Sure enough, just as Tatsukawa Tokio said, before Aokiji could make up for it a few times to make Imai Katsutoshi completely lose his fighting ability, a red high school student in a blue uniform kicked Aokiji from the back.

Aokiji rolled on the ground, and just as he stood up, two delinquent boys appeared on the left and right and locked his arms tightly. The remaining delinquent boys took this opportunity to strike again and again, making Aokisi groan. , a double image appeared in front of my eyes.

Serizawa Tamao pinched his chin and looked at the previously defeated Takashi Mihashi, Katsutoshi Imai, and Shinji Ito. They also recovered at this time, stood up slowly, and couldn't help but shook his head: It's still a little bit worse.

Serizawa, could you win if it were you? Tatsukawa Tokio suddenly asked.

Serizawa Tamao twisted his neck and chuckled, Of course.

Tsk Chenchuan Shisheng smiled, but with a look of fear on his face: It's just that if this guy is also ambitious, he will definitely become our enemy.

Whatever, I don't think I will lose. Serizawa Tamao smiled confidently: Besides, we are following the boss of Kawanishi now, and he is still far from causing trouble for me.

Although Serizawa Tamao has the ambition to dominate Suzuran, it is a pity that for now, the three major factions of Suzuran are three pillars. Let alone domination, even if he wants to replace any party, it is not what Serizawa Tamao can do now.

Take Kawanishi Noboru, who is now admired by Serizawa Tamao, for example. There are nearly 80 Suzuran students gathered around Kawanishi Noboru alone. One can imagine what a terrifying force this is.

Moreover, our enemy now is Hosen. Serizawa Tamao looked at Aoki Sui who was still fighting against the trapped beast, but there were too many people on the opposite side, and he looked like he was retreating after being beaten. His eyes were deep: Mito Makio, it's just He is our current enemy.

that man

The man who is called the strongest man in Yachiyo

The fire of fighting spirit burned brightly in Serizawa Tamao's eyes.

It's about to end. Tatsukawa Tokio watched Aokiji being knocked to the ground by Mitsuhashi Takashi and Ito Shinji, who were recovering from his injuries. He sighed regretfully: It would be great if this guy belonged to Suzuran.

Well, it's all the same. Serizawa Tamao scratched his messy hair and wiped his face with rainwater: There shouldn't be any turning point in this episode, right?

In the field, Aokiji was kicked to the ground by a heavy kick. His whole body was in severe pain. His eyes were dark. In a daze, he seemed to have seen his own defeat.

Did you lose like this?

Will the system determine that my mission has failed?

It will reset my skill level to zero.

If what is cleared is the medical skill, it will take a month to train it to this high level again.

How many more months can Qiong hold on?

Can I still make it?

In Aokiji's chaotic brain, countless thoughts flashed and then disappeared. A strong unwillingness made him want to look up to the sky and roar.

There must be a way

How can we make a comeback?

How to win.

I thought of it! Aokiji's eyes widened suddenly, his head turned slightly, and the fist in front of him rubbed his cheek and slipped behind his ear.

If you do this.

I might win!

System, help me

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