What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 204 Battle with Three Bridges (55, Andacht Cat Ten Thousand Rewards will be added)

Chapter 204: Fighting Three Bridges (55, Andacht Cat Ten Thousand Rewards plus update)

(Please play BGM by yourself: Into the Battlefield)

It's raining.

Aokiji raised his head, looked at the increasingly gloomy sky and finally saw some raindrops falling, and slowly opened the umbrella in his hand.

The cold wind blew in along his collar, and the rainwater fell on his skin, making Aokiji couldn't help but twist his neck.

The autumn leaves on the street were weakly swept away by the wind and rain, flying into the sky in all directions. There were very few pedestrians on the street. For a while, the only sound that fell in Aokiji's ears was the sound of dripping rain and his own heavy footsteps.

The slight vibration from the umbrella gradually became stronger. Aokiji tightened the handle of the umbrella in his hand. For some reason, he always wanted to hold on to a cigarette that he had not smoked for a long time.

Turning the corner, what caught my eye was a field of black umbrellas.

Aokiji looked at him with a stern expression. Maeda Tora had been waiting for a long time on the side of the road holding an umbrella.

Boss. Maeda Tora's voice was steady and strong. He took out a brand new cigarette case from his pocket and handed it to Aokiji.

Aokiji nodded silently and did not stop him like before. Instead, he reached out and took it, tore open the seal and took out two sticks.

Maeda Tora took out a lighter, and the spark lit the cigarette held by Aokiji. Then he took the cigarette handed by Aokiji and lit it himself. The light smoke and rain blurred Aokiji's vision.

Taking a deep breath, Aokiji said in a hoarse tone: Are you all here?

Maeda Tora just tilted his head towards Aoki Tsukasa. Not far away, more than twenty bald boys wearing black uniforms from Wuyang High School stood on the roadside holding black umbrellas and looked at Aoki Tsukasa with excitement and respect. Sight.

Let's go. Aokiji nodded to them, held an umbrella in one hand, and strode forward.

Maeda Tora followed Aoki Tsukasa closely. When Aoki Tsukasa passed by the delinquent boy standing on the roadside, they consciously followed Maeda Tora.

More than 20 people almost formed a long queue behind Aokiji, occupying the not-so-wide aisle.

A taxi drove up from a distance. When I saw a crowd of people holding umbrellas approaching in the dark, I decisively started to reverse the car and change roads.

Fountain Park appeared vaguely in sight. It was just as dilapidated as before. The fallen leaves were blown to the door by the wind and wet by the rain. The muddy road made Aokiji frown slightly - just looking at the fallen leaves, there were actually There are many chaotic footprints.

What time is it? Aokiji turned to look at Maeda Tora.

Maeda Tora took out his cell phone: Two: fifty.

Aokiji nodded and strode into the park.

As soon as he entered the park, Aokiji's eyes widened slightly involuntarily, and a noisy and fierce sound of fighting and yelling came into his ears, making everyone feel alert.

Just look at the Fountain Park at this time, and there are already people fighting! Moreover, each one of them looks very cruel and merciless, and their movements are so skillful that it is shocking. At first glance, you can tell that they are no ordinary bad guys.

There were about 20 or 30 people in the park who were fighting fiercely. During the punches and kicks, people occasionally cried out in pain and fell to the ground. One of them was wearing a black school uniform, and the other was wearing a gray school uniform.

The party wearing gray school uniforms also all looked bald.

Aokiji threw the cigarette butt into the trash can at the door and turned to look at Maeda Tora: Which schools are these from?

Maeda Tora's expression was solemn: It's Hōsen and Suzuran.

Impatiens and lily of the valley?

By the way, Fengxian High School is said to have all bald heads. However, their rules are different from Aoki Si's. In Fengxian High School, only the strong are worthy of having hair, but Aoki Si does this purely voluntarily.

Isn't Suzuran High School the high school where Tamao Serizawa is?

Aokiji and his men stood at the entrance of the park and watched quietly. Looking around among the fiercely fighting crowd, they actually saw the figure of Tamao Serizawa.

All I saw was that Tama-o's messy hair was casually tied behind his back. The tip of his nose was bloody, but he was smiling extremely arrogantly. His punches and kicks struck the bad boy in Fengxian like thunder. He could knock him down with almost every punch. An enemy, but he was punched and kicked, but he was completely motionless.

His eyes at this time were not at all lazy as when he was talking to Aokiji before. He was superhumanly ferocious, like a beast looking for food, excited and bloodthirsty.

Hey! Bald man, come on! Serizawa Tama'o's roar in the field made the bad boys behind Aokiji start to get excited. At this time, Serizawa Tama'o was completely excited. The more he beat, the more excited he was, and he even beat one of them. One person picked him up high and then smashed him down, using a hug and throw that can only be seen in wrestling matches.

Aokiji stretched out his hand with a calm expression: Don't get excited.

Our target is not them. Aokiji took out his mobile phone and looked at the time twice, then looked at the situation on the field where the winner was decided, and said loudly: Serizawa!

Serizawa Tamao knocked the Hosen student in front of him to the ground with one punch, then turned around and kicked a guy who wanted to sneak attack away with a heavy kick. Then he stretched out his hand to wipe the traces of rain and blood on his face, his expression still full of emotion. He excitedly looked at Aokiji who was shouting, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: Why is he here?

Aokiji put the umbrella on his shoulder and said to him calmly: Can you please hurry up? I also need to use this place.

Hahahaha. Serizawa Tamao twisted his neck, and the smile on his lips became even bigger: Hey! Move faster, don't be underestimated by outsiders!

Oh! The students around Suzuran responded equally excitedly, and their actions became a bit more decisive and fierce.

In just over a minute, only the Suzuran students led by Serizawa Tamao were left standing on the field. At this time, there was no one among the Hosen students who could stand up and continue fighting.

Looking at the Hosen students wailing and rolling on the ground, Serizawa Tamao took out a pack of cigarettes from his collar, only to find that his bargains had been soaked by the rain and completely soaked in a ball.

Serizawa Tamao waved to the people around him and walked towards Aoki Tsukasa. His expression turned into his usual calm and lazy expression: Do you have any cigarettes? I'll exchange mine for them.

He raised a whole pack of cigarettes that was almost soaked into paste in his hand, and his expression didn't look like he was joking at all.

Maeda Tora was a little angry: Hey, shorty, are you kidding me?

Serizawa Tamao narrowed his eyes and gave him a cold look: You can still smoke it after drying it. Why, do you look down on the poor!

Aokiji reached out to stop Maeda Tora, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed him one. Before he could be polite, he raised his chin at Maeda Tora and cast his eyes behind him.

Everyone looked up and saw a group of combined troops in black uniforms and blue uniforms appearing at the end of the street. One of them was headed by Shinji Ito, whose hair was sticking up to the sky even though it was wet by the rain. The other one was chewing. Mihashi Takashi has a cold expression on his face.

Do you want me to call the police for you? Serizawa Tamao took the cigarette, lit it up unceremoniously next to Maeda's umbrella, and took a deep breath with a teasing look in his eyes.

Aokiji lit one for himself and simply gave him the cigarette case and umbrella: Hold it for me and give it to me after you finish.

Serizawa Tamao looked at Aokiji, then at the bald boys behind him, clicked his tongue twice, and took the umbrella: Don't be too late, there is a discount in the supermarket today at 4:30.

Ten minutes at most. Aokiji twisted his neck, making a squeaking sound, and simply didn't go into the park - it was full of Phoenix students lying on the ground moaning, and there was nowhere to fight.

He stretched out, and while stretching his body, he walked towards Takashi Mihashi and others walking towards the other side of the street without fear.

The bald boys behind him threw their umbrellas to the side, and followed Aokiji as he strode forward.

Aoki!!! Shinji Ito's voice was full of anger.

Aokiji took out his ears and held the half-smoked cigarette butt between his fingertips: Are you the one who beat up my friend?

Despicable guy, I thought you were a good person in vain! Shinji Ito threw the umbrella aside in anger. Before Takashi Mihashi could say anything, he quickened his pace and rushed towards Aokiji. Come over.

Aokiji made a sound, looked around, but didn't see the trash can, so he simply took a deep breath at the end, flicked his fingers, and the cigarette butt hit the wall and fell into the rain.

Go! Maeda Tora was even angrier than Ito Shinji. When Aoki flicked off his cigarette butt, he seemed to have received the signal to set off. He didn't want to say any more nonsense. He took a step forward and rushed towards Ito Shinji: This broomstick is handed over to me. Give it to me!

Aokiji slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. There was no one else in his eyes, only Mihashi Takashi's face was particularly clear.

Mitsuhashi Takashi looked at him without giving in, and his pace gradually quickened.

Boom! Suddenly a thunder sounded in the sky, and the flash of light across the sky reflected Aokiji's cold expression, and instantly detonated the battlefield.

Standing at the entrance of the park, Serizawa Tamao held an umbrella and leaned against the wall with a cigarette butt in his mouth. A drowned man in a white shirt next to him hurriedly came to his umbrella and said with a smile: Your friend?

Well, let's just forget it. Serizawa Tamao smiled and opened Aokiji's cigarette case, and scattered the cigarettes without ceremony. The Suzuran students around him each took one, and the cigarette case reached the bottom.

Chenchuan Shisheng looked at the two people who had collided head-on with interest, and asked doubtfully: Can the bald one beat him? I think there is a difference of more than ten people between the two sides, right?

Everyone says Wuyang's Aokiji is great, he probably won't lose. Serizawa Tamao exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at Aokiji standing at the forefront like an awl. No matter who was in front of him, he would finish it off with one punch. His appearance and eyes finally became serious.

This bald head

A bit strong.

Serizawa Tamao's smile gradually disappeared, he squinted his eyes and carefully observed Aokiji's movements, and suddenly said: Tokio, do you think he looks a bit like Miteng when he fights?

Tatsukawa Tokio's expression became serious: Mito Makio? It's really similar.

It's interesting. Tamao Serizawa finished the smoke in one gulp and fell into deep thought.


PS: When I woke up today, I found that I had an extra Silver Alliance. To be honest, I am still dizzy. I can only say that if I get the update to pay it back, I will probably die here. OTZ has not been there recently. It’s time to write about a small theater. I’m so tired of writing the main text that I’m so dizzy that I can barely hold on to QAQ.

I still have to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Yusheng for his Silver Alliance. Mr. Yusheng supported me and encouraged me from the very beginning when I almost threw a knife from the palace. Without him, I would never be where I am now. It's a pity that he likes cute boys, and although I am handsome, I am not cute, so I can't be satisfied with this, ε=(ο`*))) Alas.

It’s better to repay the ten thousand rewards first and then return it to the alliance leader. Let me think about what to do with the Silver Alliance. How about writing a small extra drama? For example, Aoki Tsukasa's Academy Apocalypse, or Ao no Sora, (*^▽^*)

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