What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 202: Blood debt paid with blood (two chapters in one, 35 guaranteed)

Chapter 202: Blood debt paid with blood (two chapters in one, 35 guaranteed)

Boss, something happened.

The first phone call in the morning made Aokiji frown. After giving Qiong a massage last night, while she was sleeping, Aokisi once again used traditional Chinese medicine to secretly learn about Qiong's condition, but found that her body was even worse. Worse. He was already irritable, but he became even more upset when he received this call.

What do you mean? Sitting up in confusion, Aokiji held his cell phone and yawned.

On the phone, Maeda Tora spoke solemnly: Brothers were beaten.

Huh? Aokiji frowned and rolled up from the bed with a serious expression: What's going on?

I don't know. Early this morning, many brothers who followed us sent me messages, saying that they were beaten by people from Soft Leaf High. It seems that it was done by Takashi Mihashi and the others. They were all attacked by sneak attacks. Just hit him and hit him until he can't move anymore.

Maeda Tora's voice made Aokiji fall into deep thought - Mihashi? Why did that guy suddenly start attacking his little brother?

To say that this method of sneak attack on the sap really seems to be Mihashi's handiwork, but is there any recent action that makes Mihashi so crazy that he starts to take revenge on the students of Wuyang High School?

Is it just because I photographed him in women’s clothing before? Is his spirit so small?

They didn't say anything when they beat them? Aokiji said with a sullen face as he started to get dressed.

Maeda Tora's voice was obviously trying to suppress his anger: A few brothers said they heard it clearly. Those who beat them said it was because we provoked them first and they came to take revenge.

I suspect it may be that we helped Xianyujiang get into trouble last time, but we had already negotiated with Mihashi's partner Shinji Ito at that time. I don't know why things turned out like this again.

Aokiji paused when he heard this action: But what does Mihashi have to do with this matter?

If it was because of the conflict between Maeda Tora and the Mihashi brothers last time, Mihashi felt dissatisfied and wanted revenge. With his stingy character, it is not impossible.

I also heard about it from the brothers who were beaten, and they were all still wearing the uniforms of Ruanye High School.

Aokiji's face turned gloomy when he heard Maeda Tora say this: Anyway, how are the people who were beaten?

Most of them have gone home, but there are still a few serious ones who are in the hospital now. Tora Maeda said in a depressed tone: I am in the hospital now. Boss, do you want to come over? They haven't told their parents yet. For this matter, we have pooled together the medical expenses now, and there is still a lot left.

Which hospital? Is it serious? How much is the difference? Aokiji had a sullen face, got dressed, looked at the time and it was only half past eight in the morning, hesitantly knocked on Qiong's door, and heard the sound of Qiong sleeping inside. There was a confused response.

Qiong, I have to go out for something.


After listening to Qiong's answer, Aokiji put the hat on his head, pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt, put on his mask, and hurried downstairs.

Maeda Toraya on the phone hesitantly told the situation: We are at the clinic next to the school.

Is a private clinic okay? Do you want to transfer to a general hospital? Aokiji frowned.

That's enough, boss, you'll know when you get here. Also, we still have about 40,000 yen left. Maeda Tora's tone was a little low.

I have, wait, I'm going now. After waiting for a long time at the door of Aoki Division, he was unlucky and didn't wait for a taxi, so he simply jogged towards the school.

After deliberately speeding up, Aokiji arrived at the clinic in only fifteen minutes. Before he entered the door, he saw a crowd of people at the door of the clinic, and in the sun, this group of people was simply dazzling - all of them He looks like a bald boy.

Seeing Aokiji's arrival, the bald boys at the door of the clinic hurriedly bowed and shouted: Boss!

Aokiji waved his hand and took off his mask with a calm expression: Why are you all here?

At first glance, there must be more than a dozen people at the door. Those who followed Aokiji in the school totaled only about twenty people. It could be said that almost all of them were mobilized.

Rou Ye Gaoya is too much. A bald boy who was not familiar with Aokiji said angrily: If you want to fight, then fight. This kind of sneak attack from behind is too cheap!

Aokiji stretched out his hand and pressed down, signaling him to calm down: Don't worry, when I figure out the situation, I will stand up for you, and I will never mess up.

However, just as Aokiji said these words, the long-lost system suddenly popped up a task box.

[Trigger mission: Blood debt must be repaid with blood]

[Blood debt must be paid with blood: The blood you shed must be repaid with the blood of your enemy. As the talker of Wuyang High School, you must not tolerate your brothers and friends being bullied and still swallowing your anger. Shake your fist and repay everything you receive. Defeat the Three Bridges Legion in a head-on conflict and win. 】

[Task reward: Immediately high-level props reward*1, free attribute point*1. 】

[Mission penalty: The skill level will be cleared immediately. 】

Aokiji couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and his frowning look frightened the young people around him to freeze in place with fear, not daring to speak easily.

Is the mission punishment too harsh? If he accidentally cleared his medical skills, Aokiji felt like he would go crazy.

However, the rewards seem to be much stronger than before - in the past, they were all random item rewards, but there were no high-level item rewards.

Is there anything among these high-end props that can help Qiong get better quickly?

A ball of fire suddenly appeared in Aokiji's eyes - even if it was just for Qiong, even if Mihashi Takashi did not do this, Aokiji would still come to the door!

Boss! Tora Maeda walked out of the clinic with a gloomy expression: You're here.

Well, where is the injured brother? Aokiji frowned and walked into the clinic under his leadership, and other bald boys filed in behind him.

As soon as he entered the small clinic, Aokiji saw the doctor with a somewhat embarrassed expression, standing in the corner and looking at him timidly.

Boss! The two teenagers, who were almost mummified, struggled to get up from the bed on the edge of the clinic, their voices weak.

What's going on? Aokiji quickly asked them to lie down first and looked around. Although the clinic was not big, it was well-equipped, and the decoration looked completely different from the simple small clinics he remembered in his previous life. , but it can be considered a bit of luxury.

We don't know either! One of the teenagers said with a wry smile, his voice a little leaky: I was playing games in the arcade with my friends yesterday, and suddenly five or six bad boys wearing Soft Leaf High School uniforms appeared behind me and asked us I asked him if he was fooling around with you, and then he got started directly.

There is also a guy among them who has a very arrogant attitude. He said that we should go around Soft Leaf whenever we see him in the future, otherwise he will be beaten every time we see him. After the young man finished speaking, he punched the edge of the hospital bed with hatred. It hurt so much that I took a breath of air.

Another teenager added: They also said that if Boss Aoki is willing to kneel down in front of Soft Leaf High School to admit his mistake, they can't forget about it.

I understand. Aokiji's cold eyes looked at the doctor who was standing in the corner without daring to breathe, and tried to slow down his tone: Doctor, my friends are okay, right?

Well, one of them has a broken left arm, and another has a slight concussion on the head. It looks a bit miserable, but most of them are contusions, which are non-open injuries caused by being hit with a blunt object. As long as you persist Pay attention to some details when taking medicine, and you will be fine soon.

Is the fracture serious? Aokiji sighed.

I've taken an X-ray and it shows that the fracture has been slightly displaced. I'll put a cast on it and observe it. I think I can go home and take care of myself first. There shouldn't be any major problems.

The doctor's words made Aokiji sigh in relief.

Touching the wallet, Aokiji took a handful and didn't count much, but there must be many more gaps than Maeda Tora said before. He stuffed it directly to the doctor: Please be sure to take care of my friend.

This, this the doctor broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he opened this clinic, otherwise he really wouldn't know whether he should charge money. The doctor looked at the fierce-looking bald boy around him, and then at the scary look of the leader, Aokiji, who was not angry and proud, but he couldn't stretch out his hand.

Aokiji raised his chin at Maeda Tora and motioned for him to take everyone out. Maeda Tiger nodded and dragged everyone out of the clinic to make room.

Aokiji then handed the money to the doctor and said kindly: Don't think too much, we are just ordinary high school students.

I believe you! The doctor's smile was uglier than crying: Okay, okay, don't worry, I will make sure your friend is discharged from the hospital in good health!

Don't you need to transfer to another hospital? Aokiji glanced at the two younger brothers worriedly.

The doctor said this with a bit more confidence: Don't worry, I graduated from Tokyo University and worked at Tokyo University Hospital for five years before I wanted to start my own business. Although this place is not big, I believe that the treatment effect is definitely not bad.

Then I'll leave it to you, thank you! Aokiji nodded respectfully to him.

Guest, you're welcome! The doctor didn't dare to accept the courtesy, so he hurriedly bowed back with a wry smile.

Aokiji turned his head as usual and said in a deep voice to the two people on the hospital bed: Don't worry, I will give you an explanation.

Thank you! Boss!

When the doctor saw this scene, his scalp was numb - he was just an ordinary high school student!

Aokiji originally wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, he stopped, exchanged phone numbers with the frightened doctor, and then strode out of the clinic.

After going out, looking at the bald boy in the darkness in front of him, and then raising his head to look at the slightly gloomy sky, Aokiji said in a calm tone: Tora Maeda, look who has Mihashi's contact information. We are here at four o'clock this afternoon. See you at the fountain park where we had the last fight.”

Okay! Maeda Tora took out his cell phone and didn't know who he was dialing.

Looking at the time, it was only ten o'clock in the morning. Aokiji took a deep breath, looked at the delinquent boys around him who had angry and excited expressions, and amplified his voice: At three o'clock this afternoon, the school Gather at the door, those who were injured yesterday should not come.

Yes! Boss! They shouted in unison, causing passers-by to take a detour with fearful expressions on their faces.

Aokiji had a stern face and a cold tone: I once said that our fists are to protect the weak. This time, we are to protect each other. The reason why we set it to the afternoon is that I hope you won't be as excited as you are now. No one is allowed to bring any weapons in the afternoon, and we will stop fighting until the other party no longer resists. Is there a problem?

Yes! Boss! All the bald boys clenched their fists.

Okay, let's show those people from Ruanye High School that we, Wuyang, are not someone he can bully easily. Aokiji took a deep breath: You all go home now, and you should have lunch and rest. Take a rest and see you in the afternoon.”

Raising his head and looking at the gloomy sky, Aokiji added: Bring some dirty clothes and an umbrella. It may rain in the afternoon.


Seeing the bad boys scattering obediently and gearing up for the afternoon battle, Aokiji turned his head, looked at Maeda Tora and whispered, Have we not been contacted yet?

Maeda Tora directly handed the phone to Aokiji. The contact person displayed on the text message was actually the name of Xianyujiang, and the phone number sent by Xianyujiang was exactly the mobile phone number of Shinji Ito.

Aokiji took the phone and dialed. Not long after, a familiar voice sounded on the other side of the phone.

Who is that? Shinji Ito's voice on the phone seemed a little irritable.

Aokiji's tone was cold: Aokiji.

How dare you call? Shinji Ito roared angrily.

Four o'clock in the afternoon, Fountain Park, remember to bring that despicable guy Mihashi with you. After Aokiji finished speaking, Ito Shinji shouted angrily: I'm looking for you! Okay, four o'clock in the afternoon, You wait for me!

Oh, see you in the afternoon. Aokiji hung up the phone after saying that, too lazy to say more to him.

Twisting his neck, Aokiji looked at Maeda Tora and said calmly: Where are Fujiwara Miao and the others?

.I was beaten. I'm at home. Maeda Tora suppressed his anger with a ferocious expression.

I understand. See you in the afternoon. Aokiji patted Maeda Tora on the shoulder and twisted his neck: Don't worry, I'm quite talented at using violence to counter violence.

Yeah! Maeda gritted his teeth secretly, his eyes turning red with anger.

Let's go. After the fight in the afternoon, we'll go see Amiao and the others. Don't tell them now, lest they come running over when they get excited. Aoki Si put down his hand.

I understand! Boss, I'll go home and have lunch. See you in the afternoon.

Yeah. Looking at Maeda Tiger's angry look, Aokiji's eyes were extremely cold.

Looking at the phone screen, after hesitating for a moment, Aokiji sent a text message to Songshanyan that he had some personal matters today and needed to take leave. Not long after the text message was sent, Songshanyan's reply came over.

You are absolutely not allowed to fight, do you hear me? You are about to participate in the competition now, so you are not allowed to get hurt, do you hear me? Especially group fights. If it gets too big, it may affect your qualifications!

Aokiji hesitated for a while but did not reply. Even if there was no systematic mission, he would not be able to watch his friend being beaten and remain indifferent.

While feeling a little guilty, Aokiji felt even more disgusted with Mihashi. He clenched his fists and put his hands in his pockets as he walked home. Aokiji squeezed out a few cold whispers from between his teeth: Misashi Takashi. Chi.”

Old and new grudges accumulated together. Although Aokiji felt that something was wrong about this incident, he still couldn't help but feel that he had ignored the past.

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