What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 200 Finals (55 players have lost their vows and will be rewarded with 10,000 rewards)

Chapter 200 Finals (No. 55 has lost his oath and will be rewarded with 10,000 rewards)

Your sister is playing so well! The bespectacled young man pushed up his glasses and sighed.

Aokiji chuckled: I didn't expect her to play so well.

After all, I usually see her playing computer games. Just now, Aokiji was worried that she was not good at playing arcade games!

However, after just two glances, Aokiji frowned with a solemn expression.

On the competition field, except for the two contestants who were fighting, the remaining contestants were also sitting on the stage waiting. Aokiji could clearly see Qiong Zheng holding his heart and sitting on the chair, breathing lightly.

Am I too anxious? Qiong's health is not yet good, so he is so anxious to bring her into society, and wants her to gain a sense of accomplishment from other places and become confident. Did he do something wrong?

Is she feeling a little uncomfortable now because of excitement?

Aokiji waved to Qiong anxiously, until she saw him, he gestured hurriedly and pointed to his heart.

Qiong just shook his head gently on the stage, put his little hand down from his heart, and his breathing gradually became much calmer.

Seeing Aokiji's worried expression, Qiong just raised the corners of his mouth slightly and nodded, indicating that everything was normal.

However, Aokiji still inevitably fell into self-blame - maybe it was because Qiong really didn't express his condition in front of him, but he actually had the illusion that Qiong's body was not that bad.

It was only now that he saw Qiong's appearance that Aokiji suddenly woke up from his illusion. Although he had taken good care of Qiong's body on weekdays, his efforts to heal her were far from enough.

Now Qiong is still the poor little girl with one foot on the doorstep of hell. Aoki Si sighed, maybe it was because she had always been so mature in the past that Aoki Si once ignored that she was just a child who needed to be taken care of. That’s all.

And just as Aokiji was thinking in a daze for a while, the game had passed another round.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the semi-finals. After the draw, the three winners were lucky enough to have a bye and directly enter the finals. The semi-finals pitted UMR against the blue-haired girl TSF.

Next, is the semi-finals we have been waiting for! The host spat excitedly: Whether UMR's Orange Justice controls will win, or TSF's Diamond Girl will make it to the finals, let us Let’s wait and see together!”

Let's count down together! Three, two, one!

As the countdown ended, Doma Mi quickly shook the joystick. However, as soon as the game started, her eyes widened. The macho man in an orange cloak who was controlling the screen jumped upwards, and the ice controlled by TSF The woman flew past her feet with a flying kick, and hit the left side of the screen with a booming sound!

So fast! This move requires a total of twelve button presses, but it can be played at the beginning of the game? Tsuchima hurriedly calmed down, seized the opportunity, turned around with light kicks and heavy punches, and struck an elbow while strikingly adding a Shoryuken punch.

how come! The panic in Tsuchima's eyes flashed away, only to see that TSF's ice girl suddenly squatted back at the same time as his Shoryuken, and even dodged the last part of her combo!

The host shouted excitedly: The rising dragon missed, the problem is serious, TSF immediately launched a counterattack, and UMR fell into a big crisis!

Diamond Girl's triple combo! UMR's health bar dropped so fast! Tell me, how can you lose when Ice Girl kicks you in the face! How can you lose! The host watched as the Ice Girl's fierce combos controlled by TSF defeated Doma Mi's character. On the ground, his blood volume plummeted, and he stuttered a little when he was excited.

Tsuchima was beaten to the point where she was almost unable to fight back. She looked helplessly towards the back of the auditorium, where her brother, the bespectacled man Taihei Tsuchama, was watching her attentively.

Oops. I originally wanted to show off to my brother. Tsuchima was a little frustrated, but because of his distraction at this moment, he was hit with a set of combos, and the blood line almost disappeared.

Hilfenfurt roared with a smile: You even looked around during the game. How could an opponent like you defeat me!

But let me see what caught your attention. Hilfenford chuckled and followed Tsuchima's line of sight, and immediately saw the yellow-haired man standing in the last row - this is her brother Alex.

elder brother? ! Why is he here! Hilfenfurt's face suddenly turned red, and the crazy act of showing off with the microphone kept flashing in his mind: He, he saw it all?

When she thought of holding a microphone and saying loudly: Yes, I am Hilfenfurt, she felt like she wanted to crawl into the cracks of the ground now.

Oh my God! Unbearable!

Hilfenfurt dropped the controller, covered his face that was red and bleeding, rolled away from the arcade, rushed backstage and disappeared.

Tsuchima looked at the game screen with only bloody skin on his face in confusion, and then looked at the referee who also looked in confusion. The whole theater fell into an eerie silence.

This, this UMR wins! The referee paused awkwardly for a few words, and finally just shouted and announced that Doma Mi had won.

Dojian looked at the cheering audience with a dull expression on his face, still a little bit uneasy.

Then the next step is the much-anticipated finals! Our mysterious player Weirdo will face the favorite for the championship - U·M·R!

Qiong stood up from his chair and quietly went to the arcade machine to plug in the peripherals. From time to time he used his peripheral vision to confirm Aoki's position. Every time he saw it, he felt relieved.

Are you ready? The host excitedly lowered his left leg, made a strange coquettish posture by pressing his leg forward, and handed the microphone to the audience.

The enthusiastic fans in the audience shouted loudly in cooperation: I'm ready!

Say it again!

I'm ready! I'm ready!

Aokiji always felt that the audience's lines reminded him of a certain yellow sponge in a childhood anime in his previous life, but he didn't know what to complain about, so he had to hold it in until he blushed a little.

He turned around and saw that the man with glasses seemed extremely nervous.

Could it be that.

Is your sister the UMR? You look so nervous. Aokiji took the initiative to talk.

Ah, yes. The bespectacled man thought for a moment, and without hiding anything, he said generously: She likes playing games, but this is the first time I've come to watch her compete.

Me too. Aokiji smiled: But my sister is very strong.

I also have great confidence in Xiaomi. The bespectacled man and Aokiji looked at each other and smiled, then turned to watch the game intently.

Damn it, I must not lose, otherwise my brother will definitely be disappointed! Tsuchima raised her head in front of the arcade, only to find that Qiong on the opposite side was looking at her coldly. Although the two girls did not speak, they unexpectedly understood each other's thoughts.

For a moment, there seemed to be electricity flashing in each other's eyes.

Let's count down together! The host excitedly turned and stared at the big screen.



One! After the audience finished counting down, they all let out an extremely shocked sigh.


PS: 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year. The poor author was still coding while you were eating dumplings and watching the Spring Festival Gala. As a result, he accidentally transferred the wrong chapter. His head hurt and he cried.

How many authors are still so diligent during the Chinese New Year! If you don’t give me a monthly pass or something (it’s been made clear!), I’m going to cry.

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