What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 145 It’s time to show real skills

Just when everyone else thought that this powerful and heavy chop would hit Nomoto Renta, Nomoto Renta suddenly moved to his side and avoided it as much as possible.

New Yin-ryu!? A light flashed in the referee's eyes, and he could clearly see the changes in Renta Nomoto's footsteps. This flexible pace had a bit of a new Yin-ryu feel. If this guy really learned some of the essence of the new Yin-ryu swordsmanship, then this game would be quite interesting.

But soon, he showed a disdainful smile.

After Nomoto Renta took a step to dodge, the bamboo sword in his hand stuck to the opponent's blade, trying to slide off the cutting hand. But this action was anticipated by his opponent - he saw his opponent's bamboo sword slide sideways, raised it again, and suddenly let out a sharp shout, which shocked Renta Nomoto's head. When the referee raised the flag, Renta Nomoto came to his senses and realized that he had been hit on the small hand by his opponent with a knife attached to him!

White, the beater succeeded! One copy. The referee held up a white flag with a smile on his face.

The other two referees from the kendo club looked at each other, hesitated, and raised a small white flag to express their agreement.

So strong! Nomoto Renta instantly realized that the opponent in front of him was a formidable enemy!

If facing Aokiji, Nomoto Renta felt that he was completely overwhelmed by Aokiji's physical fitness and reaction speed. So facing the opponent in front of him, what Renta Nomoto felt was the technical gap!

Continue! The referee announced that the game should continue.

Nomoto Renta became more careful with his movements, and tried his best to widen his eyes, trying to see clearly the path of his opponent's sword.

Up! ? Renta Nomoto saw the opponent holding his bamboo sword high, and subconsciously raised his hands to try to parry. However, soon, the bamboo sword in his opponent's hand strangely moved from above to the side to chop him.

Is it a fake move? The muscles of Renta Nomoto's arms tensed up, and the bamboo sword immediately slid down, trying to block his left side.

Haha! This was the opponent's fierce and harmonious voice.

Pop! This was a crisp sound that suddenly appeared in my ears.

The crisp sound of the bamboo knife ringing in his ears made Nomoto Renta's expression a little dazed under his mask.

It's still a fake move?

It turned out that when Nomoto Renta tried to block the slash from the left, his opponent suddenly turned the bamboo sword in his hand, squatted down, and stabbed Nomoto Renta's faceplate from bottom up.

When Nomoto Renta tried to counterattack, his opponent had already jumped back and withdrew from the attack range.

White! One book! Win! The referee said with joy: Both sides salute.

Being defeated by the opponent twice in a row, Nomoto Renta lost without any objection.

Me, am I losing now? Nomoto Renta took off his mask with a confused look on his face. The opponent opposite him also took off his mask, revealing long wavy golden hair and an exquisite female face with light makeup.

I actually lost to such a girl? Nomoto Renta lowered his head bitterly, and after saluting the opponent, he retreated to the sidelines lonely.

The blond girl looked at Renta Nomoto, who had a blank expression, with disdain. She held her mask, walked to the referee, and said loudly on purpose: Is this the kendo club of Wuyang High School? Minister, you have always refused to practice with them. I thought they were such tough opponents. Our Yachiyo National High School is no worse than them.

Sayoko Sakai shook her blond hair and felt that she had won the game without even breaking a sweat. She couldn't be more relaxed.

The referee, known as the minister, smiled helplessly, whispered in her ear: Don't be too exaggerated.

Sayoko Sakai smiled disdainfully: Buchou, if it's only to this level, then the guy named Busujima Saeko shouldn't be so scary, right?

The head of the Kendo Club of Yachiyotaka, Kawamura Sen. Although he was still very calm on the surface, he did not agree with Sakai Sayoko's words in his heart. Sayoko Sakai is a transfer student who just returned from studying abroad in the second half of this year. She has been practicing kendo abroad since she was a child. In terms of strength, she is indeed very good. But to be fair, even if Sakai Sayoko is extraordinary in strength, she is still far behind Saeko Busujima.

Sakai Sayoko had just returned home not long ago and had not yet seen Busujima Saeko's kendo prowess. It was understandable that she had such an illusion.

Busujima Saeko, that’s a monster! They are completely different from the same dimension as high school students!

Although Kawamura Zhan thought so, he didn't want to let his group's momentum weaken now. He just whispered again: Don't be careless. I can't play today, so I have to rely on you alone.

Sakai Sayoko nodded nonchalantly, but in her heart she looked down on Kawamura Sen. How could a grown man be so beaten by a girl that he had no temper? If Kawamura Shou hadn't been stopping her before, she would have challenged Busujima Saeko alone.

But it doesn't matter. This time she beats everyone in the kendo club. She can't just have no reaction at all, right?

Sakai Sayoko sneered, very confident in her own strength.

Is there anyone else? Kawamura Cleared his throat, looked at the other members of the Wuyang High School Kendo Club around him and said loudly: Who else is willing to continue the competition with us?

Aokiji looked on, silent and did not speak. He wanted to see if the training he had given to the members of the Kendo Club these days was effective.

If these guys still don't dare to fight, Aokiji really intends to ask Busujima Saeko to choose club members carefully. It would be best to kick out those guys who come to the Kendo club every day to fish in troubled waters.

I, I'll do it! A somewhat immature female voice said.

Aokiji turned around to look, his eyes a little surprised.

It turned out to be the girl named Matsuko that Matsusaka Daitake liked. And Daitake Matsusaka, who had joined the Kendo club yesterday, was standing next to Matsuko, his eyes widened in surprise as she raised her hand.

Songzi's raised hand was still trembling slightly, and her expression was not very firm, but she still stood upright: I'll do it.

Sakai Sayoko looked appreciative: Yes, you are much better than those weaklings. However, I will not show mercy.

No need! Songzi replied seriously while wearing armor: Maybe I am not your opponent, but I will try my best to fight you until the end.

Sayoko Sakai flicked the bamboo knife in her hand, raised the corner of her mouth coldly, and put the mask back on: Okay.

Matsuko put on protective gear, held the bamboo sword tightly, and stood opposite Sakai Sayoko.

Kawamura's expression was calm, but he was very sure in his heart: This guy definitely couldn't make five moves in front of Sakai without losing.

Come on, Songzi! Come on, Songzi! You'll beat the crap out of those stinky guys!

The students from Wuyang High School who were watching all around cheered and cheered.

Songzi held the knife tightly and took a deep breath.

Start! Kawamura announced the start of the game.

Pa! White, one copy! Pa! White, one copy! Win!

In just ten seconds, Songzi weakly lowered the sword in his hand, took off his mask, and turned back to the members with red eyes: Everyone, I'm sorry, I lost.

Matsusaka Daitake hurriedly comforted him in a low voice. He really wanted to avenge Songzi, but he had only practiced sword fighting for one day, and he didn't know the rules very well let alone the competition.

what to do? General Matsusaka cast his eyes on the face of Aoki Tsukasa, who was watching quietly in the crowd, and looked at him for help.

Aokiji just shook his head slightly at him and told him not to worry.

Who is next? Sakai Sayoko raised her delicate chin, her eyes full of pride, and said arrogantly to the surrounding Wuyang High School students: Is this the only level of Wuyang High School's Kendo Club?

Who else is willing to compete! As soon as Sakai Sayoko finished speaking, the members of Wuyang High School's kendo club raised their hands with indignation.

I'll do it! Let me do it! Don't fight me, I'll go first!

Seeing the members of Wuyo High School's kendo club rushing to compete, Sakai Sayoko showed a cruel smile.

Come on, I will tell you that kendo is not won by attitude and will!

Wuyang High School? This is just the beginning of my fame as Sayoko Sakai!

Aokiji crossed his arms and looked calmly as the members of the kendo club were knocked to the ground by Sayoko Sakai as if they were delivering food. The corners of his mouth gradually curved into a cold arc.

Sakai Sayoko chopped down the sixth opponent in front of her, and shouted excitedly, somewhat out of breath: Who else is there!

There was silence all around, and even the students from Wuyang High School who were watching were suppressed by her momentum and remained silent.

It seems that it's almost done.

If the fight continues, they will really lose their minds. Aokiji twisted his neck and took steps slowly.

It's time to show off your real skills!


PS: There were two updates before it went on sale in February. It’s only been a few days. You just have to be patient for now, it’s only been a little over a week, and there are three guaranteed updates with various extras on the shelves. It’s absolutely awesome. On the first day it’s on the shelves, the unpaid updates from previous rewards will also be paid off as an explosion.

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