What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 79: One shot will blow your head off

Thanos took two steps back and leaned against the luxuriously equipped console. He held the Infinity Gauntlet tightly in his right hand and put his left hand behind his back to fumble on the console.

——He is looking for a space teleporter.

Although he noticed that Shen Lue had a similar frequency of fluctuations, he couldn't completely confirm it.

If he really is Galactus.

Don't even think about it, just run!

Stark suddenly heard Thanos calling Shen Lue this way, and for a moment he didn't understand what was going on.

Galactus, what is that?

And it seemed that Thanos actually felt fear when he said these two words.

Doctor Strange was on guard against Thanos while thinking about what he said:

Is Galactus one of the so-called five creation gods? Galactus?

Regarding in-depth cosmological knowledge, among the three Avengers members, Doctor Strange is definitely the most knowledgeable.

Since taking over as the Supreme Lord, he has taken the time to read through all the books in the Holy of Holies to deepen his understanding of the current situation of the universe.

After all, if you want to protect the Time Stone, you must understand the potential threats in the universe.

Of course, his understanding was limited to this.

He knew nothing about the form in which Galactus existed, whether he was usually active, his position in the universe, his personality and habits, etc.

‘Will the gods of the universe still appear in human form? ’

Doctor Strange is full of doubts about Thanos' words.

The back of Stark's armor cracked open, splitting into four laser-emitting plates that glowed light blue and pointed at Thanos.

Don't change the subject. Do you have the original space stone in your hand?

Thanos narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Lue, and said slightly unwillingly:

I was about to get the Cosmic Cube from the Asgardians, but in the end he snatched it away.

After speaking, he raised the Infinity Gauntlet.

Doctor Strange frowned, there was indeed only one gem on the glove.

He couldn't help but look at Shen Lue with a questioning look:

Could it be that the information given by Hulk was wrong? It was not Thanos who took away the Asgard Cosmic Cube, but the gourmet in front of him.

Can you believe this?

Shen slightly blinked his eyes, showing sincerity in his eyes.


Although it was indeed me who grabbed it, you can't start doubting your teammates just because of your opponent's words. Do you still want to be a qualified superhero?

At this time, Thanos was still quietly groping for the space teleporter.


I clearly remember that it was on the console, but why did it suddenly disappear?

Although he didn't know the purpose of the Galactus mixing with the people on Earth, Thanos still felt that the most important thing now was to delay time.

So he specifically added:

Not only was the space stone stolen by him,

Now that the Time Stone and the Mind Stone are in his hands, you should be more careful about him than me.


Hearing this, Doctor Strange and Stark looked away at Shen Lue at the same time.

Stark felt a little baffled.

The Mind Stone is on the earth, embedded in the center of Vision's forehead. Before leaving, he confirmed that there was no problem and asked him to move to a safe place.

As for the time stone

Doctor Strange touched the bronze pendant on his chest and recited a brief magic spell.


With a slight sound, the switch of the Eye of Agamotto was slowly activated.

I saw that the original time stone was intact and inlaid in the center, exuding emerald green light, and powerful energy fluctuations were faintly revealed inside.

Thanos froze suddenly.

How is this going?

If Galactus didn't get the Time Stone, what was the emerald green gem he had in his hand that could manipulate time?

This was completely beyond his comprehension.

Iron Man looked at Shen Lue, and he could feel his confusion through the thick armor:

So. What was this purple guy talking about just now?

Obviously Thanos is a very terrifying existence in Hulk's description, but why does Yazi actually seem to be not very smart?

Even if you want to slander someone, you can't just open your mouth and do it.

At this time, Thanos' left hand finally touched a square metal product the size of a matchbox.

It's a space teleporter.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Goodbye.

Do it!

Shen Lue was the first to react, and the purple energy in his hand shot towards the center of Thanos' forehead.

[Special Skills] Unclean Power·Corrosion

The moment before Thanos pressed the teleport button, energy invaded his brain.

However, because Thanos has mastered an infinite stone and his own extremely strong physical fitness, the effect of the unclean power is not as good as expected.

Thanos' pupils briefly turned purple-black, but soon returned to normal.

However, within a few tenths of a second when he was temporarily absent-minded, the space teleporter also fell to the ground.

Shen Lue clenched his fist in the air.


The teleporter was immediately crushed to pieces.

Spider-Man Peter used spider silk to stick to the roof of the battleship, came to Thanos like a swing, and fired out extremely tough spider silk to tie him tightly.

I caught you.

Get out of the way. Thanos clenched his fists, and the light of the power stone became brighter.

Those spider threads broke immediately, and Peter was directly blasted away by the raw and powerful energy. His body bounced several times on the metal floor like a ping pong ball that fell to the ground.


The laser cannon behind Stark was activated, and four rays of light were aimed forward at the same time.

Thanos raised his right fist and used the power stone to hit a shot of cosmic energy to meet him.


The two energies collided, and Stark was pushed back hundreds of meters. The soles of his feet wiped out a bunch of sparks on the ground, and the four laser cannons also emitted black smoke due to excessive consumption.

Doctor Strange tilted his head slightly and said to his shoulder: Don't let him make a fist.


The magic cloak on his shoulders flew out, directly covering the Infinity Gauntlet and tied tightly with a knot of cloth, making it difficult for Thanos to make a fist.

Because the power of the Infinity Stone is too strong, it is difficult for normal cosmic creatures to use it directly while holding it in their hands.

Thanos included.

He urged the power stone to use the Infinity Gauntlet, otherwise his body would suffer major trauma.

So when the gloves were restricted, the light of the power stone suddenly dimmed a lot.

Thanos hurriedly untied his cloak and tried to regain control of the Power Stone.

Well done.

Seeing Thanos being successfully restrained, Shen Lue praised him sincerely.

This time, let’s see where you, the purple sweet potato spirit, go!

Shen Lue touched the storage container and took out a giant dark spear that was 1.5m long.

This thing is called a planet-shattering gun. Only one is needed. After adjusting to the maximum power, it can easily destroy a planet the size of Mars.

Although this is the tableware that Galactus usually eats with, it is also suitable for Thanos.

As long as such a shot goes down, he will definitely not even have ashes left.

Shen Lue moved the lever on the right side of the spear and adjusted the power to the appropriate level.

Drip, drip, drip.

After the energy bar on the right side of the gun barrel rang a few times, the progress bar jumped to the center position. This energy level was enough to destroy the moon's astral structure.

Shen Lue raised his spear and aimed at the big purple head.

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