What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 482: Undecided, Quantum Mechanics

Shen Lue made a move, and the darkness in the room gradually disappeared, and the midday sunlight shone through the window again.

Wan Deng, long time no see.

Wan Deng waved his hands quickly:

Where is it, where is it?

A while ago, I traveled back to the Heian Era and made an appointment with you to meet you in a thousand years. It actually didn't take long for me.

I have nothing to entertain you.

He enthusiastically found the newly bought matcha cookies:

This is food made by mortal humans. I think it tastes pretty good. I wonder if you are used to it.

Then Wan Deng looked behind Shen Lue.

Only Demon Sword Princess followed, not Takiyashahime.


Where's Yao Ji? Did something happen to her? Wan Deng was still very concerned about the adopted daughter he and Himihu had raised.

Shen Lue put the cookies aside:

“She is still in the Heian Era.

Don't worry, she is safe for now.

Wan Deng was stunned:

Stay a thousand years ago.

He slowly opened his eyes.

It turns out that Yamata no Orochi did not spend this long time normally, but used the power of the Yata mirror to go directly to the future at the risk of being involved in the turbulence of time and space!

He reacted instantly:

Baqi, did anything happen during the Heian Era where you were?

Shen slightly raised his eyebrows:

The response is quite fast.

But Wan Deng was able to figure it out, which didn't surprise him.

After all, his hands were empty and he didn't have any entourage with him. It looked like he was just escaping temporarily.

That's right.

He admitted it bluntly.

Wan Deng, have you ever heard of heavenly beings?

Wan Deng blinked:

The Celestial Clan.

There seems to be a record in the legend of Takamagahara. It seems that they are a mysterious race living on the back of the moon. Their strength is very terrifying. I have also tried to observe whether they really exist, but I failed.

Could it be!

He suddenly became alert:

It's the Celestials who have taken action!

Shen slightly nodded:

“This is the general of the Celestial Tribe, Bishamonten.

He sealed off Takamagahara, imprisoned all gods including Amaterasu, and grafted the power of Takamagahara's faith into himself.

As long as the three artifacts are collected in the end, he will completely replace Gao Tianyuan.

Wan Deng rubbed his temples:

Wait a minute, this information is a bit large, I need to slow down.

Do the Celestials really exist?

And just one general tortured the powerful gods of Amaterasu to death?

The Yata mirror is in Yaqi's hand,

Therefore, Bishamonten's final target must be him, so he had no choice but to temporarily hide in the time and space of 2020.

He clenched his chin for a long time and suddenly said:

its not right!

Wan Deng stood up and paced back and forth in the room:

Since Bishamonten invaded Takamagahara and the Celestial Beings finally ruled the earth during the Heian Era, it is now 2020.

He pointed to the busy traffic outside the window:

Look, isn't everything good in this world?

This proves that the Celestials have not succeeded, so you just need to hide for a while and don't need to worry about these messy things.

Everything will naturally be solved by others.


Wan Deng pinched his waist and gave himself a thumbs up:

How about it? Is my analysis correct?

Ah this

Shen Lue's mouth twitched and he didn't know how to refute.

This guy Wan Deng seems to have read some modern science fiction works, and he immediately found the paradox of the timeline.

And it sounds reasonable.


Could it really be that simple?

Do you have anything related to Gao Tianyuan? Shen Lue asked.

It seems not.

Wan Deng was accidentally brought to modern times by the time and space turbulence of Yata Mirror when he was on the verge of death. Of course, he didn't bring anything with him during his lifetime.

He thought for a moment and took out a small wooden sign from the drawer:

“I don’t know if this counts.

This is an ema I went to Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine in Kyoto to ask for some time ago. I wrote my wish and forgot to hang it, so I brought it back directly.

When he was in Takamagahara, only Inari God Mitsuzu supported his union with Himiko.

He is one of the few gods in Ten Thousand Deng who does not have negative emotions.

Therefore, even if Gao Tianyuan has completely lost contact in 2020, when he sees Inari God's shrine, he will habitually go in and pay homage.

Shen Lue took the wooden sign:

Ema is fine too.

He wanted to judge whether Bishamonten was still occupying the place in 2020 by observing things related to the god of Takamagahara.

On the front of the wooden sign are three little figures.

It's Himiko, Takiyashahime, and himself painted by Manto.


I really can’t praise my painting skills.

Turning to the back, Shen was slightly startled and his brows slowly furrowed.

He held it up to show Wan Deng:

When you asked for this piece of Ema, was this what was printed on the back?

On the back, there is a white lotus flower.

They are exactly the same as those white lotus shadows surrounding Bishamonten!

Wan Deng's face suddenly turned pale:


I took a look at Ema yesterday, but there were no such lotus flowers!

The logo of Inari Shrine is an ear of wheat and a fox, so the back of the Ema made cannot have a pattern like a lotus that cannot be hit with eight poles.

Wan Deng held his breath.

The hair on his head stood on end, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.


At this moment, TV Tokyo, which was broadcasting anime, suddenly interrupted with a piece of news:


Shen Lue and Wan Deng quickly looked over.

Unexpected incident, today, a large number of white lotus patterns of unknown meaning suddenly appeared in shrines worshiping Shinto gods across the country.

“Relevant departments have intervened in the investigation.

At present, malicious acts by illegal forces cannot be ruled out. The National Police Agency reminds citizens not to go to the following shrines for the time being.

The room fell silent.

Shen shrugged slightly:

It seems that your analysis is not very reliable.

Wan Deng shook his head vigorously:


It was always fine before, how could it happen suddenly?

Shen Lue tapped his fingers on the table, thought about it and said:

“Do you know Schrödinger’s cat?”


Wan Deng was shocked when he heard that the ancient evil god Yamata no Orochi suddenly spoke the vocabulary of modern science.

The so-called Schrödinger’s cat is a statement made by the 19th-century physicist Schrödinger regarding quantum physics:

The life and death of a cat in a box can only be determined when the box is opened. Before that, the cat is in an uncertain superposition state of both dead and alive.


Wan Deng swallowed.

Baqi means that the world in 2020 is the cat in the box.

And Baqi, who accidentally traveled through time,

It was the observer who opened the box.

Now, the state of the world in 2020 has finally come to a conclusion, that is, the Celestial Race has invaded this place!

He asked a little confused:


So what do we do now?

Shen slightly pursed his lips:

Although they always say that they are indecisive when faced with problems, quantum mechanics.

But the Schrödinger's cat theory is indeed a reasonable explanation in this complex space-time paradox.

He stood up:

“Actually, the solution is very simple.

Bishamonten is coming across time and space to encircle and suppress me. As long as we eliminate him, everything will return to its original state, otherwise.

Shen Lue looked out the window.

The current year of 2020 is quietly merging with the timeline after being invaded by the Celestials.

If it cannot be stopped in time,

Perhaps when you wake up, there will be celestial beings patrolling outside the cage.

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