
The feature of “eight arms and eight eyes” is very impressive to Chu Xiuwen.

He did not at all have seen the related projections of “Eight Arms and Eight Eyes Monster”. Whether it is a dream projection or a real-world illusion, he has never felt the influence of related fears.

However, through the old student Guo Lin’s father Guo Old Master, he saw an overarmed “gatekeeper” in the process of being rescued from a heart attack, and the eight arms and eight eyes he saw in his new home in Qihao Wood carving, linking it with Xiang Kun.

He believes that Xiang Kun may have some special innate talents or tools that can use the power of the “eight arms and eight eyes” to exist, so when Xiang Kun saves Guo Old Master and deters Qi Hao, they will all watch The monster with “eight arms and eight eyes” exists.

And Chu Xiuwen speculates that more than Xiang Kun alone has this ability, they should have an organization, and others can do it.

After all, when Xiang Kun was in Erythrina, there was also a case in which a criminal suspect was deterred by the “eight arms and eight eyes monster” in another city.

Chu Xiuwen knew that someone from Xia Family had been kidnapped, and also knew that the relationship between “Xia Li” Xia Libing and Xiang Kun was very close, so she would take the initiative to help Xia Libing Third Uncle contact Qi Hao and let Qi Hao use his relationship in Myanmar. help.

If he remembers correctly, the people of Xia Family were kidnapped in Montamira.

The news that the Xia Family people were kidnapped in Muntamira the day before yesterday came today. There is news of “eight arms and eight eyes monster” in Muntamira. If there is no connection between them, he will not believe it.

Chu Xiuwen took a sip of soup casually and said, “Don’t always look at your phone while eating, how can I be your elder.”

Since hearing this, he immediately sits down and has some sorry.

Chu Xiaoting said with a smile: “Come on second uncle, you don’t often look at your phone when you eat, I heard my dad say, aunt often said you, but you told her to make full use of the fragments Time!”

Chu Xiuwen couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. This niece really didn’t follow the routine, did he act like an uncle?

But he still took advantage of the situation to “change the subject” and said: “Oh, you just said, what is the monster in Myanmar and so on, what is going on? Is it a rumor?”

“It should not be a rumor. There are many tourists who have personally experienced and seen in Montamira and posted it, all in various countries, and most of the descriptions are similar.” Chu Xiaoting said.

“I think it was last night when some natural phenomena happened in Montamilla that we could not describe and understand specifically, which caused a dramatic change in the magnetic field in a certain area of ​​Montamilla. In turn, it has an impact on people’s senses and thinking.” Zicheng has also been unable to bear to express his views.

Chu Xiuwen followed their words and said, “Oh, that is to say, that monster is just an illusion produced by some people, not really exist?”

Chu Xiaoting said: “I don’t think it is an illusion! If it is an illusion, not everyone will see a giant with eight arms and eight eyes!”

Self-supporting glasses, said: “So I said that this change in environment should have an impact on the senses and thinking of the human body in the area. The image of the eight arms and eight eyes is probably some kind of existence. Something similar in appearance, such as some buildings, big trees, or stone figures and so on, under the influence of the environment, in the vision of the affected person, a giant figure with eight arms and eight eyes is projected. So you See, many in-persons have different descriptions of the giant and the monster. Some of them are two stories high, some are like mountains, at least several dozen meters. Some say that the monster looks like Metal, it seems to have edges and corners, and there are reflections, and some say that the monster is sarcoma and still juice. So they see the same thing, but they are not the same thing. Location is directly related to the surrounding environment. Of course, this is just my guess.”

After listening to Chu Xiaoting, brows slightly wrinkle, but nodded looking thoughtful: “Listening to you, I agree with your judgment.”

Chu Xiuwen also heard startled, and felt that it was quite reasonable to say that it was self-proclaimed. It was quite like that. Will it be a similar implementation in theory?

After all, Zicheng has a good relationship with Xiang Kun. I have known each other for a long time. Maybe I know something?

But from a self-contained attitude and a way of expressing content, Chu Xiuwen also believes that he should not know, otherwise he will not make these guesses and will not say something.

He knew that since yesterday, neither Xiang Kun nor Dr. Xia was in Chongyun Village.

As for where he went, whether he went to Myanmar or Mentamira, he didn’t know.

He knew that Xiang Kun should have an official background, but he didn’t know that the large-scale “eight arms and eight eyes monster” illusion that appeared in Montamira was an official special response to local riots that attacked Chinese and tourists. Counter-measures, or Xiang Kun’s separate actions to save Xia Tianhuo?

At this time, Chu Xiuwen didn’t know the information that Xia Tianhuo had been rescued, and instinctively felt that the appearance of “Eight Arms and Eight Eyes Monster” was related to the rescue of Xia Tianhuo.

“Where are you looking at the news, is it headlines today, or is it Penguin News?” Chu Xiuwen asked.

“You can also look at those news apps, but most of them also translate articles from foreign social media or news platforms, and there are many contents that are directly transferred from netizens on various domestic platforms. I will see us I’ll send it to you, there are many posts posted by people who personally experienced last night in Montamira, first-hand information.” Chu Xiaoting said, passing her and Zicheng just read a few articles, through WeChat was shared with second uncle.

Chu Xiuwen ignored the fact that he just warned the two youngsters not to look at their mobile phones when they were eating. They held the mobile phone at the table and read the articles and discussion posts.

At noon today, the Burmese government has issued an announcement saying that the riots in Montamilla last night were caused by the fighting of the black and evil forces in several places. The local police in Montamilla have adopted strong and effective The action stopped the riot in a timely manner, and stated that no tourists were killed in the riot. The relevant personnel have been severely punished by law, and the Muntamira police have the ability to maintain local security and tourist safety.

Obviously, Burmese officials are vigorously avoiding mass attacks against Chinese merchants and Chinese tourists that night, and also deliberately avoid talking about monsters or giant illusions that have affected many people and even shaken the entire Internet.

However, the online discussions have not been affected by the official announcement of Myanmar. The focus is still on the illusion of “eight arms and eight eyes monster”, and various speculations and discussions are still emerging.

After eating with Zicheng and Chu Xiaoting, Chu Xiuwen called Qi Haoguo directly and asked him if he had heard of what happened in Muntamira.

“Yes.” Qi Haoguo’s answer was simple on the phone, not at all said more, and did not even mention the matter of helping Xia Libing Third Uncle contact the forces there.

Just in Chu Xiuwen thought that Qi Haoguo might not know the details of what happened in Muntamira, he didn’t know about the “eight arms and eight eyes monster”, and was prepared to relay some of the content he just saw to the other party. At that time, Qi Haoguo issued an invitation: “Are you free now, I bought some good Tieguanyin, come to try?”

Chu Xiuwen gladly agreed and drove to Qi Haoguo’s mansion in Tongshi Town.

While sitting in the bedroom and putting down her mobile phone, Qi Haoguo looked up towards the custom glass cabinet placed in a bedroom directly opposite the wall, where he displayed the eight-armed eight that he specially created to create according to his description. Eye wood carving.

Qi Haoguo got up and walked slowly to the glass cabinet, feeling slightly agitated.

But it has nothing to do with the wood carving itself. Although he tried his best to restore the details of the “eight arms and eight eyes monster” he saw at the time, he was commissioned by him to make a wood carving master. The craftsmanship was also very good, but he looked at This wood carving itself, but not at all the psychological impact that the “eight arms and eight eyes monster” brought to him.

His emotions are mainly from news from Montamira.

Qi Haoguo knew that Muntamira was shocked by the news of “eight arms and eight eyes monster”, which was much earlier than Chu Xiuwen, and the way to understand the news was also more comprehensive and direct.

After Xia Tianhuo was saved yesterday afternoon, Xia Libing Third Uncle called to tell him about the situation. After all, he had to ask him to find news and establish contact in Montamira through relationships.

The reason for Xia Tianhuo’s escape was the kidnapping of the kidnappers, which naturally had nothing to do with Wu Lun, who was asked by Qi Hao.

In the beginning, he just had some regrets and failed to take this opportunity to reshape his relationship with Xiang Kun through Xia Family.

But when he tried to contact Wu Lun again later, he found that he could not be reached anyway, which made him feel a little strange, so he tried to contact some other old relationship of Muntamira, of course, others Naturally not a big man like Wu Lun.

Then he understood a piece of news that puzzled him. Yesterday, there was news circulating in Montamira that the Big Boss only son Tengli was killed by the people of Guihai.

He knew that before Xia Tianhuo was kidnapped, the most likely thing was that he was in a car with Teng Li, so the person who killed Teng Li was most likely to be the person who kidnapped Xia Tianhuo.

If the news is true, today the entire Muntamira knows, why did Wu Lun not tell him?

Of course, because Xia Tianhuo has left, he is just curious and doubtful about it, so he continues to pay attention to the follow-up development of this matter through more channels.

As a result, he made his understood “Eight Arms and Eight Eyes Monster” appear in Monte Tamilla and shocked all the thugs.

Shortly after midnight, before the relevant news on the Chinese Internet had fermented, he had already passed through the locals of Montamira, understood the specific situation.

When I heard that the Boss, who is also in his 40s and runs a factory in Montamira, a prominent Chinese man described the huge, multi-arm, multi-eye sight on the phone with incoherence. When “Giant”, Qi Haoguo’s hand holding the phone was shaking slightly.

After repeatedly confirming the scene that the Chinese Boss saw, and confirming that the “giant” he saw, except for the body shape and some details, the basic characteristics were basically consistent with the “eight arms and eight eyes monster” he had seen, Qi Haoguo’s excitement is no less than the Boss on the phone.

This kind of feeling is a bit like repeatedly doing a big question that no one else knows before the college entrance examination. I firmly believe that I will get the exam. When the college entrance examination is completed, the test paper is handed down and I see it. .

It’s like listening to a niche song silently, and almost no one else has heard it. Suddenly one day, when I saw that song dominate the screen on major media and dominate the charts, I instantly became Phenomenon-level songs.

At one o’clock in the morning, after he ended the conversation with the Boss of Na Muntamira, he went overwhelmed by emotions to the bedroom and looked at the wood carving with eight arms and eight eyes.

After facing up to inner fears a long time ago, Qi Haoguo has reshaped and clarified his life pursuit and code of conduct. But understood guided himself to find the existence of the true self. After Muntamira came in such a shocking way, although he did not at all ways to see or feel what happened to Muntamira, there was still a strong sense of excitement. And encouragement, the will becomes more firm feeling.

But looking at the wood carvings he made by someone in the bedroom, he didn’t at all want to kneel down or pray or sing praises to him, because his mind and his spirit were really influenced, really After contacting, he knew that it was not a god in the traditional sense that others needed to believe in.

Respect for it should be to recognize your own fears, then obey your inner needs, and truly be yourself.

When you want to help others, do it yourself to help others, to the best of your ability, do your best, regardless of whether you can get praise and thanks from others;

When you think something is wrong, don’t do it, even if it will bring benefits, and the risk is very small;

When you feel that certain things and certain people are important to you, then you should do your best to maintain and pursue, not to be bound by the actual conditions, look forward and backward;

When you feel that a responsibility is something that you should take on, then stand up and shoulder it, even if it will be very hard and difficult.

Speaking of which is simple, but it is actually very difficult. Qi Haoguo is far from doing it, but he is in the direction of “obedience”.

Because you know what real fear is, as long as you “obey”, you can continuously advance in the other direction.

And the farther he goes, the more determined he is. The feeling of being very determined in spirit is very wonderful.

Qi Haoguo’s family did not move to Tongshi Town with him. The only junior who came with him, “Little Liu”, was arranged to go to the “You Long Hotel” to help. Aunt, who cleaned the housework, was also sent by him to buy, so When Chu Xiuwen arrived, there was only Qi Haoguo in the entire three-story building.

After a brief greeting in the living room, Qi Haoguo told Chu Xiuwen of the “inside information” he had obtained through the channel of Muntamira.

“Although the official statement from Montamira was that no tourists were killed last night, it seems that the riot did not cause any disturbance. But in fact, 29 people were killed and nearly a thousand were injured last night, but only 17 of those who died It was caused by fierce local forces, 12 of them were seriously injured by Chinese defense when they hit Chinese shops, or they were killed by internal infighting, and none of the tourists died. Oh yes, I remember when you contacted me yesterday. Wu Lun? That guy also died last night and was killed by his own men. The exact reason is not yet known.”

These news are indeed not seen by Chu Xiuwen from related news on the Internet, but he knows exactly what the real reason for the small number of tourists’ casualties is, and he is not concerned about insider information, what Wu Lun, what gangsters, what thugs Whether he died or not, he didn’t care at all. What he really cared about was the illusion of “eight arms and eight eyes monster”, so he actively mentioned:

“Did you see the discussion online? The illusion that appeared in Montamira last night? According to the descriptions of the parties and witnesses on the Internet, I always feel… and the one I saw at your home last time. The wood carving with eight arms and eight eyes is a bit like?”

After finishing talking, Chu Xiuwen stared closely at Qi Haoguo’s face, trying to notice the change in his expression.

This is a fairly straightforward trial, but Qi Haoguo’s expression has not changed, and he continues to make tea calmly, and then seems to casually say: “Brother Old Chu, what is your biggest fear in your heart?”

Qi Haoguo will naturally not disclose what he knows about the “eight arms and eight eyes monster”, but it is not a way without discussion.

He knows that Chu Xiuwen also has some information that he doesn’t know, and he certainly knows some secrets of “eight arms and eight eyes monster”, he wants to test it out.



After returning from Pancheng, Zhao Feng and Wang Dean returned to the ad hoc group and continued to follow the lead of the ad hoc group to trace the trace of the suspect Guo Tianxiang.

It’s just that there has been no progress in the investigation. Even if Micho, who had been in contact with the suspect for a long time, was found before, and he got a lot of cooperation, he could not further locate the suspect.

I can only be sure that the suspect went to Liushi to see someone before the last disappearance, but not at all.

The project team spent a lot of effort to ask colleagues in the technical department to help investigate, and until now it has not been possible to determine the identity of the person the suspect wants to see.

Zhao Feng and Wang Dean went to Pancheng before. They had also investigated Guo Tianxiang’s early activities in Star City to see if Guo Tianxiang might be hidden in Pancheng.

Wang Dean worked in Iwaki before entering the task force, so he and Zhao Feng went to investigate.

However, after completing the task of the task force, the two of them “by the way” made an excuse to visit the witnesses and reporters in a previous case handled by Wang Dean.

To be honest, the chat process with the blind girl named Li Jun for more than an hour really impressed them.

Because the two of them have been “science popularized” for more than an hour of bird knowledge, the girl really talked about the problems related to birds.

But don’t really say that the content that Li Jun said is really more than 90% of what they have never heard of, which is quite novel.

Even if it wasn’t the last word to leave, they thought Li Jun would have no problem talking for a few more hours.

They also saw the canary as expected, but according to their observations, not at all saw the difference between this bird and other canaries.

Because Professor Li Yang, the father of Li Jun, is next to them, they are not good enough to directly ask the strange behavior of the canary captured by the suspect’s car driving recorder that night, otherwise, it means that they came for the case. “Ask” Li Jun, then they not only can’t continue to talk, but also have to be held accountable.

So they can only pretend to ask how to cultivate “guide birds”, but according to Li Jun, she can train canaries into guide birds, which is directly related to her own familiarity with birds, I am afraid it is difficult for others to imitate. However, she also put forward her own set of related theories, and put forward some methods of operational probability for the domestication of the “guide bird”, which can be tried by the staff of the “blind school” that Zhao Feng said.

Although there was no evidence that the canary was unusual this time, after the meeting with Li Jun, the two felt the same way:

“This girl does not feel like a blind person at all.”

“She has a certain feeling about her surroundings.”

“She has a gentle attitude and a gentle voice, but when she speaks, she is very confident.”

“This girl is special.”

Just when they were shocked to search for relevant information on the Internet, the leader of the task force called them in the past. This single Conference Hall introduced them to a leader.

But what puzzled them was that the leader not at all reported any title, just claiming to be old.

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