Seeing knight-errant Lucian, YM’s last selection, the KZPlayer seats on the other side of the stage have become a mess.

"Have you chosen the wrong hero?" Gorilla licked her lips unnaturally, "This must be the wrong choice..."

There was a cold sweat on her forehead, but her thoughts flew back. Madison Square Garden in New York two years ago.

When he used Support Miss Fortune for the first time in front of the whole world, was YM's reaction at that time as flustered as he is now?

Pray and Peanut were both parties to the BO5 that year. The three looked at each other in blank dismay, but they could only see the shock and confusion in the eyes of the teammate.

The tense atmosphere spreads between the eyes.

The tempo and wind direction of the barrage in the live broadcast changed suddenly.

[Camile can still Jungler? ]

[Good guy, YM is playing a Top & Jungler three-way swing in Camile, right? ]

[wu wu wu is going to squeeze Camille dry, YM brings evil people! ]

[Why do you all think it is Camile Jungler? Can't it be Lucian Jungler?

【? ? ? Insec, please go directly to the account]

"What is this?" Quan Yongman was unbelievable, "They chose Lucian and insisted on catching Vayne's line!"

omp now Even the mouth has grown into an O shape, which is obviously unexpected.

CloudTemplar hissed, "It looks like it really is Camile Jungler, YM’s team composition reserve..."

The director also gave out the Camile mid-season championship in real time. The selection at each position.

Top Laner 9 games, win rate 55.6%; Mid Laner 2 games, win rate 100%.

Most Squads still use Camille to play Top Laner. The win rate for Mid Laner seems to be very high, but that is what BDD and Caps choose when facing Vietnam wild cards. This win rate No real value.

"Look at what KZ's last counter will choose," Mille said calmly. "Now Lucian is catching Vayne and Caitlyn Morgana is playing KZ's Varus Lulu. They have the advantage of two lines. , Which means that they have to come up with a character that can suppress Ryze in the last selection..."

The doll took the opportunity to answer the conversation, "Otherwise KZhigh, middle and low three roads are all It is a disadvantage, the situation will be quite passive."

Hiari is also discussing the final role with the players. He looked towards his own Mid Laner: "How about Cassiopeia?"

This In the traditional sense, Ryze’s Mid Laner Ap Carry is quite restrained. Not only is the hand-length, DPS frequency and force period are far ahead, S7world finals Lin Ran also used Cassiopeia to beat the crown’s Ryze to 2,200.

BDD thought for a moment with his face bulging, "It's garlic, it's too easy to catch off..."

The opposite has already chosen Camile, although he hasn't seen how Camille is Jungler. , But when I think about it, I know how well Camile E [Hookshot] hangs on the wall and catches people.

The hero Cassiopeia has short legs and has no countermeasures against Gank. Once caught by Camile, he will die.

When there were 10 seconds left in the BP countdown, BDD finally made up his mind, "Syndra, I think Syndra can."

Syndra can maintain sufficient pressure against Ryze. , At the same time there is an E [Scatter the Weak] to prevent Camile from sticking to his face.

After Gorilla determined the hero choice for her Mid Laner, the two players began to exchange heroes frequently.

GimGoon and Lin Ran have a smirk, Top Laner Ryze Mid Laner Lucian for a while, Top Laner Lucian Mid Laner Ryze for a while, constantly changing their choices.

BDD and Khan lie flat and let the YM middle and upper two move around.

"GimGoon, do you want to use Lucian?" Lin Ran tilted his head and looked.

There are still 27 seconds left before the game is loaded. According to the rules of the game, the Player needs to complete all hero exchanges within 20 seconds of the countdown. Now there are 7 seconds left for the players to decide.

"...What do you think?" GimGoon hesitated.

He still wanted to use Lucian to find Vayne. The Khan was almost torturing him crazy in the game. Now that he finds a chance, he naturally wants to avenge him.

But he also knows that his Lucian is not particularly strong, and his proficiency is definitely not as good as Lin Ran. After all, he is the champion Skin owner who can ride Faker with Lucian.

"You use it, I'll use Ryze to fight Syndra, it's May's." Lin Ran is very understanding.

"Really?" GimGoon was still a little bit skeptical, and then he was overjoyed, "Crab, you will be my brother from Lin Ran!"

The garlic head has been adjusted to rune. He put a mouth in the side, "Then I am your god and demon?"

Naturally, the Xiba people don’t understand Youlemei’s stalk. He blunt, "You are my son."

Xiao Si was choked off, and immediately shot back: "Hey, I have the courage, I will never go to Top Lane in this game."

GimGoon realized the formidable power of Ye Dad and quickly spoke. To save it, "Brother Tian Brother Tian, ​​you..."

"Are you so real?" Lin Ran took it smoothly, and the other teammates laughed, leaving only GimGoon himself in a fog. Water not knowing what to do.

Zhangmao glanced at the team composition configuration of both parties.

Blue Team YM: Top Laner Lucian, Jungler Camile, Mid Laner Ryze, Bottom Lane Caitlyn +Morgana.

Red Team KZ: Top Laner Vayne, Jungler Olaf, Mid Laner Syndra, Bottom Lane Varus +Lulu.

He thought for a while, and said: "There is nothing to start a group fight on either side. Only Camile has the means to start a group fight in YM. KZ doesn't even have a first hand. It depends on Syndra. Award."

"Yes, it’s mainly Top Laner, who originally had to undertake a certain task of opening a group..." Mille looked at the team composition on both sides and finally lived in Bengbu, with a smile on the corners of her mouth. I never thought that there would be such a day when Top Lane was actually facing two shooters!"

Shanghai, World Trade Center Riverside Garden.

At the location of the IGLOL branch, Wang Sicong rented a two-story building here with a huge sum of money. Although it does not seem to be as professional and luxurious as the YM single-family building, it is extremely expensive land here, and the unit price per square meter has already passed the 100,000 mark. The sales of golden flower alone are not inferior to that of YMClub in the suburbs.

At this moment, when you open the curtains of the training room, you can see the Huangpu River and the Oriental Pearl Tower. The bustling night view of Shanghai is unobstructed, and the room is more empty and lonely.

MSI is not over yet, although other LPLClubs have already taken leave to prepare for training, IG is undoubtedly an exception.

Only 3 weeks before the opening of the LPL Summer Games, the Club has not issued any call-up instructions so far. King Ning has stayed in his hometown in the northeast and has not returned. Sima Old Thief went to a rehabilitation institution to see tenosynovitis, while Rookie did. I was pulled out to play by Xiao Yu.

In the huge training room, only TheShy and Bolan are present.

Jiang Chenglu thought that he was a little lucky here. During the offseason, he had nothing to do in Korea. He asked for a visa invitation letter from Club early and planned to return to Base for practice. He returned to the message sent to the management on the same day in Seoul. The result was two weeks. Only afterwards received a reply.

If he waits for the notice of accepting the holiday and then asks for the invitation letter, according to the efficiency of IG, he is afraid that he will miss the regular seasons of the summer game.

Sapphire behind me clicked on the keyboard. It seemed that too much qualifying loss caused a bad mood. TheShy could detect the uncoordinated sound of the keyboard keys being slammed down.

TheShy looked at the Challenger logo on the Korean client interface and didn't say a word.

He can't empathize with Bolan in this regard.

Why can anyone not go up?

Isn't it easy to play two games a day and get a thousand points?

He spent the past few days in the same room with Baolan, and watched his own Support jump repeatedly between Master 400 and Challenger.

Sometimes the state is not good, that is today's score, tomorrow's goal.

The Shy had just finished two big fights, the teammate was not there, and there was no way to make an appointment for the training match. The bright lights outside the window and the lively scenery on both sides of the Huangpu River made him not in the mood to play games again.

Recommended on the Korean client homepage, Khan’s unruly champion face is in sharp contrast with Lin Ran, who is handsome and handsome. The skins of the two men’s makeup photos are different in color. Fortunately, the E-sports game doesn't look at the face, otherwise Lin Ran can beat six.

The Shyhehehe laughed twice, and his big teeth were exposed.

He didn't know why he was laughing.

With nothing to do, he simply clicked to open the live game room, and just saw the end of the third round of the BP team composition confirmed.

TheShy immediately reduced his expression.

"Top Laner Lucian hit Vayne?" He muttered to himself, "What the hell is that?"

"This is the Top Lane that anyone can choose hero?"


Lin Ran bought the Blue Inhibitor and the reusable Potion and rushed to Mid-Lane. The opponent didn't have much control in this round. He didn't bring Cleanse. Direct Flash Teleport arrangement.

The opposite BDD needs to be a lot more stable, not only holding Cleanse, but even rune has a phase rush.

"KZ Baotuan wants to invade Jungle, see through Camile's move!"

They split into two groups, stuck in 1 minute and 20 seconds towards YM Jungle.

At this time, the card is very dead. It is too early. Once YM has someone brought the scan, the money will be given away for nothing. At the same time, there is no way to see the location of Camile.

Go in 1 minute and 20 seconds, as long as you see which Jungle Camile is in, even if your eyes are disassembled, you can determine Xiaosao’s open route-after all, time is not enough for Camile to travel a long distance. Go to another Jungle camp.

"Khan inserted the jewelry eye in the middle of YMGromp and Blue Buff camp, while Gorilla inserted the jewelry eye directly into the YM red zone."

The eye positions were all found by the YM team members. While giving the marks on the map, Lin Ran also recorded the disappearance time of the eye positions in the chat box.

The eye position of the red BUFF accurately captured Camille's movement, and everyone in KZ breathed a sigh of relief.

"Baocheng, be careful, pay attention to Kite, Camile is very likely to catch you at Level 2!" Xiao Peanut reminded BDD.

Although he has never used Camile Jungler, he looked at Camille's skill set and thought about it and knew that this guy, like Jarvan IV, has the ability to catch people at Level 2.

BDDcomplied, although he brought Cleanse and phase rush in this round, he was still quite afraid of being caught by Camile.

Once YMMid & Jungler hard hits his set of skills and lowers his HP, then his situation for Syndra without Teleport will be very difficult. Recall back to base will lose a whole wave of creeps on foot. line.

A wave of creep lines in the early stage can completely make Lin Ran play poor grades. Naturally, BDD should be cautious and not give YM a chance.

Little Peanut cuts the screen to observe the three-way slashing monsters by the way. The Olaf he used in this game can completely open the wild alone. Starting from the Blue Buff, he brushes up all the way, and it happens to be able to shelter Top Laner. Vayne.

The jewelry placed in the YM red zone saw that Camile had eaten the first BUFF with the help of teammate, and then moved towards looking towards.

Little Peanut turned to find Gromp after brushing the blue, and provided the information to teammate by the way.

He himself definitely wants to play 6 groups, so that the future Jungle planning and battle strength will lead Camile by a big margin.

"BDDKite is very cautious," Mille saw Syndra stay close to the top while keeping a good distance from Ryze. He clearly didn't want to give Lin Ran a chance to hold himself, "It's not easy to catch!"


The little servant who was still crouching on the side saw Kite from BDD, and knew that there was no chance. He immediately returned to his own Jungle and ran to the Blue Buff camp by detour.

BDDKite, who did not gain Little Tian's vision during the period, is very stable, but it also sacrificed its own suppressive power. He can only watch Lin Ran take the lead in Level 2 after putting the creep line over.

Until the Khan’s eye position placed near YMBlue Buff saw Camile, BDD only breathed a sigh of relief and tried to consume Ryze with Q【Dark Sphere】.

However, Lin Ran Kite is very enchanting. He keeps using basic attacks to trick Syndra into Q, and then cancels basic attacks Kite to get rid of his skills.

He is very familiar with this set of procedures, and he is very familiar with the operation.

BDD has been manipulated by him for two waves, and his irritability swept up, and he could only take a deep breath.

Syndra is no longer a popular hero. Although BDD has always been practiced in qualifying, it can be used only a few times. It will definitely be a little strange when it is first selected.

"Camile is still brushing blue. To be honest, if he uses the QE two skills, it hurts to brush wild!" Seeing Xiaoyu who has only 23 HP on the screen, the doll can't help but browse knit, "Passive The adaptive shield has no effect on wild monsters..."

In addition, last year the fist had already cut off the W [tactical sweep] recovery effect on wild monsters. Camile does not have any recovery when he is in the wild. Or damage reduction ability, completely can only use Fleshy body to resist.

Even if Xiao Si, as a Professional Jungler, has a very strong ability to pull wild monsters, he can't stand Camile's extremely weak ability to clean the wild.

Quan Yongmen, who was staring at the movement of the garlic head, saw this scene, and finally relieved his heart, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I now feel that Tian is completely trapped by the coaching staff. They want to let the line To gain an advantage, I deliberately brightened Camile first, tricked Khan to select Vayne, and then backhanded Lucian to exercise restraint."

"In this way, the pressure on the online player will be much less, but the price is Sacrifice Tian!" He said with a heartened tone, as if KZ had already won the game.

The chat channel in the Twitch Korean Streaming Live Room quickly swiped the comments of the viewers.

[I'm going to laugh to death, how much HP is left after Camile hits Gromp? ]

[If you can’t reach Level 3, you need to recall back to base and replenish it? ]

[In my opinion, it's not as good as Jarvan IV. After all, Jarvan IV can gank Level 2 as well, and the loss of farming is much smaller than Camile.]

[YM 10% off water bottle? Scared the labor and management, I thought it was really what the trump card was]

[Hero, who didn’t understand even in the wild, actually appeared in the MSI finals, did YMexhausted one's limited abilities? kkkk]

In Summoners Rift, half-blood Camile handed over Smite and accepted the Blue Buff!

The time came to 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

Sao ran towards Gromp and kicked Tahm Kench in general attack.

At this time, the director suddenly switched perspectives. Judging from the fog of war surrounding Camille, it is clear that it is the main perspective of the KZ side.

The duration of the jewelry eye in this version of hero Level 1 is only 60 seconds, and the Khan’s 1 minute and 20 seconds partition wall inserts the eye position between YMBlue Buff and Gromp camp, which means, 2 points. This eye position will disappear in 20 seconds.

And in the last scene of the residual vision provided by Jewelry Eye, it happened to see Camile kick the plump Gromp.

omp immediately sucked in a breath of cold air!

He knows that in order to ensure the fairness of the event and prevent viewers from reporting points, the OB perspective and live broadcast signal mastered by the director is delayed for a short period of time in the first 15 minutes.

In other words, 15 minutes before the game, the audience in the live and live room saw the game scenes that they had already watched more than ten seconds ago in the background.

Then why is it directed to this scene now?

If it's just an ordinary brushing, why does the director deliberately cut the camera and let the audience see the entire process of the disappearance of the jewelry eye from the KZ perspective?

Omp, as a veteran who has been in the Alliance for many years, understands the nuisance of OB's perspective too much.

The next thing is estimated to be a big trouble.

"Camile kicked Gromp, then turned around and rushed into the river!" The doll looked at Camile's movement on the screen and immediately noticed something was wrong, "He's going to Top Lane!"


tone barely fell, the director camera suddenly moved upward.

"Lucian is going to push the second wave creep line into Vayne's Defensive Turret!"

Lu Xian's early aligning ability is far beyond Vayne's.

The latter can only bully some particularly cumbersome melee heroes by going solo, or the character whose skill mechanism like Camile is completely defeated by her, and the former is a line fighter, even Jayce None of the monsters known for Lane suppression is his opponent. One can imagine how powerful Lu Xian is.

Although GimGoon plays less, he has been with Lin Ran for so long and has learned a lot of Lucian tricks. He just grabbed Level 2 and took advantage of the gap in the experience of Khan’s long-distance fighting creeps. E slipped forward and hit a set.

Now he has 70% HP left, and Vayne's health bar is only half the length.

"Is this going to be Turret?!" Mille watched as Xiao Si crossed the triangular grass of Top Lane and successfully came to the dark corner from the Turret wall on KZ. His voice was full of suspicion and shock." Camile only has Level 2!"

The moment the second wave creep line successfully entered the Defensive Turret, Camile threw away Hookshot, clung to the wall, moved back with the help of the second wall, and appeared in front of the Khan!

I, Gank, you!

Camile's voice is clear and Grim, and he is coming with endless killing intent!

Jin Donghe shuddered when she saw a woman with sharp legs suddenly break into his field of vision!

What's the situation?

Khan is not like duke, he has never played interstellar, so he has no problems with his eyesight!

The moment his eyes disappeared, he clearly saw Camile playing Gromp!

Khan hasn't figured it out yet, but the situation is urgent, and he can't allow him to think more. Camile has already kicked it over!

"Vayne rolls to the side with Q [dodge raid], trying to avoid Camile's second wall..." The doll at first's voice is still very soft, but when he sees the next scene , The voice suddenly became loud and loud: "But Xiaoyan handed over Flash, and EE Flash successfully kicked Vayne!"

The Khan’s Q-displacement is used by Garlic Head, which is farther than the displacement distance. Camile’s EE flash is even more unprepared, using Flash to get close to the distance instantly, so that the opponent has no chance to react!

At this moment, he used Flash to adjust the direction, smoothly making Camile's cold light glowing leg blade hit Khan!

The basic attack triggers the adaptive shield, Q [Precision Etiquette] hits another damage, and Xiao Yan walks directly outside the tower.

"Lucian slipped forward, two general attacks with Q [Piercing Light] directly killed Vayne in seconds, and Khan couldn't even hand over Flash!" He shook his fist hard, "Pretty! "

The cheers of YM fans in the audience instantly detonated the audience!

The number of barrage in the live broadcast room of the LPL match instantly expanded!

【Good to kill! ]

[Death to labor and capital~]

[I like playing Vayne, right? I’m afraid I’ve never died]

[If I were this Camile, I would live in Top Lane directly, so I shouldn’t give Khan a quit of internet addiction? 】

The full face on the LCKcommentary table rose to the color of tomato.

Now he only feels pain in his face, and he also feels that there are nearly a million Korean viewers, most of whom are KZ supporters. After seeing the first blood sent by Khan, the live broadcast There was a pause in the chat content.

It is estimated that many people are scolding Fuck again.

"This Camile's Gank ability..." CloudTemplar exclaimed, "It's not a little bit stronger than Jarvan IV."

"The main reason is that Jarvan IV EQ will not hurt. , It is easy to cause insufficient Gank damage in the early stage, "omp also echoes nodded," and another advantage of Camile is that she is very flexible."

"As long as the Hookshot is hung on the wall, once there is an enemy hero around, The distance that can be shifted will be greatly extended."

After he said this, he looked towards Top Lane along the guide lens.

"The location of this creep line..." The impslightly frowned felt uncomfortable, "I am advancing to YM!"

The second wave creep line entered Khan’s Defensive Turret before. During the period, Xiao Si used a passive adaptive shield to resist the tower, attracting two rounds of shelling from Defensive Turret.

This delayed the speed of the death of the YM minions under the tower.

As a result, when the third wave Cannon Minion soldiers arrived at 2 minutes and 37 seconds, the creep line under the tower had not yet been cleared, and the Cannon Minion soldiers from the YM side broke into the Defensive Turret range unimpeded.

With the help of Defensive Turret, KZcreep line naturally gained the upper hand, even if Khan resurrected Teleport to the line, it would not change much.

Jin Donghe also wanted to understand a lot of details while waiting for his rebirth.

It includes the reasons why Xiaoyu appeared in Top Lane at an unreasonable time.

Old Yin Ratio.

He cursed secretly in his heart.

Everyone thinks that Jungle Level 2 catching people is to rush to the line after finishing the first BUFF. Who would have imagined that Camile had finished two BUFFs and then deceived the innocent and kind-hearted with the blindfold method. Own, Lag came to Top Lane with a wonderful time difference?

Since the first jewelry eye was given to YMJungle, and the yellow jewelry turned better again in 3 minutes, Khan didn't even have an eye position at the time, so naturally it was impossible to know Xiao Yao's movement.

He slightly has several points of irritated tusk.

Opposite Lucian got the first blood bounty, and the economic gap between the two is about to be widened.

"I'll come to Top Lane right now to help you push this wave of creep line." Peanut's voice echoed in the team's voice.

He is about to finish the red buff, and only a group of stone armor bugs will be able to reach Level 4 smoothly.

At that time, Khan’s creep line will just be launched. Peanut thinks that Camile on the opposite side will never give up this great opportunity. Maybe he will come to Top Lane to catch Vayne.

He simply squatted back.

GimGoon directly recalled back to base after taking the first blood bounty, made up a handful of Longsword and bought a Vision Ward. After walking on the line, Khan hadn’t pushed the creep line over. , Put Vision Ward in the grass that connects Top Lane and the river in advance, and put the false eye on the grass in the middle.

"Vayne has launched the creep line!" Zhangmao, who had been paddling before, finally said at this point, "Xiaoyan finished Gromp, and went to Level 3 and came to Top Lane again!"


"But Little Peanut also ran over..." Mille answered, "But he has been found by GimGoon's eyes in the bushes!"

"Little Tian does not intend to give up, He is still rushing to Top Lane!" The doll was shocked, "He is behind in level!" In everyone's eyes, Level 4 Olaf's battle strength is far better than Camile.

Although YM has Top Laner Lucian, the big wave of KZ soldiers is not to be trifled with.

"Do you want to fight?" Mille saw that Camile didn't mean to retreat at all, and the whole person was stunned.


Lin Ran is still eating the line in Mid-Lane obediently and honestly, BDD is obviously more stable after being vacant for a few times. The next few times will be consumed. Both accounted for Lin Ran's advantage.

Lin Ran wants to hide skills, but Ryze, the hero's skill mechanism is placed here, all three skills have obvious casting actions.

This gives Syndra a chance to consume.

Ryze can cancel basic attacks to deceive people, but there is no way to cancel skills.

Every time Lin Ran uses his skills to replenish those remaining blood soldiers at a distance, he will be consumed by BDD.

There is no way for Sister Li to look.

Now Lin Ran has knocked out all Refillable Potion, maintaining HP at 80%.

And BDD's Corrupting Potion also dropped two layers, the blue amount is not much, but the HP is still full.

3 minutes and 27 seconds, the fifth wave of creep line reaches Mid-Lane, Lin Ran no longer controls HP, and superimposes E【spell surge】on the creeps!

BDD saw his intention to push the line, and naturally didn't want her to do what she wanted, and lost her skills and basic attacks moved towards Lin Ran.

But Lin Ran didn't care at all. His double E+Q brushed out the overloaded shield and acceleration effect, blocking part of the damage, and taking advantage of the trend to clean up this short-term wave.

BDD is very helpless about this. Syndra, which is not yet Level 6 without Flash, is difficult to kill a Ryze with shield, acceleration and 80% HP left.

He can only watch Lin Ran push the creep line to the end, exhausted his body blue, turn around and leave, seemingly wanting to recall back to base for replenishment.

It’s Goddess’ money for tears...

As soon as BDD came up with this idea, I immediately realized that I had missed a little!

He hurried forward two steps and came to the edge of the mid first turret range, but he didn't see Ryze's silhouette!

"Little Tian has rushed to Top Lane and is ready to freeze her hands!"

Camile rushed to step on the leg blade, this time she did not directly hand over the Hookshot-after all, Vayne is now up At Level 3, with E [Fiend Trial], if you rush forward, it is likely to be nailed to the wall DPS.

"Vayne sees Camile, Kite backwards, and wants to bait Camile into the grass!"

But Little Tian, ​​with the help of GimGoon's eye position, knows that the grass is hiding in the grass. Raf.

He would naturally not move forward, but moved towards KZ and took two steps up the tower!

"Xiaoyu is closing the opponent's retreat!"

At this time, BDD also found that he could not find the location of Lin Ran's recall back to base, and issued a reminder:

"Ryze has a Teleport and will go to Top Lane to support it. You guys retreat as soon as possible!"

Little Peanut and Khan felt distressed when they heard this.

How to return this?

Camile has a murderous aura on his face, and it is obvious that he wants to pick up their skin!

"Little Tian used a tactical sweep!"

Although Khan immediately used Q [Dodge Assault] to move to escape, Olaf in the bushes suffered!

"GimGoon also drew his gun forward, ready to fight!"

The little peanut who was caught slowly can only throw his axe and try to cut a way out for himself.

But Camile neither forwards nor backwards, and keeps pulling the distance back and forth. It does not hand in Hookshot or post on the wall, and it does not give Vayne the opportunity to nail the wall!

Little Peanut made up his mind to force through, but Camille put another jewelry eye in his retreat.

In the next moment, the teleport of Cham blue resonant shine!

"Brother Ran's Teleport!" Only then did the doll notice Lin Ran's movements, "He pushed down the Mid-Lane creep line, recalled back to base and made up for Goddess tears, and turned to Teleport to come over and get a kick !"

Although KZTop & Jungler tried their best to escape, the line of Top Lane was too long, and Xiao Si blocked their back way again...

Seeing Ryze appearing At the moment by their side, little Peanut and Khan had nothing but despair in their hearts!

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