"Congratulations to YM for winning his seventh victory!" Kris is a rare and not ill, and the whole person is quite normal. "It seems that the suspense of the battle for the top of the list is really necessary. It’s the last match day of the group stage!"

Although FNC lost the game, it was not a bit annoyed. Happy Cap was still discussing with Ou Cheng about his handsome operation of Yasuo's seamless E. .

Caps was so happy that Fa Lingwen laughed.

I have to say that the ability of the European and American teams in this aspect of work is indeed much better than that of the East Asian teams, and the public opinion environment is much more relaxed.

The spectators in Berlin are still reminiscing about the last game. The 55-headed chaos really fed them.

But it’s also really cool. When Pro Player gave up tactical quality and started a wild show operation, the viewing performance was not worse than the rigorous and orderly operation.

The only dissatisfaction is Lin Ran on the Player seat.

He looked at his record of 11618, very upset in his heart.

Although there are a lot of kills, KDA has dropped!

Lin Ran's previous MSI group stage, the loss ratio remained at around 8, which means that the average number of kills + assists is 8 times the number of deaths.

In this scene of the FNC chaos, 6 deaths are enough to lower the battle damage ratio by several levels!

Lin Ran sighed, and Jackey sitting on his left side also elated two sips of ice-cola.

Shiba Inu likes this kind of chaos, the more chaotic he is, the cooler he will be.

It can only be said that human sorrows and joys are not interlinked.

However, when he stepped off the stage, he dialed Su Cheng's video call to try to claim credit.

"Isn’t I strong today, eh?"

Although the KDA of the Lord of the Shadow Stream is not high in the last game, Lin Ran successfully completed the single-kill achievements of Caps and Rekkles , The performance is not bad.

Su Cheng has no class today, and has nothing to do in his spare time. After watching the full-day game at home, he naturally witnessed Lin Ran's outstanding performance.

At this time, I heard her boyfriend's words and knew that he wanted to seek praise from himself.

"It's so normal, you've killed too many people in this robbery." Su Cheng duplied.

Lin Ran looked at her with disgust, "Hey...Teacher Su, you are dishonest."

"Where is it?"

"Your ears The son is red." Lin Ran hit the nail on the head.

"Really?" Su Cheng touched her ears subconsciously. Why didn't she know that she had such a wonderful physical reaction when she lied?

"Of course it's fake." Lin Ran Da Lala sat on a chair in the lounge, stuffed the mouse and keyboard into the backpack with the YM logo, "Hurry up and compliment me. ."

"Suzhou dialect." He added.

"Aiya..." Su Cheng subconsciously refuses, "Don't make trouble."

"Hurry up," Lin Ran insisted, "You cut me black I didn’t even mention you in the historical video."

"Then put on your headphones." Su Cheng couldn’t help but agree, his cheeks were slightly drowsy, and his eyes were scurrying, trying to see clearly that there is Lin Ran next to him. nobody else.

She was just about to speak, when Vincent suddenly handed over a YM uniform, "Brother Ran, sign your name on this suit. Caps wants to come over and exchange the uniform later."

"彳亍." Lin Ran took the marker pen on the flamboyant on the back of the uniform, and took out the earphone case from the side pocket of the backpack with his left hand.

Vinsen and Su Cheng have met each other, and after greeted her through the screen of the mobile phone, Energetic and Bustling turned and left to find a cameraman in the village.

Su Cheng wanted to take advantage of the time when her boyfriend’s attention hadn’t shifted to finish talking, but as soon as he spoke, Jackey, who was interviewed, ran into the lounge and sat down and hugged Lin Ran. .

"Brother Ran what are you doing?"

Tone barely fell, and he saw Su Cheng with a red face on the phone screen.

"Ooh..." Jackey crowed like a rooster, even if he was an electric light bulb, he realized that the problem was not right.

"You talk, I'm going to eat." Shiba Inu raised his butt and went to the table to find the burger he had ordered.

"No one is there now." Lin Ran looked forward to it.

Su Cheng was interrupted twice in a row, and now he feels regretful, "Don't say it, don't say it! There will be no store after this village, the opportunity has been wasted!"

Lin Ran still wanted to insist, but Su Cheng used the off video as a threat, and he successfully dispelled the idea.

"You wait for me to go back and clean up you." Lin Ran was unhappy when he failed to achieve his goal.

Su Cheng saw Lin Ran wearing headphones and the two were millions miles apart. Su Cheng suddenly grew courageous.

"Come on," she deliberately squeezed her throat and spoke softly in Suzhou dialect, "Let's see who cleans up who."

Lin Ran's ears are hot, this soft The tone seemed to be integrated into the body through headphones, and flowed along the blood to the limbs and five skeletons, making him itchy and numb, as if there were ants crawling.

He was pierced by this sentence and immediately pretended not to say anything.

"Huh?" Seeing Lin Ran motionless on the screen, Su Cheng thought the screen was frozen, "Is it the Internet?"

"No, no," Lin Ran With a cough, I took a paper cup and poured ice water into my mouth, trying my best to prevent the rosy roots from spreading to my cheeks, "I was thinking about things just now."

"Oh...Tomorrow's game against KZ, you are going to prepare How's it going?" Su Cheng asked for a topic.

"It must be okay." Talking about this, Lin Ran finally spirit slowly recovers, "Tomorrow is absolutely disgusting KZ."

He is full of confidence.


"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the last match day of the group stage of the 2018 Mid-Season Championship. Hello everyone, I am a doll!"

" Hello everyone, I am Mille!"

The heavyweight finale, the commentary is naturally the inescapable doll Mille.

"The 5 group matches held earlier today have been scored." The director gave the group stage points at this time, and the doll increased the speed of speaking. "Lightning Wolves and FNC ranked third and fourth. And TL and EVS have already been declared eliminated..."

"Eldest Senior Brother is still miserable, and has not been promoted this year." Mille happily first teases old acquaintance.

"Unfortunately, we can only see Eldest Senior Brother again on the stage of the S8 Global Finals," Wawa said, "He can make the world game, right?"

"Are you teasing me?" Mille cooperated with him quite tacitly, sang and arranged the doublelift perfectly clear, "Eldest Senior Brother may not be able to advance to the quarter-finals, but he will definitely go to the world competition!"

The doll is too happy, but he has received professional training after all, no matter how funny he is, he will not laugh.

"Close to the subject, the final War General between YM and KZ will determine who will qualify as the group leader and get the right to choose semifinals opponents!"

There is no extra preparation time, with the crisp sound of clang, the BP picture suddenly appeared in front of the audience!

【YM come on! 】

【charge charge charge, KZ is dead to the Lord! 】

[@YM-Homme, can you ban the little Huang Mao, Qiu Li Gao]

The barrage is still cheering for YM in Berlin, and the audience desperately needs this Victory, otherwise YM will enter the knock out competition with the record of being double-killed by KZ in the group stage, and they will probably have a cold heart.

"KZ has the priority to select sides in this game, and chose Blue Team for himself. Come up and press out Camile who is swinging in the upper middle!"

And YM next ban A bit of choice, let fans relieved!

"Ezreal!" Mille's tight back muscles suddenly relaxed. "The ban is beautiful!"

The domestic audiences are feeling that the YM coaching staff is finally no longer strong, yes The confidence in this final battle has doubled!

KZHead Coach Hirai thought for a moment and decided to send Luo to the ban position.

"YM backhanded down the King of Trundle," Mille analyzed, "It looks like it is possible to choose Swain!"

KZ obviously did not want to be in the Blue Team. Swain, and they didn't want to give this OPhero to YM, simply sending it to the last ban of the first round.

"YM chose to ban Ryze," Wawa said immediately, "KZ got the strong version of the hero Kai'Sa in the first selection!"

Redmi has already responded to it, he just deliberately Put the Void Girl to Pray.

"Caitlyn and Morgana!" The doll started yelling again, "YMBottom Lane, this is going to be an early push!"

Mille responds to the partner's statement, "Know the card Sha’s early laning ability is several grades weaker than Caitlyn. No matter what support it is paired with, Pray will not be very comfortable in this game!"

Hiari is pacing behind the Player seat, if Redmi is deliberately playing Kai'Sa chose Caitlyn + Morgana's quick push system, so he did it deliberately when he knew that YM would take Caitlyn.

He is not stupid, he naturally prepared enough before the game.

Currently, YMeach step BP is in his plan.

"Graves and Taliyah, KZ will show Mid & Jungler first!" The doll rubbed her chin, "This combination has a strong ability to push the line..."

"Vladimir! "Mille saw YM's final selection in the first round, eyebrows slightly frowned, "This should be chosen for Top Laner GimGoon, right?"

"After all, when KZ first turned on Taliyah, shake Vladimir away Mid-Lane is not a good choice either."

Hiari also thinks so. If Lin Ran uses Vladimir to face Taliyah of the BDD, he will basically go to jail under the Mid-Lane Tower. It is basically impossible. The mobile phone meeting was pushed to death by Taliyah.

He took advantage of the gap in the second round of BP before it was KZ's turn, first planning a countermeasure on the notebook.

"The soft assistant Lulu, who has both protection and offense, was first disabled by YM, and KZ blocked the offensive attribute of Kha'Zix..." The doll completely retelled the BP screen to the audience. No explanation or analysis.

However, Mille is accustomed to it, and smoothly added up the analysis of the partner's missing, "Kha'Zix can mainly perform Jungle ambushes and single kills, which greatly limits Taliyah's roaming ability!"

Especially after Level 6, Kha'Zix uses Ultimate to refresh passives, and can even kill Taliyah with a set of skills.

Know that Taliyah’s Level 1 Ultimate cast range is only 3000 yards, and it is impossible to reach the two side roads directly from Mid-Lane. That is to say, if Taliyah wants to walk the upper and lower roads, he must Passing by Jungle, Kha'Zix will be able to complete a halfway interception once he seizes the opportunity.

"The last ban position, YM banned the glacier Sion used by Khan in the first confrontation, and KZ chose to block Lucian!"

This last ban position is purely Hiari In addition to flexibility and flexibility, he is afraid that Lin Ran will use this kind of hero with extremely strong line-up ability to suppress the efficiency of BDD's roaming.

"If there is an opportunity, I'll get Jayce for you, you suppress Vladimir to death!" He patted Khan on the shoulder.

Khan also thinks that this round of his own stage is very big, but Jayce is his famous hero, last summer he destroyed SKT with the heavy artillery of the second battalion of Piltoff.

If he is allowed to get Jayce, Khan is confident that GimGoon’s last tower will be leveled before 10 minutes!

But Khan is doomed to be disappointed in this game.

He is not the only one of the two teams who is proficient in Jayce!

The handsome and handsome Jayce's profile picture appeared in Jackey's hero selection box, and it was locked immediately!

"Jayce!" Mille blurted out, "In this way, YM has basically determined its own diversion situation, Top Laner Vladimir with Mid-Lane Jayce!"

KZ everyone is thinking hard. For a long time, Khan was still discussing hero choice with the coach while shaking the warm baby.

Aoun is obviously not suitable, the sheep Uncle can't stop Vladimir's development at all, and the remaining Gangplank is also the role of Vladimir counter...

"Jax, Coach nim, do you think it’s okay?"

Khan spent a long professional career in China, and his thoughts were a little affected. He has a lot of right to speak on BP, and he is considered a Korean Player. Among the few alternatives.

Hiari thought about it for a while and thought it was indeed a good choice.

"KZ took out Janna and Jax in the last two selections..." Mille hissed softly, "I think Jax is not good at playing Vladimir, right?"

" In particular, Vladimir has a phased rush, and it is very easy to pull Jax during the laning phase!"

"Ah?!" When Wawa heard her partner, her first reaction was dazed, "How do I feel Jia Is it good for Vladimir to fight Vladimir?"

"When Vladimir hadn’t made Cooldown reduction equipment during the laning phase, the Cooldown time of E [Strikes Back Storm] and Q [Jump Slash] were shorter than the blood pool. It’s too much," Wawa has her own understanding, "Jax’s skill CD will jump up and change blood, Vladimir is impossible to win!"

[Just jump on it, I didn’t expect, Fight against the soldiers, right? ]

[Almost done, Vladimir has an aspect, isn’t it just pulling Jax casually? And the weapon master hasn’t replied yet. You have to recall back to base after two rounds of HP, Vladimir, who has half of the blood left.]

[Except for the mid-to-late Jax wins a single-handed single-handed and side single-belt , I can't think of other points to win! 】

Barrage has long been uncomfortable with dolls. They think this kind of bastard who can't even play 100 games a year is not worthy of commentary. You don't even understand the relationship between hero restraint, just Don't show up on stage, okay?

But the point that Wawa made this time is really quite right.

In Khan’s view, Jax did restrain Vladimir.

But the reason is different from what the doll said.

The method he said is the way Jax played Vladimir in the Patient Board. It’s enough to have no brain jump on the line. Anyway, the segmented Vladimir will not get stuck in the blood pool Cooldown. It is very easy to kill.

The segmentation is a little bit higher, and Vladimir who can pull it is good to hit Jax. Use the movement speed provided by the phase rush to keep the distance. If you consume two more waves of Jax, it won’t work. Living.

This is also Mille and many barrage views.

But Khan is already standing in the atmosphere.

Vladimir Early-Stage's key to complete the pull is undoubtedly the innate talent [Phase Rush], what Jax has to do is to prevent Vladimir from easily hitting three damages to gain acceleration.

When laning, Jax's most evasive thing was that Vladimir was stuck in the attack range and hit a general attack for nothing, then fly into a rage out of humiliation and jumped to change blood.

Because of this, Vladimir’s Q+second E, combined with the previous general attack of the white prostitute, can hit three damages, successfully triggering the phase rush, and pulling the exchange of Jax will undoubtedly fall behind. Almost couldn't even force the blood pool out.

For Khan’s Peak Pro Player at this level, the response is also very simple:

Jax will either use E while Vladimir is attacking himself and jump up. , Or just take advantage of Vladimir's basic attack minion to start a counterattack storm when it becomes stiff and stuck.

These two coping methods can prevent Vladimir from hitting Jax's body attack damage, only the two small skills of QE obviously cannot trigger the phase charge.

If it's Mid Laner, it's okay to say that Vladimir can bring Ignite, but it is impossible to use the summoner skill to play the phase.

However, Vladimir at Top Laner must have Teleport. Vladimir was beaten by Jaxka on time. Normal operation cannot trigger phase acceleration at all.

At this time, Vladimir has only one way, to hand in the blood pool, use the damage to play the phase, take advantage of the trend to avoid the stun of the counterattack storm.

But the healthy Vladimir bleeding pool will lose a lot of HP in vain. After the blood pool turns for 28 seconds, it is his vacuum period, and Jax can play with him casually.

In short, what Vladimir played with Jax was the details.

Khan is obviously a Pro Player with this kind of operating skills.

However, the Haier brother on the commentary stage obviously didn't understand the details. They insisted on saying a few words to each other, and they didn't get entangled in this issue anymore.

"YM's last choice should be Little Tian for Jungle," the doll was looking forward to it, "Now Trundle passed away, do you want to choose Olaf?"

Mille Slightly has several points of hesitation, "Olav hits Graves...it's easy to be pulled, Jungle has too many walls, Graves can use sliding steps to avoid chasing, so Olaf will appear cumbersome."

At the Player table, Garlic is still discussing the choice of Jungler hero with coach Redmi.

"Lee Sin, KZ is going to fight Mid & Jungler, then do it with them!" The young man squeezed his knuckles and made a click.

He was still suffocating in his heart. When the two teams met in the first round, he was chased and beaten by Khan with Sion Level 1 in one hand.

He is here for revenge in this game.

"Lee Sin!" Seeing this choice, the doll's eyes lit up, "This is to meet force with force. YM and KZ will focus this game on the Mid & Jungler contest. !"

The team composition of both parties is determined.

Blue Team KZ: Top Laner weapon Master, Jungler Graves, Mid-Lane Taliyah, Bottom Lane Kai'Sa+Janna.

Red Team YM: Top Laner Vladimir, Jungler Lee Sin, Mid Laner Jayce, Bottom Lane Caitlyn +Morgana.

"Except for the collision between Mid & Jungler in the early period, YM's team composition emphasizes the advancement rhythm of the early and mid-term. Whether they can control the 10-minute Rift Herald is the key to their victory in this game. "

Mille is still analyzing the team composition seriously, "KZ is more defensive in the early stage, Bottom Lane stabilizes and waits for Mid & Jungler to establish an advantage, allowing Khan to take the sideways alone. "


"Remember the tactics that we talked about before the game, don't forget."

Hiari and Redmi standing on both sides of the stage They were all emphasizing this sentence, and only after hearing that all the team members responded, did they take off the headset with satisfaction and went to find the other party to shake hands.

The camera lens is aimed at the two coaches in the center of the stage, and then the screen is switched to include the entire LCSEU studio!

When the audience saw the camera aimed at themselves, they excitedly waved the cheering stick and the Player cheering banner in their hands!

Although many Korean students came to the scene to cheer for KZ, YM’s cheering sound successfully overwhelmed the opponent.

Except for the number of Chinese students studying abroad, the local audience in Berlin is also more supportive of YM. After all, the familiar face and the honors are too strong, it is difficult not to attract Solo Queue fans.

In the deafening sound of cheering, Summoners Rift came crashing down!

Lin Ran brought the phase rush as usual in this round, and the summoner skill brought Teleport instead of Ignite.

Rune, which has no damage ability, is paired with Teleport, and I glanced at Jayce harmless to humans and animals.

BDD's Taliyah main band is equipped with the witchcraft Alley, and the secondary series is the bone plating and pupalization of the resolute series.

The summoner skill is Flash Heal. Although the Cooldown period of the Heal technique has been increased by 30 seconds in version 8.6, for Taliyah, there is really no other skill to carry.

"YM Baotuan intends to invade, Liu Qiusong will scan it directly!"

In Summoners Rift, Morgana turns on the Oracle lens, clicks Q [Darkness Imprisonment], and takes the lead towards KZJungle Rush away.

"KZ here has insufficient level 1 control ability, and the combat damage is not high. It should be to avoid the battle... Pray standing in the grass of the river has already seen Morgana's silhouette!"

Prayimmediately ran back, Liu Qiusong still wanted to draw the prize, but was turned away by a little Kite from Kai'Sa!

"YM drove straight in and entered the lower half of KZ!"

Little Peanut saw that his Jungle had entered the thief, and he was anxious to death.

"Don't give them the position so easily, otherwise Bottom Lane will be too uncomfortable!"

In this game, the Profound Nether two veterans used Kai'Sa and Janna against Caitlyn and Morgana.

Under normal circumstances, Jackey and Liu Qiusong must have line rights, and they will continue to push Turrets.

If Jungle in the lower half of Peanut is invaded, he can only go to the upper half to start the wild, and it will be difficult for Peanut to take care of Bottom Lane until all the monsters in the first round are eaten. Duo.

Once it is four packs two, it's over.

"KZ didn't want YM to invade Jungle so easily. They crouched in the grass next to their red BUFF camp and waited for them to get the bait!"

Liu Qiusong seemed intentional with his teammate Seemingly inadvertently, they stepped on the trap set by KZ for them!

"The Level 1 team of both parties has started!" Mille shouted loudly, "Morgana's skills will take a while to get better, they simply fight melee!"

Although Gorilla uses Q[ Hurricane Howl] It blew Jackey and GimGoon, but the battle strength of Lin Ran and Jayce Lee Sin in Level 1 group was really amazing, and the two sides actually hit a birds of a feather.

"Remaining blood GimGoon handed over Flash, and used the phase rush to speed up the escape!"

Liu Qiusong's dark imprisonment finally turned around, and the skill moved towards the top The khan in front shoots away!

"You handed over your Flash to me!" The tone of the torn wound was fierce.

Khan has already handed in a counter-attack storm before, and he also knows that he must not take this control, otherwise he will definitely explain it here.

"Khan also Flash escaped, Top Laner on both sides handed over each other's escape skills, KZ gave up the plan to defend their own red BUFF, let Peanuts start blue alone!"

"Will this Flash cause a chain reaction..." Mille said worriedly.

The players standing at YM and KZ all laughed, and even the coaching staff of both sides in the lounge showed a relaxed expression.

They feel that their tactics have been perfectly executed by the Players.

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