Lin Weixiang has been depressed all this time.

Now he and the rising star Jungler Wei are leading the YMA in the secondary league, and the record is also a green page.

After all, with the continuous development of Alliance, the entrance to promotion and relegation has been closed. Most of the people who stay in the secondary league are the young forces of the second team of Club. After everyone is not under pressure to promote and relegation, Quan is pretty much hoping for talents. , The team level is much worse than before.

Some youngsters are still tooyoung. After playing Professional, they feel proud and arrogant that they are invincible in the whole world. When they encounter YMA, they use Lin Weixiang, who is currently the most prestigious LDL player.

Big eyebrows have always been always willing to come. I will kill one when I come, and I will kill one when I come. I just played the style of Ye Wen-there are hardcore fans at station B who picked him up with a grin. The face of the eyebrow P touches Master Ye's head, and the voice package of "I want to make 10" seems to be not inconsistent.

Lin Weixiang feels that he is playing quite well. Although he and Liu Qiusong were killed in the secondary league in S6, his big eyebrows are also growing during the year of YM first team training.

Although I am a YM substitute, when can I be a player in the secondary league?

LDL has played 7 BO3s so far, Lin Weixiang averaged 71.57.7 KDA per game and dominates the crowd, just like a shark plunged into a fish pond, it is a Smurf level performance.

But Lin Weixiang, who has won 7 MVP games, is not happy. The corners of his mouth have been drooping the past few days, and it seems that there is a tendency to be assimilated by the good brother Liu Qiusong.

Because the champion Skin is about to be completed.

It is reasonable to say that this is something to be happy about, but it is this matter that has been noisy since last November after winning the championship, and it has become more and more intense recently.

It's a big noise.

Lin Weixiang chose Vayne, and he can only choose Vayne. After all, he has only used this hero in the S7 global finals and has no right to choose.

Big Eyebrow doesn’t care about the right to choose. Even if he uses a circle of hero and really let him choose, he still wants Vayne. After all, this hero and Support Thresh Jungler Lee Sin are in their respective positions. The belief in hero.

The real problem is that there are a group of people who don't want Lin Weixiang to choose Vayne.

[It's all Clubs, RNG will communicate with YM; they all know the Club managers. See you when you look up, and if you have to cast aside all considerations for face, you can take Wayne; no Take the individual hero to hurt everyone's face, and the s7world champion is still yours. This will not change]

This is a new classic quotation circulating on the E-sports forum, and it is still unclear. Is it anti-fishing, but the effect of the program is full.

Someone reprinted this quotation under the Weibo of Xiangxiang QAQ, and saw that he was half-dead at the time.

I just used the hero Vayne, you still want me to change it? Why don't you rush Riot Games?

After being chased by some people for several days, Lin Weixiang began to rebel. What happened to Vayne?

I didn't choose Ezreal when I was thinking about piglet winning the championship?

When he started the live broadcast, he watched the rhythm of the full-screen barrage, and couldn't help but stunned. Not only can I choose Vayne, but I can also engrave a signature on her leg. Are you angry?

As a result, tooyoung's turned into big eyebrows, this kind of thing, the response has already been lost.

After listening to the response, regardless of whether it’s real YM and RNG fans, the audience came after hearing the wind. Fans from both sides tore from the live broadcast room to Weibo, post it... plus the marketing account. In the field, various extended semantics played with reading comprehension, and Lin Weixiang was completely burnt.

Just when he was worried about how to solve this matter, a phone call came over.

Big eyebrow glanced at the caller ID-Guo Hao.

He shook violently, and his emotions were madly accumulated in his heart, flowing like a tumbling hot lava.

"hey hey hey?" He quickly connected the phone, with a bit of excitement in his tone.

"Jackey is in the hospital. He may have to take a two-week break. During this time, you have to be transferred to a team to fight the fire..." Guo Hao's voice on the other end of the phone was a little tired.

"No problem, no problem!" Lin Weixiang was worried for Jackey for a while when he heard the reason, but the joy that burst out immediately dispelled this emotion, "When shall I go upstairs?"

"You can go up soon. The table last year was still there. You find the squad leader to sort out the computer and everything. We will return to Shanghai in the afternoon."

Lin Weixiang, who picked up the mobile phone, took a deep breath, and in the eyes of the puzzled LDL teammate, arrogantly and proudly began to clean up the peripherals.

He feels that he is like a super hero who has received a call for help to save the world.

LPL, the Lord is back!

Guo Hao, who was standing in the corridor of the hospital, made all arrangements before opening the door of the ward.

Here is crowded with people from YM training department, Jackey is lying on the hospital bed with a painful expression.

"If you can't eat spicy food, don't eat spicy food!" In the connected video call, the Shiba Inu Mother was furious, "Learn others to eat spicy food, can you bear it?"

The man hid behind the phone and handed the stage to Shiba Inu.

Jackey, who had eaten 7 Hotpot meals in the past 10 days, clutched his stomach without saying a word, and hid his head under the quilt, trying to avoid Mother's chase.

Guo Hao hurriedly came forward to apologize when he saw this. The YM wave was too much these days. Everyone acted separately during the day and only reported when they returned to the hotel at night.

He didn't expect Jackey to be so crazy. Although the Players are all adults, after all, they were all internet addicted teenagers before, and it is easy to get out of them without supervision.

Jackey originally had stomach problems, and the hot and spicy Chongqing Hotpot directly caused him gastroenteritis.

Something happened in the middle of the night yesterday, and several teammates rushed him to the hospital. They didn't sleep well all night, and now GimGoon and Little Tian are still sitting on the chairs and dozing off.

Jackey Mother had a face-to-face life. Starting from how difficult it was for his parents to grow up, she almost moved the Shiba Inu with the weeping bitter tears and vowed never to eat hot pot again.

After hanging up the video call, Shiba Inu just finished his performance, and his head came out of the quilt.

"What about the two weeks of competition?" Jackey listened to the doctor's diagnosis. It is best to hang water for three days and then recuperate for two weeks.

"Let Xiang Brother go up, it's okay." Guo Hao showed Heshan's expression and stroked Nasus with his palm.

Jackey panicked.

The usurper is here!

"I can go back in a week!" Jackey quickly promised.

Guo Hao refused, "No, the doctor told you to rest for two weeks, then two weeks."

He must threaten Shiba Inu’s original stability as a substitute. The starting position gives Jackey a long memory. Such unrestrained behavior will not only harm his body, but also delay Club's performance.

Fortunately, it is now Spring Split. If this happens in the world competition, the efforts of hundreds of people up and down in the Club for a year may be in vain.

Finally, a staff member of the training department was left to accompany in Chongqing, and the rest took Corki back to Shanghai. After a short relaxation, they had to prepare for the upcoming battle intensively in order to save Work hard for the regular season rankings.

The news of Jackey's illness spread quickly. Some netizens snapped photos of YM when they returned to Shanghai, and found that one of the team members was missing, which immediately caused an uproar in the major E-sports forums.

[Where did you go? Go on strike? ]

[Can’t you go back to your hometown to visit relatives? It’s just that you don’t go all the way with teammate]

[The New Year’s Eve is nearly three weeks away, but now you have to take a vacation if you just come back to work? Do you think of this river? ]

[After asking, Jackey has been thrown into the pot by YM]

The topic has been completely biased here, and the netizens have started to do things again.

[It’s true, I’m the pot]

[The meat is so fragrant, the kids next door are crying...I’m the cinnamon in the pot]

This post from Anti-Pressure Bar has received more than a thousand responses in one night, and it has become popular.

YM operations can only send a Weibo message, informing the news of Jackey's illness and recuperation and Lin Weixiang coming off the bench to calm the fans.

But many people feel that YM is forced to change this time to be cool.

Because the next enemy they face is IG.


Friday, March 16.

This is the last match day of the LPL in version 8.2. Tomorrow the Professional League will skip 8.3 and transition directly to 8.4. That is a routine major version update before the midseason.

And today the client has launched version 8.5, and the 140th hero of LOL, Kai'Sa, the daughter of the void, joined the battle.

As the daughter of Kassadin, she has similar evolutionary characteristics to Kha'Zix, and possesses attributes such as advancement, AOE, long-distance consumption, stealth, etc. It is extremely perfect and powerful. The mechanism is here, Lin Ran feels that as long as the value is not ridiculously cut, the hero can always play.

When the time comes Bottom Lane, the ecological environment will definitely change again.

But these things are not something YM has to worry about now. At this time, they are fighting a desperate battle with IG.

Shanghai’s sky is dimming, the stars are langlang, the lights are beginning to shine, and the lights of the Oriental Pearl Tower not far away are dazzling; the warm spring breeze gently blows the Huangpu River, with fresh water vapor assaults the senses, and the fragrance of the late spring season Mix together, and one bite is refreshed.

A good spring is not as good as a dream...

But in the Grand Plaza LPL competition venue, the tension and solemn atmosphere once again wrapped the backstage lounge.

Lin Weixiang took a glass of ice-cola, feeling guilt rise in the mind, no matter what, he couldn't hold it down.

Only in the first game against IG, he was very green.

The operating Varus has a good line handling. Faced with Sima old thief, he didn't fall behind, but he started to get out of touch as soon as he got to the end of the group fight.

In a group fight, he was killed 3 times, including the first time that Mid-Lane was maimed by TheShyJayce in the bushes. The shy man Flash passed the wall with a set of skills that were so smooth that he killed him. At the same time, it also helped IG accept the first Baron Nashor.

One last push group fight, Kite accidentally dropped the order and was killed by a set of injuries by Rookie Syndra.

YM is naturally impossible. In this case, YM won the game with 4 fights and 5 fights. After the one last push group fight, the only surviving Lin Ran fleshy body was disconnected and helped the team drag it down.

But in the end, Kamikochi was taken by TheShyTeleport Flash, and he switched forms and ran to Nexus. Before YM killed him, he turned on W [Super Charge] to increase the attack speed and detonated YMBase.

Damei feels that his normal performance will not be so bad. The key is that the number of times he has practiced with this group of teammates is too few. Once he gets to the group fight, he cannot find team positioning.

Teammate is also not used to protecting ADCs, and also follows Jackey's play style when he is on the court-let the shooter hit the DPS and leave peacefully, and the remaining teammates fill up the people.

As a result, Lin Weixiang, who was dissatisfied, didn't hit the DPS either. He stood too far forward and died suddenly.

"It doesn't matter if you lose," Redmi saw that everyone was a little low-willed, and quickly applauded and cheered, "We don't have to win the championship, right? Everyone should be mentally prepared."

Lin Ran also felt that Redmi was right, that's all in the regular season. Isn't it normal to lose two games? It's not that I can't afford to lose.

He can figure it out, but there are still some people who are struggling with the loss of the previous game.

Especially Lin Weixiang, if you count the S7 global finals, YM has already won more than 20 small win streak games. This defeat interrupted the team’s win streak record. He apologized. responsibility.

"Mainly..." Little Tian scratched his hair and asked, "It is acceptable to lose, but we have to learn something?"

"Because of us When the time comes, is it so difficult to play with IG in the playoffs?"

After Redmi heard Jiang Chenglu’s translation, nodded signaled that he understood, and then he Turned his head and looked towards Little Tian.

"In this way, let's change our strategy in the next game, and don't try to play the early attack," Redmi pondered for two seconds, "Try to delay as far as possible."

"Drag? "Liu Qiusong doesn't understand, "What do you mean?"

"I will get you the mid-term hero, and then fight the late-stage group fight." At this time, Tengjing staff has come to inform them to come on stage, "turn Line play operation."

"Can this work?" Lin Ran didn't want to understand. They are obviously a team with the core offense in the early stage. What kind of late line change is playing?

People are always trying to avoid weaknesses. Is this the opposite of Redmi?

"If you say, let YM and IG play the early game, what chance do you have?" Redmi took the notebook and left the lounge with the team members, still asking Lin Ran on the way.

"Hmm..." Lin Ran thought a little, "Let's open at five or five."

His laning alone is similar to today's Rookie, wandering support awareness and group fight Handling should be stronger; Top Lane GimGoon is more general in the early stage. Fuck people are strong in their resistance to pressure in the early stage. In the middle and late stage of the group fight, they will be full of damage. The ability of the laning stage is not as good as TheShy...

After two years of training, the Garlic King Ba is better than King Ning, but the strength is limited. The latter is now a gradually raised Jungle star of Alliance, and the early rhythm driving ability is also quite fierce.

If Bottom Lane has Jackey, they can really try to attack IG. After all, Mid & Jungler has three-way advantage, and Top Laner Fuck people only need to resist the pressure.

But now that Lin Weixiang is on the court, the early strength of the two sides has suddenly become a balance of power. IG has the advantage of the upper and lower sides, and YM is stronger at Mid & Jungler.

Normally, Mid & Jungler has a stronger ability to drive the map radiation in the early stage, but it is afraid of changes.

Once the battle is not ended immediately and dragged to Top Lane TheShy and Bottom Lane Sima old thief rushed to the battlefield, they would be finished.

For example, in the previous game, it was the result of no win in the previous match. This strategy, regardless of winning or losing, the bloody level of the game is full, and the end is very fast.

Redmi heard Lin Ran’s answer and nodded said: “It’s about the same as I thought, so it’s not safe to play the early offense, and everyone is not sure of winning.”

"But what about the later stage of the game?" The garlic head in front of him lifted the curtain of the entrance aisle, and Redmi narrowed his eyes slightly to adapt to the swaying bright light on the stage.

"YM is not familiar, but neither will IG," Jiang Chenglu translated Redmi's words, "It's only the regular season, we don't need to expose too much."

Lin Ran heard that it was nodded again and again.

As everyone knows, the IG team is famous for not being able to play late. It has been since the era of prostitution and Gemini, and it has not been possible since the arrival of the coal mining brother of Cakao and Rookie. Changed.

Until now TheShy, King Ning and Rookie, the three brats have become two-star braves. The opponents in the early stage dared to look at him, and IG went up and slapped-what do you look at?

This aggressive Squad style has become a brand on their bodies, which will never fade through the vicissitudes of life.

But IG also thought about changing.

When EDG ruled LPL with Korean-style operations improved by learning, many clubs were trying to learn, and IG management was one of them.

After trying for a season, there was no improvement. They thought it was a coaching problem.

But how many Team Coaches have been changed every term? Has it changed? Change the soup without changing the medicine.

IG is exactly the same as EDG in some aspects. The management always wants to improve and enrich the game, but they never understand—as long as they don’t leave, no matter how many players or coaches this Club changes, It's useless.

Redmi stepped up the steps and continued to explain to Lin Ran.

"It just happens to try the IG's early offensive quality in the late stage of the delay to see how fierce it is; and if it can be dragged to the later stage, the competition is the vision of both parties and the group fight formation. I and the dog It is convenient for Ba to study the video, and I will definitely find their weaknesses."

Lin Ran gave him a thumbs up after listening to Redmi's words, so dirty.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the 2018LPLSpring Split. The second round of the contest between the Western leader IG and the Eastern leader YM is coming soon!"

Commentary dolls on stage Speaking loudly, Teng Jing gave enough face to the fight for the name of the stuff. In addition to the doll, there are Mille and I remember the two.

This trio is already regarded as the most luxurious commentary team composition of Tengjing in 2018. The audience is full of seats. The audience is waving cheer banners and light sticks. There are also non-girl fans holding tablets and scrolling. The subtitles are written with high expectations for the Player.

From [Lin Ran usually remember to drop more eyes Potion] to [Liu Qiusong, stop scolding teammate], most of them are YM fans at a glance.

However, IG supporters still account for a small portion. Last year, IG relied on the pleasing early offense to attract many fans. In addition to the original team fango son, the number of fans now is quite large.

The home team they supported won in the last game, and at this time it is even more powerful than it can be!

There was even more noise in the live broadcast of the game. The dog’s son usually kept silent, but their legends were everywhere in the rivers and lakes.

Now that IG won the first game, they took the opportunity to jump out and start to take the rhythm.

[LWX? Come to Wanxiang! ]

[The sudden death of Varus in the last game really made me laugh. Is this the champion ADC? ]

[Here I suggest that Jackey and Lin Weixiang publish a book-"The years I was an ADC at YM and died suddenly"]

[There is also a gap between champion AD, right? Smiled brothers]

[Which level you still choose Vayne Skin? It’s not too late to give the Skin back to Little Doge, Uzi will definitely forgive you]

It’s probably too obvious to reverse the string. RNG fans will soon end up with the dog son, but the dog son has always insisted The principle of'not only likes to cause trouble, but also afraid of trouble'”, as soon as RNG fans started to tear up the game, they immediately persuaded.

They hid among the masses, put on another layer of skin and pointed at the Imperial Family fans and said: Look at him, he is in a hurry!

Until the start of the second round of BP, the barrage rhythm finally stopped for a while.

"The IG team took advantage of the priority to select the sides and got the Blue Team, and the first ban position was given to Jarvan IV!"

Redmi saw this ban position arrangement, suddenly Just laughed.

Obviously, Kim Jeong-soo obviously still thinks that YM will play against them in the early and mid-term, and the banned hero is also the hero version that Xiaoyan is good at.

"Keep Zoe banned, there is no need to release it." He told GimGoon that this powerful hero and several LPL first-rate Mid Laner will use it... but there seem to be exceptions.

Zoe’s strong point was in the early and mid-term, until the start of the 3-piece frontal group fight, she was considered a top Mid Laner hero, E [hypnotic bubble] and Q [flying star chaos] touch The award ability is too strong, and I have been given an extremely important task in the Professional arena where communication and cooperation are more tacit.

IG’s second ban was given to Liu Qiusong’s Thresh; while Redmi banned Sima’s old thief’s signature hero Jin. Redmi felt that the difficulty of BO3 lies in Bottom Lane, and Lin Weixiang must play his role. Normal level is good.

"The last ban in the first round, IG banned Ekko!" Remember to laugh, "It seems that Rookie still has to take Syndra in this round?"

And he guessed It's exactly the same. After Redmi banned Alistar, Kim Jeong-soo grabbed Syndra in the Blue Team.

Rookie is proficient in addition to two goals and one Ji, Ekko is also very proficient. Assassin also single-handedly killed a fat general who like the sun at high noon.

He naturally knew that this hero restrained Syndra. As long as he was slammed into his face, it would be a set of white prostitutes, and it would be difficult for Syndra to fight back.

If you deal with other Mid Laner, Rookie is confident to use Syndra to control Ekko, but the ID of Mid Laner on the opposite side is really ridiculous.

Just in case, it's safer to be banned.

On the other side, Lin Ran is discussing with Redmi what hero to choose. He still holds Rumble in his hand. This hero is not bad in the face of Syndra formidable power.

Redmi recorded the opponent’s BP in the notebook, "Don’t use Rumble, remember the Rumble system we tested the last two days? This card will be released in the playoffs. I will try to give You take Orianna."

"...Alright." Lin Ran warms up the baby. He knows that the task of this game is to test the details of IG, and there is no need to compete in the regular season.

"YM used to sell Xia Luo directly!" Mille was not surprised, "It seems that this is to improve Lin Weixiang's fault tolerance rate. After all, Xia has the Ultimate, and the group fight self-protection ability is quite strong. "

Kim Jeong-soo also knows that YM wants to protect Bottom Lane. Naturally, he will not let his opponent do as he wants. In the first round of the second and third selections, he won the current Bottom Lane T1 combination of Varus and Braum. Carrying can fight, small-scale group fight battle strength is quite powerful.

"Little Tian, ​​take Olaf." Redmi also knows that it is impossible to get five mid-to-late heroes for YM. Someone must be responsible for buffering the team in the early and mid-term, and slowly transition to the mid-to-late group fight. .

"In this way, it is possible for the other side to come out Zac, GimGoon, you should not be able to choose Gangplank."

Zac, the hero controls too much, and it’s easy to catch Top Lane with more vision. , Playing a Gangplank without displacement is easy to raise a dad.

"It's okay," GimGoon is very optimistic. If he took Gangplank, if the opposite of TheShy took out the disgusting monster like Jayce, he would be more uncomfortable playing when the time comes. "I play Is Aoun all right?"

"Okay, give you the counter, you can take it if you are confident." Redmi smiled.

In this game, he deliberately released the sheep Uncle in the Red Team.

Redmi is eager for TheShy to play sheep, so the offensive pressure on the GimGoon and YM teams will be much smaller.

But Kim Jeong-soo was obviously not fooled. It was really a waste of Top Laner, who was full of innate talents in the team, to play tank hero.

Not only that, in the second round of BP, he still did not disable Aoun, and he clearly wanted to give it to YM.

He has his own ideas.

Now YMJungler Olaf +Bottom Lane Charo, if Jackey is in YM, Coach Kim will definitely ban Aoun, but Lin Weixiang is on the field now.

The last game was Lin Weixiang's debut in the 2018 LPL Spring Split. His performance can only be described as horrible. Normally he is a war criminal. Kim Jeong-soo feels that this person is not a concern.

This means that YM has a C-level DPS point that cannot be guaranteed. If GimGoon chooses Aoun again, the DPS pressure of this team composition will be concentrated on Lin Ran.

According to common sense, this team composition is malformed and unhealthy.

Kim Jeong-soo deliberately left this pit to YM to see if they can jump.

"YM took the Orianna Demon," the doll screamed, "Brother Ran is very stable."

On the other side, IG took Top Laner Jayce and Jungler Zac. Jayce and Syndra have the right to the two routes, which will greatly ease the pressure on King Ning in Jungle.

"YMTop Laner counter, Lulu should be Liu Qiusong playing with it... Finally, I still have to take Aoun!"

Remember to look at the ten heroes that both sides have locked.

Blue Team IG: Top Laner Jayce, Jungler Zac, Mid Laner Syndra, Bottom Lane Varus +Braum.

Red Team YM: Top Laner Aoun, Jungler Olaf, Mid Laner Orianna, Bottom Lane Charo.

He frowned, "Will the YM team composition be too dragged? The entire upper half has no line rights. Olaf can only rely on Charo in the early stage."

"This is really extremely stress-resistant," Mille also felt a little outrageous, but he couldn't say much at this time, "YM team composition, as long as it survives 30 minutes, it will be a strong period."

But the question is, will a team like IG drag YM to 30 minutes?

The barrage masters began to express their opinions.

[YM didn't win the first half of the last game, so did it start to persuade you? ]

[Served, I thought it was EDG after covering the ID]

[What is the mid to late stage? Isn't it fragrant to continue fighting? ]

[Don’t be embarrassed, you brought Wan Xiang to fight with IG? If you don't pay attention, the ADC will die in minutes to show you]

Lin Weixiang looked at the screen that was about to read Summoners Rift, his eyes lost, and his fingers unconsciously pulled the warm baby.

"You will be steady in this game," Redmi is still teaching, "We need your late DPS."

Lin Weixiang is just nodded and did not say anything.

"Brother Xiang, don't be nervous," Lin Ran looked sideways, "Why don't you talk?"

Lin Weixiang blinked and changed the subject, "No, I'm just here. I wonder if my luck can be better."

"For example, three-piece Flash forward and hit three critical strikes with Xia."

Liu Qiusong let out a sneer," Are you dreaming? Don’t think about pig nose."

Lin Weixiang feels that discussing this issue with teammate can ease his nervousness. "It’s not too difficult, right? If a three-piece suit is used, the crit rate should be... …"

"If there is still a scene on Jackey, don't think about it." Liu Qiusong slapped Brother with a hand.

"Why?" Big Eyebrow asked the bottom.

"Because..." Liu Qiusong adjusted his sitting posture, licking his lips, "Good luck will not favor fools."

The other three teammates laughed heartily, even those behind him The female referee also lived in Bengbu, with a bright smile on her lips.

Lin Weixiang's head is not very bright, he turned this sentence in his head twice, only to realize that this person was cursing himself.

"Liu Qiusong, do you want to die?" If it weren't for the camera, he would definitely pay the price for the torn wound.

However, between gags, Lin Weixiang's inner tension was also wiped out.

Are you stable?

It's not impossible...

His eyes suddenly brightened up, and Summoners Rift appeared in front of him!

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