"Condi immediately handed in Flash, it can actually run!" The director footage gave a replay, and the doll felt that she had found a blind spot.

"But a half-blooded Sejuani saw Lee Sin touch his eyes and handed Flash over, is it a bit unrealistic..." Mille chuckled.

The white crescent in the WE lounge has more information than the two commentaries on the stage.

He knew that this was a problem with Condi's route to the wild. Both sides had the strength of Mid & Jungler. As long as Condi was caught by Little Tian, ​​he would have lost.

The point is, how did Condi dared to formulate the brush wild from the red BUFF all the way up?

Little Tian can't figure it out, neither can the white crescent moon.

Is it right, what went wrong?

"You're sober!" White Crescent roared, he was anxious to death, looking a bit like an emoji.

But Mr. Kang would definitely not hear it. After his resurrection, he did not dare to go to the upper half again, riding a Poro pig to the stone armor insect camp below.

Mid Lane's Xiye has suffered. How can he beat Ryze with a double BUFF in hand? I was accidentally clicked, and the burning effect of the red buff made him very uncomfortable.

Lin Ran knows that Condi Sejuani does not have Flash now, and the impossible catch without reaching Level 6 makes his play more rampant.

With Blue Buff, he uses double E [spell surging] to spread the surging effect to the creep line, a Q [overload] hits a high range of damage, and at the same time gains a shield And acceleration effect.

Lin Ran stepped forward quickly and confronted Xiye again.

In fact, it was Xiye's unilateral beating. He was able to shatter Lin Ran’s shield with a Q [phosphorescent bomb], and then Ryze pointed out AWQA, and his HP dropped by 13 in an instant. many.

At the same time, the phase rush effect was triggered, Lin Ran carried the remaining 3 WE minions and continued to move forward, making it clear that he would chase all the way.

E [spell surge] hang up, hit an overload, and by the way make up a general attack, Xiye HP was reduced to less than 30%.

"This must be recalled back to base," the doll sighed, "Xiye only ate 4 waves of soldiers, so there shouldn't be much Gold Coin on him..."

Xiye farming After passing the basic skills, the 4 waves of soldiers made up 24 knives, eliminated the two bins that were missed during the support, and all the rest were in the bag.

With the economy and the salary paid by the system, Xiye has about 750 Gold Coin in his backpack, which can buy Longsword + Red Inhibitor.

But he did not choose to recall back to base as the doll said.

Because the game time is only 3 minutes and 30 seconds, we will arrive at Mid Lane's creep line, which is a short line without Cannon Minion pawns.

In this kind of creep line situation, if you recall back to base, it is blood loss. The normal online player will not choose to return to Fountain at this point in time for replenishment.

Once you recall back to base and you don’t have Cannon Minion pawns to cover, your opponent’s line pushing speed will be quite fast, taking advantage of the recall back to base gap to push all the creep lines under the tower.

And the opponent did not have a Cannon Minion with skin is rough, flesh is thick to resist the Defensive Turret shelling, which caused the Defensive Turret to clear the minions very quickly.

recall back to base means losing a whole wave of creep lines.

In the early stage, although the loss of experience and economy of a wave of soldiers could not keep up with a single kill, it was also very hurtful.

Naturally, Xiye will not leave Mid-Lane. He called Condi to help push the line and survive the Fifth Wave pawns. Before the Sixth Wave Cannon Minion pawns arrive, he will get a recall back to base time node.

But the commentary certainly can't understand it. They thought that the Gold Coin in Xiye's backpack was not enough to recall back to base to make up the equipment they wanted, so they shook somebody to help launch the creep line.

The moment Lin Ran saw Condi appearing in Mid Lane's, he immediately flagged a signal to inform Little Tian.

The Garlic King has finished eating the wild monsters in the first half of WE, and has recalled back to base to supply equipment.

Originally, he was about to come to the lower half of his side to play wild, he temporarily changed his mind and rushed to Bottom Lane to start a gank.

WE uses the Bottom Lane combination of EZ and Alistar to have no line rights at all. Jackey and Liu Qiusong easily pushed the creep line under the WE tower.

"Xiaosuo appeared from behind the tower, Liu Qiusong got the hook!"

The WE duo has been forced to a dead end under the tower, Liu Qiusong went directly out of Q, and Ben took a step forward , Helped Big Uncle take control, and at the same time, an Ignite mark appeared on the top of his head.

At the same time, Top Lane 957resonant shine Teleport!

"Come slowly," Jackey yelled in his voice, "Cheat him out of the aftershocks first!"

Sure enough, Ben, who wanted to survive, used Q Flash, the target is Liu Qiusong who resists the tower!

He is still very detailed and useless WQ-after all, Pro Player Flash hiding from Alistar is a basic operation. In contrast, Flash Q's response time is much shorter.

"Alistar pushed Thresh into the Defensive Turret, but the damage was a bit worse!"

Ben had aftershocks, and Liu Qiusong also had them. The dual resistance to increase the hardtop damage was also exhausted.

"Jackey gave Heal, Liu Qiusong carried Ignite on top of his head, and handed Flash residual blood out of the tower," Mille said quickly, "Sonic Wave successfully hit Alistar!"

The aftershock effect disappears and Alistar becomes extremely fragile. Even if Big Uncle gives Heal, the Ignite serious injury effect is here, and the amount of recovery is quite poor.

Xiaosuo second stage Q combined with heavenly thunder break and general attack, electric shock and Jackey Jhin's fourth shot to kill, Liu Qiusong Ignite hurt Alistar's head!

"Retreat!" Xiao Yan fought the tower twice, and W touched Liu Qiusong to retreat successfully.

"I can't wait for 957Teleport to land at all. It takes too long to guide the landing in 4.5 seconds!" The doll shouted, "EZDPS is also a bit outrageous!"

The disadvantage of the omen is that there is no DPS in the early stage, and none of the innate talents is helpful for the early battle strength.

With this version of Huang Mao W, the attack speed is still increased, relying on Q and basic attack burst damage is extremely low.

"Except for EZFlash, all the other skills are handed in." Liu Qiusong pa pa pa typed and recorded the opponent's summoner skill time.

Lin Ran glanced at him and gave up the idea of ​​recalling back to base to make up Goddess' tears. Anyway, his double BUFF has not disappeared, and he continues to mix lines in Mid-Lane.

On the other side, Xiye has already pushed the line to recall back to base with the help of Condi, Lin Ran is not in a hurry, slowly hoarding the creep line.

As usual, kill the back row soldiers first, and let the front melee creeps with higher HP get stuck in the creep line position.

So slowly hoarding, about when the 8-9th creep line arrives, it will be pushed under the opponent's tower with an unstoppable force.

Lin Ran deliberately got stuck in this way, because he will rise to Level 6 by then.

This is an excellent time node for wandering.

Xiye Corki’s explosives package will take 8 minutes to pick up, and 957 Shen’s Teleport is also in Cooldown.

In other words, when Lin Ran reaches Level 6, no one can stop Lin Ran from supporting.

"GimGoon, can you push the line slowly?" Lin Ran thought for a while and said, "During the ninth wave, it's better to push the creep line a little bit past, as long as you don't enter the tower."

"Um...I will give it a try, it should be no problem." GimGoon replied after hesitating for two seconds.

Jungler is not Gank, Gangplank is still relatively easy to play cautiously, after all, Ju'zi can solve the taunt, and with the explosive barrel under his feet, Gangplank can pull it wanton.

GimGoon even carried a sign of theft in this round, which was used to increase his growth rate. The line right is now completely in his hand.

The task assigned to him by Lin Ran is not too difficult. The Fuck guys also try to move forward slowly.

And Xiye returned to Mid-Lane again with Longsword + Red Inhibitor + Vision Ward. The battle strength has improved to a certain extent, but Lin Ran did not dare to go forward and change his blood after a glance.

Because the creep line strength gap is really too big, Xiye roughly estimated that the damage caused by his own general attack could not keep up with the round of fires launched by this group of small soldiers on him.

"Come and handle the creep line for me!" Xiye began to shake Jungler.

He thinks something is weird. The Gold Coin on Lin Ran, who is out of the Blue Inhibitor, is long enough to make Goddess tears.

I didn’t recall back to base before. It can be said that I wanted to suppress myself with double BUFF. Now I have recalled back to base and replenish it once. Does Ryze still rely on Mid-Lane?

Although Lin Ran still has more than half of his blood and the amount of blue is healthy, Ryze, the hero, eats the molding time of Kayle's rod. It stands to reason that the sooner you make Goddess tears, the better.

To Xiye, Lin Ran now has doubts all over his body. He wants to call Condi to help, at least to stop his opponent's intention to push the line.

But when Condi rushed to Mid-Lane, the eighth wave of creep line had reached Mid-Lane.

Lin Ran shrank in the middle of a bunch of melee soldiers, making WEMid & Jungler afraid to do it to himself, operating Ryze two E [spell surge] to hit the same minion. After the surge effect spreads, it will be overloaded. It detonates!

With the help of your own creep line, you can easily push the Cannon Minion creep line into the WEDefensive Turret!

At the moment when the last soldier was killed, Lin Ran successfully rose to Level 6.

Originally, the single-player experience was fully upgraded to Level 6 and needed to kill the first pawn of the ninth wave of minions, but Lin Ran previously had the experience of first blood and Blue Buff, which led to the time for him to level up. Point ahead!

"Ran turned his head and walked down. After Little Tian finished brushing his own front beak and went down to Bottom Lane!" Mille looked at the small map from the perspective of God, where the signal had been corrupted by YM. , One by one "on the way" hit the faces of Big Uncle and Ben!

And Xiye and Condi were immediately reminding their duo when they saw Lin Ran moving to Bottom Lane.

"Ben and mystic are already retreating," the doll stared at the screen given by the director, "but it's a bit late!"

This version of Ryze Level 1 R【 Realm Warp] The range is 1750 yards. When Lin Ran walks to the bottom edge of the WE red BUFF camp, he turns on Ultimate. The Teleport array just seals the middle of Bottom Lane and Second Turret.

Big Uncle and Ben can only return to the tower and continue to shut themselves down.

Except for EZ which has Flash, the other three summoner skills are all in Cooldown. How do they live?

"What about teammate?" Big Uncle couldn't help complaining in Korean after asking for help from teammate, "Help!"

Although this is not Big Uncle's The original word, but Korean wide-ranging and profound, translates almost exactly that way.

But no one can help them now. Condi and Xiye are still helping to clear the line in Mid-Lane, and Top Lane's 957 has not yet reached Level 6!

After GimGoon learned Condi's location information, he firmly suppressed the creep line in front of Tower 957.

This caused YM's 9th wave of Top Lane creep line to move longer than usual, and it took more time.

Theoretically, the creep line will converge in the center of Top Lane in 5 minutes and 37 seconds, but due to the advance of the creep line transfer position, the time for 957 to eat the YM creeps will be delayed!

It's such a few seconds gap, so that 957 has no way to rise to Level 6 to support Bottom Lane!

On the other side, Little Tian rushed to the last moment of the formation of the Teleport formation, W touched Lin Ran's side and caught the last train to Bottom Lane.

"WEBottom Lane is standing under the tower and waiting to die," Mille glanced at the status bar and knew the situation roughly, "It depends on how the heads are allocated..."

Jackey took a deep Breath, the dignity of being an ADC made him apply and wanted to eat these two heads, but Lin Ran ruthlessly rejected it.

"Don't eat, don't eat!" Mid Laner Oldest Big Brother said righteously, "Jin eats who's head? Who can you move in a group fight?"

Jackey like this Look, Opposite Top Laner Shin and Sejuani are both very frank front row, while Corki and EZ in the back can't be touched.

As a Jhin, his group fight mission seems to be group fight to open Ultimate to keep people.

"That's for you." Shiba Inu compromised.

"Brother Ran collects two more heads, this Bottom Lane tower can still grind half of the HP!" Mille was very excited, "What equipment can Ryze recall back to base with three heads make?"

The audience looked at the data panel and witnessed Lin Ran pulling out his equipment like a magic trick.

Goddess Tears, Aeons Catalyst Stone, Boots of Speed ​​and Killing Ring!

"My dear, this equipment returns to Mid-Lane, Xiye can't control him at all!" The doll utterly praised.

The Xiye people were about to vomit. He touched Lin Ran twice and was shielded by Ryze's backhand EWQ. The life regeneration provided by the lunch box quickly pulled HP up.

How to play this?

After Ryze took off his Blue Buff in the early 8 minutes, the Mid-Lane situation has completely lost balance.

Lin Ran didn't try to kill at all. He was just two E's to get the spreading effect, and then an overload cleaned up the minions, and immediately left the line to engage in Condi.

Fighting should be dedicated to finding the opponent's wound, tear the wound to win.

Lin Ran knows that Mr. Kang is not in good condition today, so naturally he will not let this opportunity pass.

Condi rode a pig around Jungle in the second half, but the barren here is silly to him.

What is it?

Where is my monster?

He was at a loss, and the mouse unconsciously stayed at the original place twice before trying to understand that his wild monsters were all cleaned by the opponent.

[What a miserable Sejuani! ]

[I have to say, Ryze is really fast to swipe the wild, this F6 is gone in the blink of an eye]

[What else is this developing? 】

Condi is also very curious about this problem, and now he is far away from the Jungler Slag.

Although I helped Xiye push two waves of creep lines back and forth, sharing a lot of experience, but he is not Graves, and playing Sejuani can’t be shy, right?

Without soldiers and no monsters, where does his economy come from?

Lin Ran is full and returns to Mid-Lane again to push the line. Blue Buff + Goddess tears and the blue volume of the lunch box allow him to have unlimited battery life.

Xiye now has to stay in Mid-Lane as a Wraith even if he takes the explosive pack, to deal with the continuously creep line.

However, Wang Tsai obviously understands this, he simply keeps the explosive kit and picks it up when he needs it.

"No chance," the doll couldn't help sighing, "Rift Herald is about to be born soon, will the two sides have a wave of group fights here?"

Xiye pushes a wave of Cannon Minion creep line recall back to base, makes up the glare to synthesize the net erosion, and then picks up the explosive pack.

The bombing warning sounded through Summoners Rift, and Kutcher drove a Corki full of ammunition to the line!

"Here is coming..." Mille was still a little confused, "but now the economic gap between the two sides is quite large, is WE sure to take this wave of Herald group fight?"

Lin Ran I also feel that the opponent won't pick it up, even if WE comes, he is not afraid, Ultimate has turned around for the better, and is ready to retreat at any time.

Xiye's target is indeed not Rift Herald, he took it directly with the explosive bag!

"Alistar Flash WQ second company got up and the Corki special express rushed in!"

In the rumbling sound, Jackey HP kept dropping, Liu Qiusong Flash ran away and turned away. Lantern down.

But the three eye positions of the two fakes and one real were inserted in an instant!

"I can't make it easy!" Jackey sighed with helpless emotions, and he was dead on the spot!

"You catch me Bottom Lane, I will overhand you Top Laner!" The doll became excited, "Ryze Ultimate took Lee Sin to Top Lane!"

GimGoon Gangplank Ultimate smashed The slow speed limits the pace of 957's retreat. Lin Ran's landing is the EW connection imprisonment control. Little Tian easily hits the skill, and the head is finally taken by the Fuck.

"Should Herald be released?" Little Tian helped intercept WETop Lane creep line.

"No, let's push normally. It's faster than them." Lin Ran glanced at Bottom Lane, and after a little estimation, he knew that he was faster here.

After all, I am Turret, and the creep line is now under the tower; Xiye is a halfway interception, and the creep line is still close to WEDefensive Turret.

In this case, there is no need to use Herald at all, Lin Ran is still very useful.

"The two sides exchanged a tower, but YM earned more first blood tower bounty..." Mille glanced at it twice, "The next point is how WE defends Herald and advances!"

Liu Qiusong bought five-speed shoes and started walking directly.

The next tower pushed down by the three in WE, but indirectly liberated him. At this time, he seized the opportunity and hurried to other places.

Lin Ran took the Herald BUFF around Mid-Lane, and after the Bottom Lane Defensive Turret was destroyed, Big Uncle ran over.

Ezreal's tower defense ability is still guaranteed, and Lin Ran has never found a suitable opportunity to cast Herald.

Seeing the time passing by, Lin Ran felt that he should take the initiative to find the rhythm, otherwise the Rift Herald, as the YM coaching staff said, can only hit one head, which is of little value.

"Come with me and continue to enter Jungle, catch this Sejuani!" Lin Ran took Liu Qiusong and Little Tian, ​​and the three of them wandered around, putting all their eyes on the WEJungle camp, and looking at them. Light up.

Condi people are going to faint. He doesn't dare to enter Jungle now, so he can only drag Ben's Alistar and walk with him.

These two people are very controllable, but they didn't hurt, and Xiye's Corki just made three items. In order to protect his own Jungle's Jungle, he was forced to follow along in Jungle.

Lin Ran saw the appearance of Jungler & Support in WE, and immediately changed his tactics.

"Drag him, drag him!" He told teammate, while running back.

"YMThresh and Lee Sin are standing in front of harassment, WE has nothing to do with them!"

Alistar Flash used it in the last wave of Jackey, which led to him being harassed by YMJungler & Support Pulling crazy; Condi threw away Ultimate of fly into a rage out of humiliation, but Little Tian sees through the shaking motion before raising his hand, and easily touches Thresh to escape.

"But Ezreal is also on the way to ride, WE wants to encircle the YM three!"

But the two commentaries soon discovered that one person was missing in the battlefield!

"Ran ran away alone...what is he doing?"

The audience can feel the confusion through Mille's voice.

But shortly afterwards, Ryze Ryze raised his arm and started to do it. With a boring twitch, Rift Herald was born!

"Come, come, get in the car!" Lin Ran saw Jungle & Support leaning over, opened the rune book, and slapped hard on the ground. The rune array was instantly generated, another Teleport of Realm Warp The location is right at Mid-Lane!

Ben also wanted to step forward to interrupt Lin Ran Ultimate, and was kicked directly by Little Tian with the tail of the raptor.

"Jane Jianjian!" Liu Qiusong dropped Lantern and shouted.

"Little Tian and Liu Qiusong got on the last train to Mid Lane's at the last moment!"

Together with Jungler & Support from YM, they rushed to Mid Lane's, and one Rift Herald who is huge and ugly!

"Herald was also passed by Teleport, and Jungle & Support in YM moved to mid first turret!"

Ezreal of Big Uncle has come to Jungle, and he didn’t expect YM at all. He actually played a trick and slammed him out of Mid-Lane!

"Herald hit the WEmid first turret, and the three DPS began to demolish the tower frantically!"

Amid the roar of the commentary, the noise of the auditorium became more exaggerated!

Before the WE everyone rushed back to Mid-Lane from Jungle, a tower had been destroyed, Rift Herald took two steps forward, twisted his butt and hit the Second Turret in WE again!

"WE has a blood loss!" The doll looked at Rift Herald who had completed her mission and was finally cleared by Xiye, "Herald hit twice, and the upper and lower outer towers are also at risk!"

GimGoon A man pressed 957 in Bottom Lane, and used Q to steal money from time to time; Jackey was a lonely man pushing the line and dismantling the tower, no one cared about him at all.

"YM pretended to be Jungle to attack, but actually tried to dismantle the tower very successfully. WE was so dizzy!"

【Is this brain still playing operations? I want to laugh]

[Why do I think WE operations can’t beat YM? This Ryze brought a Herald and they ruined their show]

[Is this the result of the exchange of teams between White Crescent and Redmi? I can only say that there is a gap between champion coaches]

[What kind of pot can be given to coaches? Condi played like a man today? It's almost given away! 】

The barrage is noisy, but YM's advantage is still expanding. At 22 minutes of the game, the head ratio of the two sides was 11:4, and the economic gap was 6.5k.

This economic gap is much lower than YM's previous games, but Lin Ran is very at ease.

This kind of snowball rolls without any burden. Originally, soldiers used dangerous moves during the YM game. Although the potential benefits are very exaggerated, the risks are also not small.

Redmi and Gouba made adjustments to their early snowball ability after their arrival.

Let them not be overly aggressive and show a weak spot, and they will not be too conservative to start a group.

In general, it reduces revenue, but it also reduces the possibility of falling miserably in a very easy task.

"Fuck brother is alright?" Lin Ran and the teammates checked their vision near the big Dragon's Pit and asked.

"Okay, well, come, come!" GimGoon recall back to base made up Sterak's Gage. He didn't use pure DPS to stream Gangplank. After all, the overall team composition of his side is crisp, and the proper flatness is very good. necessary.

"Gangplank 1Level 3, YM should be waiting for this key level node!" After seven or eight minutes of dullness, the doll finally cheered up, "Both directions are closer to Dragon's Pit!"

Corki’s warning of picking up the explosives bag resounded throughout the audience, Xiye is now a two-piece suit, and Kutcher is stepping towards his own battle strength peak step by step!

YMteam positioning is very fast. After all, it has a certain advantage in the early stage. The field of vision is almost like the faces of everyone in WE, and the road to the river is unimpeded.

While WE also needs to use scanning to provide protection for its advancement, the speed is naturally slower.

"Let’s not fight with the opposite side," Jackey suggested, "Let’s pull it!"

"I’m squatting here, you guys put people in!" GimGoon followed the creep line Push forward, ran into the grass behind the upper tower of WE, and inserted a Vision Ward to ensure that the opponent had no vision.

The whole process was silent.

"YM is here to fight Baron Nashor, and Ryze is very fast!"

When the spell machine gun faces the standing monsters, the DPS ability is quite strong, WE speeds up, but The formation is still very solid, with Big Uncle and Xiye two Carry standing at the back.

At this time, Big Uncle, through the foresight transformation, saw Baron Nashor HP keep dropping. It was inevitable that he was a little anxious and broke into the river with his teammate.

The field of vision provided by the Vision Transformation was too small. At this time, everything in Dragon's Pit was finally exposed to them.

One of the most critical messages-Gangplank is gone.

Something is wrong.

Xiye had just this idea in his mind, and a giant circle appeared under him, and the cannon barrage from the Gangplank ship covered all of WE!

next moment, the gorgeous background music plays, the sniper scope is turned on, and Jhin's Curtain Call blooms!

Ben lost an eye into the grass behind the upper tower side of his house through the partition wall. See the location of GimGoon!

"Withdrawal!" He shouted hoarsely in fluent Chinese.

But it's too late.

The gunpowder keg is placed at the feet of the WE crowd, successfully connecting with the gunpowder keg beside GimGoon!

The Blade Technique of the general attack detonates the gunpowder barrel, and the HP naked eye of the WE everyone can see the drop!

GimGoon places a dynamite bucket at the feet of the WE everyone, ready to detonate with Q!

Fortunately, Xiye and Big Uncle are fast enough to attack. They immediately raised their hands and lighted the gunpowder keg.

"WEHP is maimed, we must retreat!"

The rune Teleport array of Cham Blue blocked the way of retreat for everyone in WE!

Jackey's sniper rifle is still firing bullets, a shot of super bullets kept Alistar!

Condi stuck at the end of the Teleport array and threw Ultimate out, and 957 Shen also gave taunt simultaneously.

Lin Ran Cleanse releases the control, Flash pulls a distance to the side, and EW pushes the little Huang Mao EZ in place!

"Gangplank took away the Big Uncle with a gun!"

Ben operated Alistar and wanted WQ to fly Lin Ran, but a golden light flashed by, accompanied by a crisp ding sound When Ryze threw Q [overload], he turned into a figurine!

S8's new stopwatch with small props comes in handy at this moment!

"Xiye’s special express is under his feet, but his teammate can’t get out at all!"

Lin Ran attracted enough control and damage to let Little Tian adjust his angle, R Flash kicked Sejuani and hit Shin's body at the same time!

EZ was killed, Corki ran away, WE left three tuo meat without resistance, was harvested by Lin Ran and GimGoon!

"Why did you kill all the people?" Jackey, who is still at Dragon's Pit, was very dissatisfied. His record stayed at 0111, highlighting a mercy, my Buddha.

He watched the teammate head straight to WEBase, he could only put away the barrel, and operated Jhin limping to follow behind him, obediently and honestly as his tower demolition tool.

"YM's fishing with Baron Nashor really tricked WE into the bait!"

With more than 30 seconds of resurrection time, YMin a spurt of energy, flattening WENexus!

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