"YM has maintained their fine traditions, military training Rumble!" The doll was so excited, "Huni was hit by the control one after another, and even Flash can't be handed over!"

Lin Ran hurried to Mid-Lane after giving up his head.

Although he pushed the creep line under the Faker tower just now, after all, there is no Cannon Minion soldiers to help resist the damage. Lee Sang-hyeok's advancing speed is quite fast.

E little W, little Q, Faker squeezed the remaining blue amount and easily pushed the creep line past. With Galio's loop speed, it is estimated that he will lose 3 melee soldiers and 1 long-range soldier.

The economy provided by these 4 soldiers together is less than 100 Gold Coin, which is roughly equivalent to the assist economy that Lin Ran gets.

Lee Sang-hyeok recall back to base brows slightly wrinkle.

He began to wonder if he had brought this Cleanse wrong.

Faker was originally to protect his own DPS environment. After all, Galio's Flash taunt and Lulu's transformation are extremely restrictive against the short Lucian.

And now Lucian’s mainstream item builds are all Blade of the Ruined King-Black Cut-Firecannon-Infinity Edge. He has been working hard in the early and mid-term and has extremely high requirements for equipment update speed. If you spend 1300 Gold in the middle When Coin buys a Quicksilver Sash, he will definitely slow the pace of item build and waste his strong period.

But if he brought the Teleport just now, he would be able to protect Huni from Top Lane. At least the wave of Turret 3 packs 1YM just now would not dare to do it.

But now it's done, he can't go back in time and space to the start of the game and learn the operation of the rune War God Vietnamese crocodile.

"You can control the creep line and leave Zhongya first." Lee Sang-hyeok proposed his own solution.

The armor provided by Zhongya has a miraculous effect when laning Camile, and the 2.5-second immune golden body effect provided can also provide him with protection.

Huni complied.

"Little Peanut is not idle, he took the opportunity to go to Bottom Lane to launch a raid!"

The director switched to Bottom Lane, and was connected by wolf W[Fortitude Fortress] attached to E[ Glare]’s Little Peanut EQ stepped forward and immediately forced out Jackey and Liu Qiusong’s Flash.

But after all, there was no explosive kill. Although the YM duo was fighting pressure, because Tristana could not control the line, Jackey was able to steadily make up the tower knife under the tower Ann.

Mid-Lane lineup is as uncomfortable as ever. Although Lin Ran has a double ring to clear troops, his efficiency has improved a lot, but his frankness is not high. Lucian's face-riding skills will drop his HP. In half.

Faker relied on his own Cleanse, blatantly harassing, playing extremely arrogant, quite a bit invincible in the world in S3.

The situation of the team Lee Sang-hyeok himself knows that no matter how hard he tries now, he can't make Squad run exactly in accordance with the tactical guidelines.

This is the second time this has happened since he joined SKT.

The last time was in S4 three years ago.

At that time, Piglet, PoohManDu and Impact left one after another, and only Bengi was left beside him.

But now he doesn't even have Bengi.

Faker can only watch SKT, the invincible battleship sinking a little bit. He doesn't know when he will get old, he only knows that everyone wants to step on his corpse to ascend the throne.

Last year Lin Ran succeeded, but Faker was not reconciled.

He has never extinguished his obsession with the champion. After experiencing failure, he will only continue to whip himself, urging his body to burst out more powerful forces.

He can't control his teammate, he just wants to drag the team forward before he gets old, even if he falls, he will fall in the position closest to the trophy.

"I, Gank, a wave?" The Garlic King just got an assist, and also closed the Jungle stop loss in the first half of Peanut, and all the development of Level 2 loss was made up. At this time, he was smiling. Looking at the three roads, Lucian, who was sliding and pulling Kite's arrogance in Mid-Lane, suddenly narrowed his smile.

The whole process is similar to the classic scene of his idol Saiwen Old Ancestor.

"Wait a minute," Lin Ran is not in a hurry. Although faker has shown a strong suppressing power, he is not too afraid. "The opposite Jarvan IV may be there."

Lucian with Cleanse is quite flexible. As long as there is no error in the operation, it will not be a problem to hold up until Xiao Peanut arrives.

At this point in time, the combination of Jarvan IV and Lucian's Mid & Jungler is undoubtedly quite strong.

Lin Ran knocked off all Potion and barely maintained his HP at half blood.

With two golden lights, he and Lee Sang-hyeok have risen to Level 6 successively.

At this time, GimGoon went forward to fight against huni, and the leg blade successfully cut Rumble's mecha, but because he did not recall back to base to supply the equipment after he got the first blood, this wave of blood exchange did not make a profit. .

Level 5 Rumble has Level 3 Q [Flamespitter]. It is in its own strong period. A barbecue will turn Camile into residual blood.

"Top Lane's matchup is not very sensible, Gongzi brother is going to be forced to recall back to base..."

commentary On the stage, the doll said clear and logical.

But unfortunately, he is in First Layer.

GimGoon's exchange of blood is to lower the HP of huni and at the same time create a suitable reason for recall back to base.

Fuck people use this method to make themselves disappear from SKT's vision and hide their intentions.

And huni is in the 2nd Stacks in this wave. He believes that GimGoon lowered his status in order to continue to shake people to Turret.

Others do pretend to be more pretentious, but they are not yet sick. Although Rumble still has half HP, it is still obediently and honestly recall back to base.

First, I added up the explorer's armguards, at least to make myself look fleshy, and when huniTeleport went online, Xiao Peanut was also allowed to protect himself.

Now huni is eager to face Gank himself. Rumble, who has just reached Level 6, also wears [Explorer Armguards]. As long as YM dares Turret, he has the confidence to cooperate with Peanut to keep all his opponents here.

Little Peanut is in the third stacks. He glanced at the situation of the 3-way creep line and thought that Mid-Lane might also be caught.

He simply came to the upper half to eat the Gromp and Three Wolves refreshed by the second round, so that he can take care of the two single lines at the same time.

They all have Flash in their hands, and they can't die in a short time. Little Peanut is safe and clear.

Wolf is in the 4th Stacks. He knows that YM is very likely to be stuck at the 6th time node and decisively give up the bang and leave the line.

At this time, the Cannon Minion soldiers also just arrived at Bottom Lane. This wave of Cannon Minion creep lines pushed back can walk freely, as long as they return to Bottom Lane before the creep line enters the tower to prevent the bang from being Turreted That's it.

But SKTdidn't expect, YM is actually in the fifth layer.

Their goal is very clear, not Top Lane's Rumble, nor Mid Lane's Lucian, but Jungle's Jarvan IV!

"Camile Teleport went to the eye position of the triangular grass of Top Lane. This position was not discovered by the SKT people, and then she directly drilled into Jungle..." From the perspective of God, Mille finally realized that the problem was not right. .

"Little Tian's Gragas is also rushing into SKTJungle. Kite is very careful and seems to have insight into the position of Little Peanut!" Remember to exclaim.

The Garlic King knows that after Top Lane GimGoon's reckless and unreasonable exchange of blood, Peanut will come to the upper half no matter whether he is clearing the field or protecting the two single lines in the upper middle.

He tried to hold the time and threw a fake eye provided by a green Jungler knife into the Gromp camp.

In an instant, the originally dark area became bright and dignified, and it happened to see Jarvan IV stab the poor Gromp with the long halberd in his hand!

Little Peanut saw a false eye suddenly appeared behind him, and immediately realized that it was wrong, and instinctively handed over the Demacian Standard to the other side of the wall.

Giant dragon hit!

Demacia Jarvan IV raises the long halberd and moved towards the rapid displacement of the flag!

But even if the Jarvan IV is operated fast, the second EQ action will be stuck. At this time, Gragas's belly has already hit it!

Why is Gragas often used to play Jarvan IV in the Professional arena? One is because he also has the ability to do things at Level 2 and won’t lose too much in rhythm; the other is because Gragas E can Interrupt Jarvan IV EQ easily!

Gragas' fat body hit Jarvan IV and successfully intercepted Peanut!

"I'm Gank, you."

In the headphones, Little Peanut heard Mrs. Gray's cold and unfeeling voice. Camile used Hookshot to climb on the Jungle wall, next moment successfully connected Gragas' control and stunned him!

At the same time, an extremely wide-ranging green rune array appeared under him, and the scorching scent contained in the monstrous green flame made Peanut subconsciously want to escape.

"Galio will also be on the battlefield. Mid & Jungler on YM quickly assemble to catch the peanuts!" Remember to glance quickly on the mini map, "But there is no teammate around him to help, Wolf At this time, I rushed to the grass of the front beak bird!"

Lee Sang-hyeok was alert to YMGank himself, so he deliberately controlled the creep line under his tower.

Although this made him a lot safer, the disadvantages were also obvious. Lin Ran ran to support him after clearing the creep line.

But at this time faker saw the Galio array under Peanut, and he could roughly guess the location of Lin Ran, and he slid into the grass above.

R [The Culling] struck the river with countless light bombs, Galio's body is up ahead, and every light bomb will take away a small portion of his HP!

But the half-blooded Lin Ran is very firm, Galio leaps into the air after 1.25 seconds of guidance, and smashes into the rune array far away!

"Little Peanut is very eager to survive, he wants to delay the time when he handed over Flash..." The doll clenched a fist suddenly, "GimGoon reacts very quickly!"

In Summoners Rift, Camile became unavailable in the air, and succeeded in keeping up with Jarvan IV who was over the wall by Flash!

R【Hextech Ultimatum 】!

Jarvan IV was firmly trapped within the realm, and more importantly, his 400-yard Flash did not let himself escape Galio's R [Hero's Entrance] range!

In the clamor of the audience in the stands, only less than 30% of the blood of Galio was left to land successfully, sparking a green flame and knocking Jarvan IV into midair at the same time!

"I eat the head, I eat, I eat!" GimGoon's tone was very quick.

He shouted that he wanted to eat heads, and his body movements did not stop. Pu attacked the small and medium peanuts and then followed Q [precise etiquette].

This is called double insurance, two blossoms.

"Will you want me to give it to you?" Lin Ran didn't plan on the head of K. After all, he couldn't beat Lucian even if he took 300 yuan for the lane, so it's better to give it to Fuck. Build advantage.

Camille's chic A pick up, the real damage caused by the sharp leg blade easily took Xiao Peanut's life.

At this time, a row of rockets fell in the sky, and a fiery flame covered the Mid & Jungler three on YM!

From the long-distance Rumble R [constant temperature burning]!

Although huni is embarrassing in strength, he is still a bit like the former SKT champion Top Laner horse Heimerdinger-proficient in Rumble.

In the LCK league this year, he used Rumble to play the famous scene of 8W damage, and almost made KT stupid.

Although Huni did not get the full view of the Mid & Jungler trio on YM, he still spilled a perfect precision Ultimate based on his feelings and judgments!

"Rumble Ultimate is really good, but the damage is a bit too low, and it failed to kill Galio!"

[Explorer's Armguards] can only be provided initially 20 Ability Power and 30 Armor. After that, you will get 0.5 Ability Power and Armor for every unit killed.

In short, this is a growth type equipment that needs to be stacked slowly to get the highest cost performance.

But now that Huni has just launched Teleport, the number of armguards is zero, and the 20-point magic power alone cannot cause a devastating blow to YM.

even more how Lin Ran also has the passive magic shield provided by W[Duran Shield], which is basically not used when laning Lucian, but now it can be used to offset Rumble Ultimate damage.

Lin Ran was pressed for 5 minutes on the line, and his heart was aggrieved. At this time, seeing that Huni even dared to sprinkle Ultimate, his anger rose.

It would be nice if I didn't catch you, dare to come over to disgusting people?

"Gank Top Lane!" He made two on-road signals, walked out of Rumble Ultimate, and rushed aggressively.

Huni watched YM rush to the Mid & Jungler trio, suddenly panicked to death.

He was full of confidence in dealing with YMTurret. It was because of Peanut’s anti-squatting help. Now that Peanut has died, how can he survive?

"Huni gave up the idea of ​​staying under the tower. He kept moving forward, looking like he wanted to make a detour to find Lucian!"

This is a short period of time between him and teammate The best way he can think of is that Faker will keep catching up after scanning the Ultimate. As long as he delays for a while, he will be able to get help from Mid Laner!

But just as he left the sheltered area of ​​Defensive Turret and was about to rush down into the river along the grass, two people suddenly jumped from the end of the Jungle wall!

Gragas and Galio!

"Burst cones!" In the commentary seat where the camera was not given, Mille raised his hands, blushing and looking like Olaf opened Ultimate, "Jungle's fruit helped YM successfully catch Huni!"

The most important thing is that Lin Ran and Little Tian just got stuck in the position of Huni heading towards the river!

If he still wants to meet Faker, he must pass in front of YMMid & Jungler!

Huniin the heart scolds the designer, what do you design this fruit for? Can't cut the sword girl if you have nothing to eat?

But he can only brace oneself and go forward, to find Faker, there is still a possibility of survival, and running to other places can only kill this result.

Lee Sang-hyeok also crossed the midline of Dragon's Pit at this time, but his E [Grim Chase] has entered Cooldown. With Lucian's short hand, he has to take a step forward to include his opponent Own range of fire.

Lin Ran without the slightest hesitation, W [Du Lang Shield] turns on the power taunt.

Huni is in a dilemma. Since Galio is stuck two steps in front of him, if he wants to hand Flash to avoid taunt, he has to run backwards. Flash can’t escape the range of influence of Durant’s shield. .

In the panic, he finally made a wise choice-to turn on W to accelerate and continue walking towards the river.

In this way, even though Rumble was controlled by taunt in place, Lee Sang-hyeok finally included YMMid & Jungler into his range!

"Sell me, sell me, you just kill Rumble!" Lin Ran knew that it would be difficult for him to escape from Lee Sang-hyeok without any escape skills.

At this time, GimGoon, who was pursuing in a straight line, also followed. W's [tactical sweep] hit in the outer circle to recover a small amount of HP lost due to the tower resistance.

As the three set fire, Rumble let out a scream and Huni was the first to die!

Lee Sang-hyeok pursued forward to kill Lin Ran, but Little Tian’s Q [Barrel Roll] slowly kept him.

At this time, Lin Ran escaped Lucian’s 500-yard range with the help of E [Justice Bash], forcing Faker to hand over Flash and step forward. When Galio was killed by two shots, he also refreshed E [Grim]. Pursuit].

Slide sideways, he still wants to continue DPS, but YMTop & Jungler has made up his mind to retreat-Wolf Taric is coming soon, they do not have the need to continue fighting.

"1 Change the goose!" Remember to shout, "YM is still very profitable, they are still expanding their economic advantages!"

The doll also nodded aside, agreeing," Don’t look at the gap between people’s heads, this is what YM acquired when SKT had the early line rights!"

After this wave, Lin Ran recalled back to base and bought Plated Steelcaps to deal with Lucian. And Tristana, an ADC that relies heavily on basic attacks for DPS, the ninja footwear that provides 12% basic attack damage reduction is simply a Divine Item.

Since both Lin Ran and GimGoon’s first Ultimate have already been handed over, their battle strength will undoubtedly drop a lot in the next 3 minutes, and they can only develop stably.

Little Peanut was not idle. He went to Bottom Lane to forcefully capture the YM duo who had handed over Flash before, and successfully killed Jackey with the wolf's E flash.

But immediately after the garlic bastard found his place in Top Lane, R [Explosive Cask] played huniFlash and forced him to the autistic grass before going to Second Turret, losing a whole wave of creep line experience.

Huni’s angry gnash the teeth, he killed 0 kills and 2 killed in 8 minutes, only made 36 dollars. This kind of development can only be described as miserable.

"Little Peanut took the opportunity to take a Cloud Drake, but this did not improve the strength of SKTbattle..."

The movement speed provided by the cloud lesser dragon will be given during the transfer period. The team brings some help, but the comprehensive income is undoubtedly the worst among the four elemental dragons.

Lee Sang-hyeok took a deep breath. Although the current situation is not particularly leaning towards which side, for SKT's team composition, it is considered a disadvantage for SKT's team composition if it has not played an advantage in the early stage.

Especially Top Lane, Huni used the current version of Rumble, which is quite strong against the lane, and failed to suppress Camille, who was chopped several times by his fists, and GimGoon took 3 heads.

If it is really delayed until 30 minutes, no one in SKT can stop Camile's side lane single belt, and they have no means to start a team in front of them except Jarvan IV.

If this drags on, SKT's winning side will become smaller and smaller!

Faker was a little flustered.

He wants to live Lin Ran by suppressing Lane and try to get the advantage of the line, but now Galio is no longer the crispy skin at the beginning of the game. With Plated Steelcaps, he can withstand Lucian's. DPS!

Lin Ran just walks in the back, and when the creeps turn into residual blood, they will come forward and use Winds of War to take them away.

The strength of Galio, the son of the version, is at a glance.

Even if you fight against the natural enemy Lucian, it is only uncomfortable in the early stage. As long as the equipment is slightly up, the line can be mixed completely.

"Look at him," Lin Ran joked with teammate after he was free, "I'm in a hurry!"

"Can you pull the creep line back? One pull, I'll go to Mid-Lane to help you catch it later." GimGoon confronted huni again, relying on the real damage from A to crippled Rumble.

Lin Ran glanced at the location of the creep line, "You can only pull a little bit, not too much."

Otherwise, the creep line will enter the tower.

"No problem, you can just let him go one step forward!" GimGoon recalled back to base on the spot, and after pushing forward on the creep line to judge that SKT had lost his vision, he turned back and went straight down. Ben Mid-Lane!

"Here is here, the second Ultimate cooperation in YM!" The doll is full of expectation, "They will launch a raid while Faker handed over Flash!"

At 8 minutes and 50 seconds, the 15th wave of Cannon Minion creep line has been in Mid-Lane for 12 seconds.

The Cannon Minion HP is getting lower and lower. Lin Ran knows that Lee Sang-hyeok absolutely wants to make up this Cannon Minion.

This is a great opportunity for them.

Lin Ran took a tentative step forward and saw Faker fired him a shot. At the same time, he was also pulling back, not wanting Lin Ran to be close to his body.

He tried to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, pretending that he didn't want to be used by Faker, and took two steps back.

But at this time, Faker manipulated Lucian to shoot W[Enthusiastic Bullets], two passive bullets were spotted on Lin Ran's body, triggering acceleration.

The number of layers of innate talent [Enthusiasm for War] has been superimposed, and Faker naturally didn't want to give up this great opportunity to consume. With the help of acceleration, he wanted to fire two more shots.

But he immediately saw Galio operated by Lin Ran and took a step back towards him.

It is this step that made Lee Sang-hyeok's hair smashed!

Ten matches a year. He knows that Lin Ran’s actions each step are extremely purposeful.

And this time around, either Lin Ran made a mistake, or...someone Gank himself!

The probability of the former is extremely low, and Faker immediately wants to withdraw.

But it's too late.

Camille launched a raid in the shadows, and Lee Sang-hyeok was unprepared!

"Camile E [Hookshot] climbed the wall, the second section of the wall back with Flash successfully kicked Lucian!"

Camile's EE flash is not as good as E flash E, But the advancing speed is much faster, Faker does not have enough reaction time!

"Lucian immediately handed over Cleanse to relieve the dizziness in seconds, and then slid to avoid Galio's forward thrust..."

The doll raised the volume, "But Camile’s Ultimate Still holding it in his hand, trapping Lucian again!"

Lin Ran’s charged taunt, combined with passive heavy blows and Winds of War, easily killed Faker!

Little Peanut has tried his best to protect Mid-Lane, but Faker was killed too fast. Camile with 3 heads killed Lucian. This kind of crispy skin doesn’t need a brain. You can even sprinkle rice on the keyboard. Take him away.

"SKT's key rhythm point was killed in battle. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to them!" Mille's voice was powerful and excitement exhibited one's feelings in one's speech.

At the same time, the SKTBottom Lane duo also launched an offensive!

Taric links W[Fortress Fortress] to Tristana, and then casts E[Rotation Light]. Bang has long been unable to contain the anxiety in his heart, and the rocket jumps forward!

The glare from Tristana stunned Liu Qiusong in place, and the bang was filled with burst sparks, causing huge bursts of damage!

Liu Qiusong drove out Heal and was still unavoidable to be killed by the fire, but the Gragas of Little Tian on the side also came out of the shadow corner, E [meat, egg, green onion chicken] with the just turned Flash, instantly Hit the SKT duo!

next moment, rune array with Gragas as the center is generated again!

"Galio Ultimate once again supports Bottom Lane, the SKT duo is difficult to top!"

Bang wanted to use the refreshed rocket to escape Galio's Ultimate range, but a huge Gragas rolled In midair, the white beer foam is scattered around Feiyang!

"Gragas! Gragas Ultimate blasted Tristana back!" I remember that the bend became more and more intense under the emergency, "bang, where do you want to run?!"

The audience I could no longer control my excitement. Amidst the shouts and cheers of Thunderlord's Decree outside the stage, Tristana was blown back into Gragas' arms!

next moment, Hero's Entrance!

The justice giant statue Galio landed and stirred up the Melaleuca flames, and Taric and Tristana all ascended to heaven!

"Although the wolf eyes and hands are about to turn on Ultimate, Bang seems to be unable to hold the universe Lux to fall!"

Although the damage of Lin Ran and Xiao Si was not enough, just now Jackey has been stealing damage from the side, and the alternate control of Galio and Gragas helped Varus create an excellent DPS space.

When Taric Ultimate was about to fall after a 2.5 second delay, Varus took Tristana's head with a Piercing Arrow!

"Tristana is killed, Taric can't run away alone, YM wants to chase it to the end!"

The little short-legged wolf has no displacement escape skills, and was hung up by Little Tian as Q【Barrel Roll 】The slowing effect, 3 people rushed to kill Taric!

In 10 minutes of the game, SKT lags behind 3:6 in headcount and the economic gap is 1.5K!

The atmosphere on stage in South Korea’s commentary is still depressed. The roaring emperor, who has just finished introducing the task of Squad, wiped the sweat from his forehead, “The situation is not optimistic now. Although the economy is not far behind, the SKT scene The suppressed ones are dead..."

"I couldn't find any chance to take the initiative to drive the rhythm." CloudTemplar has always said something about this kind of thing, holding the League of Legends World Championship runner up and adding Without losing the qualifications of Madlife, he is also considered the number one person in the Korean E-sports circle. "Especially the upper half has been clamped to death by YM."

"It seems that both Rumble and Lucian are The hero who can control the line rights in the early stage, we may preconceived that SKT must have an advantage in the upper half, but this is not the case..."

"What is the most important question?" Taking advantage of the brief calm in the Summoners Rift, he took the time to share his views with the audience, "They can’t keep anyone in the upper half."

"We can see that Peanut is basically in the upper half. Unable to take the initiative to attack, all the movements are mainly anti-squatting. Instead, it helped Bottom Lane successfully carry out a raid gank, because SKT middle and upper has no control skills."

CloudTemplar, as a former Pro Player, competes The understanding is very good, "SKT has no hard control on the two single lines, and Camile and Galio in the middle of YM, both have a certain escape ability, which makes Peanuts very uncomfortable, because the EQ of Jarvan IV is not stable. It's easy to be evaded by Camile and Galio's E skills, and teammate can't keep up with the control after cheating the skills."

I have to say that the professionalism of LCKcommentary seats is much stronger than LPL— —To be honest, it is difficult to find a professionalism worse than LPL in the five tournament districts. At this time, the Korean commentary pointed out SKT's problems sharply.

"In fact, I think there is a reason why coach Kkoma chose such a team composition for the players before the game," CloudTemplar said, "They probably want to use the advantage of the center line to help Peanuts. Carry out a Jungle invasion, so that SKT can plunder the monster resources in the upper half of the opponent as much as possible. While driving Gragas out of the map in the upper half, it can also use this method to protect the two single lines in the upper and middle."

"But due to various reasons, SKT's plan failed. Huni was killed too early, and Top Lane has lost balance..." At this time, Camile, who had already made Trinity Force, was showing off in SKT's upper tower.

E [Hookshot] flicked to the back wall, while Q [Precision etiquette] kicked Rumble.

Huni wanted to fight back, but the damage of Electro Harpoon was offset by the GimGoon adaptive shield. At the same time, Camile was pulled to the wall by Hookshot, leaving the Defensive Turret range.

next moment, GimGoon triggered the second stage E [Wall Back] and kicked it over again. Rumble, without any displacement skills, couldn't avoid the skills at all, and was kicked stunned without any suspense!

Camile A made a cut, and then Q [Precision etiquette] 1.5 seconds passed, and the sharp leg blade with real damage directly kicked Rumble 14HP!

W[Tactical Sweep] hit, Camile's HP renewed another bite.

EQEAQ, which is similar to the operation of blood exchange under the Riven tower without injury, is the basic skill of Camile, but the GimGoon operation is better than one smooth, which looks pleasing to the eye.

More importantly, Huni had no room to fight back and was treated as a fool!

[This Rumble looks like a dumb hahaha hiccups]

[There is a sense of substitution, it looks a lot like the way I played Top Laner when I was played by a small generation tower]

[This Rumble Armguard + Plated Steelcaps, pure Jβ hybrid! Have no dreams at all? 】

Huni’s heart is sighed in relief. If it weren’t for the armor provided by Plated Steelcaps and Armguards, Camile’s wave would probably have to kill Turret to engage himself.

But at the next moment, he heard the crazy reminder of the teammate in the headset.

"Galio Teleport is over, I can't keep up with him!" Faker watched Galio leaving from Teleport, but was helpless, so he could only fully use his DPS.

But Galio is now holding Plated Steelcaps + Thorny Vest, and his armor value has passed the breakthrough 100 level. Lucian with a Bilgewater scimitar hit him with a set of damage and lost about half a pipe of blood.

Lin Ran successfully Teleported to the upper half of Jungle, pushed aside the grass and appeared behind the upper tower of SKT.

Little Peanut has a very sensitive sense of smell. He noticed something was wrong when he saw GimGoon's arrogant Turret changing blood just now, and rushed to Top Lane to squat.

But EQ Erlian was hit sideways by Galio's E [Justice Bash], and Ultimate [Cataclysm] was again avoided by Lin Ran Flash.

And before that, Winds of War combined with GimGoon's skills had already killed Huni!

Rumble flew out of the cracked mecha, and the little Yordle made a mournful scream in the air.

Another failed anti-squat!

The South Korean commentary saw this weird silence for two seconds.

"Ah...HuniPlayer seems to have nothing to do," Roaring Emperor said with emotion, "He really has no room for manipulation."

"네 (yes)," CloudTemplar A look of helplessness, "As I said earlier, this is caused by a series of factors, and has little to do with the operation of HuniPlayer."

Huni's face was flushed, and his mouth was subconsciously chewing gum. Looks like he was infected by Uzi's BUFF a week ago.

But he obviously didn't get the military force value of Guan Gong. Rumble, the hero, is a bit like chewing Xuanmai. Once he is killed continuously, he can't stop.

0 kills, 6 deaths, 3 assists, 122 dollars.

This is the answer sheet he handed in at 20 minutes.

The whole person is dizzy, the operation is a lot stiff, and the small mistakes in temperature control are one by one.

The director did not stare at him at all times, and the audience was naturally not clear, but GimGoon saw it really. Naturally, Fuck people would not miss such a great opportunity. The familiar EQEAQ used Huni’s mistakes to succeed. Second Turret completed a single kill, and even Zhonya's Hourglass didn't even come out!

"Ah..." Rumble, whose health bar was emptied, was thrown out of the mecha cab again, letting out a familiar scream.

The audience is numb. Rumble has died 7 times. The mournful scream is deeply in their minds.

Baby Zhanyan smiled, "Rumble is very loud today."

The barrage was amused by

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