YM vs. Dragon Ball will be played on the second day of the quarterfinals. YM still has 5 days to prepare.

One after another's powerful enemy made them unable to give birth to other thoughts. They can only step by step and strive to go further.

Although Lin Ran found out the inverse version of the hard-assisted walking idea, and practiced several times with the sparring team, after all, there is no real thing and Dragon Ball meet force with force, and no one knows the tactics on the field. Can it work?

The only good news is that IG who came to Guangzhou is still training with Dragon Ball. The strong line-up ability of TheShy and rookie fascinates Dragon Ball coach Kim Jeong-soo.

By comparing the win rates of training games between themselves and IG, and Dragon Ball and IG, everyone at YM has a good idea.

Day after day training, time flies quickly, and it is October 19 in a blink of an eye.

The Guangzhou Stadium is overcrowded. Red and white flags are flying around the stadium. Many spectators have team logos on their faces, holding players and Squad's support in their hands, and come to cheer for the teams they support.

WE played against SSG and kicked off the knock out competition!

Before the game, China, South Korea and Europe and the United States commentary thought that this will be an evenly matched contest. After all, the two teams are the third seeds in their respective regions and should be of similar level.

The two Veteran Teams are also well-known internationally. The number of viewers on the Twitch stage easily breaks through one million, plus the high popularity of major domestic live broadcast platforms. It is said to be a focal point of ten thousands. Not an exaggeration.

Team YM, who is resting in the hotel, also wants to see the performance of its brother Squad during the training match.

Jackey's classic luck is not very good. The one-month long journey made him feel very uncomfortable in his stomach. Today, he has to go to the toilet and fight bloody battles. GimGoon and Little Tian played the solofather and son game with nothing to do.

White Crescent simply uses the projection device to directly broadcast it to the big screen in the training room.

Ren Dong is still full of vitality and his voice is loud and loud.

"First of all, let us welcome..." He prolonged his tone, "TeamWE!"

Amidst deafening cheers, five Players took the stage one after the other. After 5 years, WE Came to the top eight of the global finals again.

They want to complete the breakthrough that WE1.0 did not complete!

Samsung, who was on the stage right after that, also had fans, but the number was pitiful compared to WE. There was almost no cheering in the stands all around.

Cuvee once again showed his classic expression, no one except him knew whether he was crying or laughing.

Ann Sect Master looked at the Redmi coach on the opposite side, with a smile full of justice on his lips. He looked very cheerful and not insidious at all. Anyone who walks on the street has to boast "just right." Light'.

Redmi's heart shuddered, and there were bursts of cold from his back.

"...Red rice came from Samsung, right?" Lin Ran, who was sitting in a chair eating potato chips, suddenly asked.

"Yes, he and Coach Edgar were both Samsung white back then," White Crescent was a little puzzled by Lin Ran's words, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Lin Ran suddenly remembered the stalks between An Sect Master and Samsung traitors circulating in the E-sports forum a few days ago, and he panicked.

There are quite a few Samsung players in this year’s world game, and there is one in their team...

He put this superstition aside and took a bottle from the refrigerator. The game of water has begun.

Everyone didn't expect Samsung to do a unique job for the big guy as soon as he came up-put Charo.

In the current version of the incense burner, Charo's single output is the T1 intensity of each position, and the combination can be described as horrible.

Just like Kalista, normal coaches will not be released.

But coach Edgar is still on his head. Everyone in YM who saw this scene thought he was infected by the KT coach of the LCK bubbling match and the RNG coaching staff of Xia Jue.

"Is this man crazy?" Liu Qiusong couldn't understand what kind of play it was, "Do you want to play with broken cans?"

Redmi's expression As if IQ was insulted, he chose the invincible Anivia Legendary for his own Bottom Lane without saying a word.

The result is obvious, the ruler and corejj's Bottom Lane were almost penetrated, and Big Uncle succeeded in taking over the game in the mid-term.

28 minutes, WE will be the first!

The audience was even more excited waving the cheering sticks, with great momentum!

[Strong WE, this is too easy, right? ]

[First congratulations to LPL for meeting semifinals, Samsung is really a hip stuff, can this also win KT from the bubbling match? 】

[Fang Xia Luo, I have to say that this coach's brain is really good (thumb up), the same style as Lin Weixiang? ]

[LWX: What are you doing? 】

The WE players looked relaxed when they stepped down, and Condi's mouth was almost crooked.

Put Xia Luo? For nothing, right?

However, the Samsung generals did not seem to be influenced by the coach's wise BP, and they were still talking and laughing.

The 5-minute break was fleeting, and both parties took the stage again.

"What is Samsung doing? They opened Charlo, but released Jarvan IV and Galio?" The commentary stage remembered that everyone was stupid seeing this scene.

"Coach Edgar, Li is the god of Gan?!" Zeyuan flustered and exasperated, "He has to pay for his BP!"

【? Play Charo in the first game and Jarvan IV +Galio in the second game. Samsung is just a big deal? ]

[Don’t be embarrassed, Samsung. This is advertising for your own mobile phone. This mobile phone is ironic like Nokia. Why don’t you buy it soon? 】

Redmi’s expression is a bit like looking at the phone in the Metro Great Grandpa. After the BP game, everyone said that Edgar was possessed by Firefox. Originally, he didn’t believe it, but now he has doubts.

This BP can be made by humans?

Except for the strength of the current version of the combination of Charo, Kalista + any soft assistant, Galio + entry hero is the strongest, and Jarvan IV + Galio is even the best.

Although Kog'Maw was banned by Samsung, WE succeeded in getting Twitch, an alternative to the act wilfully system. Together with Taric Knight, it plans to reproduce the previous game. Group fight protects Big Uncle from winning this game. .

Condi is grinning like Angelina Jolie, for version 2.0?

Since he came to Guangzhou, his BlackEye has become weaker and weaker. If you don’t look closely at the game today, you can’t tell it. It seems that Guangzhou didn’t give him a chance to practice punishment. This seems to indicate His condition will be very good.

Samsung's team composition is quite satisfactory, and it is not at the same level of strength as WE. Lin Ran feels that WE will get the match point.

The game officially started. Condi Jarvan IV Level 2 invaded the eye position set by Samsung, clearly understood in advance. Ann Sect Master operated Gragas crouching in the grass and did not talk about martial arts sneak attack. Corejj, who came to support with some caution, beat Condi into residual blood.

Su Cheng's eyes lit up and recorded this eye position.

The LOL analysts in the whole world are all virtuous. They are as easy as pie per capita. At present, you have created this position, and the next game will become mine.

Although Samsung seems to be eliminated, this opening eye arrangement is still very useful. What if it will be used in the future?

Lin Ran is frowned.

This anti-intrusion eye position accurately detected Condi's movements, and Samsung obviously did its homework before the game.

Are they prepared to release Charo and Galio +Jarvan IV?

Lin Ran can’t figure it out, isn’t it? What’s wrong?

Condi was crippled in state, but he relied on being Jarvan IV, and felt that the stable Anbis believed that Gragas was impossible in the early stage to invade his Jungle, and he wanted to fight the Three Wolves when he returned.

An Sect Master is indeed known for his steadiness, but in his opinion, Condi's HP is still daring to use the wild, just like courting death. I am sure to kill someone who is sure to die.

He without the slightest hesitation carried Gragas across the river to invade WEJungle, and then successfully found Condi in the Three Wolf camp. WE flashed a set of Q and sent Condi back to Fountain.

The rhythm of Condi Jungle that sent first blood was completely lost. In the next few minutes, it was madly invaded by Ann Sect Master, and WEJungle completely fell.

Jungle is bad, WEBottom Lane is also at a disadvantage. Twitch +Taric is not a match-up. Condi can't help Bottom Lane. The Samsung duo Varus +Janna suppresses them to breathe.

In 9 minutes, the ruler took the corejj to push the WEBottom Lane first blood tower, WE took a 2.5K economic disadvantage and took a wave of Rift Herald group fights, and wanted to use the strength of Jarvan IV + Galio to enter the arena Recover the disadvantages.

But everyone in Samsung has Flash and escaped calmly from the Cataclysm constructed by Jarvan IV, without being forcibly retained by WE.

"WE was a bit too reckless, corejj now has an incense burner, and the battle strength is too strong!"

Ze Yuan’s tone brought 6 points of sincere grief and 4 points. Splitting the joy, WE lost this wave of group fight that determined the trend in the first and mid-term of the game!

Samsung successfully played 2 for 4 and successfully closed the Rift Herald, Sect Master’s Gragas everywhere, constantly speeding up the pace of the game, and WE’s repeated successes have been refined by Gragas Ultimate to resolve the crisis.

WE didn't use Jarvan IV +Galio to enter the field and successfully won any group fight in the whole game!

At 33 minutes, Samsung made a tenacious return!

"Hiss..." Jackey sucked in a breath of cold air, "This rhythm is not quite right."

"I think Samsung has a much faster rhythm than before, the group stage They will only be defensive strategically.” Lin Ran traced the takeaway software page with his finger and asked Su Cheng what he would like to eat at night.

“Their group stage is a bit like EDG this spring. All teams played are handed down, and they will be dragged to the middle and late stage before ending the battle...” Su Cheng picked a claypot rice with mushrooms and chicken, and then Nodded said: "But after watching this game, they began to premeditately counterattack defensively, and in the mid-term they used team composition to start and end the game strongly."

"It's a bit of SKT." Xiao Xi said. Out of focus.

"Playing WEJarvan IV +Galio can win, Samsung has a high chance of winning this BO5." Lin Ran was worried for WE.

If WE can't win Samsung with the best and most powerful system, it will be too difficult for them to pass and advance in this series.

In the third game, WE banned Galio himself, and instead took out the Tristana + Karma duo, trying to open the situation in Bottom Lane.

But Gragas of Ann Sect Master blew up Condi's Jungle again.

Condi BlackEye has disappeared, but the naked eye state is not visible, and it is not at the Peak level of the Spring Split.

Lin Ran feels very grateful when he thinks of this, but fortunately he held it a few days ago. The side effects brought by BlackEye are terrifying!

The game is still going on. Taliyah of the Crown even found a Mejai's Soulstealer in the mid-term, wandering around to support mixed layers, while Xiye's Orianna could not control the line and was firmly stuck in Mid -Lane unable to move even a little bit.

The head ratio is 10:1 and the economic gap is 1.8W. It is hard to imagine that in a 36-minute match, WE only got a head from Samsung's head.

Let one chase two, and WE was forced to the edge of the cliff by Samsung!

"It's over, this WE mentality has exploded," Jackey shook his head, "The only game to win depends on Charo. Samsung's tactics are great."

As a pressure-resistant Master, Jackey knows this kind of psychology very well.

In the first game, the invincible version of Charo will give you a taste of the sweetness. In the second game, you will be given the system you are best at, and then you will be defeated head-on. Many players can't stand this gap.

In the third game, with the most stable team composition meet force with force, after Samsung's operation and crushing, the WE mentality is likely to collapse.

The low pressure in the Guangzhou Gymnasium is pervasive, and WE fans are blinded by the score on the big screen. The smiles and cheers two hours ago have already disappeared.

Redmi sees that Condi is in a bad state today. He puts the ban position on Jungle. He wants to restrict An Sect Master in this way and make Jungle's disadvantage as small as possible.

But not enough bans allowed Xiye to grab Taliyah and give it to the crown Galio.

Ann Sect Master Sejuani Gragas Kha'Zix was banned, Jarvan IV was also selected by Condi, he just took out Lee Sin from the sewer.

"Ah, this..." Lin Ran was eating claypot rice and was surprised by his choice. "There are Rek'Sai and Zac outside. Did he choose neither of them?"

Lee Sin was slashed twice in the summer game, coupled with the rise of the herbivorous Jungler in the group fight, there is no chance for him to play.

"This is simply to play Mid & Jungler in the early stage, right? Samsung didn't look at WE?" White Crescent both hands crossed near chest.

He can understand. From the release of Charlo to the release of Galio +Jarvan IV, to the taking of the waterway Lee Sin, Samsung from the very beginning did not regard WE as their real opponent. This group of people is sure I will enter semifinals.

Everyone in the YM training room looked at the screen silently. WE was still fighting the opponent desperately, but in the face of hard power, this struggle was completely futile.

Lee Sin of Sect Master really smells bad. In the use of this hero, he is similar to Bengi and Granules. It belongs to the stable Sect that is very stable in operation and cannot keep up with the hand speed.

The biggest difference between him and Saiwen Old Ancestor is that RQQ will not be empty.

This is enough for Samsung. Although the Sect Master misfired, the other four teammates stepped up and ruled the battlefield. The ruler was under the protection of the teammate, and Varus shot through. The audience.

When the last member of WE, General, fell in front of Fountain, many fans couldn't control their emotions, tears streaming down their faces and weeping.

They tried to transmit their hoarse cheering sound to WEPlayer's ears to make the players stick to it, but Samsung did not want the game to continue. They cleanly dismantled WENexus and fixed the game at 43. minute.

Remember on the commentary stage can not hide the disappointment, "Congratulations Samsung, 3:1 successfully advanced to the next round, they will face the winners of RNG and MSF in semifinals."

"It's a pity that WE has to bid farewell to the world stage of this year..." Zeyuan coughed twice to suppress his emotions. "Today Samsung's performance is indeed stronger. I also hope that the five players of WE will not be discouraged. Fight!"

But the audience could not accept this result. The proportion of fans of the WE team is quite high. Many of them are old fans chasing after the ancient WE1.0 era. As they grow older, they want to see WE is one step further from the summoner trophy, even one step.

They still remember the unplugging event in the S2 quarterfinals, but this time WE is really inferior to others.

In 5 years, 1 round of reincarnation, WE once again stopped in the top 8.

Xiye burst into tears. Last year, he was one step away from the world competition. This year, the success rate team entered the knock out competition, but he was not satisfied with the results of one round of the tour.

Redmi standing at the entrance of the Player channel with his hands on his hips, watching his team members bend over to shake hands with the winner Samsung with sadness, waves in his heart.

During his one year in WE, he successfully substituted the team into the world tournament, which is already considered a great achievement.

But Redmi feels that he has no need to stay anymore. Through this world game, he knows that if WE does not introduce talents without changing blood, there will be no improvement in strength next year.

This team has touched their ceiling, and Redmi is eager for more valuable and challenging work.

Ann Sect Master smiled very real after the game. Everyone in Samsung was confident and ready to meet the next opponent. They felt that they had mastered the last key of the version.

【WE and EDG have nothing to do with each other, right? Two-year quarter-finals versus three-year quarterfinals? ]

[Not the curse of Seven’s Old Ancestor, right? ]

[hoho 嚯, can't the team win the LCK inferior in the first fight? ]

[Han Za, don’t call me, it’s over if I RNG does Samsung! ]

[Can RNG win? Samsung is not even afraid of WE’s Galio + Jarvan IV. The losing game only put Charo out. Isn’t it a normal sweep? 】

Samsung used a clean victory to allow everyone to re-establish their understanding of them. It is not that simple for this team, the No. 3 seed in the LCK division and the team that was pushed to a desperate situation by TSM in the group stage.

The Korean forum was even more popular that night. From last year's World Championship, to this year's Midseason and Intercontinental Games, LCK lost to LPL consecutively. This clean victory of Samsung undoubtedly strengthened their confidence.

Revitalizing the glory of LCK has become a hot topic of discussion among Korean netizens.

But YM obviously has no time to study the evolution of Samsung. After all, they will only meet in the finals, and there are two tough battles to be taken before.

October 20, a day with some subtle meaning.

Lin Ran got up early, holding a tablet while watching the BDD ranking video, went to the restaurant downstairs at 10:30 in the morning to find some food to fill his stomach.

In this way, the food in the stomach will be almost digested when the game starts at 4 pm, and Lin Ran will not be too hungry to affect the state.

At twelve noon, YM left the hotel and took a ride to the Guangzhou Gymnasium.

This is the venue for the closing ceremonies of the Ninth National Games. In recent years, many performing arts stars have held concerts here, and it is also regarded as one of the landmarks in Guangzhou.

When I arrived at the stadium, there were still two hours before the opening time of admission, but there was already a crowd outside the stadium.

LPL1 seeded against LCK1 seed. Before the game, the commentary and the audience thought it was the most interesting match in the quarter-finals. Tickets sold on Damai.com were not open for one minute. The looting is enough to prove the audience's enthusiasm.

Change team uniforms, put on makeup, accept interviews, submit peripherals for inspection, and listen to White Crescent in the lounge to emphasize the tactical execution details for the last time...

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

There is still a quarter of an hour before the stage, YMPlayer and the coach will wait for the stage under the leadership of Vincent.

Across from the Dragon Ball Squad is Dragon Ball Squad. Their team’s inner Qi atmosphere is very good, and the little substitute Rascal and Pray Chiligu lu have a friendly exchange.

At this time, the Fuck guy came in handy, and he acted as a temporary translator.

"Chong Ren, please drink more water."

Rascal respectfully handed over a glass of ice water, Pray took the glass, "Brother asked you to pick up the water?"

"Do you think that himself can't get the water? Do you regard your brother as the person who will not connect to the water?"

Pray asked the soul three times, leaving Rascal speechless.

But as an Old Senior, pray is also an approachable and simple when he is not angry. He patted Rookie's junior on the shoulder again.

"You Jong In brother are kidding, you take a drink yourself, it’s hotter than Jeju Island, it’s easy to get thirsty."

Rascal is relieved, take it Go to the cup to pick up ice water.

There is no nutritional information, Lin Ran is disappointed.

At this time they heard cheers from the stands separated by a wall.

"Ten, Nine, Eight..." The audience shouted in unison as they watched the countdown on the big screen.

When the countdown reached 1, the spotlight above the stage focused on the center, and the silver summoner trophy appeared in front of tens of thousands of spectators!

"Good afternoon, summoners, welcome to Guangzhou!" Ren Dong walked onto the stage with a smile on his face, "Started yesterday, the intense knock out competition has started, and today is going to be in the lower half of the district. A contest..."

"Squad, please come on stage!"

"The first to appear is the 2016 global finals champion and the 2017 LPL summer champion Squad-YoungMiracles!"


"Top Laner Gimgoon, Jungler Tian, ​​Mid Laner Ran, Bottom Lane JackeyLoveSupport Crisp, as well as their substitute Player LWX and coach Crescent!"

Lin Ran stood in the middle of the team and looked up The audience on the all around stands held up all kinds of signboards and Q-version cartoon characters in their hands, and excited cheers rushed into his ears like a wave.


"Welcome to the live broadcast of the 2017League Of Legends Global Finals 1/4/2021 knock out competition. Hello, everyone. I am a doll."

This kind of competition is naturally matched with the oldest commentary. The doll and Mille stand on the stage and sing and sing together, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax again with skillful mouth work.

"We witnessed the elimination of WE in the hotel yesterday," Mille took the lead to lead the topic on the right track. "It fully proves that there are no underdogs in the world game. Everyone's strength is not static. Samsung's understanding of the version We are indeed ahead of WE."

"Yes, yesterday’s game came to the second day of the quarterfinals, and our LPL also needs a victory!"

What a fancy operation, the referee announced the start of the game after confirming that the ten Player equipment of both sides were correct.

Along with clang's crisp sound, the BP panel appeared on the big screen on site.

The audience is as enthusiastic as the weather in Guangzhou. They waved the support sticks in their hands to make a deafening sound!

"YM has the priority to choose the side, and helped me choose the Blue Team, press Jayce first!"

The white crescent head is not iron, and I am not interested in challenging Khan’s hard power.

If the problem cannot be solved, just ban it directly.

Red Team Dragon Ball blocked Kalista as always.

"YM will send Xia to the ban position again and dismantle the Anivia Legendary combination!"

Dragon Ball bans Kennan as usual.

The last ban on White Crescent was given to Gragas.

Kim Jeong-soo thought for a long time, decided to release Galio, and instead banned Luo, who Liu Qiusong is very good at.

He thinks there is Tristana outside, and it is not a big problem to give Galio to Lin Ran.

"Take the Jarvan IV to Little Tian first, and see what they are going to use?" White Crescent focused this series on the collision between Mid & Jungler. Jungler's bp priority is natural Very high.

"Dragon Ball took out Varus +Janna, from laning to teamwork is a very good Bottom Lane choice!"

"YM selected Lulu and Tristana, this duo teamed up The ability is not weak..." The doll nodded said fairly, "And Lulu still has the possibility of swing..."

The last position of the Dragon Ball first round is given to Rek'Sai. If cuzz does not choose hero, second round Will be forced to the embarrassing situation of no hero available.

White Crescent breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the hero selection on the opposite side.

As he expected, cuzz chose the latter between Sejuani and Rek'Sai.

The reason is simple, Rek'Sai has stronger combat capabilities in small-scale group fights in the early and mid-term.

Dragon Ball also played Top & Jungler, which is their best tactical system.

The second round of BP begins, and the two parties target the position of the hero that has not been locked.

Kim Jeong-soo disabled Karma and Taric Knight. This is the few remaining incense burner support.

Although YM chose Lulu, Kim Jeong-soo still feels fraudulent.

Lin Ran Mid Laner's soft assistant and team composition provide double shields to protect Jackey. This system YM has been played many times, so he is naturally wary of it.

White Crescent bans two heroes from Gnar and Taliyah. This is also the unique skill of Dragon Ball Player.

"Dragon Ball fourth choice, first get Galio for bdd!" The doll frowned, "Dragon Ball, the team composition with protection and advancement capabilities, looks perfect."

" Let's see how YM will choose the last two hands..."

"Take a trunk first, so that the group fight can deal with Galio's super frankness is also guaranteed," Mille nodded applauded, then suddenly his eyes stared.

"Oh?" He and his partner doll said in unison.

The audience also shouted in exclamation!

"YM took out Thresh!" Mille was incredulous, "What happened? They gave up the incense burner soft auxiliary!"

The unconventional Bottom Lane Support chose to let everyone startled !

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