Lin Ran Level 1 shrinks behind the creep line, ready to wait for the creeps to turn into residual blood and then use the wind to take them away, and the team positioning of the tiger on his screen is also very particular. .

It is on the side of the three melee soldiers in the front row of the RNG. If Lin Ran wants to use the extreme distance of the wind to farm, Meadhu can also use the Dark Sphere for consumption.

Syndra’s Q does not attract the hatred of the creeps due to the skill mechanism. As long as the user can guarantee the skill hit rate, he can easily suppress Lin Ran and recall back to base.

Meadhu licked his dry lips, staring at the justice giant statue intently, remembering every kite in the heart.

He is a good old man with a very soft personality. Lin Ran Level 1 invasion was beaten to half blood and did not recall back to base. He can understand it. After all, Teleport's strategic significance in the Professional arena is quite large, and it is for no reason. It doesn't make a profit when you come out, but what do you mean by not knocking HP Pots?

Look down on me or down on Syndra?

The 19-year-old Xiaohu has turned into a black tiger. He has to prove his power on Lin Ran's head in this game.

The three melee soldiers turned into remnants of blood. The moment Lin Ran flapped his wings and waved Winds of War, the dark magic ball under his feet was already condensed.

Lin Ran has no choice but to eat the ball.

His HP was a bit low and he was forced to knock off a HP Pots. Lin Ran originally planned to use HP Pots to manage his finances. He didn’t expect to help Little Tian to trade for Jungle. He was actually burnt half of his blood. Go down.

Just then, Jungle had another accident.

"The incense pot Ninja became more and more angry for a while. After playing his own red buff, he did not choose to go to the upper half of YM to continue the development of wild monsters. Instead, he walked all the way down and wanted to drive Little Tian away. Get out of your own Jungle!"

Little Tian was still happy to brush the Three Wolves after brushing RNG’s Blue Buff. He thought that the incense pot would be obediently and honestly to exchange for Jungle, but he just ate Big Shadow Wolf, Gragas with a big belly ran over!

Little Tian didn’t even call teammate this time-he knew very well that he was crushed in the middle and the lower lanes, and the RNG team members rushed here naturally faster than his teammate. Minute.

Can only be withdrawn.

The spicy hot pot does not have a reckless follow. There are two little wolves in front of him, and the meat, egg, spring onion and chicken can’t directly hit Sejuani.

He doesn't want E-Flash to go straight forward. At most, he will replace Sejuani's Flash, and he won't make any money at all.

After all, Gragas's Flash is definitely worth more than Sejuani-this is the key to Gragas's early gank, and Sejuani does not rely on Q flash in comparison.

"Swimming..." Wawa said immediately, "Sejuani is very hurt this time. He only ate a big wolf. When he goes back, he has to swipe two sets of wild monsters to get 3."

"The problem is that the incense pot does not plan to let Little Tian Ann wipe out these two groups of wild monsters separately!" Mille looked at the movement of the spicy incense pot, her tone hurried, "He ate two little wolves and crossed the river. , Go straight to Jungle in the second half of YM!"

Level 2 Gragas with red BUFF has a lot better heads-up ability than Sejuani, and RNG's middle and lower lanes have the right to the line again. Naturally, this brash man will start a hunger strike and invade disgusting people.

The Garlic King came back to his Jungle Road and saw the invasion of the spicy pot. Little Tian couldn't help it now.

It's fine if you let your wild monsters. Jungle in my house, do you want to eat too?

"Come and help me!" Knowing that he can't beat the spicy pot right now, the garlic bastard decided to shake people.

Liu Qiusong immediately became excited when he saw that Jungle had a fight. He didn't want to fight the pressure here, and decisively manipulated Lulu to leave the line.

Lin Ran, who rose to Level 2, saw the incense pot coming to invade his Jungle, without the slightest hesitation, and gave up the creep line in front of the tower to support.

But Xiaohu hesitated slightly when he looked at the creep line in front of him.

Now the second wave creep line has not yet advanced to the YM tower. If he and Lin Ran go to support Jungle at this time, he is estimated to lose all the remaining 3 long-range creeps-the number of his creep line HP All have a big lead, and will swallow these 3 YM minions without interference from the hero.

But he just hesitated in his heart, but his actions were not sloppy, operating Syndra to rush to Jungle.

"The time has just been two and a half minutes, and the two teams are about to start a big fight in the second half of YM Jungle!" I remember being very excited, "Both sides will gather all the troops they can send!"

The spicy incense pot has a fierce look. As long as the opponent dares to fight him in Jungle, the E Flash in his hand will kill the opponent.

"Little Tian pulled the red BUFF into the bushes, trying to avoid RNG's field of vision exploration..."

But the spicy incense pot decisively inserted jewelry eyes into the bushes, and Sejuani The silhouette of the tree monster with the Scarlet Seal looks real.

Dare to open wild monsters first? Your pigskin disappeared passively, isn't it just let me take care of it?

The incense pot does not rush forward, the HP of the red BUFF is not low, he can wait for the monster to lower Sejuani's HP before trying to receive the dish.

Under the gaze of RNGPlayer and countless spectators at the scene and in front of the computer screen, the red BUFFHP is lowering a little bit.

This thick and long blood bar that slowly disappears is like the countdown before the start of the war. Once the blood bar disappears, a bloody storm will surely be set off in Jungle!

"Where is Galio?" Xiaohu suddenly asked in the voice of the team.

Lin Ran left Mid-Lane almost at the same time as him. Since this is YM’s Jungle, Lin Ran’s arrival speed must be a bit faster than him.

But now, Galio's silhouette is not found in RNG's field of vision.

"Leave him alone, as long as he can't control us by flashing, we can win!" Uzi said. He pushed down the second wave creep line and successfully upgraded to Level 2, while Jackey was still cleaning under the tower creep line.

Now they are in the lead, and Uzi can take the lead in mobile support for Jungle.

In the heart of the spicy pot, RNG has a huge advantage at this time, and YM can't compete with them at all!

As the red BUFFHP gets lower and lower, the spicy fragrant hot pot begins to stir, with a big belly and Little Ming Janna who arrived early, ready to act.

But at this moment, a justice giant statue suddenly appeared in the YMstone armor insect camp, and the surface of the skin was showing the unique streamer of the Forbidden Magic Stone!

Its wings are folded, and there is a taunt storm all over!

Today's spicy hot pot and Little Ming, who arrived in Jungle early, are all within the range of Galio's taunt!

Shi Senming, who was sitting in the E-sports chair, shook his body violently and was obviously frightened.

Didn’t you come from Mid-Lane? Why did you come to this place?

"Ran went weirdly around Jungle and successfully seized the opportunity. W flashed taunt to live with Janna and Gragas!" The doll suddenly amplified her volume, "This is a great opportunity, Janna only has Level 1! "

As everyone knows, the Bottom Lane duo wants to rise to Level 2, they need to eat 6 minions in the first wave + 3 melee soldiers in the second wave.

The time for Gragas to enter Jungle is 2 minutes and 22 seconds. At that time, Bottom Lane’s second wave of creep line was only in contact for 5 seconds. Even if Uzi pushed the line fast, it was impossible in 5 seconds. Kill 3 melee soldiers with HP up to 477.

And the battle will start at YMJungle. Liu Qiusong of Level 1 gave up the creep line and retreated into Jungle when he saw Gragas. In order to support the incense pot in time, Little Ming could only give up the 2 upgrade. Opportunity to rush to the Red BUFF camp.

Level 1 Janna has only 500 drops of blood due to the [Ancient Coin] Support equipment without any health and resistance bonuses, and the armor's magic resistance is only 30 points!

It's crispy like a piece of paper!

"Lulu partition wall gave E[Help, Pix] to cut Janna HP again, Sejuani also waved W with frost effect, they want to drop this Level 1 Janna in seconds!"

Lin Ran passively hit Little Ming with a heavy fist. Through Janna's tulle, she could see her torn skin and gaping flesh, which was originally white as snow.

Amidst the cheers of YM fans, Galio flapped his wings and waved Winds of War!

"Little Ming couldn't even hand over Heal, Ran took away Janna first blood, but he himself was stunned by Syndra in place!"

I originally wanted to find Lin Ran The little tiger on the trail saw that his Jungle & Support was controlled by the appear and disappear unpredictably Galio W flash, and knew that he had been fooled.

The flustered and exasperated he casts Dark Sphere to pick up Scatter the Weak, and successfully stuns Sejuani and Galio in the grass next to the Red BUFF camp!

The spicy hot pot has just been released from the taunt state and regained his freedom at this time. He looked at the red BUFF with 600 HP left, and he didn’t have the thought of snatching—because he couldn’t do it even if he grabbed it. Upgrade to Level 3.

"Kill Sejuani, kill Sejuani!" The spicy incense pot shouted in the team's voice.

Galio has surrendered all his skills, and there is battle strength all over his body, which is passive [Colossal Smash] that's all, there is no threat at all.

Sejuani Level 2 obviously has two WE skills. As long as the melee hero gives her the frost effect, E【permafrost domain】can provide stun control and damage in a small-scale group fight .

Although it is not as invincible as Braum's passive, it is also considered strong.

Must kill!

He handed over E [Body Slam] to hit Sejuani who was stunned in place, Q [Barrel Roll] was placed under Galio and Sejuani, not to spare a little more time to maximize the damage, decisively Press Q again to detonate Gragas.

The incense pot knows that Sejuani still has Flash now. If the damage is not exploded earlier, Little Tian will definitely Flash away.

But the shortcomings of Janna's death finally appeared. Liu Qiusong, who was only two melee soldiers to reach Level 2, successfully upgraded with the help of first blood assist experience!

W[Whimsy] has exactly the same cast range as the E skill, both are 650 yards. This allows Lulu of Liu Qiusong to turn the fat Gragas into a green through the wall of the stone armor insect camp. Sheep on the grassland!

The transformation made the spicy hot pot no longer be able to damage Sejuani's body. He could only watch the residual blood Sejuani wave the yoke, the general attack knocked on him, and then Flash crossed the wall and fled to Next to Lulu of Liu Qiusong!

"Sejuani can escape to the limit, with only a few dozen drops of blood on his body!"

The cancellation of the account looked at Sejuani who was running away, but he did not dare to follow Flash and chase him across the wall.

It's very simple. He knows that Sejuani still has Smite in his hands. Once he flashes past, he can't handle the HP that the Little Tian Smite stone armor bug has recovered.

But he can kill this Galio who has already handed in Flash!

The impact of the previous blood consumption finally appeared. Galio's HP is now less than half. Even if Lulu surrenders Heal over the wall, the two can still easily kill him!

"I'm coming!" Uzi's voice was filled with restless excitement.

At this time, Caitlyn holding the sniper rifle finally passed through the triangular grass of Bottom Lane to the front battlefield!

"Little Doge for the head!" The account was closed ecstatic.

A single head of 300 Gold Coin is enough to advance Caitlyn's development by 1 minute.

As the core of the promotion system, Uzi must eat resources!

Lin Ran also slammed a huge fist on Gragas at this time. With Sejuani's previous general attack, the frost effect on the incense pot has now reached 3 levels.

The spicy hot pot noticed the Icicle that was about to pile up on her body, but she didn't think there was anything to worry about.

He can still maintain his HP now, and he still has a Smite on him, which is useless. You can take a bite back with the red BUFF later.

This head must be eaten by Uzi, otherwise, wouldn't his trip come in vain?

Caitlyn operated by Uzi finally brought Lin Ran into her range. She turned her sniper rifle, and Q [Peace Messenger]’s piercing bullet was loaded!

Lin Ran saw the Caitlyn Q skill raise his hand clearly, hesitated for a moment in the Kite dodge skill and hammered out the last layer of frost, and then chose the latter method.

The original Cooldown time with 8 seconds of passive [Colossal Smash] was reduced to 4 seconds after the fan-out wind hit Janna.

In the fight just now, 4 seconds have passed, and Lin Ran this fist hit heavily and lowered Gragas' HP by one block!

Next moment, Caitlyn's piercing bullet flew out and took Lin Ran's life.

But at this time, the Icicle on Gragas is already full, and Little Tian immediately handed over E [Permanent Frozen Domain] upon seeing this scene!

Sejuani threw out the shackles and hit the spicy incense pot across the wall. Icicle shattered and formed slices of ice on Gragas, covering and freezing his body!

The spicy hot pot raised his brows. Because of Lin Ran's heavy hammer before his death, his HP is now less than 100 points.

He doesn't do any extreme operations. The Professional game can be stable and stable, and the Smite red BUFF decisively returns to HP.

[Smite] This summoner skill can be cast at the rest of the time except being suppressed. When the Mid & Jungler monster is killed, it will restore 70+10% of hero's maximum health, Level 2 Gragas 668 health, this Smite has now regained 137 HP for Gragas, making his health bar worthy of a breakthrough 200 points.

Now Galio is killed next to him. Sejuani and Lulu are on the other side of the wall and there is no burst of damage. It is impossible to kill him.

The spicy incense pot is ready to break away from Sejuani's perpetual freezing and stun effect and collect this residual blood red BUFF.

Suddenly an arrow with withering and corrosive aura shot from below, swiftly through the wall and straight through Gragas' heart!

The spicy hot pot didn't even have the chance to hand over Flash. The moment he was shot by the arrow, he was still in the freezing effect and couldn't avoid it!

"Jackey cleared the creep line under the tower and rushed to the battlefield. He charged the Piercing Arrow and Q flashed the wall and hit the incense pot!" Amidst the exclamation of everyone in the stands, the doll's voice was loud and loud. Resounded throughout the audience!

"This arrow is too critical!"

Varus Q[Piercing Arrow] has a range of up to 925 and a distance of 1,325 yards with Flash. Gragas only had a layer of blood skin left in an instant!

"Liu Qiusong Flash crossed the wall, and the basic attack cooperated with Pixar and the red BUFF to kill the spicy pot!"

Shi Senming, Lin Ran and the spicy pot were killed in sequence, Now there are only RNGdouble carry and YM Shimodo left at the scene!

Little Tian took advantage of the moment of closing the account and Liu Qiusong, quietly moving over, and Smite will be eaten by the red BUFF that is about to pull the hatred value back into the blood!

This time, Sejuani HP also recovered. For fear that the RNG people who were hunted down ran away, YM stopped chasing after seeing this. This wave of 8-man chaos finally came to an end.

"1 changed the goose, YM also held his red BUFF," remember to conclude, "this wave of YM is quite profitable, they still found the opportunity despite the early disadvantages of the middle and lower wild three roads. !"

"The key is that Janna was seconded, and Little Ming Flash, Heal, and Q [hurricane whistling] were not handed over," Mille frowns, "Know that in the early Jungle battle, one more person and one less The difference is quite big."

"Originally, RNG’s Jungle clash has a high probability of winning, all because of Galio’s taunt Flash..." I remember that nodded agrees with Mille’s opinion, "I want to know Ran now. How did you reach that position."

The director gave a replay at this time, and the perspective was locked on Lin Ran.

The instant Gragas put his eyes in the bush next to the red BUFF, Lin Ran gave up the remaining 4 minions in front of the tower and went to Jungle to support.

He passed by between Mid-Lane and Second Turret. At first, he also wanted to go through the F6 bushes to directly support the Red BUFF camp, but when he was about to step out of the bushes, Lin Ran saw that the battle would break out for a while , Changed his mind again.

He made a circle, walked all the way down the outside of the wall facing the red BUFF, avoided RNG's vision at the extreme distance, and came to the annular groove where the stone armor bug was.

In the YM perspective given by the director, Galio and Lulu who came from Bottom Lane squatted here. The partition wall followed the RNG people's movements with the vision provided by Sejuani.

When Janna rushed to the Red BUFF camp to meet the spicy incense pot, Lin Ran just started to prepare for taunt, and finally Flash crossed the wall and cooperated with teammate to successfully kill Little Ming in seconds.

【Half a circle around Jungle is really effective? 】

【Ran is really an old coin, who would have thought that Galio would appear from that place? ]

[I’m still looking for Galio in the bushes of F6, I’ve already ran away! 】

"Little Ming is a little too careful, he should give him a look at this position..." Wawa thinks this is Shi Senming's mistake.

"No, he had no eyes at the time," I remembered my sharp eyes, and saw that the yellow jewelry eyes on the Janna equipment panel were still in Cooldown, "Little Ming should be Level 1 Tuan Yin Ran when he inserted Jungle in After the eye position, when this wave of melee started, the jewelry eye has not improved."

"Gragas had his eye position in the red buff bushes at the time. Syndra was still looking for Galio in the front beak bird camp. They 3 No one has the vision of YMstone armor camp."

Lin Ran earned first blood and an assist, plus a wave of creep line economy and system automatic wages, and he has 700 Gold Coin on him.

Buy Dark Seal +boots of speed, hand over Teleport and return to Defensive Turret.

Just now he lost 4 Mid Lane's minions for support. Fortunately, there are 3 long-range pawns. The experience loss is not much. Heads and assists can completely make up for this gap.

Because of the good condition of Meadhu, he did not recall back to base supplies, and wanted to continue to suppress it.

But he soon found out that he was thinking too much.

Lin Ran's ability to clear lines was greatly improved when he was upgraded to Level 4. During the period, he lost a set of skills for canceling accounts, but the passive magic shield provided by W[Duran Shield] helped him resist most of the damage , It doesn't hurt at all.

The trick lies in the equipment Lin Ran purchased.

Doran's Ring + Dark Seal, combined with rune innate talent, can get a total of 45 points of power. When you reach Level 4 Galio and have Level 2 Q [Winds of War], you can achieve wind + passive punches. Drop 3 long-range soldiers.

This is the same as Ekko with three blue Faqiang runes that can clear a wave of ordinary creep lines with two Qs, which belongs to hero's little common sense.

It seems insignificant, but the impact is very large.

If Galio only has Doran's Ring or Killing Ring, then his Q+ passive can only beat 3 ranged minions into residual blood.

If you want to make up these 3 pawns, you can either carry the attack on the opposite hero and make up one by one with basic attacks, which will wear out a lot of health; or wait for the skill CD and give up the creep line Take the initiative, use two gang winds to eat long-range soldiers.

Every 30 seconds, a wave of creep line requires an extra Q skill with a mana cost of 80. After two minutes, there is a difference of 300 mana points. In order to wait for the cooldown skill, it will take a few more seconds. Time, it is very likely that the opponent will be the first to push the line and roam the opportunity.

Everything is because of this little detail that seems not worth mentioning.

Now the pressure on the creep line that the customer can give is less and less, he simply took this opportunity to release the creep line, and then shake Jungler.

Meadhu's acting is very realistic. He is still using Dark Sphere to consume Lin Ran while he is putting on the line. It looks like he has no skills to deal with the creep line because of the exchange of blood.

He almost believed in Xiaohu's role, and Lin Ran was really fooled.

"Gragas flashed from the grass and hit Galio's body, and Xiaohu took the opportunity to hand over Scatter the Weak and push him back!" After a brief excitement, Mille's voice instantly wilted, "This should It must die, Galio doesn't have Flash."

Lin Ran sighed, he really didn't expect RNGMid & Jungler to meet Gank himself.

I played Galio instead of Syndra Lucian. As for the Flash Gank?

There was a lot of laughter in the voice of the RNG team.

"hahahaha finally caught this hanging man to death," Xiaohu's face turned from cloudy to clear, and his face changed at the speed of light. "Is he still arrogant?"

"He doesn't have Teleport , Let's go straight down!" The spicy incense pot has a strong tone, directing the operation to cancel the account.

The three people on the commentary stage saw RNGMid & Jungler's movements through the minimap, "Xiangpot and Xiaohu want to take advantage of the gap in Galio Teleport to get a wave of 4 packs of 2!"

Fortunately, a jewelry eye arranged by Lin Ran in the second half of his home Jungle noticed the movement of RNGMid & Jungler in time. Jackey and Liu Qiusong decisively abandoned the tower and withdrew to Second Turret autistic bushes to wait for their opponents to leave.

It's still too early now. Although there was a wave of Cannon Minion line at Bottom Lane in 4 minutes and 17 seconds for advancing screens, the four RNGs could only grind half of their HP from the tower.

"Little Tian also not to be outdone, he went to Top Lane to drive the rhythm and wanted to catch letme's Maokai!"

Letme also wanted to go, but he withdrew somewhat slowly, The retreat was blocked by the garlic bastard from behind, and he had no choice but to retreat under the tower.

The pig leaped forward and Sejuani was trapped by Maokai’s stout Vel'Koz. Little Tian was very detailed. He waited for Maokai to hand over Q [Olympic Bash] and hammer him down the tower before using W. [Winter's Fury] Add a frost effect to letme, so that you can save Defensive Turret's DPS.

The increased resistance of the pigskin helped the Garlic King to block a lot of damage. GimGoon Fiora moved forward decisively, and the Western sword pierced Maokai’s weak spot, causing a good percentage of damage to it.

"The other four of RNG showed up in Bottom Lane, Little Tian can carry his residual blood before leaving, this Maokai must die!"

GimGoon's last sword pierced Maokai's heart, After grinding the Defensive Turret twice, he recalled back to base and made Tiamat and Longsword, and prepared a path to black.

After Lin Ran was caught to death once, the situation he faced became more and more difficult. Spicy Xiangpot focused on him in this game, and came to Mid-Lane again and again.

Even if he can't be caught, Lin Ran's status will be consumed.

After hitting Lin Ran with his belly again and cooperating with Xiaohu to consume it to half his blood, the audience finally noticed something was wrong.

[Start military training? 】

【Military training Galio, this is the first time I have met. I really have a big laughter for the family. ]

[I was afraid of being beaten in the last game. Let me put out military training in this game to overcome my inner fear? ]

[Nothing wrong, the best way to overcome fear is to face fear, come on Oreo...]

"This is only 6 minutes, and the incense pot is here. Mid-Lane 4 times," Mille teased, "Does this treat Mid-Lane as his own back garden?"

I remember also smiling, "Little Tian is not coming to Mid-Lane now, just watch My big brother is suffering."

The Little Tian on the screen eats a group of RNG’s stone armor bugs and sees that they are about to reach Level 6.

Since a confrontation at Jungle in 2 minutes, the spicy hot pot has never troubled him again, and the garlic heads are flying in a refreshing manner.

Anyway, it’s not me who is being trained by the military. What does Lin Ran’s arrest have to do with him?

Of course, the most important reason is that Xiaoyu can't squat back.

Sejuani and Galio have more than enough control over the Mid & Jungler combination, and the damage is severely insufficient.

If the battle location is in Jungle, Lin Ran can fly over to grab orders.

He and Little Tian are more than enough to hurt and kill one person, but the problem is that the battlefield is in Mid-Lane, Syndra as easy as blowing off dust can be conjoined with Jungler Gragas, both of them have Control, it is unrealistic for YM to focus on fire and drop one in a second.

Lin Ran quickly calmed down after experiencing the doubts and anger of the two previous arrests.

He knows that this spicy incense pot is about disgusting himself, and simply accompanies the incense pot trick to the end.

recall back to base with the magic resistance cloak, specially used to deal with the double APMid & Jungler of RNGSyndra +Gragas.

Then Lin Ran started Kite acting, putting himself in a more aggressive position, tempting Gank himself, but he immediately retreated when he saw Gragas, without the slightest hesitation .

The incense pot does not have Flash, and it has not yet reached Level 6. Lin Ran retreats so fast that he has no way of starting.

After the first E flash cooperated with the cancellation of the account and arrested Lin Ran, he failed for the next 3 ganks. Lin Ran was in a poor state at best, but the cancellation could not find anything. The chance of a single kill.

In this way, Lin Ran did indeed lose some creep line and mid-tower HP, but in a disguised form he restricted Gragas to Mid-Lane.

He sees it thoroughly. In the face of the hunger strike style of spicy hot pot, YM will definitely suffer along the way.

Let Little Tian be the end of Jungle, or let the single-belt core point, Fiora tower, resist pressure? Or did Bottom Lane's laning ability be inferior to that of Jackey and Liu Qiusong on the opposite side, being the first to be flattened by Bottom Lane?

Top & Jungler Xia Sanlu no matter which way is the best way to resist pressure, using Galio's Lin Ran to absorb the firepower of the incense pot is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, the Impossible team in Peak’s Professional League is on show. There is always someone to play the unpretentious front row of the tank to do some dirty work, leaving the rays of light to other teammates.

Originally, it was Fuck people who took on this kind of task in YM. Now it's his turn.

Lin Ran is very rational, knowing that this is not the Mid-Lane version, just like adapting to the strong hero of the version, he has to adapt to the change of roles in the team.

Lin Ran doesn't care about being targeted by military training. To a certain extent, he and GimGoon are in the same category.

If you can win, there will be no complaints if you sacrifice for the team.

This is the professional ethics of Pro Player.

Now GimGoon is very comfortable developing in Top Lane. After cooperating with Little Tian Turret to kill letme, he has been ahead of Maokai by 20 knives, and his strength is unobstructed.

Although Fuck people usually resist pressure, he also has a Korean ID card.

In terms of single-band push, LCKTop Laner is a textbook, and GimGoon naturally learned a bit of essence.

As long as the spicy hot pot does not Gank him, GimGoon will definitely use Fiora's hero feature to penetrate RNG Top Lane in a single line.

"Bottom Lane Defensive Turret HP dropped quickly..." The doll saw that the color of the next tower of YM on the minimap became darker and harder to distinguish, and knew that this was a sign that Defensive Turret HP had bottomed out.

The director switched the shots and saw that only 20% HP remained in the YM tower, Uzi who had already made the BF Sword was still Turret.

Although Varus + Lulu's laning ability is better than the last game Xia + Karma, but no one can help them if they can't cover this game.

Lin Ran was caught several times by the spicy incense pot and locked in Mid-Lane unable to move, and it was useless for Little Tian to run over by himself. YMBottom Lane can only be stocked at present.

"In 9 minutes, Uzi successfully pushed down the YMBottom Lane tower!" Looking at the bounty of the 650first blood tower jumping out of Caitlyn, remember to look excited.

The RNG fans on the scene shouted and cheered, and cast all their long-silent passions.

Uzi is also relieved, Caitlyn's 1st Step, which is a three-step quick push, finally succeeded.

The next goal is Rift Herald!

"Caitlyn should have Infinity Edge Berserker's Greaves, shall we pick it up?" Jackey asked while eating the Bottom Lane creep line.

"Did Janna get the Defensive Turret bounty just now?" Xiaoyan frowned.

"He didn't eat it, I gave it to Caitlyn!" Jackey quickly provided information.

Liu Qiusong, as a support person, took a look at his equipment, "then he has absolutely no income burner!"

In this round, Jackey paid him a lot of money. In the 2 minutes of the Jungle group fight, I also received one head and one assist, which was enough to be an incense burner. Janna, who has no head economy and Defensive Turret bounties, definitely does not have so many Gold Coins.

"GimGoon recall back to base, I'm invincible!" GimGoon recall back to base sold Doran's Blade to make Trinity Force. After Uzi took down Bottom Lane, he cooperated with the garlic to hit letme again Kill, by the way, the Top Lane tower was pushed down, and the equipment was pretty good.

"I'm looking for a place for people to squat, GimGoon, you come to me, when the other people come when the time comes, wait for me to open!" Lin Ran, whose screen has turned black and white, also feels that the win rate is not low.

Just now, the spicy hot pot handed over Flash in order to catch him. Although he killed him at that time, he didn't get any more things. It just forced out Lin Ran's Teleport that's all.

Without Flash's Gragas, the deterrence of group fights will be reduced by half. Coupled with the excellent vision arrangement, Lin Ran thinks he is confident.

"Both parties are all heading towards Herald, and it looks like they are going to fight a group fight..." Mille saw the movement of the players, and her heart hung up.

"Galio will be handed over to Teleport after he is resurrected, and he will arrive on the battlefield with Fiora. RNG

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