"YM used their new tactics in this game," Mille looked towards his two partners, "Support Lulu brought Heal, and gave up the first idea , Bare an incense burner to improve the battle strength for ADC..."

Remember nodded, "It is really effective. Whether it is Rift Herald or the group fight that broke out in the 20-minute Mid-Lane, this Lulu is very important. "

The doll wanted to add a few more words to the side, but she didn't know what she was going to say, so she could only praise Liu Qiusong for her amazing milk supply.

RNG Youth Training Base.

Many children who are chasing Professional dreams have opened the live event room in their spare time during daily qualifying.

The ten players who compete in the Grand Plaza are the objects of their yearn for something even in dreams.

Listening to the endless applause and cheers from the audience after the radio, the children's eyes showed obvious envy and admiration.

They also want to stand on a transparent stage illuminated by brilliant lights one day, enjoying the sound of the audience like Thunder Palm.

Able sat there, his expression was completely different from the children around him.

He is lost and helpless.

After the Korean Main Account was banned, Able found a new number to rank up from zero.

He is a youth team member, and unlike a Chinese Server’s big Anchor who specializes in Malphite, he has channels to get a super account with a high hidden score, so he can only score a little bit.

In the past week, he played hundreds of qualifying games and finally reached the Korean second.

But this result is far from the high score.

In this segment, he can't even touch the LPL Player. Most of them are youth training players in the corner, Solo Queue and some Anchors.

After Gao Dewei retired and picked up 98K, the LPLPro Player closest to his rank was only Sima old thief who liked to cry out 6Goddess tears to cry for his opponent.

Even King Ning is now a Korean Challenger with 700 points under the supervision of Han Yi.

The score is low, which also means that Able cannot rank high-quality opponents.

At the same time, the low-scoring Support Player has its own understanding. In many cases, it does not follow Able's ideas and chooses a hard assistant to roam around.

As a result, Able did not enjoy many incense burners at all, and this style of play did not spread.

Because the score is too low, it does not have much reference value.

Able now looks at the Heal technique + incense burner + redemption that YMSupport Lulu pulled out, and suddenly feels that life is bleak.

Don’t even think about it. Tonight, Professional and Korean high-scoring Solo Queue will use the incense burner system revealed by YM.

This system is made public, what is his point?

How to make Liwan famous in LPL?

Able now pays for his previous malicious act of giving away heads, and has paid a bitter lesson.


Lin Ran took the lead and rushed into the YM lounge with a paper cup.

"The wild route of the spicy hot pot..."

Su Cheng closed the signature pen firmly and made a crisp sound.

She handed a piece of A4 paper to Lin Ran, "Time is tight, and I can't get the video from the OB perspective of the last game. I can only record it with a pen."

In a rush, Su Cheng's handwriting was also less graceful and more scribbled.

The first row of the paper reads: 1.38BB-1.57BW-2.19BR......

The layman looks confused, but Lin Ran glanced at the information. Extract them all.

In this recording method, the number in the front represents the time, the first letter in the back represents the blue and red side, RNG is on the Blue Team, and the second letter represents the abbreviation of Jungle camp.

B is the Blue Buff (Blue), W is the Wolf (Wolf), and R is the Red Buff (Red).

The first line of information recorded by Su Cheng is very simple: 1 minute and 38 seconds for Spicy Hot Pot Blue Team start blue, 1 minute and 57 seconds for 3 wolves, 2 minutes and 19 seconds for red BUFF.

This is the opening route of the incense pot, not the information Lin Ran wanted.

He looked down decisively.

6.05BS (Blue Team stone armor insect camp), 6.25BF (Blue Team front beak bird camp)

After brushing these two sets of Jungle, the spicy incense pot will recall back to base Supply equipment, and then rushed to Top Lane to catch the Fuck people and completed the level overtake with the help of a wave of creep lines.

Lin Ran frowned. He remembered very clearly that he drove the spicy incense pot out of his Sanlang camp at 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

At that time, the level of the spicy fragrant pot was still Level 1 behind Little Tian.

In other words, the spicy hot pot relied on the two groups of wild monsters, the front beak bird and the stone armor bug, to smooth out the previous experience gap.

Lin Ran had a speculation in his mind during the game. He was not sure at the time, but now seeing Su Cheng's record of the wild route, the answer is ready to come out.

"It's weird..." Little Tian glanced at it, tilted his head, still didn't want to understand the reason.

White Crescent and Lin Ran, who had been sitting in the chair meditating all the time, spoke at the same time, "Jungle experience compensation mechanism."

Little Tian was stunned.

He blinked his eyes, trying to recall this strange and familiar word in his mind.

Familiarity is because most Jungler Players know this term.

League Of Legends this game mechanism is destined to be the worst for Jungler, and the experience is extremely poor.

Because Jungle does not have the protection of Defensive Turret, opponents can invade unscrupulously and clean the monsters easily.

If you only have to withstand the pressure of intrusion from the opponent, Jungler Player does not have to be so uncomfortable.

What's more terrifying is that their own teammate also stabs the back of their hands.

As long as it becomes a disadvantaged situation, losing the Defensive Turret's laning Player will become Jungle Qingkee without Smite, and clean up all his Jungle.

Red Blue Buff Needless to say, it must be two C-bits. Top Laner and Bottom Lane will eat the nearest stone armor worm Gromp, leaving the Jungler Player with the front beak. Two groups of camps for Birds and Three Wolves.

In this case, the level of Jungler Player can't keep up at all, and the level gap with the opponent is getting wider.

You must know that Smite damage is tied to the level, which means that it is difficult for the inferior Jungler who is lagging behind to grab neutral resources from the opponent (Dragon Baron Nashor is far from Ancient Dragon).

Group fight Jungler has no economy and no level, so he just lay down for a second when he enters the field; he can't win in the fight against the dragon, and he gradually becomes a transparent person in the battle.

This is very unfriendly to Jungler Player.

In order to change this situation, Fist has set up a Jungle experience catch-up mechanism in the past few years, so that the Jungle Player in those disadvantaged rounds can still have a certain game experience.

This mechanism allows the inferior Jungler to gain extra experience when he is in the wild, and the level catches up. As the damage of Smite increases, the probability of the dragon's turnaround becomes even greater.

It’s unfamiliar because this mechanism has not been maturely applied in the Professional arena. Everyone knows this principle, but they are simply used as props for their own Jungler to catch up in the middle and late stages.

"But, this experience is not right?" The Garlic King figured out the mechanism, "The experience catch-up mechanism is impossible so outrageous..."

"Are there any specific data?" Lin Ran looked towards Su Cheng.

He intends to clarify this question.

"...I have to look for it." Su Cheng turned on his laptop and searched the database for the updated version of the experience catch-up mechanism.

In a moment, she got the answer and let out a soft hiss of surprise.

"Come and take a look..." Since there is no projection device in the lounge, everyone at YM can only use Su Cheng's computer to take a closer look at all this.

The garlic head stretches his neck and wants to let his eyes pass the tall Lin Ran in front of him.

"Behind each level, each monster provides 30 additional experience..." he murmured, then his eyes widened suddenly, "I'm gonna!"

" Wild monsters?" Jackey, who was shorter in height, couldn't see the computer screen clearly, so he asked outside the crowd.

"Every monster." Su Cheng responded.

(See this chapter for the picture: Jungle’s experience compensation mechanism was very long before, and it’s no longer found, but the clever and witty author Bacteria found the updated content where the experience compensation mechanism has been weakened, so it will not be weakened. The content is pulled out)

Lin Ran took a deep breath, "Is there a level experience table?"

Su Cheng nodded, moving the computer cursor with his white fingers like green onions, Open the document on the desktop.

In the document is the EXP required for each level 1 upgrade of hero (see this chapter).

"Level 4 to Level 5 requires 640 points of experience..." The Garlic Head King looked at the table numbers in the document, "Then this experience catch-up mechanism is too cerebral palsy?"

All YM Players realized how outrageous this is, and they nodded in agreement with Xiao Si's statement.

Lin Ran in the heart calculated it silently and completely solved the mystery of the level of spicy incense pot.

Before, the incense pot was behind Little Tian Level 1 at 5 minutes, which triggered the Jungle experience catch-up mechanism, each monster will give him 30 points of extra experience.

Be aware that the stone armor bug camp received an update in the S7 season. The one big and one small in the camp will split after being killed. This group of wild monsters was cleaned up until the little stone armor bug was eliminated (see this chapter, I mentioned this change when I started S7).

Small stone armor bugs split from ancient stone armor bugs are also included in the category of'wild monsters'.

Now the camp will generate a total of 1 large, 3 medium and 6 small stone armor bugs, a total of 10 wild monsters.

10 wild monsters!

What is the concept? If you are behind Level 1, you can get 300 extra experience by brushing this group of stone armor bugs in the spicy incense pot!

Hero upgrades from Level 4 to Level 5, and only uses 640 points of experience in total. This experience catch-up mechanism can provide nearly half a level of extra experience for the lagging spicy pot!

In addition to the EXP provided by the Stone Armor insect camp, brushing this group of wild can almost make the spicy hot pot rise to Level 1!

With the addition of the 6 little birds in the Fengbei Bird Camp, these two camps have become the key to the Spicy Fragrant Pot leveling and even overtaking.

In extreme circumstances, brush these two sets of Jungle camps, even worth the EXP provided by the 6 sets of monsters in a round!

"I ***," Jackey said fragrantly, "Why does this stone armor bug split? Isn't this too funny?"

"Don't you dog Screamed, the split little stone armor insects are not economically low. I don’t even yell when you eat me wild." Little Tian frigid irony and scorching satire.

"I'm on stage, I'm on stage." At this time, Guo Hao filled everyone's paper cups with water and drinks, and walked over to remind him.

Lin Ran took the ice water and kept thinking on the way to the stage.

They also watched RNG's training tactics during the intercontinental game. At that time, the spicy pot had never used this routine.

It is most likely that after the intercontinental game, the RNG coach analysis team discovered this novel tactic.

To be honest, before S7 changed the stone armor insect camp and the front beak bird camp, the spicy hot pot was useless at all.

At the time of S6, the front beak was still F4, and there were only two mobs in the stone armor bug camp. Due to the small number of monsters, this Jungle experience catch-up mechanism could not be used at all.

The last game used in the last round of the spicy hot pot was set last year, and it will definitely be taunted by the commentary and the audience.

King of Jungle eimy was a victim back then, he caught wherever he went, and he even caught people without rushing to the wild. The planning route for the wild eimy can be called do as one pleases. A match is two behind. The grades are commonplace, and they were ridiculed by the commentary and the audience as Jungler on a hunger strike.

But now, the changes in the two groups of Jungle camps have made the spicy pot and RNG take advantage of the loopholes, making the hunger strike Jungle out of the game.

Before the fist designer obviously didn't expect that he just increased the number of wild monsters, and actually made people play this kind of routine.

Lin Ran sits on a chair with a water glass, staring at the computer screen, his thoughts have already flown away.

He was thinking about the significance of using this Jungler idea for the spicy incense pot.

Lin Ran's eyes were empty, Lin Ran took a sip of ice water to make his brain continue to rotate rapidly, and gradually he had a thought.

In the early stage of the spicy hot pot, keep an eye on the opponent Jungle. When the opponent's route is clear, it can also prevent the enemy from developing comfortably, forcing the hero on the opponent's line to help Jungle relieve the pressure ——Just like Lin Ran used Lucian to support Little Tian in the game.

In the early stage of online support for Jungle, most likely to lose the creep line, the purpose of the spicy hot pot is completed.

He successfully discovered the opponent's Jungler's movements, and also attracted the attention of the opponent's online hero, and provided help to his own three-way line in disguise.

After the opposite Jungler got rid of the incense pot with the help of online hero and opened the level difference with him, the spicy incense pot took the opportunity to brush off the camp of the front beak bird and the stone armor insect, and used the experience compensation mechanism to instantly increase the level. Then go gank out of its precautions to help get the economy online.

If he succeeds in driving the rhythm of the audience in the first two steps and the teammate develops smoothly, then he only needs to start a team well and control neutral map resources.

If the first two steps are not smooth and the team is still at a disadvantage in the early stage, the spicy hot pot will give up the Jungle economy to Carry and help the teammate take shape as soon as possible-just like the last game, he All the Jungle except the front beak bird and the stone armor bug were handed over to Uzi, just to let Uzi make a three-piece suit as soon as possible to lead the team to victory.

Spicy hot pot's practice will only harm its own economy. EXP is provided by the two groups of wild monsters, the front beak bird and the stone armor bug; and the team's Carry position can use the wild monsters to obtain more information. Many Gold Coins, and complete the level lead.

A perfect Jungle strategy.

More importantly, this hunger strike is very suitable for the current version.

The increase in the number of wild monsters in the front beak and stone armor insect camps is one aspect.

Another key factor is that the herbivorous Jungles are currently hot, and Jungles like heroes like Sejuani, Gragas, and Zac are extremely poor in singles.

Spicy hot pot can play the tail line as much as you want when you see this kind of hero. After all, the opposite Jungler wants to kill him simply by relying on himself.

If last year's world game was led by Lee Sin, Olaf, Elise, Nidalee and other Jungle big brothers and eldest sisters, the spicy incense pot dared to end up in the early stage, these heroes would turn around hard and hard.

The last point is the reduction of Jungle refresh rate.

Now wild monsters have to wait 150 seconds to refresh after being killed, which gives the spicy pot more room for work.

He only needs to brush two groups of wild monsters, and in the rest of the time, he can arrange his vision everywhere, or launch a gank raid.

This version of Jungle with a refresh time of 100 seconds is unimaginable, because you dare to do things after you finish brushing Jungle. Heroes such as Graves and Nidalee can reverse Jungle in no time. Clean and clean, when the time comes, I am afraid that even the two groups of wild monsters, the front beak bird and the stone armor bug, will not eat it.

Combining many factors, the fit version of the game and the adapted version of Player, the hunger strike of the spicy hot pot finally showed its Supreme value.

"bsyy, how about a strong Jungle in this round?" Little Tian's voice in the team's voice pulled Lin Ran's thoughts back to the real world, "I can turn him Jungle into bad shape."

"If you are sure, I can let you get Rek'Sai. These are the strongest Jungle heroes in the current version..." The white Crescent who stood behind him groaned for two seconds.

The referee behind the Player seat confirmed that everything was correct and issued an order. With the crisp sound of clang, the second round of BP kicked off!

Commentary The expressions of the three people on the stage were cheered, "This round is selected by YM to Blue Team, they first ban Sejuani!"

Red Team RNG will remain unchanged for thousands of years Zac was sent to the ban position.

In the second ban position, both sides have banned Kennan and Lucian respectively.

Mille looked at the BPs of both sides and said, "Sure enough, Lucian will not be released anymore, otherwise YM will get a double shooter system. At present, there is no Squad that can solve it."

The doll is nodded on the side, "If YM can get double shooters, the incense burner will have too strong a blessing effect on the team. One ADC per second does not matter. As long as one of the two shooters can survive, it will be ruined for RNG. Sexual strike."

"YM finally banned letme's Maokai, let’s see how RNG will respond..."

On the RNGPlayer seat, Firefox is discussing with the team members What happened, with Head Coach’s nodded consent, a hero was placed in the ban position.

Gana, Fury of the Storm!

"Janna?" The doll was stunned for a moment. This hero hasn't been in a ban position in eight years, but he quickly reacted, "It should be fear of YM's incense burner system."

"Yes," remember to echo, "Janna's shield and Heal volume have improved the team very high."

The focus is still on the range of Janna R's [Recovery Monsoon] blood recovery and blazing heat With the cooperation of incense burner, it can be used as an enhanced version of redemption, which can push away the advancing enemy forces, and can also add the incense burner effect to all your teammates.

This small-scale group fight in the early and mid-term is almost invincible-think about it carefully, all your teammates have the attack speed and blood recovery effect of the increase burner, and this panel attribute alone is worth thousands of Gold Coin.

During the break, Lin Ran and the others were studying RNG’s Jungler hunger strike, and RNG did not relax their vigilance. They also saw through the income burner system that YM took out.

The two sides have experienced the shock and surprise of the last game, and both have made enough preparations. What is soon to be ushered in is destined to be a bloody fight.

Everyone in YM saw that RNG finally banned Janna, sighed in relief.

"Take Kalista first, wait for the rest." White Crescent patted GimGoon on the shoulder.

Kalista, the enhancement of the Blade of the Ruined King, and the good adaptability to the hard assistants such as Alistar, Braum, Thresh, etc. made her sit firmly on the throne of the version T1ADC when she had not developed the incense burner system.

Now, after YM has tested the incense burner system for nearly a week, they have discovered the power of Kalista, the treasure girl.

All the team members are sure that this will be the T0hero in the incense burner version.

The unique alignment ability allows Kalista to a crane in a flock of chickens in a crowd of attack-speed ADCs assisted by the incense burner, and can even be pushed off with a soft assistant in pure alignment. One tower.

Of course, Caitlyn can do this too.

But the advantage of Kalista under the incense burner system is more than alignment.

R 【Fate's Call 】can pull back the Support in danger and provide protection for the undisputed core of the system-the incense burner monster.

And there is another point.

W【Galio 】.

Once the incense burner Support prevails, the direction of the moved towards Support equipment competition will evolve. Whoever has better Support equipment and has more milk will have a greater advantage in group fights.

In this case, Support is definitely not an eye-catcher, and Jungler's field of vision is all up to it.

But Kalista relies on W[Galio] to provide vision for the second half of Jungle, avoiding ganks and various river invasions.

Now that RNG has released this hero, is there any reason not to choose?

"RNG got Xia + Luo backhand!" Mille looked at the selection of RNG and was very surprised, "This is the first stage of UZIProfessional career Xia, right?"

"No Wrong," I remember nodded, he doesn't have to go through this kind of hot knowledge in his mind at all, that is Zhangkou. "Before other Squad ADCs have used Xia this hero more or less, but Uzi is indeed the first time. "

Before, Uzi was criticized for not practicing hero-Xia had been out for two months before he started practicing.

However, after winning the Intercontinental Championship, his training attitude has changed significantly. In the past half month, he has practiced 50 games in total.

Although it will not reach the height of the unique man, it is absolutely no problem to use it.

"They reacted so quickly?" White Crescent looked at the opposite choice and was still a little puzzled.

After the appearance of the incense burner system, Charo's Anivia Legendary combination also became extremely strong. This message is clear to YMand the others.

Originally, the combination of Charo and the strength is guaranteed, but it is not the strongest, so he reluctantly combined with many Bottom Lanes to rank in the last echelon of T1.

The reason is simple.

hero does not adapt to the version.

The previous Bottom Lane combination supports are heroes such as Alistar, Thresh, Braum, Leona, and they all have one characteristic-a lot of hard controls and a very powerful backhand ability.

Luo, the crispy hero, relies heavily on Ultimate to enter the field, which is destined to be afraid of heroes with hard controls on the backhand, such as Leona.

If Leona takes control of the moment he enters the field, the opponent's DPS will melt Luo in an instant.

Of course, apart from this point, Luo is also a strong support hero in the summer games.

But Luo's partner Xia was slashed in the 7.12 version not long after the summer split started, and W [Death Yuyi]'s Cooldown time increased by 4 seconds. (See this chapter)

This is undoubtedly a huge weakening of Xia's DPS ability.

But now in the incense burner system, these small flaws can be ignored.

The soft assistant hero has nothing to do with Luo's entry-at most, they are Janna Ultimate and Lulu's two restrictive skills, the former can only prevent Luo from entering the game; the latter has the ability to change the sheep. During the casting time, Luo can completely use E [Qing Wu to Double] to open the distance.

Xia’s intensity has also been greatly improved with the appearance of the incense burner. R [Storm Feather Blade] can protect your DPS environment, and E [Barb] can provide control.

Furthermore, Xia Luo matches each other, which can lengthen the displacement distance of Luo E [Qing Wu Cheng Double].

A shooter who can protect Support is a good AD, and the strength of the Charoet combination instantly increases several levels.

"Elise and Lulu," White Crescent responded after a brief astonishment, "We have to target the opposite Bottom Lane, Little Tian, ​​please pay attention..."

The garlic head is nodded hard.

"RNGfirst round finally get Gragas for the incense pot, and then make up a hand to start the team!"

In the second round, Firefox disabled Syndra and Taliyah, trying to lock Lin Ran; and White Crescent Then ban Renekton and Maokai, and strive to make letme no hero available.

"RNG chose Rumble directly. In this round, they obviously wanted to take a frontal group fight with YM." I remember that the choice of letme is not surprising, except for the few Top Laner heroes that were banned by YM. In the current version, he is best at Rumble.

"Jarvan IV, give me Jarvan IV!" GimGoon was waiting to get Rumble from the other side, he was already ready.

"Lin Ran what do you want?" White Crescent asked.

"Can Galio work?" Lin Ran glanced at the team composition of both sides, planning to use Galio with Jarvan IV to complete the entry.

"RNG finally locked Corki decisively! Little Tiger is about to grow up in Mid-Lane!" Mille teased a bit, "In this round, RNG successfully won the double shooter system, and the team composition looks perfect. !"

The team composition of the two parties is as follows:

Blue Team YM: Top Laner Jarvan IV, Jungler Elise, Mid Laner Galio, Bottom Lane Kalista +Lulu.

Red Team RNG: Top Laner Rumble, Jungler Gragas, Mid Laner Corki, Bottom Lane Charo.

Amidst the deafening cheering of the audience, the second game officially started!

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