What is a hexagon jungler?

578: Operation crushing!

Song Yijin stared blankly at the black and white screen.

The yellow chicken + pig girl Nakano combination obtained by VG can almost be called the weakest partner in the current version of the early stage.

However, with such a combination, they were able to find an excellent opportunity to kill him!

Broiler sighed helplessly, so he had no choice but to accept the cruel reality, bought a jagged dagger, and planned to go back and continue laning.

Ning Wang, who was sitting next to him, heard the sigh of the big brother in the team, and felt blood rushing all over his body for a moment, and some signs of redness could be seen through the black skin.

Even Gao Zhenning, who prides himself on his excellent mental quality and his thick skin, ranks among the top in the entire competition area, now feels embarrassed.

What is the strength of the middle field of your own Jess + Qinggangying?

It is not too much to say that the current version is unique!

In the end, Gu Xing arranged a tight offensive and defensive transition through dexterous operations, so that IG Nakano couldn't find any rhythm in the linkage. Instead, VG Nakano caught Song Yijin once!

Gao Zhenning thought that he was to blame. There was no place to throw this pot away, so he gritted his teeth for a while, feeling ashamed and angry.

Of course, King Ning will not sit still, he is not the kind of coward who is timid, he will create opportunities if there is no opportunity!

Soon, Gao Zhenning found his target.

At this moment, Song Jinghao was on the road leisurely clearing the line of soldiers.

His damage has been greatly improved after he has made a dazzling light, and his mana is also guaranteed, so he can slowly use Q to stack silver snake coins.

He ran to a pile of bloody soldiers and set down the gunpowder barrel, blasting them with one shot.

Explode gold coins!

Countless golden numbers jumped out of the fish and appeared in front of Song Jinghao's eyes.

Smeb, who harvested a large amount of extra gold coins, was very happy, but suddenly saw a hook line appearing at the edge of his field of vision!

The next moment, Qing Gang Ying was pulled by the hook cable, with a fierce look in his eyes and his leg blade pointed at the captain!

Song Jinghao panicked.

Since Gu Xing had been active in the lower half of the area in order to avoid the battle, he was incapable of eyeing near the top lane, so that the vision in the upper half of VG has been lacking. After all, it is impossible for Song Jinghao alone to cover all the grass around the line. all light up.

Now King Ning is using the exploding cones in the upper red zone of VG to bounce over, passing Song Jinghao's field of vision in the triangular grass, and completing a surprise attack around the back!

Smeb never expected that Gao Zhenning would come to the road to Gank himself at this time.

In his opinion, if IG Ueno wants to catch him, he must have Qing Gangying to have a big move.

You must know that Gu Xing has poor experience in establishing a good matchup in the jungle through the early anti-jungle and Dansha.

Today, when the hunger strike has been abolished, Gao Zhenning's promotion to sixth is bound to be much slower than Gu Xing's!

The game lasted less than 7 minutes and 30 seconds, and it wasn't long before Gu Xing was promoted to level 6, so King Ning must only be at level 5, so he shouldn't come to catch him...

But what Song Jinghao didn't expect was that King Ning didn't take the usual path, and what he played was unconventional!

Do you think he will come at level 6?

He just came to the road to catch at level 5!

Now Song Jinghao was caught off guard!

Smeb hastily handed over the flash to escape, but Gao Zhenning finally seized the opportunity of the surprise attack, and he refused to let it go easily. He followed the flash when he was about to reach the end of the second section of the wall, and knocked the captain unconscious from the limit distance!

Song Jinghao ate the orange to release the control, hurriedly ran down the tower, and handed over his big move R [Canon Barrage] to cover himself.

But TheShy has already attacked, and flashed up to R [Blood Plague] to first apply the vulnerable effect to the captain, then hang the ignition and charge the E tide, and use the blood pool to avoid the slow effect of the cannon barrage during the period, so as to ensure the E skill Successful hit.

"King Ning knew that he couldn't catch up with the captain, so he just stepped into the range of the VG defense tower first after casting a tactical sweep, and helped himself fight against the tower!" Miller said urgently, "TheShy went in, Maibo went under the tower Place powder kegs and try to fight back to replace one!"

For Smeb, there is no way to survive if he continues to run backwards. It is impossible for him to get rid of the enemy's pursuit without flashing.

That being the case, it is better to stay under the tower and fight back!

After the explosive barrels were laid out, Smeb cut down the barrels to two blood blocks first, and prepared to wait for the blood volume to automatically decay before launching a wave of two consecutive barrels. Who would have thought that the vampires would follow up after handing over the Q [Blood Transformation] A general attack.

And the goal of flat A is the powder keg!

Under Song Jinghao's gaze, the vampire hit the powder barrel with a general attack.

In an instant, the bucket that originally had two bars of blood was clicked off, and it was turned into 10 gold coins, which were collected by TheShy!

Song Jinghao gasped.

He watched carefully. Before the vampire level A reached the explosive barrel, the barrel just entered the automatic decay period.

The blood volume changed from 2 to 1, and then changed from 1 to 0 by TheShy with a general attack!

Card frame point barrel!

The gap in the middle was only a few frames, Song Jinghao had no time to react, and the vampire hit the explosive barrel!

Throw away the barrel, and he loses all means to threaten IG Ueno!

Ning Wang fought against the tower until he was left with some blood left, while TheShy took over the hatred of the turret, all the way to the general attack and then the burst damage of the big move, killing the captain without accident, and then he set off to leave.

The warmed-up turret hit people very painfully, and Jiang Chenglu was blasted into blood in two or three hits.

"TheShy is out of the range of the defense tower, but there is still one shot at the end!" Baby didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing the critical moment, "Maibo may still be able to replace one..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

The moment the defense tower bombardment was about to fall on the vampire, Vladimir turned into a golden statue!

"Perfect timing!" Miller's tone was full of regret, "The stopwatch made a great contribution and helped TheShy survive!"

The abnormality of the stopwatch that can be used in the current 6 minutes is clear at a glance.

After the duration of the golden body expired, Jiang Chenglu calmly left on the road with a reward of 300 yuan.

Song Jinghao was so angry that he wanted to make the table HP-1!

"IG Ueno's tower-jumping tactics are simple and rude," Waowa was still complaining about Smeb, "The captain was forced to death by pure damage!"

Even if he was concentrating, his understanding of the game was still limited, and he didn't notice TheShy's frame-clicking barrel operation.

Gu Xing, on the other hand, watched Jiang Chenglu's exquisite operations while cutting the screen, and frowned immediately, feeling that something was wrong.

Smeb couldn't believe it, "Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

"This kid is pure luck!"

As a captain, he is proficient in players, so he naturally knows how difficult it is to use card frames to point barrels on the field.

If it's a training mode, Song Jinghao doesn't feel so strange, he can do it himself.

However, in the rapidly changing environment of tower jumping and strong killing, it is undoubtedly difficult to hit the captain's barrel with a frame freeze!

What's more, TheShy is still operating a vampire with an extremely slow attack speed. It is incredible to want to get stuck in a few frames after the barrel automatically loses blood!

Song Jinghao asked himself, and felt that it was impossible for him to complete the exact reproduction.

But TheShy's operation is so smooth, it seems outrageous to the extreme!

Smeb is unwilling to believe that the young junior has such an amazing operation.

However, just 5 minutes later, his mentality was about to collapse.

"Fuck, what is this vampire doing?" Song Jinghao cursed Tibetan in his increasingly proficient Chinese.

Gu Xing, who observed the lane alignment all the way, was speechless.

As the game enters the middle stage, the captain must frequently cast explosive barrels to accumulate silver snake coins.

But TheShy stepped forward again and again, and used his superb frame-pointing barrel skills to make Song Jinghao's explosive barrel misfire!

As a result, the speed at which Smeb stacks silver snake coins is greatly affected, and its own development is very limited, while TheShy is rapidly taking shape with the extra gold coins of 10 gold coins per explosive barrel!

Back and forth, the economic gap between the top orders gradually widened!

The success rate of Jiang Chenglu's card frame point barrel is about 70%. No matter how stubborn Song Jinghao is, he has to admit that the opponent's top laner is very talented.

After the captain sent a human head, it was not easy to fight vampires, but now he lost his E skill and turned into a money-spreading boy, relying on passive fire knife and Q [gun fire negotiation], let alone Vladimir's opponent!

The right to get on the road has completely fallen!

Gu Xing had been forced to give up competing for the canyon vanguard due to the gap in the right to go up the route before, and gave up the purple-skinned garlic.

Now that the situation in the top lane is becoming more and more severe, he has to consider a solution.

Otherwise, let TheShy continue to bully Song Jinghao, and when the team battle ends, the influence of the two teams' top laners on the situation will be very different!

But Gank kills are obviously unrealistic.

Not to mention how the combination of the captain + the pig girl would catch the vampire with the blood pool, but if Gao Zhenning squatted back, how would Gu Xing deal with it?

Grasping by force is not appropriate, then there is only one remaining method...

Change the line!

Gu Xing brainstormed, and began to think about the specific plan in a hurry.

On the other side of the stage, in the IG player's seat, Jiang Chenglu didn't know about Gu Xing's plan, and was still immersed in the pleasure of beating the captain's gunpowder keg wildly and couldn't extricate himself.

If it weren't for the fact that the team scene collapsed too quickly in the last game, you wouldn't really think that using the captain can defeat my vampire, right?

Have fun!

TheShy was triumphant.

His arm is still intact, his condition is at his peak, and he has already ranked among the top top laners.

In terms of operation alone, Jiang Chenglu is one of the strongest players today!

But the good times didn't last long. TheShy had just beaten the captain back home, and was about to push the line in to grind the turret's HP, when they saw the VG duo go online on foot, replacing Song Jinghao's laning position.

Jiang Chenglu has only practiced for half a year in his professional career, and he was a little confused when faced with the sudden line change, not knowing how to deal with it perfectly.

Coincidentally, the duo of Ning Wang and Xiangsong on the same team as him were either in the secondary league before, or they were in the middle and lower teams with bad coaches, and they didn't know much about the countermeasures of changing lanes.

In the end, it has to be the broiler.

Song Yijin kept recalling in his mind how his big brother kakao and others taught him when he was in KT.

But there were no pioneers at that time, and experience was not fully applicable!

Broiler took two deep breaths and decided to take the responsibility on his shoulders.

"Gao Zhenning, go to the bottom lane to release the vanguard, and help flatten the first blood tower. I can trap the yellow chicken in the middle lane, and you can push it casually!"

After being killed by Gu Xing Gank once, Song Yijin didn't have much advantage against Kuro, at most he was flat.

But he thought it was enough.

After VG changed lanes up and down, there were only two Uenos at most defending the tower!

The captain + pig girl can play a very limited role in the face of the IG Xiaye trio leading the vanguard.

Demolition of a tower is undoubtedly inevitable!

Gao Zhenning didn't think of a better way in a short time, and finally decided to follow Song Yijin's suggestion and go to the bottom lane to cast Vanguard.

As for TheShy, he had to stay on the road and develop under pressure for a while.

Fortunately, vampires have a slightly longer range than other conventional top laners, and Jiang Chenglu can replenish two melee soldiers to make up for his development when he is under pressure.

It was only after the sound effect of the call of the vanguard resounded through the canyon that everything changed.

Gu Xingxiong aggressively broke into the IG wild area from the upper river, making it clear that he wanted to block TheShy from the rear, trying to form a double-sided situation, and cooperate with the duo who came from the transfer line to jump over the tower and kill!

Fortunately, Jiang Chenglu took advantage of the right to go to the river and saw Gu Xing's movements in time.

Now that he knows that staying under the tower is a dead end, he has no choice but to retreat and stay in the autistic grass.

Gu Xing saw that he was retreating very fast, so he didn't plan to chase him deeply, so he turned around and surrounded IG with his own duo to go up the tower.

The two teams began to demolish the first tower on the sideline.

Undoubtedly, the IG with Canyon Pioneer is more efficient. It took the first step to flatten the VG tower and raised a wave of money for Lin Weixiang and Gao Zhenning.

But Song Jinghao is not a vegetarian either, he used R [Cannon Barrage] to clear all the soldiers under the tower from a long distance away, and also reduced the blood volume of Purple Garlic by the way!

In contrast, TheShy was autistic all the time, and didn't get a single soldier!

King Ning saw that VG's defensive force in the bottom lane was only the captain, and he immediately thought badly, "Keep pushing, if he dares to defend, we will jump to the tower and kill him!"

Pioneer doesn't have much life left, but after hitting one head and then relying on IG to go down to the field to carry out demolition, it can also raze VG's second tower to the ground.

But in this way, it hit Gu Xing's heart instead!

After he flattened the last tower, he led the duo straight to the middle!

Broiler didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly retreated downwards to avoid the offensive launched by VG Xiaye from the top of the map.

But the right to the middle line has fallen!

Song Yijin wanted to release a reinforced cannon from a long distance to clean up the small soldiers, but Gu Xing had been prepared for a long time and stuck in the lower position one step in advance. Soldiers block fatal damage!

Relying on the extra dual antibodies provided by the pigskin, Gu Xing basically didn't lose much blood.

But the soldiers drove straight into the IG tower!

Song Yijin was in a hurry.

VG gathered four people to push it, and the turret in front of them was no different from that of Paper Lake!

"Go back to defense, don't push!"

Originally, IG had a first-mover advantage, and every step could be ahead of VG.

But Ning Wang greedily continued to advance the order, which allowed VG to regain a lot of time!

If Gao Zhenning insists on continuing to advance, he can of course push VG down to the second tower.

But a tower in the defensive gate will also be destroyed by VG!

It goes without saying which is more important!

King Ning pursed his lips.

He didn't want to give up the opportunity to push down the tower. If the vanguard was only used to flatten the one-blood tower, it would be a bit of a waste of money!

"Lin Weixiang and you two continue to stay in the bottom lane and push towers, I'll just go back by myself," Gao Zhenning made a decision, "TheShy, you also hurry up and clear the line, and then rush to the middle lane!"

IG Zhong Ueno teamed up, and with the back of the defense tower, they were able to resist the offensive of the four VG players.

It has to be said that Gao Zhenning's calculations were very loud.

If he follows his script, IG will defend the middle tower, and the duo will lead the vanguard to pull out the second tower.

It's hard to win!

Unfortunately, things backfired.

Gu Xing had already prepared a plan, one of which was to prevent IG from taking countermeasures like the "I want it all" plan!

Gu Xing gave the order to retreat after all the Ueno and Ueno members of IG gathered in the middle.

Kuro ran to the rear first, avoiding the enemy's vision and detection, and immediately opened the teleportation!

The landing point is located in the grass behind the ruins of the next tower of VG!

This can form a double-team for the Xiangsong duo who are pushing the VG down the second tower!

Liu Qingsong poked his eyes in the grass in advance, and saw the teleportation light behind him, and immediately called for support in the voice, "Come and save me!"

Without further ado, Song Yijin hurriedly handed over the teleportation, trying to save his duo from the fire and water.

Just when the broiler's teleportation light came on, Gu Xing, who had just walked to the grass below the middle road, shot back.

Flash R [Extreme Ice and Cold Prison]!

Zhumei played a sniper trick, and adjusted the angle very delicately. She bypassed King Ning and went straight to Song Yizhen in the IG tower!

Gao Zhenning reacted quickly, and quickly handed over the flash that had just cooled down, and stood in front of the broiler with his body, helping to get the big move of the pig girl, so as to ensure that Jess teleported to the bottom lane!

But Gu Xing was not the only one with frozen hands.

Duan Deliang turned back and manipulated the Tauren to flash WQ Erlian to push up all the IG Nakano!

Immediately turn on R [Firm Will] to start fighting the tower!

Jack flashed forward without hesitation, and the chain of corruption held Qing Gangying in place!

"IG is going to suffer a lot!" Wow was overjoyed, "Their vision in the middle lane is so bad, they just didn't notice that VG's players except the yellow chicken were ambushing nearby!"

When Gu Xing led the team to clean up the middle lane to threaten the enemy's middle tower, he used his real eyes to clear the opponent's field of vision at several key points.

After IG returned to the defense with Ueno's strength in the assembly, before it had time to regain the vision, it was caught off guard by Kuro's teleportation attack and jumped into the trap carefully designed by VG!

"The VG control chain is well connected, and King Ning is about to be killed!" Miller said in a high-pitched voice.

During the whole process, Qinggangying couldn't even press R, and was taken away by the concentrated fire damage of the three VG Xiaye!

Song Yijin didn't have any power to resist, the teleportation was interrupted by Niutou Erlian, and just after landing, he was spread by Verus's corrupt chains, and he was imprisoned in place and unable to move.

Then came Tauren's E [Trample] stun and Gu Xing's E Permafrost.

The serial control makes Crispy Jess powerless!

Song Yijin simply left the keyboard with both hands, completely giving up resistance.

In the end, Jack cut the life of his good brother off the court with a light general attack.

As a vampire, TheShy didn't even have a control skill all over his body, so he was powerless to prevent the death of his teammates.

He could only activate R [Blood Plague] and try to take Jack away.

But Gu Xing kept a Q pig in his hand and rushed forward, and cast it close to his face to forcefully stop it, thus covering Yu Wenbo's safe retreat.

"Kuro's teleportation has landed," Miller followed the director's camera to look down the road, his voice became extremely loud, "IG's bottom road is also hard to escape!"

Liu Qingsong is full of anticipation waiting for his teammates to come to support.

Unexpectedly, in just a few seconds, both of them confessed to each other!

Facing VG's upper and middle duo attacking back and forth, the Xiangsong duo is helpless!

The average person is two levels higher than the two of them, how can they deal with it together?

In the end, Kuro and Song Jinghao reached a consensus on dividing the spoils, one head per person!

"My God, what kind of operation style is this for VG?" Wow was extremely excited, "It's completely playing with IG to the point of confusion!"

"Zero for four!" Miller yelled loudly, "The balance of victory and defeat between the two sides tilts towards VG infinitely!"

The few dog sons at the scene covered their faces with their hands, not daring to accept this cruel reality.

The laning was going well at first, but the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse!

No one can stand it!

In the live broadcast room of Mouse TV, Mao Mao was even more excited.

"Have you seen it? This is the charm of VG! Not only can they fight, but they are also a top-level operational team under the leadership of Virtue!"

She praised VG, "The decision-making of the two teams is not on the same level at all!"

European and American audiences in the chat channel were stunned.

【Hey, how does this work? Originally, there were back and forth, but they were taken away in one wave? 】

[Virtue is my god! 】

【 @, take a good look at it and learn it, when will you two learn to understand this operation, we don’t have to go out to embarrass ourselves]

[Don't @, they can't learn at all! 】

[Turtle, the operation of the Double Crown is so terrifying! 】

"TheShy is the only one left guarding the middle lane of IG, and he has no ability to resist against the advancement of the VG three!" Maomao said hoarsely, "Not only the first tower in the middle will be bulldozed, but even the second tower will not be spared. !"

"VG has established an economic advantage close to 3K in just one minute!"

IG was made delirious, and he lost his mind in a daze.

Gao Zhenning entered the crazy fighting mode again, and was caught by VG for two waves of opportunities, taking the opportunity to expand the economic lead to more than 5K!

For IG who used the early lineup, it is undoubtedly a fatal blow!

Everyone has no morale and can only be ravaged and played by VG.

After Kuro's yellow chicken equipment took shape, the game came to 32 minutes, VG played a wave of dragon team battles and played 2 for 5!

Even though TheShy's entry position is very tricky, R to four players can't recover from the explosion damage!

After the VG regiment wiped out the enemy, it flattened the IG base in a wave!

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