"The 1st, 4th, and 9th under the police are all voted for player 2. I listened to 4's speech like a barb wolf. Player 10 voted for 3. Wait and listen to what he has to say. If you want to be a good person, just put it aside for a while, and if you can't get through the conversation, go straight to the wolf pit."

Player No. 5 is quite tolerant of 10. He didn't directly click into the wolf pit because he voted for Xiao Ai, but listened to his speech. Clicking into the wolf pit, from this point of view, his mentality is like a good man.

However, this premise is that player No. 10 is a good person. If the 10's hole card is a wolf, then his behavior is to protect his teammates.

After a pause, player No. 5 said: "I can't even recognize the speech of 3 in this round, because he directly named me as a wolf, and the logic of his recognition of 11 is because I am a wolf, I Played 11, so 11 can't be a wolf."

"I beg your pardon, where did your logic point come from, I must be a wolf? If I am a good person, doesn't the logic that you think 11 is a good person doesn't exist? There is a problem with your logic point. Extend on this logic point. The logic that comes out is even more problematic, right? As a prophet, your speech is too imprecise."

"If you test that I'm a hunter, it's fine if you recognize 11, but you didn't test me, the logic itself is flawed, and the reason that hitting me is a wolf is untenable. The untenable logic that concludes that 11 is a good person is even more unreliable."

"Finally, click on the wolf pit, 3, 4, 7, and then open another wolf in 8 and 10. Player 6 and player 12 recognize it, 11 is temporarily put back, and the right ticket 1, 9 Don't click into the wolf pit first, that's it, I'll pass.".

Chapter [*] Is this person here to raise a bar with me?

[Player No. 6 please speak]

"First of all, I want to thank everyone for their trust. You all recognize me as a good person. I feel very happy. As for standing by, I still prefer player No. 2."

"But I will vote 3 or 2 in the end, that's not necessarily, so I'll take a precaution here in advance. If there is a problem with player No. 2's speech in the last position, I will vote for him, and then the time comes. Don't say that my words and deeds are inconsistent."

To be honest, Li Yiran still hasn't figured out who the prophet No. 2 and Xiao Ai are, and who is the brave dancer, but from the current situation, the number 2's prophet is obviously bigger. This round of Xiao Ai's chat It is quite satisfactory, the only bright spot is that player No. 8 is clicked into the wolf pit, and his dialogue with 8 is like a prophet.

In addition, Xiao Ai's speech is nothing to be commended. It's the same as his wolf pit. It didn't make him feel happy, and it didn't make him want to recognize Xiao Ai. .

In this case, Li Yiran still had to choose player No. 2 on the side. If he stood by Xiao Ai, he couldn't come up with a decent reason and logic, and he couldn't find the explosive point of player No. 2, so he couldn't recognize Xiao Ai. is a prophet.

"If player No. 2 is standing by the side, 3 is to kill, and player No. 5 is still in the wolf pit. Although 5 has just explained why he played 3 and 11 wolves, and also recognized me as a good person, I still I think he looks like a wolf, there's nothing I can do, 5 cops 3 and 11 may be two wolves, it really doesn't look like a good person."

"If there are two wolves in the police, the probability is 3 or 5. If it is three wolves, then player number 7 has to be filled in. As for 8, I don't think he can get the wolf card, no matter if he is a small wolf. Or Ghost Rider, he wouldn't deliberately talk so explosively, the reason why he talks so much is nothing more than trying to get rid of player No. 3."

"A good man pads the flying wolf, this operation is relatively advanced. If you operate it well, you will overturn the car. After all, not every good person will buy your account No. 8 player, and if you want to pad the flying 3 Is 3 really a prophet? Have you ever thought about this?"

Li Yiran looked at player No. 8 with a smile and said.

He can talk about why the 8 policeman speaks like a wolf, and he can even think of the purpose of 0 doing this, but the good people in the outer position may not be able to think of it, and even if he thinks about it, he may not necessarily recognize him, so player No. 8 has this wave of operations It's a big risk.

So Li Yiran thinks that 8 may be a hunter. Once the operation fails, he will have his hole cards to suppress, so that he will not be pushed by good people and werewolves. Of course, Li Yiran will not talk about this, he just needs to tell the good people present, why 8 Not a wolf, why do it like that.

As for whether the good people in the outer position believe it or not, then he doesn't care.

However, he wants to remind player No. 8 not to be too confident. Generally, good guys are nailed to the wolves. The other party is a wolf, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not certain who the prophets 2 and 3 are. A wave of operations is a bit sloppy.

"Where's the gangster face of player No. 7? He just doesn't agree that 3 jumped and didn't go to the police to check and kill, this is his prophetic face, although you don't stand by 3, but 3 did not check behind the police. Killing, but throwing a golden water to the front 12, is not in line with the Wolves' income, since it does not meet the Wolves' income, then this is the prophet face of 3."

"But you said that 3 is not lost to kill because the purpose is too obvious, and it is easy to reveal his identity. Good guy, he has been killed and jumped on the spot. What identity is he afraid of revealing? His best choice is to go to The policeman dumps the identity of a good person, and it happens that this investigation and killing can be thrown out, and it can perfectly fit the logic of his after-the-police police opening of many wolves."

"However, player No. 3 did not do this, so he may be a prophet, you can't deny this, as a good person, you should not deny this, I think you beat player No. 3 too dead , Your intention to kill is a little heavy, so I doubt your identity."

"If, I mean, if player No. 3 is a wolf, there is a high probability of being a charging wolf. Although you recognize me as a good person, I am very embarrassed. I can't recognize you. I have doubts about you."

Although player No. 7 was the first police officer to recognize him as a good person, Li Yiran had great doubts about 7, because he could hear 7's hostility and murderous intention to Xiao Ai from 7's speech. Hostility and murder are less like a good man versus a savage wolf, more like a wolf versus a prophet.

This is a feeling. The only thing that can be traced is that 7 said that Xiao Ai would not be a prophet if he didn’t find out. But this alone does not mean that 7 is a wolf. It only means that 7 did not think about Xiao Ai’s prophecy at all. At home, he has completely regarded Xiao Ai as a fierce dancer.

"There are four police officers, 1, 4, 9, and 10. 1, 4, and 9 all voted for player No. 2. Only 10 voted for 3. At present, we don't know why 10 is voted for 3. Get the vote, just listen to his speech later, but since 10 is voted by the bandit, it will always occupy a wolf pit."

"As for whether there are barbs in 1, 4, and 9, I guess there should be. After all, 3 is a wolf who was killed and jumped on the spot. If the wolf doesn't hit the barb, how will it play? Therefore, regardless of whether it is 10 or not Wolf, I think 1, 4, and 9 are all barbs, and it's hard to say who it is."

"However, I listened to the speech of the front player No. 4 and his reasons for voting for 2 are not bad, the possibility of barbs is relatively small, in this case, my attention will naturally be more on 1, 9 If there is no accident, there will be a barb in 1 and 9."

Li Yiran thinks that if Xiao Ai really picks up and kills the wolf who jumped on the spot, then the wolf in the outer position will definitely hit the barb. No matter if 10 is a charge or not, the barb will be opened in 1, 4, and 9, maybe not at all. One, he just finished listening to 4's speech, the possibility of barb wolf is relatively small.

He hadn't even listened to the speeches of 1 and 9, but Li Yiran had already decided that one of the two of them must be the barb wolf, so he would focus on listening to the speeches of 1 and 9 this round.

"As for 11 and 12, I have already defined their identities in the police, and they should be good people. Unless they have a blast this round of chatting, otherwise, I will not change my mind for the time being."

"We've talked so much piecemeal, and finally, let's sum up and click on the wolf pit by the way. Player No. 2 is standing by the side, but it's only temporary. There will be two to three wolves in sets 3, 5, and 7, and the 10 top gangsters under the police Tickets are going to enter the wolf pit, there is a high probability of a barb in 1 and 9, 8 is a good person who plays tricks, 11 and 12 are good people, 4 is not quite a barb, that’s it, let’s go.”

[Player No. 7 please speak]

"You don't need to be player No. 6 if you doubt my identity. My cards are definitely a good guy. For 3's failure to go to the police and kill him, is it a matter of his prophet's face? We just have different ideas and perspectives."

"You are thinking from the perspective of Wolves' earnings. Player No. 3 will not be thrown away for investigation. His behavior is not in line with the logic of the wolf. In retrospect, he may be a prophet, but what I think is why No. 3 is not thrown to the police for investigation. Kill, if he throws this killing on any of our good guys, he's helping a good guy stand on the right side, and he's going to risk kicking the steel plate."

"Although his status is already very low, a good prophet who jumps in place doesn't believe much, but he just doesn't believe it, he won't kill him completely, but if he dares to go to the police and kill him , this kind of behavior will definitely further lower his prophethood."

"At that time, no one will believe that he is a prophet. It is because of such worries and concerns that player No. 3 did not operate according to the method of maximizing the income of the Wolves. Can you understand? In other words, If he loses Jinshui, he can still struggle for a while, and if he fails to protect it, he will fool into a good person, but if he loses the investigation and murder, it is completely hopeless."

When player No. 7 heard that Li Yiran didn't understand why he said that Xiao Ai didn't go to the police for investigation and murder, it was not his prophecy, so he hurriedly gave an explanation. After all, Li Yiran is now recognized as a good person by the audience. Li Yiran was suspicious of small issues, so he had to make this point clear.

The reason why the two have differences is not because of different cards and positions, but because of different thinking angles. As long as they can change their positions and think about it, this misunderstanding will be solved.

"On the police, 3 and 5 should be the two wolves who can't run away, but the number 8 player is not easy to define. 6 said that 8 is a good person who plays tricks. He deliberately chatted and went to the side 3, the purpose was to make the number 3 fly. Players, this is possible."

"But I think there is another possibility. Player No. 8 is playing with a good guy. In fact, his card is a wolf. He wants to pretend to be a good guy. Unexpected ways to be recognized by good people, of course, it's risky, but he might take a chance."

Listening to the speech of player No. 7, Li Yiran rolled his eyes involuntarily. He doubted whether 7 was intentional or not. What logic did he play, and the 7 would be reversed.

Previously, he said that Xiao Ai did not go to the police to find and kill it was Xiao Ai's prophecy. In the end, 7 said that Xiao Ai did not dare to go to the police to find and kill. In this round, he said that player No. 8 is a good person who plays tricks. I wanted to fly Xiao Ai, but 7 and 8 said that [*] was a wolf with a mentality, so I wanted to be recognized in this unexpected way.

Good guy, Li Yiran thought to himself that this 7 is really good at raising the bar, and he has to go against him for everything. The key is that the conversation is really like that, it is a talent.

"Of course, I don't want to say that player No. 8 is a wolf, I just want to remind player No. 6 not to draw conclusions too early, at least after listening to the speech of the round of 8, and then to judge which one it is. In this case, if he waits and chats like a police officer, I don't know what others will do, anyway, I'm going to direct him to the wolf pit."

"The best way to deal with this kind of wolf who likes to play with mentality is to no matter what tricks he changes or what routines he plays, as long as we don't play against logic, he is a one-man show, and I'm afraid that good people will play against logic, thinking that he is a wolf If you don’t talk like this, you don’t do it like this, you’ll be fooled.”

Player No. 7 said that he was not playing 8, but in fact he was aggressive towards 8, because his speeches were all questioning 8, and he did not think about 8 well.

"Player No. 10 under the police is on the bandit vote, first click into the wolf pit, whether he can climb out depends on his own speech, I am really curious, what motivated him to vote for 3, I even I'm wondering if 3 is silver water and 10 is a witch, if that's the case, I'll look back right away."

"Player No. 6 said that there are barbs in 1, 4, and 9 of the right vote. Well, I agree very much. 3 was killed and jumped in place. It is impossible for the wolf to not barb. I went to my heart, but he said that the possibility of 6 barbs is very small, I don’t think so, in my case, 4 has a big face, because he directly pointed me into the wolf pit.”

"He points 5 as a wolf, and if he points me as a wolf, it's very explosive, because I was called a 5 in the police. At this time, I don't need to step on a wolf as an identity, right? So we can't point 5 and 7 at the same time. Entered the wolf pit, but he ordered it like this, so I think there is a problem with 4's speech, it may be a hook."

Player No. 7 seems to be going to fight Li Yiran to the end. Li Yiran said that player No. 4 is most likely not a barb. In the end, 7 said that 4 might be a hook, and that there is a problem with 4's speech. This really made Li Yiran laugh and cry.

"As for player 11 and player 12, I still maintain the same opinion on the police. They should not meet 3. They are good cards sold by 3."

"Lastly click on the wolf pit, 3, 4, 5, 10, and then player No. 8 is a fault tolerance rate. I didn't hear the speeches of 1 and 9. I will not click them into the wolf pit for the time being. 6, 11, and 12 can be recognized, just Well, I'm over.".

Chapter [*] Crazy hatred for the prophet

[Player No. 8 please speak]

"What's wrong with my speech at the police? Is there any problem? I'm serious, I'll just stand by player No. 3. There's no problem with his logic, and the police will drive two or three wolves. Now it's obvious that between 5 and 6 If a wolf comes out, it should be player No. 5. Just now, 6 said that I am a good person to fly 3, no, I don't have such a showy operation, I just think 3 is like a prophet."

Player No. 8 said with a smile: "But you're right about one thing, I'm really a good guy, but I'm definitely not a paddock, I'm standing on the side 3, today Tie Tie voted 2 out, and you all played player No. 3. Jump, what's the logic? You can't just jump on the Prophet because he took the killing, he must be a wolf, right? What if the Wolves are lucky enough to fight the Prophet?"

"Oh no, there is no case, it has become an established fact, 3 is the prophet who was unfortunately killed. His speech, logic, and state are not like a werewolf jumping in place, although he suspects that I am a pad. Fly his wolf, it doesn't matter, he is a prophet, what he says is what he says, he doesn't want me, I also stand by him."

lick gou?

Listening to the speech of player No. 8, these two words can't help but pop up in everyone's mind. This speech is really too licking, good guy, Xiao Ai, you are a wolf and you still stand by him, people don't want you, You still stand by him, isn't this the legendary licking-?

The key is that Xiao Ai is a man, that's what it is.

For a time, everyone's eyes changed inexplicably when they looked at player No. 8, especially Xiao Ai, No. 3, who was agitated all over, not knowing what terrible things came to mind.

"Let's play our 3 and 8 wolves, I will talk to you 2, don't persuade me to turn back, don't think I'm a good person on the wrong side, if you think I'm a good person, you first recognize player number 3 and say you Last night's test 3 wasn't an investigation, it was Jinshui, so I believe you are a prophet."

Hearing this, player No. 2 rolled his eyes involuntarily, fearing that he drank too much fake wine. According to 8's argument, he might as well just blow himself up.

But he is also wondering, is 8 trying to fly Xiao Ai, or does he really think Xiao Ai is a prophet, if he recognizes Xiao Ai as a prophet, there is no reason?There are so many standing side experts on the field who dare not go to standing side Xiao Ai, but 8 is so sure, Xiao Ai is not Yinshui, why?

Unless player 8 is really a lick.

Well, yes, if 8 is not flying Xiaoai, then he can only be licking, only this explanation is more reasonable.

"Let's click on the wolf pit, there are four police officers 1, 4, 9, and 10. Only player 10 has the right ticket. He must be a good guy. The remaining 1, 4, and 9 should only have one wolf. I ordered 4 to be a wolf. Sure enough, he was voted a bandit. This round, he also called me a wolf. There is a high probability that he will be a charging wolf, unless 1 and 9 are more explosive than him, but I don’t think so. "

"Player No. 6 on the police is like a good man, player No. 5 is a proper iron wolf, and player No. 7 said that if the police still talk like the police, they will put me in the wolf pit, I can talk to the police. Is there a problem? If there is a problem with my chat, you can call me a wolf, 3 or 8 wolves, I don’t mind, I’m going to stand aside anyway.”

"2, 4, 5, 7, this is what I think of the four wolves at the moment, 1 and 9 have to turn around quickly, and if you stand on the side 2, you will directly mark the wolf, and the 12th player is Jinshui, you must not go to the wolf team. , I'll just say that, player No. 3 can only have four votes at most, that is, four werewolf votes, all good people will vote for me 2, and they will directly tear off the police badge."

Crazy, player No. 8 is really crazy. When he talks like this, he thinks that all the good people on the field are standing by Xiao Ai, but in fact, it is just the opposite. The tone made 1 and 9 turn back. In this case, if the two of them really turned back, wouldn't they be 8 shorter?

Obviously, player No. 8 is helping Xiao Ai with hatred. After listening to 8's speech, who wants to stand by Xiao Ai?

Therefore, Li Yiran can now be sure that 8 is flying Xiaoai on the pad. Don't look at his mouth and stand beside Xiaoai, but when the exile votes, he will probably hit Xiaoai with one vote.

[Player No. 9 please speak]

"I don't know what you guys think after listening to player No. 8. Anyway, I think he is really like a wolf, either barb or charge. In short, he can't hold a good card."

"Obviously, for the two prophets 2 and 3, player 2 has a bigger face. You can stand on the side 3. After all, everyone has different ideas, but if you stand on the side 3 and speak like this, you will be messing around. He also ordered us 1 and 9 to turn back, otherwise the wolf will fight, you think too much, don't you?"

"Since you said you want a good guy to play you 3 or 8 wolves, then I will play 3 or 8 wolves as you wish. As for player No. 6's game, I think he can only play 8 or [*] wolves. It's a wolf pad flying prophet, it can't be a good guy pad flying wolf, [*] seems to be really unable to play such an excellent show operation."

No. 9 Silent doesn't think that No. 8 can play a good man pad flying wolf. He thinks that 8 is a wolf at most, and No. 3 Xiao Ai is a prophet. He is deliberately filling the wolf pit for 3 and helping Xiao Aila hate , the audience fights wildly, and acts as a prophet for Xiao Xiaoai.

In fact, listening to player No. 8's speech, that's what he did. After his chat, others 9 didn't know. Anyway, he and 1 would definitely not go to stand by Xiao Ai. Of course, he didn't plan to stand. Bian Xiaoai, because he thought Xiaoai was the werewolf who took off and killed him.

"I think 6 and 7 are good people. As for player No. 5, it is not necessarily the case, but if he was called 3 and 11 by the police, it may be the behavior of the two wolves. The player ordered 5, I think 11 and 3 will not meet in high probability, and 3 said that it is possible that 11 is making an identity for himself, these are all extremely unlikely events, and I don’t really want to play.”

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

"As for player No. 12 who received 3's Jinshui, normally, 3 and 12 cannot be two wolves, and 12 can be recognized temporarily, but can't be completely put down. This is something I want to remind all good people, because no one can guarantee it. 3 is not throwing gold water to the wolf teammates when the sword is slanted, and letting 12 hit the barb."

"Of course, don't be hostile to me when I talk to you like this. I think I'm paving the way for you to be a wolf. Don't think like that. I'm just suspicious."

Although player No. 9 also thinks that 3 and 12 are unlikely to meet each other, he always maintains a point of doubt about 12. This is a common problem of good people. Can't think of this one.

...... 0

"There are four people under the police, only player 10 got the bandit vote. I don't know the reason and logic for him to vote for 3, but if his behavior is not good, he has to occupy a wolf pit, just like player number 7. As I said, if he is a good person, he will crawl out of the wolf pit by himself, if he can’t climb out, he can only be a wolf, anyway, I can’t think of how a good person can vote for 3.”

"In addition, player No. 6 said that among the people who voted for 2, I agree that there will be barbs. After all, 3 takes off from the spot, and it is definitely unrealistic that the Wolves have no barbs, but you players 6 and 7 are on player 4. There have been a lot of big differences on whether it is a barb wolf, but you both are good people I recognize, and I want to say that there are still some gangsters in 4."

"From my point of view, there are barbs in the people who voted for 2, that is, 1 and 4. If I put down 4, I have to directly click 1 to enter the wolf pit, but I didn't listen to 1's speech. How can I send him into the wolf pit, so I can't say that 4 is not like a barb wolf, and he points 5 and 7 to enter the wolf pit at the same time this round, which is really a bit unreasonable logically,"

As a player under the police, No. 9 Silent is naturally more concerned about the people who are under the police with him, especially on the issue of barbs, 1 and 4 are two choices, and it is not even ruled out that 1 and 4 are both Wolf, player 10 is a good guy on the wrong side, so it's normal for him to be hostile to 4.


"Today, I will definitely vote for player No. 3. It's best for the witch not to go to Poison 8 at night. Since he dares to be so arrogant, it is very likely that he is the Ghost Rider. Let us resist pushing during the day. That's it, I'll pass. Yes." Seven.

Chapter [*] Intuition tells me that he is not a wolf

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