"I don't think the No. 5 player in the front position is bad, because he beat 1 too dead, and he is too obsessed with knowing my identity, whether I am a good person or a wolf, you have to play logic, don't say anything, don't worry about me , There are so many people present, why can't you just worry about me?"

"You said that I am a wolf is difficult to win, not necessarily. Didn't someone always call me a wolf in the first few rounds? Why can't it be played in your mouth? If you think like this, wouldn't it be easy for a wolf? Put me out of the game? The key point is that I am not out because of poor speech, I am out because my speech is too good, do you think it is appropriate?"

After listening to the speeches of the first few people, Li Yiran felt that 5 was the most like a wolf. If 2 was a prophet, 5 would most likely be a barb. If 2 was a fierce jump, 5 would be a charge. In short, the identity of 5 was very important to him. If you don't do it well, one foot has already entered the wolf pit.

"Player No. 12, I feel like a good person, can catch the most critical information from the trivial speech of No. 11, and talk about it, I can temporarily recognize it. Player No. 11 is not defined. I think his statement on the police is I can't tell if it's good or bad, it's like a draw for a PK, the wolf can also say, the police should look at his side."

"As for player No. 3, if you want to recognize him as a good person, the premise is that 2 is a prophet. If 2 is not a prophet, 2 will protect 3 when he gets up. Then 2 and 3 may become two wolves. The wave rhythm has led the good person into a misunderstanding. Note that the premise of 2 being a good person is that 3 is a prophet, and if 2 is not a prophet, 2's identity has to be re-judged."

"4 pick up the killing, this vote must be for player No. 1, then 7, you vote for player No. 2, and a round of tie votes PK, even if you think 1 is a prophet , even if 1 is your silver water, you should give 2 a chance to speak with PK, and then everyone votes together, pulling out the big votes, and it is convenient to find the wolf in the future."

Li Yiran is very much in favor of 1 and 2 for a round of tie votes, because in this way he can further judge who is the prophet and who is the fierce jump based on the second speech of the two. Can also help a good person to point out a few words.

"Okay, I've finished talking about what I need to talk about, because I took player No. 1's Jinshui, and his speech didn't have a particularly obvious breaking point, so I'll stand by him for a round first, and it's a friendly stand. After all, the truth is Speaking and logic, player No. 2 is indeed better. As for the person in the outer position, I think 5 may be a wolf, 12 is preferred, 3 and 11 do not define identity for the time being, um, that’s it, I’ve passed.” Fan.

Chapter [*] Is everyone so afraid of me?

[Player No. 8 please speak]

"Well, I heard player No. 6 speak like a wolf. In this case, the prophet of No. 1 will rise up. Although he is still not as powerful as player No. 2, he will not be a pair of wolves in rounds 1 and 6. Now, as long as 1 and 6 are two wolves, 1 will not throw the golden water to the wolf teammates, especially to the No. 6 player, it is not obvious that you want the prophet to test the 6?"

"Unless 1 deliberately pits player No. 6, otherwise, the two of them will most likely not meet. If set 1 is a fierce jump, it can only be said that 1 is deliberately making 6 the focus, making good people and prophets doubt 6's identity. Even forcing the prophets to test for 6, just like 2 is now, I guess it is golden water to test for 6, which is equivalent to wasting an opportunity to test people."

"Oh yes, even though I think 6 is a good guy, I still tend to stand by 2. Anyway, he dares to kill the No. 4 player under the police. This courage alone is worth my police standing. In one round, I can understand player No. 6’s standing by the side, after all, he received 1’s golden water, so it’s really unreasonable for the police to go against the water.”

Player No. 8 got up and recognized Li Yiran as a good person, because he could understand why Li Yiran would go to the side of 2 when 1 chatted better than 1, put himself in his shoes and think about it, you will be on the police if you pick up Jinshui Reverse water?Unless the prophet who sent you the golden water has a particularly explosive chat, but the problem is that 1 does not have any explosive points, the speech is quite satisfactory, and it is definitely above the passing line.

Before the situation became clear, Li Yiran, as a good person who took over the suspected prophet Jin Shui, could directly say that he believed that 2 was a prophet?Of course not. If he opposes it, it will be fine. If he is wrong, how will he face player No. 1 later?

Therefore, be cautious, stand by player No. 1 first, and wait until after listening to the police officer's speech before making the final decision.

"Player No. 6 said that 5 may be a wolf. I think the same as me. The person who has already spoken in the front position, I think 5 is the most wolf-like, and the words are not good. I suspect that he is a barb wolf. His wolf teammates were killed, and 2's speech was really good, so he had no choice but to barb."

"If, I am If 2 is not a prophet, but a fierce jumping wolf, then player No. 5 is likely to be the charging wolf, responsible for inciting and rhythmic."

"As for player No. 3, it is better to listen to the speeches, especially when he talks to the good player No. 7 under the police, saying that even if No. 7 wants to go to the side of the 1, the first round must vote for the police badge to the No. 2 player, let 1 , 2, a round of tie votes, and then everyone votes together, this is a good person's mentality, 3 can think of this, I feel like a good person."

"What's more, I'm the No. 2 player on the side of the station. I recognize that 1 is a fierce jump, and the first police badge of 1 hit 3. There is a high probability that 1 and 3 will not meet. From this point of view, 3 has to be a good person. ."

"In a word, whether it is from the relationship between the common side, or from the perspective of personal speech and standing, 3 should be a good person. Of course, this is the logic based on 2 being a prophet. If 2 is not Prophet, 1 is a prophet, and the trump card of 3 is not necessarily a good man or a wolf."

The reason why player No. 8 can recognize that 3 is a good person is based on the fact that 2 is a prophet. Once 2 is not a prophet, after this logic point does not exist, the identity of 3 has to be redefined.

It can be seen from this that there is still a difference between player No. 8 who thinks 3 is a good person and Li Yiran as a good person. He recognizes Li Yiran as a good person, and does not use 1 as a prophet as a logical basis, but recognizes 3 as a good person, but is Taking 2 as the prophet to make a logical basis, the identity of 3, a good person, is linked to player No. 2.

But Li Yiran is different. Pan 1 is a prophet, he is Jinshui, Pan 2 is a prophet, and 1 and 6 are not like two wolves to meet, so no matter who is a prophet, Li Yiran is a good person.

Unless there are 1 and 6 wolves in the hard disk, but if Li Yiran's speech is not explosive, the people with the 1 and 6 wolves in the hard disk will be beaten by the standard wolves in minutes. Everyone is not stupid. Who wants to touch that bad head, like 5 Player No. just said that the Prophet must check Li Yiran, and Li Yiran pointed him into the wolf pit. If someone really played 1 and 6 double wolves, I am afraid the end would be worse than 5.

Of course, now a good man doesn't beat Li Yiran because he is a wolf, not because he is afraid of him, but because his speech is fine. If a good person catches the problem with his speech, he will definitely press him to the ground and rub him. As for Li Yiran, who chooses to stand on the side The behavior is normal and completely understandable.

After all, this is only the first round of speeches, and many situations are unclear. Who would go against the water and go to the side of another prophet just after receiving the golden water.

"Player No. 11 in the front position, I feel that he has a good face. First, he is more relaxed in his speech, and he is in the mood to make fun of player No. 3. Second, his mentality of suggesting that 10 be in the bottom position to draw a tie for PK is in line with the mentality. The idea of ​​a good man, based on these two points, I think he prefers it, but whether he is a wolf or a good man, we still have to wait for him to stand by the police and see how his logic goes."

"As for player No. 12, being able to talk about the logic of not meeting 3 and 11 is very good in itself, which shows that she listens to the speech very seriously, has the amount of thinking of a good person, and has the mentality of looking for a wolf to recognize a good person, so she can temporarily recognize it. Nice guy."

In terms of the identity definition of 11 and 12, 8 is similar to everyone's idea, and there is nothing special. There is no way. The speeches of the two police officers are indeed relatively good. Can you force them to be biased? Bandits can't.

"1, 4, and 5, I think it may be the three wolves. In the back position, 9 and 10 will open another wolf. In this case, the position of the four wolves with a high probability is fixed, and the No. 7 player under the police temporarily recognizes a good person. , although he has not yet voted or spoken, but from the perspective of 4 killings, 7 should be a good person, after all, the probability of 4 and 7 wolves is too small."

"That's it, I will focus on your speeches on 9 and 10 later. You have to hide who the wolf is. Don't be heard by me as soon as you speak, hahaha."

[Player No. 9 please speak]

"Hehe, I found the two of you 5 and 8 very interesting. Let's talk about player number 5 first, stand by 2 when you get up, and then talk about logic, it sounds very reasonable, but there is one point, 2 says 11, There may be a wolf in 12, and the probability is 11, so he hit 11 with the second police badge, but you 5 think that 11 and 12 are both preferred."

"In terms of the definition of 11's identity, there is a big difference between you and No. 2 player. As a result, you can seriously say that there is no problem with 2's speech. Isn't this a problem?"

"The most important thing is that your 5's definition of 11 and 12 is exactly the same as that of 1, which means that the two of you have the same perspective, and that 1 gives 6 gold water, it is indeed powerful, and as a result, you don't face 1's prophet in the whole process. , isn't it too arbitrary? Did a police investigation make you lose your mind?"

"Similarly, player No. 8 may be a wolf when playing 5, but you are the same as 5's side, and your identity definition of 11 and 12 is the same as his, I am very puzzled, what logic do you use to point 5 is a wolf Yes? Before you call him a wolf, at least think about whether your speech and logic are no different from his? People are 6 versus 5 wolves, so there is a slight difference in the definition of 11's identity from him."

9 After listening to the speech from the front position, the strangest thing is player 5 and player 8. They must have a wolf. As for who it is, it is still uncertain, but the pattern is set, one wolf and one good person did not run away. .

如果非要现在就说他们俩哪个最像狼,9觉得8匪面要稍微大一点,因为8给他的感觉就是在跟风黎奕然打5号玩家,而且8莫名其妙的就把矛头指向了他们9、10,他要是能对8有好感就怪了. .........

"As for standing on the side, I naturally tend to stand side 2, but I won't ignore the prophet of 1. After all, there is nothing wrong with his speech. It needs to be in a state and strength. It may be eating. It's a shame to speak at the front."

"Wait until PK speaks and listen to what he has to say. I have heard so many people's speeches on the police. I believe that the wolf pit should be pointed out."

"As for player No. 6, in terms of speech, he is relatively good, but there is no time when he is not good at speaking, so I will talk to you 2, if you are really a prophet, I hope you don't change the first police badge flow, even if It is aimed at Jinshui, and you also test him out, otherwise, we are really unsteady."

Listening to player No. 9's speech, Li Yiran rolled his eyes involuntarily. He is the same as 5. He has Li Yiran's PTSD. He is too hostile to him. No, you have to test it before you can rest assured. Isn't this Li Yiran PTSD.

Li Yiran didn't understand, but the good guys from the outside position felt the same way. They were already a little bit afraid of being dominated by Li Yiran, including the Wolves. Otherwise, Li Yiran's first choice for their knives is naturally.

"An important reason why player 2 recognizes 3 is that the first police badge stream of 1 hits player 3. There is a high probability that 1 and 3 will not meet each other, so 3 is a good person, and then there is no more? Don't forget, 1 I thought you would follow this logic and recognize me as well, but there is no following, what do you think is the purpose of hitting my police badge 3?"

"When PK speaks, I hope you 2 can fill in the unfinished logic of this paragraph. Do you think that I have entered the police badge stream of 1. Is 1 acting as a cover for me, or 1 and 9 are not? When we meet, is he hitting my police badge purely for canvassing votes?"

"As for the prepositions 11 and 12, I don't actually want to define their identities. After all, they all spoke before the two prophets. Without any logical basis and common edge relationship, it is difficult to give them Accurate definition of identity."

"The so-called preference is just the feeling they gave us in a few words. This is not logic and cannot stand scrutiny. I want to wait for the police to look at their side, listen to their speech and point to the wolf pit, and then judge them. A wolf is a good man."

Player No. 9 felt that it was too early to define the identities of 11 and 12. The two of them could only talk about their status and speech, but they couldn't hear the gangster face. To talk about their preferences, it was actually too hasty.

Especially many people take 12 to talk about 3 and 11 and not meet her to recognize her. This is a bit too exaggerated. In case 12 is a wolf, talking about 3 and 11 and not meeting her is just her unintentional act, or he is doing it for her. Next, someone in Anti-Push 3 and 11 set the stage, but a good person thinks her as a good person, which would be embarrassing.

Anyway, from the point of view of player No. 9, if you don't have more than [*]% certainty, it is best not to recognize good people. Even if you just say the other party's preference, you should have more than [*]% certainty. Otherwise, it is better to be cautious, so as not to get the time Shoot yourself in the foot.

"The police told me that I softly stood by player No. 2. I think that 5 and 8 are opposites. The two of them must fight a wolf. There is a high probability that the player will be No. 8, and the probability that 3 will be a good person. Take a test, 11 and 12 are two wolves, if the police officer 6 can show his identity or look like a good person, let's re-examine the logic, and that's it for now, I'll pass.".

Chapter [*] The wolf pit seems to be a bit crowded

[Player No. 10 please speak]

"I am the last one. After listening to the speeches of all the police officers, I think 6 and 12 should be two good people. No matter who is the prophet 1 or 2, I don't think they can get the wolf card unless the police get two People started to explode when they spoke, otherwise, I think they could all make it to the finals."

"Let's talk about player No. 6 first, don't treat him as a beast of a flood, like players No. 5 and No. 9, who are inexplicably hostile to 6 or have vigilance and doubts beyond the normal situation, this is not necessary, if you take 6 If the player number is someone else, will you still stare at him like this?"

"Obviously not, you will definitely discuss your logic normally, and feel that there is a high probability that 1 and 6 will not meet, plus 6's speech is relatively good, basically you can recognize it, why can't you put your mind right and recognize it as well What about player number 6?"

"I think, if 1 is a wolf jumper, the reason why he sends golden water to player 6 is to deepen the doubts of true prophets and good people in outside positions on 6, and make 6 the focus position, so that his wolf teammates It's a little safer, after all, good people question 6's identity, so his logic can't be recognized, so what's the use of the wolf pit."

10 got up and didn't say his side, but recognized two good people from an overall perspective, one was Li Yiran and the other was player No. 12 Mi Lan. In his eyes, no matter who 1 or 2 were the prophets, Li Yiran and Mi Lan should not be a wolf.

Because Mi Lan's speech is relatively good, he points out the logic of not meeting 3 and 11, which shows that his mind is delicate. This is the insight and thinking that a wolf is difficult to have.

Li Yiran received the Golden Water from Player No. 1. From the perspective of Wolves' revenue and shared edge, he could not meet 1 as a Wolf teammate. If 1 and 6 were two wolves, 1 Hanjian gave Li Yiran the golden water. Really. It's no joke at all in pitting him.


Because Li Yiran is already very targeted, and if he picks up Jinshui, a good person has to keep an eye on him. Is there any benefit or benefit to the wolf?No.

Therefore, either 1 is a prophet, Li Yiran is really golden water, or 1 is a fierce jump, Li Yiran is a good guy who was deliberately made the focus of the Wolves, in short, no matter which kind, Li Yiran is a good guy.

"I think player No. 12 is a good person. You have already talked about it before, because she pointed out the logic that 3 and 11 do not meet. In my opinion, a wolf will not have this kind of thinking. , can find such useful information from 11 trivial words, only a good person who listens carefully to the speech can be so attentive, so I can recognize 12."

"In addition, from the state of 12's speech, including her comments on player No. 11, I feel that it is very accurate and pertinent. This is completely thinking from the perspective of a good person. I don't think she can be a wolf. "

"The good person status of 6 and 12 is not affected by our side. Whether you recognize 1 or stand 2, if you can't beat them, they are wolves. At least if you can't beat them now, it will be hard to say in the future."

After the speech of player No. 10, Li Yiran's affection for him has skyrocketed, and he has a good conversation. He is a good person. He can recognize them 6 and 12, which means that the perspective of 10 is not a problem, and the logic is also very positive. , If nothing else, he's a good guy.

After a pause, player No. 10 said again: "What about the remaining five players, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 11, if player No. 2 is standing by the side, 3 must be a good guy, because 2 and 1 in 3 sets won't meet each other? I agree with the logic. It is true that very few wolves will hit the first police badge on the wolf teammates, and the 1st and 3rd pairs of wolves are bound to make some moves on 2nd, but none of this means that 1st and 3rd do not meet. "

"Although 5 and 8 are both on the side 2, 8 beats 5 and is a wolf, and 5 also suspects that there will be two wolves after the police. In this case, 5 and 8 can be regarded as opposites, and there is always one wolf. , the rest is 9 and 11, and their speeches are okay with me."

"But there is one point. Player 9, while playing 5 may be a wolf, agrees with one of the views of 5, that is, he insists on requiring 2 to test 6. This is rather strange. You suspect that 5 is a wolf, then He asked the prophet to test 6, indicating that 6 is a good person, if 6 is a wolf teammate with him, can he ask 2 to test 6 so strongly?"

"In this case, shouldn't you recognize 6? Don't show too much hostility to 6, because wolves will use our psychology to push against player 6, you know?"

"After saying so much, I just want to express a meaning. If 2 is a prophet, the wolf pit is 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, six into four, of which 5 and 8 are still opposites, 9, 11. Among them, as long as someone can take a picture of their identity, the other will eat poison or resist pushing. Although I haven't heard his speech, the number 7 player under the police, but the probability of 4 and 7 wolves being under the police is too small. I'm not going to play."

The wolf pit pointed out by player No. 10 is still very reliable. At least it is not messy. There is logic in it. Although it is not iron logic, it can stand up to scrutiny. After all, 5 and 8 are indeed opposites, and 9 is against Li Yiran. The hostility is real.

In a word, the logic of 10 is all based on the facts that have happened. I will not say what is right or wrong, at least it will make people willing to believe it.

"If player No. 1 is standing by the side, No. 3 can't be released. It may be two or three wolves. At the same time, the suspicion of No. 2 player is even greater. Maybe No. 3 is a wolf who is charging and has a rhythm. It's far bigger than 5, and even bigger than anyone in the outside position."

"In this way, player No. 8 can put it back. After all, the opposites of 5 and 8 will not be affected by who is the prophet of 1 and 2, and 9 said that among 5 and 8, 8 is more gangster. Some, this is not right, so there may be 5 or 9 wolves, and they want to use 8 to resist push."

"The No. 4 player under the police is a reverse gold, and 7 cannot be put down. It is possible that 7 is a wolf, and it is also possible that 4 and 7 are good people. It is still impossible to judge what the situation is."

"To put it bluntly, if you recognize 2 as a prophet, the situation will be clearer, and the wolf pit is locked. If you recognize 1 as a prophet, the situation will be very vague and complicated, and there are too many people who can't define their identity."

That's right.

If 2 is a prophet, the wolf pit is already very crowded, 1 and 4 are definitely dead, one of 5 and 8, and one of 9 and 11, the No. 7 player under the police can be released, and 2 will be tested for one day. , the wolf basically has no living space.

But if 1 is the prophet, the situation is more complicated, because there are many people on the wrong side, the wolf is hard to find, and the pattern is not easy to open.

"Personally, I tend to stand by player No. 2. First, the logic and speech of 2 are stronger than that of 1. Second, as I said earlier, I think 2 is a prophet, and Langkeng is easy to find. , I like this feeling, so emotionally speaking, I prefer or rather hope that 2 is a prophet."

"But in the end, we still need to look at the speeches of 1 and 2 and the surface water of player No. 4 in the police. Waiting for the next 4 to shoot a strong god, wouldn't it be easy?"

"Okay, that's it, I've talked about everything I need to talk about, recognize the good guys 6 and 12, stand by player No. 2 for the time being, release 3 and 7 first, set 1 and 4 with two wolves, and get a wolf on 5 and 8. There is a high probability of player No. 5, a wolf on 9 and 11, and a high probability of player No. 9."

After listening to the speech of player No. 10, Li Yiran couldn't help but nodded. He had to admit that the concluding speech of 10 at the end was very good. The different situations of 2 are all listed, and I think it took a lot of brain cells.

Of course, hard work pays off. Li Yiran has already recognized 10. He believes that good people in the outer position will make the same choice as him. In this way, the wolf pit can be further reduced, which is very good for good people. favorable.

"The sheriff's election speech is over, please let the players under the police start voting for the sheriff."

After player No. 10 finished speaking, Judge Sixi announced loudly.

However, it was another vote without any suspense.

Player No. 4 who took the killing will definitely vote for 1, while player No. 7 can only vote for 2. If he dares to vote for 1, he will definitely be beaten by 2 standard wolves, and will be sidelined by 2. People beat the wolf because your mentality and behavior are not like a good person.

In any case, 2's speech and logic are better than 1's. The police still have investigations and killings, and the intensity is just right. In this case, you can still vote for 1 directly, and you won't even give 2 a chance to PK with a tie. , If you say that you are a good person, I am afraid no one will recognize you.

Soon, the results came out.

4 Choose to vote for player number 1.

7 Choose to vote for player number 2.

Such a result is what all good people would like to see, and must see.

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