(Two chapters put together, 4,000 words.)

Surrounded by a vast starry sky, Xu Bai was in the starry sky.

See tips for the Court of Origins.

"Tip: Your current walker level has reached lv.20 (the upper limit of the first level). This trial world will conduct a second-level promotion trial."

"Tip: After passing the assessment, you will be promoted to a second-level walker."

"Tip: After being promoted to the second level, your upper limit of physical attribute points will be 90 points."

"Tip: There are three opportunities for the second-level promotion trial. The first test has an initial difficulty of 100%."

"There is no penalty for failing the promotion trial."

"Tip: If you fail the first trial mission, the difficulty of the second promotion trial will be 120%, and all your abilities will be suppressed to 80%."

"Tip: If you fail the second trial mission, the difficulty of the third promotion trial will be 150%, and all your abilities will be suppressed to 70%."

"Tip: If the third promotion trial still fails, the walker will be forced to become a professional and regain talents and professional abilities."

"Tip: In this trial world, in addition to the main missions and second-level promotion trials, walkers will undergo career awakening missions."

"Tip: The process of the career awakening mission is the same as that of the promotion trial mission. After completing the career awakening mission for the first time, you will gain the strongest ability. The second and third times will decrease backwards."

"Tip: If the awakening mission fails three times, the walker will permanently lose the opportunity to awaken his profession."

"Tip: In this trial, you only need to complete the main mission to obtain return permission. Second-level promotion missions and career awakening missions are optional."

"Y/N accept all tasks currently listed?"


to be honest.

Once the above tasks are not completed the first time.

The difficulty will just snowball.

It's getting harder and harder.

And the walker's abilities will also be gradually suppressed.

Without hesitation, Xu Bai chose to accept them all.

"Tip: You have currently accepted the main mission, the second-level promotion mission, and the career awakening mission. The difficulty of this trial world will be 300%."

"Tip: Please select the type of this trial world: ordinary trial world/multi-camp trial world (war trial world)/exploration trial world"


Of course Xu Bai would not choose between the world of war and the world of exploration.

Of these two worlds, one is one with constant disputes, requiring cooperation with other walkers of the same camp and fighting against walkers of other camps.

Xu Bai is a lone wolf without any team skills, so of course he would not choose this world.

The other is a purely unknown world, where you can search for resources and minerals.

Professionals will do better than walkers when it comes to prospecting.

His only choice was one.

That is the ordinary world of trials.


"Choose a normal trial world."

As he finished speaking, the prompts of the Garden of Origin in front of Xu Bai were constantly being refreshed.

"Tip: The walker has chosen the trial world, and the current target is the ordinary trial world."

"Tip: Random drawing is in progress..."

"Reminder: Because the walker's ability is too strong (first place in the first level), according to the basic regulations, the judgment is being revised..."

"Tip: The judgment is completed. Walker (First Level), number: 762744, has extremely high growth potential. This draw is suspended and will automatically match the world suitable for the growth of the Walker."

"Tip: The matching is completed, and the walker will enter the trial world - the Land of Nothingness (First Level) in one minute."

"Reminder: The Land of Nothingness is a very large planet that belongs to the Court of Origin. The current entry location is: The Land of Nothingness - Native Zone."

"Tip: After testing by the Court of Origin, there are war equipment left behind by the Magic Knight camp in the native zone."

"Hint: There is a civilization in the native zone, which is the West Asian Empire."


Seeing the last prompt, Xu Bai's eyes flashed and his heart beat faster.

The Court of Origin seemed to have given him an incredible benefit.

In the native area, there are war equipment left by his predecessors in this profession.

War equipment, as you can tell from the name, must be weapons or equipment designed for war.


In the interstellar transit station.

Xu Bai is waiting to enter the new world.

A minute passed quickly, and Xu Bai's vision was filled with cyan.

The space fluctuations around it quickly became active, and a sense of teleportation appeared.

In a sea of ​​cyan, a reminder of the Garden of Origin appeared in front of Xu Bai's eyes.

"Tip: You will arrive at the native area in 30 seconds. The number of people entering this time: 300."

"Tip: Due to the special nature of Wuwu Land, you need to pay origin coins to use the cognitive blurring and identity disguise functions."

"Tip: Because of your status as the first-ranked walker, you will have more identity choices."

"The identity selection is as follows."

Beggar, required price: 1 point of origin coin, entry location: random location cesspit.

Farmer, required price: 10 points of origin coins, entry location: farmland at a random location.

Pig Butcher, required price: 20 origin coins, entry location: random butcher shop.

Sewer, required price: 30 origin coins, entry location: random clothing shop.


Rich businessman, required price: 2000 origin coins, entry location: random city-state.

City-state lord, required price: 4000 origin coins, entry location: random city-state.

A powerful warrior, required price: 10,000 origin coins, entry location: Border Land.

Member of Parliament, required price: 20,000 origin coins, entry location: Holy City Fisoya (Royal Capital).


"The following are special options"

Ordinary legion leader: Required price: 25,000 origin coins, entry location: Border Land.

Commander of the Dark Knights: Required price: 30,000 origin coins, entry location: Holy City of Fisoya (Royal Capital).

"Tip: This identity has no real power, but it has a special status and has some additional conveniences in the royal capital."

Commander of the Flower Knights: Required price: 30,000 origin coins, entry location: Holy City Fisoya (Royal Capital).

"Tip: This option cannot be selected by male walkers."

The King's Eldest Daughter: Required price: 30,000 origin coins, entry location: Holy City Fisoya (Royal Capital).

"Tip: This option cannot be selected by male walkers."

The eldest son of the king: Required price: 35,000 origin coins, entry location: Holy City Fisoya (Royal Capital).

"Tip: This option is the heir to the empire. After choosing this option, you will encounter endless assassinations by hostile forces."

"Tip: This option cannot be selected by female walkers."

Chief Administrative Officer: Required price: 40,000 origin coins, entry location: Holy City Fisoya (Royal Capital).

"Tip: If no choice is made within 30 seconds, the walker will enter with the lowest initial identity (beggar) by default."


There are dozens of identities on this list.

In addition to the king and queen, almost all the identities of the West Asian empire are covered.

After Xu Bai saw the identity of the "beggar" at the top.

He felt the deep malice of the Garden of Origin.

Just imagine.

When you have prepared all the equipment and are fully prepared, enter the trial world.

As a result, he was thrown into a pit somewhere at the beginning. This kind of treatment can be imagined.


After seeing a series of prompts.

Xu Bai understood what was going on.

In the past, when entering the trial world, the cognitive blurring ability to disguise identity and items was a free function.

And now.

It can be known from the prompts that it probably means because of the special nature of Wuwu Land.

These features will no longer be available for free in Court of Origins.

A simple understanding is that other trial worlds are opportunities provided by the Court of Origin to walkers to become stronger for free.

As for Wuwu Land, walkers need to pay their own way to become stronger.

All free functions in the past will no longer be free in Wuwu Land, but walkers must pay Origin Coins to obtain them.

This means.

The more Origin Coins the walker pays, the higher the status he can initially obtain.

The upper limit is Members of Parliament.

This is already an identity that can directly participate in and make decisions about imperial politics.


But now Xu Bai's situation is a bit special.

Because of his status as the number one player in the first-level arena, he seems to have some extra authority during the judgment.

There are more options to choose from.

In addition to the identities that ordinary walkers can choose.

The additional identity that Xu Bai can choose seems extraordinary.

The lowest level is the ordinary legion commander.

The highest level is the chief general officer.


Xu Bai took a look at his Origin Coin balance.

After spending resources to learn Secret Patterns.

There are more than 40,000.

These origin coins are enough for him to exchange for any identity on this list.

In a trial world that is completely unknown.

Having a higher status at the beginning of entry will obviously give you an advantage.

Also stay ahead of other walkers.

Looking at the dozens of identities on the list in front of him.

Xu Bai frowned slightly and quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

There are only more than 20 seconds left, if no choice has been made before then.

Xu Bai will be transported to a random latrine as a beggar.

He didn't want to experience this.

Based on the number of Xu Bai’s origin coins.

There are three ideal identities for him.

They are: the chief commander, the king's eldest son, and the commander of the Dark Knights.

The former seems to have a lot of power. As the chief governor of the kingdom, he must have trusted confidants, and he may even secretly cultivate a group of members.

The eldest son of the king, as the heir to the empire, does not necessarily have less power than the chief general.

To be able to survive endless assassinations, the other party must have something special about him.


Choosing the first two identities will give you many advantages when you first enter the trial world.

However, Xu Bai is not good at playing with power.

If Xu Bai is really allowed to be the chief commander or the heir to the empire.

Within three days, Xu Baiqing was dismissed.

More importantly, during the political struggle, he was framed and thrown into prison. He wore tattered prison uniforms and heavy handcuffs, and had meals delivered regularly every day.

This is not because the Court of Origin’s cognitive fuzzy ability is weak.

It's that Xu Bai is not good at what these two positions require.

If he really chooses these two positions, he will be taken over in minutes.



In the introduction, he was the commander of the Dark Knights who had no real power but had special conveniences in the capital.

Instead, it became Xu Bai's best choice.

Choosing to exchange, Xu Bai received a prompt from the Court of Origin.

"Reminder: You have redeemed the position of Commander of the Dark Knights, please check the relevant information carefully."

Commander of the Dark Knights.

Daily routine: eat, drink, play and have fun.

Personality: Playful, generous.

Introduction: No one knows the origin of the mysterious army commander. Although he does not have a single soldier under his command, he is powerful and has the old king's personal endorsement. No one in the royal capital dares to offend him.

True identity: The old king's favorite illegitimate son. Under the old king's instruction, he secretly cultivated his own power. When he matured, he "pretended" to have a mutiny and competed with the king's eldest son for the inheritance.

Note: After choosing this identity, the old king will be called the monarch in formal occasions, and cannot have private contact with him. He can only appoint confidants and communicate through letters.

On the surface, he wanted to show that he was relying on the old king's endorsement, using his status as the youngest legion commander in the history of the kingdom, to be a dandy young master in the royal capital, and to show that he didn't care about everything.

When facing officials who criticize your behavior in the king's palace, you must respond directly and never be timid.

In private, when dealing with the subordinates he secretly cultivated, he had to show his strong strength to convince the public, his ruthlessness, and clear rewards and punishments.


"Acting and acting?"

After checking the position of the commander of the Dark Legion, Xu Bai nodded secretly.

The secret to performing this position is just one word, and that is to pretend.

Not only do you have to pretend, you also have to work hard to pretend everywhere.

"It's quite interesting."

Generally speaking, this position is for the old king, the emperor of the empire, as long as he does not do anything extraordinary like betraying the country.

The king would turn a blind eye to anything he did, and he would turn a blind eye to those impeachments.

There is no other reason.

The commander of the Dark Legion was the old king's favorite illegitimate son.

illegitimate child.

And he is his favorite illegitimate son.

No king would make it public.

They will only support him secretly.

The illegitimate child can only be crowned on the day he ascends the throne.

Only then can you rectify your name.


After the job selection was completed, Xu Bai's origin coins were immediately reduced by 30,000 points.

The wallet took a critical hit.

Fortunately, he has the habit of reserving Origin Coins.

"Cognitive blur has been turned on, and the walker is about to enter the trial world."

As the tips fall.

The green color in front of Xu Bai's eyes gradually faded.

When the vision was restored, Xu Bai appeared in a palace.

In front of him is a white jade dining table inlaid with gold, with silver tableware placed on it.

Exquisite meals are served in tableware.

The two maids on the side stared at Xu Bai, who was sitting there motionless, with big watery eyes.

She said softly: "Major General, it's time to eat."


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