"Don't be impulsive and don't use your abilities in the city."

Wang Song reminded Xu Bai again.

"I have found your landlord's personal information. We will help you solve this matter. Wait for me for 15 minutes."

"By the way, how much is your loss?"

"Rent, computers, tablets, jewelry...snowboards..."

Xu Bai thought of them one by one.

"Hmm...about 130,000."

"Okay, send the recording here - http/cjgjkk/ghvjihhjvm."

"Do you remember it? If not, I will read it again."


Xu Bai's naked intelligence attribute is as high as 47, so it is not difficult to memorize a few characters.

"This is our internal website. I have given you an opportunity to apply for temporary use. Once you enter, you can just upload the recording directly."

Wang Song told Xu Bai how to use it.

They cannot arrest people for no reason, they also need procedures and evidence.


After saying that, Xu Bai hung up the phone.

Enter the URL that Wang Song just read, and enter the recording that was uploaded later.


Only 10 minutes have passed.

Wang Song called again.

When the call was connected, Xu Bai asked: "Is it done?"

"Well, it's been dealt with, and we will compensate you for the amount you lost."

"It has already been transferred to the bank card you provided before."

“As for your landlord, our people have arrested him, and he will pay the due price, whether it is financial or legal.

"His behavior will be recorded by the public security system."

"Do you want to see him in person? If you don't want to, I have an apology video he recorded here. You can take a look."

"As for whether I forgive him in the end, the decision is in your hands."

Supernatural management agencies work quickly.

If you are an ordinary person, you will encounter the same thing as Xu Bai.

It will take at least ten days and a half to resolve this matter.


This is also related to the special characteristics of walkers.

"No need."

Xu Bai rejected Wang Song's proposal.

"Just give him a few big slaps for me. Be careful and don't slap him to death."

gave his own proposal.

"Well...I'll find someone to do it."

Wang Song hesitated for a moment, but still agreed.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Okay, remember to check the compensation."

Wang Song hung up the phone, he had other things to be busy with.

Xu Bai contacted him directly through a special number.

The priority was very high, so he directly helped Xu Bai deal with it.

This is also related to Xu Bai's internal evaluation of the supernatural management organization.

Within the supernatural management agency, Xu Bai's evaluation is relatively stable and there are no signs of contamination.

Of course.

Xu Bai himself didn't know this.

What's more, what happened to Xu Bai was nothing more than a trivial matter to Wang Song, who dealt with pollution every day.


Xu Bai received a remittance in his mobile phone account whose source could not be traced.

The amount is 140,000.

After the matter was settled, Xu Bai left the rental house.

There was nothing left of his in the house.

Walking on the street, Xu Bai felt a little empty in his heart.

There is still unmelted snow on the streets.

It was already late winter, but due to the Garden of Origin, Xu Bai was only wearing a sweatshirt.

There are still 11 hours, 37 minutes and 48 seconds left before the next trial world starts.

Xu Bai waved his hand, and not far away, a taxi drove up and stopped beside him.

"Pretty boy, where are you going?"

The car window rolled up and the driver was a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses on his face.

"Chengnan High-Speed ​​Railway Station."

"Get in the car!"

Opening the door, Xu Bai got into the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt.

The vehicle started and headed towards the high-speed rail station.

"Pretty boy, start counting the clock."

The uncle patted the taximeter next to the steering wheel and informed Xu Bai that the fare had started.


Xu Bai snorted casually.

Even though he had lived alone for a long time, this was the first time he felt lonely.


The car window next to Xu Bai rolled down, letting in cold wind.

After taking a few breaths of the chilly air, Xu Bai felt better.

This bit of coldness is nothing to him.

"It's not cold, handsome?"

Feeling the coldness, the driver's hearty voice came.

"It's okay. If you want to get cold, I'll close it."

"no, I'm fine."

The uncle driver shook his head and looked at Xu Bai, who was only wearing a sweater. "I've seen young people like you a lot. Let me guess, are you broken up in love? Or are you still in love?"

Although the uncle driver is older, his interest in gossip has not diminished.

"No, don't ask."

Xu Bai waved his hand and sighed.

"You young people are quite thin-skinned. Unlike us back then, when we met a girl we liked, we boldly pursued her."

"Oh? At your age, you should already have grandchildren, right? Are you still out running around?"

Xu Bai looked at the driver and joked.

The other party's temples are white and there are many wrinkles on his face, but his mental outlook is excellent.

"No way, I think so, but my daughter just entered high school this year."

The driver uncle laughed at himself.

"You can't hope to hold a grandson. If you want to hold a grandchild, you can only hold a grandson."

"Hey, you also said that when you meet a girl you like, you have to be bold and chase her."

After chatting for a few words, the two became familiar with each other.

Someone was chatting, and Xu Bai felt better and began to tease the driver.

"It's harmful, don't mention it."

"Back then, I was chasing girls, but I couldn't. In the end, I had to find a mother-in-law to make do with. In the end, the mother-in-law ran away, leaving me with a daughter to depend on."

The driver uncle said this, and Xu Bai didn't know what to say for a while.

"That's too far away, that's too far away. I think you look like a college student. It's not the holiday yet, are you about to go home?"

It seems that taxi drivers all over the country are like this. As long as you get in the car, they can always find something to talk about.

Then we start chatting with you.

"No, I've already gone out to work. I just have free time today. I'll go back and take a look."

"That's it."


The two chatted all the way and soon arrived at the Chengnan High-speed Railway Station.

Scanning the QR code to pay, Xu Bai got out of the taxi.

He had already booked a ticket on the way, and there happened to be a train back to his hometown in forty minutes.

Xu Bai bought a business ticket because he didn't buy the ticket until it was close to departure.

Soon, the train arrived at the station.

Xu Bai got on the train back to his hometown.


(This volume is over, the next chapter opens a new world.)

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