Not discouraged.

Xu Bai continued to carve secret patterns on the gray stone.

Time passed. During this period, Xu Bai except necessary eating and rest.

They are all learning the secret pattern engraving.

Sometimes I even get so involved that I forget to eat or sleep.

Time passed bit by bit.

One day, two days, three days, four days...


It's time for Xu Bai to enter a new trial world.


"Tip: Your ordinary secret pattern engraving has reached level 3."

"Dingle bell~~~Dingle bell~~~Dingle bell~~~"

The alarm clock beside Xu Baiding rang.

this means.

Xu Bai still has 24 hours left before entering the next trial world.

Putting down the gray stone and carving knife in his hands, Xu Bai rubbed his sore eyes.

Staring at the gray stone for a long time, his eyes inevitably became sore.

at this time.

Xu Bai's eyes were bloodshot, but his spirit was high.

Xu Bai's current appearance, if seen in the present world, would be mistaken for someone who stayed up all night in an Internet cafe and was in an extremely poor mental state.

It looked as if he might die suddenly at any moment.

In mid-air in front of Xu Bai, there was a large area of ​​secret patterns used for practice floating.

The number reaches as many as 400.

As Xu Bai's proficiency continues to improve, the difficulty of obtaining proficiency is also increasing.

Within the first 10 minutes, 150 secret patterns are engraved.

Then 200, 300...

The quantity keeps increasing upwards, but the time remains the same.

Now, Xu Bai's ordinary secret pattern engraving skill level has reached lv.3.

If you want to gain proficiency again, you need to carve 400 practice secret patterns on the gray stone within 10 minutes.

The difficulty is quite high, and can even be said to have increased exponentially.


He rubbed his sore and swollen eyes.

Xu Bai put away the gray stone and carving knife.

At the current time point, there are still 24 hours before the next trial world starts.

He needs to get enough rest.

To ensure that you are in the best mental state to face new trials.

after all.

In the next trial world, it can be confirmed that Xu Bai will conduct a second-level assessment mission, a career awakening mission, and maybe a main mission in the trial world.

The intensity can be imagined.


Twelve hours later, Xu Bai sat up from the bed, full of energy and feeling extremely refreshed.

After briefly washing up, Xu Bai left the exclusive room.

Half an hour later, Xu Bai spent 1,000 origin coins to buy many supplies from professionals.

For example, climbing ropes, scuba, oxygen cylinders and other necessary supplies in special environments.

These materials are improved by professionals through similar products in the world. They are of reliable quality and stable function. They are all black iron-level equipment and certified by the Court of Origin.

There were still more than 11 hours left before entering the trial world. Xu Bai thought for a moment and decided to return to the real world to take a look.

If Xu Bai successfully completes all tasks in this world trial, he can be promoted to a second-level walker.

Xu Bai is about to be promoted to the second level. In this world, he still has several enemies who made him die once.

That night.

The two waves of walkers clashed. Perhaps because of some concerns, they only used thermal weapons.

Xu Bai was originally just an enthusiastic member of the public who passed by and called the police.

But who would have thought that he would be directly sent into the Garden of Origin by an out-of-control car.

It's not a good feeling to die once.

Xu Bai planned to let the other party try it once.

The opponent was also a second-level walker before, but it seems that he is not strong in the second level. He must have just been promoted.

But even so.

If he wants revenge, Xu Bai must be fully prepared.

His only contact with Wang Song, the second-level agent of the Supernatural Management Agency, is through his real-life mobile phone.

The opponent was also a walker, and his rank was higher than that of Xu Bai, but Xu Bai didn't know his code name and walker number in the Court of Origin.

And Xu Bai himself may not have returned to this world for a long time.

It’s time to go back and take a look.


Returning to the present world, Xu Bai returned to his rental house.

As soon as the scene in front of him changed from illusion to clarity, Xu Bai frowned.

The house was in a mess. There were several female suitcases and some large and small bags of daily necessities.

Personal belongings that originally belonged to Xu Bai have long since disappeared.

There was no one in the room at this time, so Xu Bai walked around the room.

Some of Xu Bai's valuables were missing and disappeared.

And inside the house, there are signs that people are moving.

"Has your home been robbed?"

Such an idea immediately appeared in Xu Bai's mind.

Calculating on his fingers, he has not returned to this world for nearly two months.

Is this considered... being stabbed in the back by the landlord?


Xu Bai is an orphan.

His adoptive parents left him a rich fortune.

His adoptive parents had no brothers or sisters. After the death of his two elders, Xu Bai became truly single.

The only relative in the world is not here. In his hometown, Xu Bai will be moved by emotion and feel lonely every time he sees the relics left by his two elders in the house.

Therefore, he chose to seal up the relics of his two elders. After graduating from college, he rented a house locally. During festivals, he would return to his hometown to worship his elders.

Xu Bai went to university in a city not far from his hometown.

If you take the high-speed rail, it only takes one and a half hours.

However, the landlord did not know Xu Bai's life experience. He only knew that Xu Bai was renting here alone.

Xu Bai has not appeared in the real world for nearly two months, which is very fascinating.

Although Xu Bai's rent is far from due.

But it is normal for the landlord to do such a thing, violate the agreement, take away his personal belongings and rent out the house again.

After all, human nature is evil, and it is normal to be greedy.

Greed is greed, and it can be tolerated within certain limits.

But once you cross the line, you have to pay the price for your actions.


It was noon and there was no one in the house. The new tenants should have gone to eat.

Xu Bai took out his mobile phone from the storage space and turned it on.

Maybe it was because of my previous resignation from that gym.

This time, only a few messages from the operator popping up on Xu Bai's phone notifying him of arrears.

There is no other additional news.

After paying the phone bill as prompted, Xu Bai dialed the landlord's number.

After a while of ringing, the phone was connected and a rough male voice rang.

"Xu Bai?"

The landlord on the other end of the phone felt guilty and confused.

"It's me. I'm in the house now. Please explain to me what's going on?"

"Tell me, where have all my things gone:?"

Xu Bai's tone was cold.

He has already made up his mind.

It was the landlord who breached the contract first.

If the landlord talks nicely, returns Xu Bai's lost items, or an equal amount, excluding these two months, and returns the subsequent rent and deposit, Xu Bai will not argue with him.

Xu Bai missed his parents a little after not returning to his hometown for a long time.

Although he is not a biological child, his kindness is far better than that of a biological child.

But if the landlord doesn't relent, it will be a different situation.


(It’s snowing heavily here and it’s freezing cold)

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