The time now is around 8:40, and there are still twenty minutes before the auction starts.

Landing on the platform, Heihua led the way. Through the long corridor, Xu Bai came to a single private room.

Entering the private room, the first thing you notice is the largest floor-to-ceiling window.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the auction venue below.

The entire auction venue is like a duel arena divided into two. The auditorium is in a semicircle, surrounding the stage in the center.

The overall tone of the auction venue is black. Even so, both the seats and the aisles are dotted with golden lines.

Under the collision of two visually conflicting tones and the bright lights on the top, the black-based auction venue is not gloomy. With the embellishment of gold patterns, it looks luxurious and noble.

And this is just one of the auction venues of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce.

Above this auction venue, there are other auction venues, which are for higher-level actors.

The Black Rose Chamber of Commerce is not only an alliance of merchants and professionals, but also cooperates with many guilds in the Court of Origin.

Black Gate is one of their partners.

However, he is not the only chamber of commerce in the Court of Origin. The Black Rose Chamber of Commerce also has several competitors.


Now, the auction is approaching its opening

Walkers have entered the venue one after another and taken their seats one by one.

Xu Bai sat on a single sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. In front of him was a small table with several exquisite desserts on it, and Heihua stood behind him.

Like the auction venue, the overall tone of the private room is black, and a blooming rose is painted with gold patterns on the wall.

It was the same as the pattern on the black card in Xu Bai's hand, but it was enlarged many times.


Xu Bai just sat down.

Black Flower handed him a glass screen from behind, and then helped him light it.

As the screen lights up, a close-up image of the central stage of the auction venue appears on the glass bottle.

Because the VIP room is located at the top of the auction venue.

Although the view is excellent, you can overlook the entire venue.

However, due to the distance, the products on the stage were not clearly visible.

Xu Bai reached for a dessert on the small table and took a bite.

The dessert was soft and tasted great.

He has never eaten it in this life.

This should be produced by professional chefs.


More and more people gathered at the venue, and it didn't take long for the venue to be full.

The time soon arrived at 8:50, and the auction was about to begin.

Time passed bit by bit, and the lights in the venue suddenly went out, and everyone in the venue let out a burst of exclamations.

Suddenly, there was only a "pop" sound.

A bright spotlight shines on the stage, and the stage surface slowly separates.

A man with a black mask on his face, a slender figure and a tuxedo slowly stretched out from the bottom of the stage.


"Black Rose actually invited him to host this auction!"

The Speaker is an extremely powerful walker of the First Order, adept at mind control and attacks.

This results in his fighting methods being extremely strange and changeable, and the enemy often inadvertently enters the illusion he has arranged in advance.

Then, under the influence of the illusion, he cut off his own head.

For a moment, those who recognized him couldn't help but exclaimed.

They were marveling at Black Rose's ability to bring in speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen."

Under the spotlight, the speaker bowed gracefully.

"Everyone, the entire process of today's auction has been notarized by the Court of Origin. Welcome to participate in this auction. This auction is led by the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce, Xiao Yu, Luo Li, Heimen... ...Waiting for several guilds to participate.”

"I won't mention the rest of the tedious procedures. Everyone is a walker."

The speaker finished speaking and waved to the side of the stage.

The first auction item was sent to the stage.

As the red curtain was lifted, a streamlined one-piece nano-armor appeared in front of everyone.

"Gold-grade nano-armor - "Qiang language", starting price is 7,000 origin coins! "

The moment he saw the goods, the mechanical walker in the audience let out a burst of exclamations.

"Qiang" is extremely famous in the mechanical department.

Since it is made of nanomaterials and has excellent ductility, no matter how the mechanical system modifies itself, "Qiang Language" can perfectly cover the user.

Its equipment has only one effect.

That is, it can be immune to energy attacks with less than 300 units of "interest times".

"Interest rate" is a unit used by the mechanical system to calculate the lethality of energy weapons.

Generally speaking, the lethality of a first-level walker energy weapon will not exceed 270 "interests".

In other words, energy weapons within the first level will not cause harm to the wearer of "Qiang Language".

If used well, it is equivalent to the second life of the mechanical system.

This is the reason why many mechanics in the audience exclaimed.

Although they have already seen the list of goods for this auction.

When they saw the first auction item and pushed something so exciting, everyone in the mechanical department in the audience exclaimed.

However, for the sake of confidentiality, the detailed information of the auction items was not written on the goods list, only a general introduction.


After "Qiang Language" was pushed up, everyone in the mechanical department below immediately started quoting.

"10,000 origin coins!"

The person who made the offer was a female mechanical major.

Although you can use the number plate in your hand to enter the price, doing so does not have the power to shout out.

"13,000 origin coins!"

Immediately, other mechanical departments were not willing to be outdone and raised the price with her.

"15,000 origin coins!"

"17,000 origin coins!"

Others immediately joined in.


After some price increases.

"Qiang Language" was finally sold for 41,000 origin coins, and the buyer was the female mechanic who made the first bid.

The female mechanical student looked around proudly and then sat down.

She has already paid, and "Qiang Language" will be delivered to her after the auction.

With the notarization from the Court of Origin, the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce will not default on its debt.

At the same time, the drama of being killed and grabbing treasures right after leaving the house will not be staged in the Court of Origin.

But entering the trial world, there are two different things.


Although the first item was equipment on the technological side, the fierce competition just now also ignited the atmosphere at the scene. The Black Rose Chamber of Commerce successfully did it.

"Qiang Language" was pushed down, and the second item was immediately pushed onto the stage.

The speaker lifted the cloth covering the goods, revealing a purple sniper rifle in front of everyone.

""Purple Extreme True Eyes", a silver-grade gunpowder kinetic energy sniper rifle, with a starting price of 5,000 origin coins! "


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