Exchange Street has a lot of traffic.

There are crowds of people, the shouts of walkers, and the sounds of bargaining.

About half an hour.

Almost all the equipment in Xu Bai's booth has been sold.

There is only one piece of silver-level equipment left - the "Lightweight Power Arm".

This type of basic equipment on the technological side is not easy to sell.

For the rest of the equipment, Xu Bai more or less gave the opponent some discounts.

When bidding, his bid was somewhat inflated, but the other party's bargaining price was within his acceptable range, so he made the move directly.

As for those walkers who opened their mouths and cut off a third or even half of them as soon as they came up.

As for those walkers who couldn't reach an agreement after just a few words of conversation, Xu Bai ignored them.

Except for the "lightweight power arm".

Sold other equipment.

Xu Bai recorded another 13,500 origin coins.

He opened the personal terminal in his hand and took a look at the time.

Counting the time, the people from the Black Gate should be arriving soon.

When he first arrived at the Exchange Street, Xu Bai compiled the location of his stall into a message and sent it to Heitan.



A petite and cute figure walked through the crowd on the Exchange Street and walked straight towards the stall where Xu Bai was.

It was Xiao Yu who was responsible for managing the finances of the Black Gate Guild.

Last time, Xu Bai used three pieces of silver-level detection equipment "Eye of Control" in exchange for several bottles of boosting potions.

Walk to Xu Bai's stall.

"Pretty boy, it's you again, long time no see."

"If it weren't for the three "Eyes of Control" you traded with us last time, our team survival trial this time might have been in doubt. "

Xiaoyu greeted Xu Bai with some gratitude in her tone.

It is different from the survival trial of ordinary walkers.

Walkers who form a guild will participate in the team survival trial.

The team survival trial is not a "battle royale"-like mode like the ordinary survival trial.

It's a serious team battle of 100 people.

Take place in complex terrain randomly generated by the Garden of Origins.

Every time a member is killed in the confrontation, a new member will immediately replace it.

And Heimen relies on these three pieces of detection equipment traded with Xu Bai.

Every time you encounter an enemy, you can quickly obtain the enemy's personal information.

This way you can quickly identify priority fire targets.

Detection equipment is extremely rare in the Court of Origin, and there are very few owners.

With three "Eyes of Control", Black Gate gained a huge tactical advantage.

There are even some hostile guilds whose overall strength is stronger than that of Black Gate.

After the war started, the main force was wiped out instantly by the Black Gate. Even if there were additional personnel later, they would still be defeated by the Black Gate until the entire guild was wiped out.

after all.

The detection skill has no cooldown, so there is no problem if you drop 100 at a time.


Traded the gold-level skill scroll "Gate of Fire Hell" to Xiaoyu, and 60,000 origin coins were credited to his account.

not only.

Xiaoyu also bought Xu Bai's "lightweight power arm" that had not been sold for a long time.

Didn't bargain.

There happened to be a newcomer on the technology side joining Black Gate, and they just needed such a basic piece of equipment.

At this point, all the equipment and materials Xu Bai harvested in the survival trial this time have been converted into origin coins, which can be used to improve his own strength in the future.

His deposit came to 151,220 Origin Coins.

With a huge sum of 150,000 yuan in his pocket, Xu Bai got up from the stall and was about to stroll around the trading street to see if there was any equipment or scrolls suitable for him.

Xiaoyu, who had just walked not far, suddenly stopped him and ran over to him, handing him a black card.

This card has a gold rose pattern printed on it, which makes it look extremely luxurious.

Xiaoyu rubbed his head and spoke awkwardly.

"Oops, I almost forgot. I've been so confused these past two days trying to figure things out."

"Pretty boy, this is what our boss asked me to give you, a VIP ticket for an auction hosted by the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce."

"Our Black Gate is also participating in this auction. The boss has been busy with this matter for the past two days. Otherwise, he would have done the transaction for this scroll in person."

"This auction will only open equipment items of gold level and below to ordinary first-level walkers."

"And VIP guests will have the opportunity to participate in the auction of higher-grade equipment and items."

Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed. Heitan had specifically explained it to her, but she almost forgot.


"Do you have an inventory?"

Xu Bai, who stood up to leave, stopped. He had heard about the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce. It was a chamber of commerce alliance established by a group of businessmen and professionals.

They are present from the first level to higher levels.

Xu Bai decided to take a look at the list of goods for this auction to see what would be sold at the auction held by the Chamber of Commerce in the Court of Origins.

"Yes, but we only participate in the first-level auction. We are not eligible to participate in the auction of higher-level items."

Xiao Yu hurriedly rummaged through the storage space. As a professional in charge of the guild's accounts, there were too many and too many things in her storage space.

Not long after, Xiao Yu took out a thin paper book with a black background and gold patterns from the storage space and handed it to Xu Bai.

Taking the paper book, Xu Bai started to flip through it.

Soon, his eyes lit up.

In the list of goods on the paper book, there is a product named "Strategy Exclusive Ability Skill Scroll", with a gold grade.

However, the inventory of goods did not record the specific information of this skill scroll. Perhaps to maintain a sense of mystery, the name was not even written on it.

After flipping through the goods list, Xu Bai found that, as Xiao Yu said, the highest grade of goods sold in the paper that recorded the goods list was only gold level.


"The auction will start at 9 a.m. tomorrow at the headquarters of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce."

There were still important things to deal with in the Black Gate Guild, so Xiao Yu said goodbye to Xu Bai and left first.

Xu Bai put away the luxurious VIP ticket.

This ticket can be regarded as the additional value generated by the three "Eyes of Control".

Continuing to stroll around the trading street, Xu Bai was looking for equipment or items that suited him.

Soon, he stopped in front of a stall.

Pick up a bottle of potion on the stall and check its properties.

Item name: Glory of the Moon God

Type: Permanent buff potion

Quality: Silver level

Effect: After drinking, the mana value will be permanently increased by 150 points.

Usage restrictions: This potion is only effective for first-level walkers. A maximum of three bottles can be consumed. If more than three bottles are consumed, it will be invalid.

Introduction: Goddess of the Moon, please protect me.

"How much?"

Putting the medicine back into the stall, Xu Bai asked the stall owner.

The stall owner is a weak girl with a long staff in her hand.

However, the sick smile that appeared on her face from time to time all showed that she was not as simple as she seemed.


The girl quoted the price.

Permanent buff potions are items that can immediately improve one's own strength after use. The price is usually higher than equipment and skill scrolls of the same grade.


Xu Bai tried to bargain.



"make a deal."

Putting away the medicine, Xu Bai paid quickly.

I left the girl's stall and continued walking around the trading street.


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