There was a vibrating hum in the air.

Looking at the oncoming ship-cutting sword, the giant elephant raised the arm shield of his right hand to block it, and sparks burst out from the slash.

Sparks flew everywhere.

On the tyrant's right hand holding the sword, the armor on the arm suddenly expanded in a circle, which was the internal biological tissue exerting force.

The tyrant's strength surged, and the giant elephant couldn't help but take two steps back.

The tyrant sheathed his sword and struck again.

The expanded armor on his right arm suddenly opened, and a propulsion module sprayed out green propulsion flames.

The power of the tyrant's slash instantly surged.

The high-frequency vibration of the ship-cutting knife collided with the arm armor.

An impact spread, and the giant elephant felt a huge force coming from the arm shield in his hand. His body sank and he almost knelt down.

The tyrant moved forward, and with a knee strike, he knocked away the giant elephant's arms in front of him, and the biological heavy cannon in his left hand was aimed at the giant elephant's chest.

With a bang, a ball of miserable green light passed by the giant elephant's shoulder and flew into the misty forest in the distance.

The ball of light hit a giant tree, and the tree trunk was immediately eroded into slag, and the tree dozens of meters high slowly fell down.

A humanoid monster with red tentacles flying on its body stood in the distance. Several tentacles wrapped around the biological heavy cannon on the tyrant's left hand, causing his blow to deviate from its original position.

That was Mei Ye in the form of a tentacled demon.

Mei Ye raised her hand and pointed, and more tentacles flew out and wrapped around the tyrant.

The giant elephant, who had just been suppressed by the tyrant, took this opportunity to lean down, wrap his hands around the armor around the tyrant's waist, lift him high, and then drop him heavily.


Mud and grass clippings flew everywhere, and the tyrant was slammed to the ground by the giant elephant.

Inside the biokinetic armor, the temporarily disadvantaged tyrant calmly issued instructions to the mastermind.

"Enable overclocking mode."

"Command received." The mastermind sounded an emotionless electronic synthesized voice.

The next moment, the biokinetic energy armor on the Tyrant began to surge, and the dark green biological tissue inside instantly expanded the entire armor.

The red tentacles surrounding the tyrant's body were broken off, terrifying heat radiated from the armor on his body, and bursts of steam floated into the air.

Immediately afterwards.

The huge sword-cutting knife in the tyrant's right hand shrank, leaving only a handle fixed in the palm of his hand.


The tyrant's right hand struck hard on the face of the giant elephant riding on him.

The next moment, the tyrant's right wrist flipped over at an incredible angle, and the ship-cutting knife stretched out again, instantly piercing the giant elephant's head.

The high-frequency vibration instantly shattered the giant elephant's head.

The tyrant pushed away the headless body of the giant elephant, stood up from the ground, and looked at Mei Ye who had completed the demonization in the distance, with a ferocious and crazy expression.

"The killing... has just begun!!!"


At the edge of the misty forest, on the south side.

In the dense forest.

There was a conversation.

The sniper who had disturbed the situation earlier held down his headset and talked to his teammates.

"Coming, coming, here is the barrier you have prepared, they are coming soon!"

The sniper's tone was a little panicked. After his position was exposed, at least three walker teams rushed towards him.

In the melee, if the sniper firing cold shots from a distance is not his own teammate, everyone will shout and beat him.

At least, to some extent, he can draw more aggro than the main tank.

Youye's low and hoarse voice sounded in the headset, as always, accompanied by some rustling sounds of electrical interference.

"Fire again."

"Okay...what? Do you want me to die?! They are already so close to me. Another shot will definitely expose my position!!!"

The sniper did not dare to yell, so he lowered his voice and roared silently into the headset.

The rustling in the headset continued, but no one responded.

"Damn it."

When no one answered, the sniper turned off the headset and cursed.

But still do it.

Along the way, the teammate named You Ye made every battle easy to win through careful layout, and he saw this in his eyes.

Now, I can only choose to believe that guy.

The sniper picked up the sniper rifle in front of him, aimed at the person closest to him, and pulled the trigger.

The next moment, a sudden gunshot rang out, and the bullet grazed the man's body. The man was well prepared.

Before the gunfire fell, the three walker teams who came to search for the mysterious sniper were like sharks smelling blood, rushing in the direction of the mysterious sniper.

The sniper didn't even look back, put the sniper rifle in his hand into the storage space, turned around and ran away.

But his position had been exposed. The figure of one of the pursuers immediately disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already 10 centimeters behind the sniper.

He is an assassin. He raises the short blade in his hand and stabs the sniper in the back.

But who knows, a light curtain suddenly appears from under his feet and cuts him in half.

The smooth incision exudes a burnt aroma.

The escaping sniper heard the movement behind him and turned to look behind him.

He saw the light blue light curtain in front of him and the half body next to his feet.

"Finally done." He took a long breath.

I saw this layer of blue light curtain, surrounding all three chasing team of walkers.

Several high-energy beams appeared in the space within the light curtain at some unknown time, instantly cutting their bodies into squares of even length.

“Perfect fishing plan.”

The sniper's headset sounded, and Youye's voice came along with the hissing sound of electricity.

"It's just..." He changed his voice, "Come and meet us, C 23 - ACT field generating device, it only needs to be used once."

"With our scores, it is no longer a problem to be in the top 10. As for a higher ranking... we can't get it... and there is no need to fight for it with all our lives."

He paused and said, "The creeping Mei Ye, the biochemical tyrant, the bloodthirsty Crazy Owl, and some walkers hiding in the dark who have not yet taken action..."

"With these people here, at our level, it's enough to be able to get into the top 10 and get a chance to survive."

You Ye is very self-aware.

He knew he couldn't compete with these people, so he would stop after fishing once, and he would be satisfied if he ranked among the top 10 who could survive the survival trial.

Enemies like You Ye who have a very clear understanding of their own position are often the most terrifying.

They are rational and not easily angered. They achieve their goals through careful planning and choose the best time to take action.

After they achieve their goals and obtain benefits that they consider acceptable, they will never give in to subsequent higher returns.

Because in the Court of Origin, higher returns mean higher risks.

In the Court of Origins.

The performance of this type of walker may not be so conspicuous at low levels, but in the later stages of development, ordinary walkers are least willing to face this type of enemy.


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