Igarashi's actions made Machida Enko blush, expressing her dissatisfaction in a soft tone, but without any actual actions.

I'm apologizing.

Without blushing, he called his behavior an apology. Igarashi lowered his head and kissed the beautiful woman in his arms on her lips, asking for it wantonly. After a long time, Igarashi looked at the somewhat confused Machida Enko and said with a bad smile.

Have you forgiven me?


Machida Enko snorted, how could there be such an apology? Seeing that Igarashi seemed to want to continue apologizing, the shy Machida Enko pushed Igarashi away.

Okay, forgive me, okay? This is Wenku headquarters, can you pay attention!

Although Miss Machida seemed to object, Igarashi knew that the editor-in-chief in front of him just now was very cooperative with him.

Understood! I will pay attention to the environment next time.

Machida Eonko didn’t want to continue to struggle with Igarashi on this topic. Remembering Igarashi’s previous question about whether the identity of a high school student would affect Sword Art Online, Miss Machida blinked.

Are you going to reveal your identity? Bunko can use this to promote Sword Art Online again.

Well, let's announce it. Just don't share my contact information and address.

Igarashi doesn’t want his mobile phone to receive a bunch of calls from people he doesn’t know every day in the future, let alone his address. If any passerby dares to disturb his and the beautiful girls’ lives, Igarashi will use his mental power to stop them. He was shocked into a vegetative state.

Okay, got it.

It is working time after all. Machida Enko cannot stay with Igarashi all the time, and Igarashi will not stay in Tokyo for a long time. After an hour, Igarashi returned to Chiba, but A1P Company still waits until the official start. Let’s go and watch the Sword Art Online anime.

Lan, you're back.

When Igarashi returned home, just after school was over at Toyosaki Academy, Hyōdo Michiru was also there. The girl in front of him who became a little happy because of his appearance made a sad scene appear in Igarashi's mind. , while he was away, Hyodo Michiru stayed alone at home and endured loneliness. The thought of this made Igarashi almost burst into tears.

You can participate in club activities. Aren't you lonely when you come back so early alone?

I'm not alone. I still have you, right?

Hyodo Michiru was a little confused by Igarashi's question, with a puzzled look on her pretty face. Witnessing this scene, Igarashi felt that his sadness just now seemed meaningless, although he was the only one happy in Hyodo Michiru's eyes. But Igarashi doesn't want the girl's life to be so monotonous.

You like playing guitar now, so do you want to provide music or record songs for anime?

Michiru Hyido has a very nice voice. As a genius, she is now very good at playing guitar, which is enough to be qualified for the music work of Sword Art Online. As for whether Igarashi has such great power, Rakugo Yunoori originally expressed his willingness to let it go. Igarashi is the general supervisor. The general supervisor is the most powerful position in an animation. Although Igarashi did not accept it, it does not mean that Yunori Rakoshi or Fantastic Bunko will not listen to Igarashi's request.

Recording songs for anime? No, I don't know anything about anime.

Hyōdo Michiru knew very well that he knew very little about otaku culture, so he quickly waved his hand when faced with Igarashi's suggestion.

But you know Sword Art Online very well.

The girl in front of her has not only read the first volume of Sword Art Online that Igarashi gave her before, but also the second and third volumes that Igarashi saved in the computer. In terms of understanding, except for a few people, only a few people have read it. Hyōdo Michiru is the most familiar with Sword Art Online.

Chapter 141 Clickbait

Michiru Hyido's eyes widened when he realized the key to the problem.

You want me to participate in the animation production of Sword Art Online? No, I just have a temporary interest in playing guitar, and I don't have that high ability at all.

Hyodo Michiru, who had always seemed carefree and undisturbed by everything, now looked unsure of herself in front of him. What Igarashi cared about was not whether the girl was competent, but whether she could do it. Because he is happy that his songs or music are heard by more people, if Hyōdo Michiru will be happy, Igarashi would not mind imitating the old fools who did all kinds of things to make beautiful women smile, and let Hyōdo Michiru participate. to the production of the Sword Art Online anime.

Do you ever hope that your music will be heard by more people?

Igarashi is willing to do it for himself, regardless of the impact of the Sword Art Online anime. Hyodo Michiru has truly felt it. The girl who always lacked common sense in front of Igarashi now shook her head gently with a look on her face. a happy expression.

Although this idea is quite tempting, in my heart, it doesn't matter whether others can hear my voice or not.

Because you are the most important person to me.

Hyodo Michiru silently added this sentence in her heart, if it affects Igarashi for her own reasons, it is absolutely forbidden for girls.

I am really lucky to have such a girl. Igarashi no longer insists on this, and his voice becomes gentle unconsciously.

Okay, I'm your listener anytime.


Igarashi has been staying with Yoshitomo Hyido for quite some time, and there is some warmth in life from time to time. The two have gradually become accustomed to forming a tacit understanding, and now everything is unspoken.

Now that he has nothing to worry about and a depraved life with a beautiful woman by his side, Igarashi deeply understands the value of time. The painful time is extremely long and the happy time is extremely short. However, the greedy Igarashi hopes that he and the girl will be together. Happy time can last endlessly.

Shocked! The author of the super popular novel Sword Art Online is actually...

Men were silent after watching it, and women were in tears after watching it. Sword Art Online author Yamabuki-sensei was like this at the comic exhibition.

Sitting in front of the computer, looking at these news headlines, Igarashi suppressed his desire to complain with extremely high concentration, but Michiru Hyōdou, who was sitting next to him, could not hold back.

Wow, Lan, you did something outrageous when I didn't know about it.

Hyōdo Michiru covered her mouth in disbelief and looked at Igarashi with grief-stricken eyes. She didn't expect that Igarashi's classmate, who was so charming in school and in front of him, actually had an unknown side.

Tsk, although Hyodo Michiru looked like he was seeing the wrong person, Igarashi knew that the girl did it on purpose. Didn't he just cosplay Kirito at the comic exhibition? Hyodo Michiru knew about it a few days ago and pinched him. At this time, the girl's mouth was slightly open and she looked very surprised. Igarashi spoke angrily.

You clearly know what I have done, don't be influenced by the headlines!

Well, I got it, let's take a look at what they wrote.

Igarashi clicked on the news. If these unscrupulous editors dare to smear their own image, Igarashi will let them know what cruelty means.

The author of the super popular novel Sword Art Online is actually a high school student, and he is a popular figure in school...

Yamabuki-sensei cosplayed Kirito at the comic exhibition. It was extremely realistic and charming.

Phew, seeing that these editors were really making headlines, and seeing that the actual content of these news was not as exciting as the headlines, Igarashi felt relieved, but saw that the comments were crazy.

Wow, Mr. Yamabuki turns out to be so handsome, I like him!

It seems that Mr. Yamabuki is Kirito based on himself.

Tsk, I thought Mr. Yamabuki was a beautiful girl, but I was overthinking it.

Don't you see the point? A high school student, the author of Sword Art Online is a high school student, a genius!

Although there are some strange things mixed in, these comments can still be said to be full of positive energy, and the Sword Art Online that I have modified does not have any depressing content. Fortunately, I am not dead, and there is no shameful guy like Sugou Nobuyuki. , well, the person who held Asuna hostage instead was a woman.

Oops, Lan is going to be snatched away by someone else!

Seeing that there were many people of unknown gender expressing their love for Igarashi in the comments, Hyōdo Michiru looked panicked, wondering how he could defeat so many enemies.

I'm acting weird again, I'll make you cry later. Igarashi glanced at Hyōdo Michiru. Now, Igarashi has written down the girl's performance in his little notebook in his heart, and will settle the accounts later when he goes to bed at night.

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