Izumi Kyoka is Izumi Sagiri's guardian, but not Igarashi's guardian.

If I had to say it, Igarashi had no written relationship with her, let alone a blood relationship.

Just looking at appearance, Izumi Kyoka looks like a college student. If she could change her clothes and dress more girlishly, it would be a problem for her as a high school student.

Izumi Kyoka once wanted to put on the airs of a guardian, but due to some of Igarashi's noble behavior, the relationship between the two became friends.


Izumi Kyoka opened her mouth but could not refute.

The smile on Igarashi's face continued.

Come, look at me, slowly change your eyes, be gentler? Also pay attention to your voice.

These words were like coaxing a child, which made Izumi Kyoka's face look even colder and began to turn red.

Ordinary people would think that Izumi Kyoka was angry, and her face turned red because of her anger. But Igarashi knew that she was shy.

Igarashi has said similar words countless times, but Izumi Kyoka has not changed. It’s not that I don’t listen, it’s that I don’t know how to change.

Seeing that Izumi Kyoka was still the same, Igarashi sighed.

Whether it's high school, college or now when you're working, you don't have many friends, right? Don't you feel lonely?

High school students just need to take care of themselves and don't worry about me.

The answer was cold, but Igarashi could still hear the tenderness of Izumi Kyoka.

Igarashi stood up and took out the cake stored in the refrigerator.

No, I bought the flavor you like in the store you like.

Not only do you have to complete your studies, but you also have to lead a healthy life and even work part-time as a bank editor to earn living expenses. You have done enough unnecessary things, so don't focus on these things anymore.

Saying this, Izumi Kyoka carefully picked up the cake and tasted it carefully in small bites.

The iceberg beauty has cream on her lips. And it adds a bit of cuteness.

I heard, Jingxiang, you work very hard and often ask to work overtime.

The somewhat intimate title made Izumi Kyoka pause for a moment, then raised her head and stared at Igarashi.

I told you, don't worry about me.

One word at a time, the overly serious tone seemed a bit harsh.

However, Igarashi didn't show any signs of abnormality. He took out a contract.

This is a contract from Dengeki Bunko. The position is senior director of the Human Resources Department. The job content is to review employee performance appraisal results. The salary is more than three times your current salary.

Where did you get it?

I have told you before, I am the boss behind Dengeki Bunko.

Even if you are just a high-level student now, it is wrong to spread rumors and forge things casually.

Izumi Kyoka still didn't believe it, and Igarashi said simply without further explanation.

Sign your name, and then I'll take you to Dengeki Bunko. As for the employment procedures required by the company you're currently working in, I'll have someone complete them for you.

Seeing that Igarashi Shippei was serious, Izumi Kyoka stared at him for a long time.

There is not just one job in the HR department. Although senior managers sound great, they only have more things to deal with than ordinary employees.

Forget it, you go to Dengeki Bunko with me first, and then you can sign it after you believe it.

Igarashi took out a tissue and wiped Izumi Kyoka's mouth, and then held her hand forcefully.

This series of actions is definitely not something that ordinary friends of the opposite sex can do. Let Izumi Jing bewildered.

She didn't resist, but followed honestly.

Chapter 1264 Finally confirmed

Igarashi's home is some distance from Dengeki Bunko, so it would take a lot of time to drag Izumi Kyoka all the way there. in this everyday world. Naturally, he wouldn't use his power for such a trivial matter.

Igarashi called someone and waited quietly.

Izumi Kyoka just stood next to Igarashi at a loss, and with Igarashi holding her hand, she must have become a couple in the eyes of other passers-by.

Igarashi is obviously just a high school student, but he strangely has a temperament that can adapt to various roles. He is not wearing a school uniform now, and he has a special maturity that makes Izumi Kyoka unable to show the dignity of an adult. Teach him a lesson.

On the contrary, in front of Igarashi at this moment, Izumi Kyoka found that she had become the child's weak one.

She didn't even have much mind to care about whether Igarashi was the boss behind Dengeki Bunko, and to explore the authenticity of that somewhat terrifying identity. As time went by, Izumi Kyoka's heartbeat continued to accelerate, and her expression was different from that of Dengeki Bunko. On the contrary, the mood became colder and colder.

Feeling Igarashi's eyes on her from time to time, Izumi Kyoka was actually very anxious.

If the other party mistakenly thinks that he is very angry now, causing some conflicts and worsening the relationship between the two, it will be a super bad thing for Izumi Kyoka.

if that is the case. She didn't even have the courage to visit Igarashi and Sagiri's lives again. You must know that Izumi Kyoka first took the initiative to become Izumi Sagiri's guardian, just to become good friends with Izumi Sagiri.

She actually likes Izumi Sagiri, that girl who is like a snowflake.

Fortunately, Izumi Kyoka didn't suffer for too long.

About ten minutes later, a car stopped in front of Igarashi and Izumi Kyoka.

Hello, I am Kagurazaka Iris, the editor of Dengeki Bunko.

Kagurazaka Iris first said hello to Izumi Kyoka, and then gave Igarashi a complicated look.

As expected, you are more powerful than I thought.

Today is not a day off.

Izumi Kyoka may have come to Igarashi after taking leave, while Kagurazaka Mogama was still working at Dengeki Bunko.

As a result, her superiors suddenly called and told her that she could hand over the work to others and serve as the driver for the two big shots.

Kagurazaka Naoka is already a senior editor of Dengeki Bunko. Her superior is an absolute high-level person in the Bunko. And then she is called a big shot by the top people. What level will it be?

Kagurazaka Azubu was originally very nervous, but when she arrived at her destination and saw Igarashi, she couldn't help but relax and also had some enlightenment.

The person who came to Igarashi a little unexpectedly was Kagurazaka Yinggao.

It seemed that the senior executive to whom he directly gave orders knew about his relationship with Dengeki Bunko.

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