Because they are all villains, Igarashi has no intention of respecting personal privacy and protecting their lives. I quickly browsed through the memories of those high-level officials.

He was originally a human being, but he transformed himself, believed in Cain, and established the [Holy Annihilation Sect] to promote his return?

Igarashi's muttering, and the mysterious glint in his eyes. In Akatsuki Sano, Hibikawa Shio and others seem mysterious and scary.

There were no members of the special attack force in this meeting hall, and the closest one was more than ten meters away. And he was not a high-ranking member of the army. Igarashi's behavior of ignoring the distance and seeming to be looking at something even though he did not make any special movements made everyone feel cold.

No one knows what happened, but Igarashi did reveal some extremely hidden information. The Lion King Agency suspected that there were spies from the Holy Annihilation Sect in the special attack force, but it was just because they were in the suspicion stage and could not find sufficient evidence. No action has been taken yet.

In addition to wanting Igarashi to get rid of the black shell, the source of the turmoil, during this trip to Kaminose Lake, the Lion King Organization also exposed some traitors in the special attack force, and even angered Igarashi, and with the help of him The intention of eliminating all unstable factors with its power.

However, Igarashi could easily identify the spies of the Holy Annihilation Sect who were so well hidden that even the suspicious Lion King Agency could not find any flaws.

But Xiaopai Sano couldn't feel any joy.

Incomprehensible power is more likely to make people panic than to have feelings like admiration.

That's the fear of the unknown.

Akatsuki Sano suddenly felt a little lucky. When the Lion King Agency asked Kosaka Sayaka to get close to Igarashi, they didn't want to use many small tricks, but carried out it with a semi-open and aboveboard attitude.

Otherwise, those conspiracies and tricks are just a joke in front of Igarashi, right?

Now that those people have been identified by you, our Lion King Agency will not do any more unnecessary actions. After making some just-in-case preparations, we will take you to Shensuo Lake, where Before that, please enjoy the scenery on the mountain a little bit, the scenery here is also quite famous.

Akatsuki Sano apologized to Igarashi and left the room, preparing to report the information obtained from Igarashi to the Lion King Agency. However, Shio Hibikawa and Yuri Hanami who were left behind were full of tension. They served tea and water to Igarashi, Kiriha Feizaki and Yukina Himiragi. They tried to clear their minds to prevent Igarashi, who was suspected of being able to see into people's hearts, from having any resentment due to his chaotic thoughts at the moment.

Chapter 1230 Three Saints and One Anbainai

In Neon, hot springs seem to be something that can be seen everywhere.

According to Kanamekawa Shio's introduction, Kamiota Shrine has an extremely pure hot spring, and there is no lack of intention in his words for Igarashi to go and experience it himself.

He still looked very afraid of himself, but he could say such words. Rather than searching for topics in a hurry, Igarashi felt that she was speaking more according to a script that had already been given.

Advertising slogans like The wind around the hot springs is the most beautiful, it can relax the mind and be good for the body, which is like a tour guide, is not what a nervous girl can say.

It seems that the Lion King mechanism has some arrangements?

Igarashi nodded indifferently, agreeing to the proposal. Then I looked with interest at Concubine Wuye and Ji Hiiragi Xuena, who had been quiet since the beginning.

You two, are you interested in taking a hot spring bath with me?



The one who answered in the affirmative simply and neatly was Kiriha Hiizaki, and the one who exclaimed was Yukina Himiragi. The girl's face turned red quickly when she heard Hizaki Kiriha's response in shock.

Let's go to the hot springs together, you're not a girl!

Who said only girls can bathe in hot springs together. If a man and a woman like each other, that's okay.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina was already a little dizzy because of Igarashi's increasingly explicit words. When she was at a loss, Igarashi turned to look at Princess Kiriha with a little surprise in her eyes.

He just heard the affirmative answer given by Kiriye Fuizaki.

Originally, Igarashi wanted to appreciate the shy appearance of the girl, but Kiriha Feizaki's reaction made Igarashi feel like he had punched cotton with his fist.

But, of course, Igarashi couldn't stop Feizaki Kiriha's behavior.

Since the other party took such initiative, Igarashi would not shirk it like a saint with no desires. He began to wonder curiously whether Princess Kiriha would still look indifferent in the future.

As for Hibikawa Shio and Hanami Yuri, they looked like they had seen and heard nothing at the moment. Their eyes were looking at the ceiling very intently, for fear of Igarashi asking them.

In that case, they didn't know how to answer.

Normally, of course, it would be rejection. Even if Igarashi looks as handsome and powerful as many girls fantasize about, it would not be too much to ask Hibikawa Shio and Hanami Yuri as outstanding members of the Lion King organization. The nympho fell in love with him at first sight.

However, whether a blunt refusal will anger Igarashi and bring disaster to the Lion King organization is something the two need to consider.

Fortunately, Igarashi was not in trouble, which made both Shio Fikawa and Yuri Hanami breath a sigh of relief.

Soon after.

The natural hot springs surrounded by mountains and forests have been designated as their own by Kamiota Shrine, and they are hidden and protected with various barriers to prevent outsiders from visiting.

Although Igarashi always shows the obedience and respect of the weak in front of him, in fact, the Lion King Agency is still a behemoth, not to mention its influence on a global scale. If Igarashi hadn't appeared, in Neon Within the territory, the Lion King Agency can be regarded as almost a different type, and the only one that can compete with it is the Taishi Bureau. However, the same ultimate goal of the two determines that there will be no real conflict between the Lion King Agency and the Taishi Bureau.

In the eyes of other extraordinary forces, the behavior of the Lion King Organization is very domineering.

A stone-style natural hot spring and a very large bath.

The spring temperature of the bath is about 40 degrees, which is a comfortable temperature that is neither too hot nor too warm.

The spring water here not only has the effects of treating muscle and joint pain, nourishing the body after illness, and maintaining the skin as mentioned by Hikigawa Shio, but it can also heal the consumed spiritual energy.

This is an excellent spiritual spring. Of course, for Igarashi, apart from being a little more comfortable than ordinary hot water, this place is not too special.

Feizaki Kiriha has not yet appeared, and Igarashi has not become anxious because of desire. He quietly leans on the edge of the hot spring and enjoys the comfortable tranquility that no matter what level of strength he reaches.


From the stone ground not far away, there was the sound of a human body falling to the ground.


The fallen girl let out a soft grunt, stood up slowly, and then started to tidy up the bathtub that had become scattered due to her fall.

It seems that this is a well-behaved and cowardly girl.

It's not Feizaki Kiriha.

The girl looked like she might cry at any moment, but it seemed like she had that face.

I don't know if it's a natural constitution, but her hair color is white, which reminds people of the lovely arctic fox fur color, so white that it's holy.

Igarashi opened his eyes and looked at the girl in a yukata. He did not show any doubts, but just looked at her with interest.

The white-haired girl noticed Igarashi's gaze and raised her head timidly.

Uh-huh... I'm showing off my embarrassment.

I didn't expect that the three saints of the Lion King's organization would appear in this way on such an occasion. Why, are you planning to use the beauty trap to throw yourself into his arms?

Well, as expected, his identity was revealed immediately.

Logically speaking, as her identity is revealed by Igarashi, the girl should also take off her disguise and reveal her majesty as one of the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency, just like Hiida Koei who is currently studying at Ayami Gakuen. .

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