This arrangement of Igarashi is a test, and it is not a difficult test for Feizaki Kiriha.

Although he was indeed a little jealous of Himeira Yukina's life, when his own life also ushered in a turn for the better, Kiriha Hiizaki would not ruin his future because of such a little negative emotion.

From now on, it doesn’t matter whether he serves as Himiragi Yukina’s bodyguard, joins the garrison of Genkami Island, or anything else.

As long as I am no longer like before, running around on dangerous missions with extremely high mortality rates without even taking a break, it will be fine.

Igarashi had a panoramic view of the expressions of Himiragi Yukina and Hisaki Kiriha without saying anything else.

Originally, he had a distaste for the Lion King Agency. However, compared with other forces in the world, those organizations that treat lower-level members as cannon fodder or props, Igarashi found out helplessly that the Lion King Dating Agency had no regard for its members. His attitude turned out to be quite good.

Of course, Igarashi also knew. This is not simply out of kindness. It is also because the Lion King organization likes to whitewash itself, and its attitude towards its members is also part of it.

In this world, strength comes first.

Except for the Empire of Night, which is led by the True Ancestor and can be willful, most of the other forces are not qualified to be willful. They use the finished products of the organization as props and then make the best use of them. This is a basic survival rule.

Even La Folia's life is actually somewhat out of her control. If she had not come to Gengami Island, her future marriage would have been decided by her parents, and there was a high probability that she would have to make a marriage for the benefit of the kingdom.

Chapter 1227 Request

If Eguchi Yuhitomi still has psychological shadow, so do her parents. After the family scene just after she woke up, the couple who had been in a coma for many days were simply holding their daughter in the palm of their hands like a pearl, for fear that she would never come back. Because negative emotions lead to violent outbursts of power, the psychological shadow of Eguchi Yuhitomi's former classmate is even more exaggerated.

In the end, Eguchi Yuhitomi returned to live with her parents and transferred to Saikai Academy. Although Igarashi showed the ability to compensate for her loss of power, the little girl did not act recklessly because of this. Coupled with her increasingly cautious parents, the family's way of getting along seems a bit strange.

Igarashi didn't interfere too much. Anyway, Ayakai Academy now has a large number of capable people and strangers, whether it's Akatsuki Nagisa who is similar in age to Eguchi Yuhitomi, or the slightly older Himiragi Yukina and Hayase. Xia Yin and so on can become good friends with her.

But now, in front of Igarashi are Kiriha Feizaki and Yukina Himiragi. Originally, Igarashi thought that there was some problem in getting along with these two sword wizards from different organizations. result-- you expected, our Lion King agency has indeed encountered some troublesome things and needs your help.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina said this with an embarrassed look. Before, she said that the Lion King Agency had no intention of proactively providing information on Eguchi Yutomi, but now she was entrusted by the Three Saints to seek help from Igarashi. This This inconsistency made the girl very embarrassed.

I have a general idea of ​​what happened. There is an abnormality in the Shensuo Lake where the legacy of the Holy Annihilation is sealed.

Fifty paused for a moment before continuing.

In my opinion, such a trivial matter should not cause the Lion King Agency to ask me for help. Now the power of Nangong Nayue on Xiankami Island is enough to rival the true ancestor. In addition to her, there are sisters Meiya and Liana. The strength of the sisters, even Kosaka Sayaka and others, has reached an extremely high level.

Originally, Ji Hiiragi Xuena did not ask any questions due to various reasons, but now that Igarashi mentioned it, she would naturally seize this opportunity.

Excuse me, why did Sayaka suddenly become so strong? In the past, we should be considered equal in strength, but now...

Now in the battle practice between Yukina Himiragi and Sayaka Kosaka, she will be easily crushed by the opponent. She has speed and strength beyond the scope of human beings, which seems very abnormal.

Well, because Sayaka and I had a relationship, she became stronger.

Eh? Eh? Eh?

Igarashi's words made Himiragi Yukina blush. She didn't understand why the other party could say blushing words so easily, and she didn't understand why just having sex should make her stronger.

This is outrageous!

However, Ji Hiiragi Xuena did not dare to ask for the detailed situation. She was afraid that Igarashi would continue to say something bold.

Feizaki Kiriha on the side still looked expressionless, and no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.

Even if the Lion King Agency couldn't ask Konatsuki to help, it wouldn't be difficult to get Sayaka to help. However, the Lion King Agency didn't do so. The reason makes me wonder - maybe a trap was set up at Kaminou Lake, etc. Shall I deliver it to your door?

Absolutely not.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena waved her hands quickly. She still had some confidence in her organization.

I'll take a trip tomorrow.


Ji Hiiragi Xuena nodded, and naturally wanted to go with Igarashi.

In fact, Igarashi had no intention of taking her with him. After all, even Cain had erased the original possibility of his return. The so-called Holy Annihilation legacy related to Cain would naturally not cause any problems at all. If it were not for curiosity, Due to the plan of the Lion King Agency, Igarashi is now on Genkami Island. Then the so-called trouble can be solved.

However, considering that there are not many opportunities for him to come into contact with Ji Hiiragi Xuena, he can regard this incident as an outing for the time being.

Since Himeiragi Yukina has been brought with him, Kiriha Hiizaki, who is also a swordsman with Himehiraki Yukina and is also present now, cannot ignore it. Igarashi already knows that the other party will appear together with Himiragi Yukina. The reason is simply that he learned the general outline of the matter from Ji Hiiragi Xuena and asked to go with him.

Because you just joined Genkamijima, do you want to prove your worth?

It doesn't matter, even if it is done with ulterior motives, it will bring you a lot of fun.

Watching Himiragi Yukina and Fei Luha leave, who had confirmed their schedule for tomorrow, Igarashi appeared in the principal's office of Saikai Academy in a flash.

Nangong Nayue was drinking tea with Sendumu Aye, and Astaludi was reading comic books next to them after adding water to them.

Although Nangong Nazuki is regarded as a maid, and she is indeed doing the job of a maid, Astaludi spends most of her time leisurely and can do what she likes.

I will leave Xian Kami Island tomorrow and come back in about two days. During this period, little Natsuki, please don't miss me too much.

Ignoring the second half of Igarashi's sentence, Nangong Nayue raised an eyebrow at the first half of his sentence.

Are you going to Shensuo Lake?

Oh? The Lion King Agency has already told you.

There seems to be some powerful weapon sealed there, but if you are the one to take action in person, it doesn't matter. I'm actually surprised that you need two days. Could it be that things are really difficult?

No, it's just a trip to the mountains and rivers. You won't be jealous, right? After all, I have taken you out on many dates before, but if you are really jealous, I will go on a few more dates with you in the future.

Seeing Xiandumu Aye's eyes moving slightly because of Igarashi's words, Nangong Nayue suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

No, shut up!

Little Nayue, why are you so shy? Although you look like a girl, you are actually almost thirty years old?

When Nangong Nayue's face turned dark because of being mentioned about his age, Igarashi said something that made Daeyey again.

Or are you feeling shy because of Aye's presence? Don't worry, Aye is much more generous than you.

Chapter 1228 Lion

So, what did Igarashi mean by what he just said?

After Igarashi left, Nangong Nayue turned his attention to Xiandumu Aye, a good best friend who knew him well and also knew each other well.

If Igarashi can call it initiative, it definitely shouldn't be just an ordinary hug or kiss, right? Could it be that these two guys have already...

Although I have a rough guess, Nangong Nayue is still a little unbelievable. Since you have already guessed it, why continue to ask.

Xiandumu Aye glanced at Nangong Nayue and continued to drink tea slowly.

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