Run out from behind the tree. I remember that there is not a teaching building but a wall. It is a dead end. What are you doing there?

The tone of Igarashi's question was different from usual. A person who really had questions would not smile when asking. If you were a little more careful, you should be able to tell that Igarashi already knew the answer, but the girl did not. I noticed that she was a little nervous and a little uneasy because this was not a good first contact.

I...I fell asleep there. In fact, I came here a long time ago.

The girl tried hard to find an excuse, but her unbearable look made Igarashi slightly raise the corners of her mouth, then she sat down on the bench next to her and spoke.

I'll accept your words for the time being. Why don't you introduce yourself? You're a girl who uses spells to send me messages.

He unexpectedly discovered the magic butterfly that he had finally found the right time to create.

The girl who learned this fact was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to her senses. She originally wanted to use the excuse she had already thought of, saying that she was a transfer student who had just transferred to Saikai Academy, and she wanted to be with Wu. Shilan got acquainted, but when she saw his eyes that seemed to have seen through everything, the girl changed her mind.

I am Sayaka Kosaka, the person who was allowed to claim the title of Maiweiyuan by the Lion King Agency.

Unexpectedly candid.

Igarashi smiled and continued.

Then what's the purpose of coming to me this time?

Because her father had a bad temper and was often beaten for trivial matters when she was a child, Sayaka Kosaka had male phobia. Even though she was later trained by the Lion King organization and left her family, Sayaka Kosaka's male phobia did not exist. Just disappear, after all, the Lion King organization trains witches, she has no chance to change the situation.

Now, when facing Igarashi, although she was very nervous and ambitious, Sayaka Kosaka found that she was surprisingly not so scared, perhaps because Igarashi still maintained a distance from herself.

I come with the good will of The Lion King Agency.

In the end, it was you who was sent by the Lion King Dating Agency first. Well, considering the timing, it makes sense.

Igarashi started to say some words that Koitasa Yaka couldn't quite understand, but when he understood the name Lion King Dating Agency, he frowned.

You seem to have some misunderstanding. It is the Lion King Agency, a secret service responsible for dealing with magical terrorist activities.

Magical terrorist activities?

Igarashi sneered.

Obviously I was once the promoter of a terrorist activity.


When Kyosaka Sayaka's eyes widened in surprise at Igito's words, Igarashi continued.

Don't you know? Have you heard of the Feast of Flames? If you haven't heard of it, you must have heard of the Fourth True Ancestor, right? The so-called Feast of Flames is a ritual that resurrects the Fourth True Ancestor and restores his strength. It requires By sacrificing the memories of hundreds of thousands of people, they will also be transformed into the blood servants of the Fourth True Ancestor. Are you, the Lion King Organization, the host of this event? You have already decided to sacrifice tens of thousands of people on Xian Kami Island. .”

The development of things has begun to deviate from Kirisaka Sayaka's expectations. Before this, she had never expected that Igarashi would say bad things about the Lion King organization.

According to the instructions of the Three Sages, Kosaka Sayaka and his wife kept Igarashi's words of disgust in mind and prepared to truthfully defend themselves to the Three Sages.

I, I really only know about this now, but if the Lion King Agency really makes such a decision, it must be a last resort and a choice that has to be made to minimize the damage. You also It is said that the feast of flames requires the memory of hundreds of thousands of people, but the sacrifice of Xingkami Island is tens of thousands of people.

It sounds reasonable, but I think in fact you don't have any more real feelings at all. What if those tens of thousands of people include friends and relatives you care about? They have lost most of their memories and will be with you from now on. You are a stranger.


Sayaka Kyosaka tried to imagine a scene in which her hair-dyeing friend, Yukatsuna, forgot every bit of time with her, and she suddenly felt a little hesitant.

She opened her mouth to defend herself, but for a moment she couldn't say anything.


The girl's reaction was as expected by Igarashi.

So there is no difference between hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands, except for numbers. A disaster is a disaster. What the Lion King Agency did is not something worth doing. They didn't even put up a decent resistance. Do you know why?


Because the Lion King Organization also covets the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, and now that the Fourth True Ancestor is by my side, I have shown enough strength, so the Lion King Organization has set its sights on me, Kosaka Sayaka. I said These things are not to make you resist the Lion King organization. I know you don’t have that intention either. I just want you to understand that the role you are playing now is by no means a selfless saint, but a strong man who wants to be courteous when seen. Just an ordinary person ordered by the organization.

The Lion King Agency is definitely not as bad as you say.

Indeed, it still has some merit.

The feeling of concern for Kosaka Sayaka's body has disappeared. Seeing this, Igarashi did not refute the girl's weak argument and simply nodded. The only thing he was unhappy about was That's all.

Yep, she's obviously a beautiful girl introduced by the Lion King Dating Agency, so don't act like that, as if you've forced her into someone else.

Chapter 1182 I’m afraid I’m a tsundere

So, why did it develop like this?

Obviously he was sent by the Three Saints to observe super dangerous elements, why did it become like this?

Sitting opposite Igarashi in a restaurant with a high standard and extremely exaggerated per capita consumption, Sayaka Kosaka was stunned because of the situation at the moment.

Why, aren't you hungry?

Igarashi asked in a very gentle tone, causing Sayaka Kosaka to come back to her senses and reply in a somewhat unacceptable tone.

It's not a question of whether you're hungry now, is it? Why do you suddenly want to invite me to dinner? Even before, you were still saying bad things about the Lion King's agency with a stern look on your face.

Those words are just to let you recognize the role. I have always been very tolerant towards the beautiful 880 girl who came to my door. It is natural for me to show my civility and treat you to a meal. Is it difficult for you to advance? have already eaten.

Huh? It's too much to say that it was delivered to your door...

Igarashi took a sip of the restaurant's special drink and waited with interest for what Kyosaka Sayaka would say next.

As for Sayaka Kosaka, although she has various emotions in her heart and firmly believes that she is not a gift to Igarashi from the Lion King Agency, if she thinks about it carefully - she can definitely attack Igarashi if necessary. If it weren't for providing support and showing one's own value by observing whether the other party does dangerous behavior and whether they have a dislike for the Lion King organization, the mission server would really be just like a packaged gift.

When the girl was stunned and speechless, Igarashi continued to speak more vigorously.

If I guess correctly, in addition to assigning you some tasks, the Lion King Organization also allows you to enter Caihai Academy as a student? I don't know where you usually live. Maybe you live next door to my house.

This is the address given to me by Master Sansheng.

Kosaka Sayaka was silent for a moment, and handed a piece of paper to Igarashi with a sense of exploration. After seeing the words on the note clearly, Igarashi smiled.

Sure enough, it's the house next door to my house. I was a little curious at first. With the land price on Genkami Island, even a rich person shouldn't live in it after buying it. It turns out it's the name of the Lion King's agency. Xia Caisan is really wealthy and has taken some measures early.

Sayaka Kyosaka wanted to refute, but she was afraid that the more she tried to refute, the more she would discover that the Lion King's various mechanisms were not so lofty.

Igarashi said no more and handed her the menu.

Just order whatever you want, I'll treat you.


Kosaka Sayaka tilted her head, already prepared to eat a lot when Igarashi answered in the affirmative, giving Igarashi a taste of the pain he had been bullying her from the beginning.

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