
Index, who was undoubtedly an ordinary person in the eyes of Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl, burst out with a strong magic wave. The power generated at that moment directly uprooted the surrounding flowers and shrubs, sending dozens of people flying. Meters away, at the same time, Index was suspended in mid-air, a mysterious magic circle appeared in her eyes, and she made a mechanical sound that was different from her usual tone of voice.

Confirm that all the first to third barriers have been destroyed, and try to repair...Zhu Bai. In order to protect the 13,000 magic books, we will give priority to attacking the intruders. Based on the magic book library, we will reversely calculate the magic spells that destroyed the barriers. Calculation failed, and magic that met the conditions could not be found. According to the situation, specific magic was constructed to fight against the invaders - 'Saint George's Sanctuary'.

At this moment, Index is not her original self. The automatic secretary set up by the Puritan Church has taken over the control of Index's body.

However, it feels like the [Automatic Secretary] arranged by the Puritan Church to protect the Grimoire, which can use all the knowledge of the Grimoire, seems to spend most of its calculation time on the narrative. If it weren't for Kanzaki Kaori and Steele I was extremely shocked to see Index actually activate legendary level magic, and I didn’t know if I could interrupt Index’s “chanting” midway.

Chapter 1156 Solution

St. George's Sanctuary sounded like a defensive type of magic, establishing an indestructible sanctuary or something. However, the next moment, a blood-black crack appeared before Index's breath. From the center of the crack, a burst of fire erupted. Shoots out a white beam of light.

Either the Saint Vulture Sanctuary has its own offensive capabilities. Not only does the establishment of the Sanctuary extend the distance between Index and others indefinitely, but it also has the same lethality as legendary level attack magic, or this seems very strange. The [Automatic Scribe] was rigidly explaining his actions. He was not as honest as he appeared and used more than one technique at the same time.

Although there is no problem in allowing this white beam of light to hit him, although a single thought can destroy the white beam of light, destroying both Xiang Yuan and the automatic secretary, but in order to let Kanzaki Kaori and Shi Tier personally experienced it and proved that Index at this moment was not the type that they could deal with properly while ensuring that the other party was alive. He simply turned slightly sideways and treated ordinary people and even saints like Kanzaki Kaori. The speed was incomprehensible. He avoided the beam of light coming from him.


Steele and Kanzaki Kaori both announced their magic names, and both Demon Hunter 630 Queen and Seven Flashes were used without hesitation, but the Fire Giant was able to use Seven Flashes almost without any hindrance. The special steel wire and the magic power attached to it could not reduce the power of the light beam. Just like its infinite power and unlimited follow-up, the light beam was invincible along the way.

Is this... [Dragon King's Sigh] the same power as the legendary Dragon Strike of the Dragon of St. George? In addition, the feathers scattered are also the product of the spell The Sin of Man , if it touches the human body, it will have the same effect as a weight of several tons.

Seeing that Kanzaki Kaori, who was clearly a saint, took the initiative to take on the role of explanation, Igarashi scratched his face in confusion. He actually wanted Kanzaki Kaori to use his true and saint name. The matching stunt [Only Flash], let’s see if she can stop this one [Dragon King’s Sigh].

As a result, both Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori seemed to be afraid of the power of this legendary technique. After failing to resist for the first time, they dodged to both sides in a somewhat embarrassed manner and did not continue to confront [Dragon King's Sigh] head-on. mean.

The white beam of light shot straight up into the sky. Fortunately, Academy City's most powerful supercomputing satellite [Treemap Designer], which was supposed to be destroyed by [Dragon King's Sigh], was due to Index's location and attack. The change of direction got away with it.

Warning, existing magic cannot cause damage to enemies...

[Automatic Secretary] started chanting again. This time, Igarashi was too lazy to listen. Steele and Kanzaki Kaori had personally experienced the power of Index in the [Automatic Secretary] state. Likewise, they did not The ability to defeat Index while preserving her life.

Kanzaki Kaori has entered the Saint state and may have the capital to fight against him. As for Steele, who has never won any victory with the sure-kill technique [Killing the Witch King] since he appeared in front of Igarashi. , Well, just watch from the side and it will be fine.

Igarashi's figure was blurred for a moment, and the next moment, he ignored the space distance that was stretched more than ten times by [George Sanctuary] and appeared next to Anthix and extended his finger to her.

The blood-colored cracks that seemed to have extremely terrifying defensive capabilities failed to hinder even a second. The finger facing Igarashi shattered like a thin layer of ordinary water film, and then, the finger fell on Indy. Kesi's head.

Igarashi originally planned to destroy the collar and the automatic secretary directly, but if you think about it carefully, of course the collar must be destroyed, but the automatic secretary may still have some value. If Index really encounters any danger, the automatic secretary can also Play a protective role.

With this thought, Igarashi used the law to tamper with the contents of the automatic script, changing the original focus from protecting the forbidden library to ensuring Index's life safety. It is very difficult to tamper with the contents of a spell of this level. things. It was much more difficult than destroying it or understanding it, and it could even be said to be as different as heaven and earth, but Igarashi didn't spend too much effort.

It's that simple to issue an order and then form the magic power of the automatic secretary to execute it.

Seeing Index fainting the moment Igarashi touched her with his fingers, Kanzaki Kaori and Steele didn't even have time to think about Igarashi's ability to instantly cross the Sanctuary of St. George. The speed of extending the spatial distance, and the ability to instantly destroy the defense of St. George's Sanctuary means what kind of strength. The two people quickly approached after a brief silence.

how is she?

After using the magic power extensively, I fell into a state of physical exhaustion. I just need a sleep. As for the collar, I have it at my fingertips. Index's own problem has been solved.

Has the issue of Index's interest been resolved...

Steele quickly understood the meaning of what Igarashi said. The disappearance of the [collar] meant that the Puritan who arranged such means for Index was aware of it. If nothing was done, the Puritan would It will only take Index away again, and then arrange the [collar] again. The difference is that it was more subtle than the original one, but now it is just too bright.

I will go over to negotiate with the Puritans. Can I entrust you with the choice of Index? If it's somewhere near Academy City, I'm worried...

Igarashi had already done so much, so Steele naturally would not intensify his efforts. He gritted his teeth and took on the responsibility of stopping Puritan's actions. He looked at Igarashi and said this.


Igarashi did not refuse. Seeing this, Steele breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Kanzaki Kaori.

Can I ask you to stay and take care of Mildix?

Igarashi has already gained Steele's trust. He just feels that as Index's former partner, in the face of possible arrests, one of himself and Kanzaki Kaori should be left behind. Kanzaki Fireweaver's combat prowess king himself is also a woman, so it is convenient for him to take care of Index, so Stiyl made this request.

Kanzaki Kaori thought about it seriously, but also did not refuse.

Chapter 1157: Condemn

During this period, Yuriko Suzina determined something. It was not that Igarashi was very strong. She had experienced this personally for a long time. Yuriko Suzina determined something else, the character of King Seki Igarashi.

How should I put it? Although Igarashi would ask girls to wear maid uniforms from time to time, it was just verbal. Even if the other party did not implement it, there would be no real punishment. Obviously Igarashi can rely on the power of the director and his own strength. She can do many things to satisfy all kinds of selfish desires, but in fact, this house is not considered luxurious. Many of the things she eats on weekdays are ordinary food bought in supermarkets. Yuriko Suzuka even felt that she was fifty before. Lan is the type who appears to do whatever he wants, but actually has no desires or desires.

But now Yuriko Suzuko realizes that she was wrong. Igarashi, as a strong person, still follows ordinary people, that is, people who follow the rules of the weak, or should be said to follow part of the rules of the weak.

That Mugino Shimari, the fourth in Academy City, has undoubtedly been conquered by Igarashi using very normal and superb methods. Previously, Suzuko Momotaizi found Igarashi coming out of Mugino Shimri's room in the early morning. Come out, and in addition, Yuriko Suzuko suspected that Shokuhou Misaki was also eaten up and wiped clean by Igarashi. The guy's attitude towards Igarashi was obviously too gentle and submissive.

In addition, Suzukina Yuriko had made some insinuations before and learned about how Mugino Shinri, Shokuhou Misaki and Igarashi met. Now Suzukina Momotaizi deeply believes that Igarashi's next target should be herself. .

This lady...is [Accelerator]! How could I be conquered by that guy so casually? However, if you can't defeat him, if you try to escape, given the power and strength of the gang, it will definitely be useless to escape. What should you do?

Yuriko Suzukina was troubled by this, and then - nothing happened.

Igarashi greets me normally every day, but apart from that, there is no more interaction, even the running exercise required before. Originally, Yuriko Suzina thought Igarashi had something to ask for. As a result, I saw each other lazily basking in the sun many times.

Yuriko Suzuko couldn't help it.

What do you want?

Seeing Yuriko Suzuka's excited expression at this moment, Igarashi raised the corners of her mouth with interest.

What's wrong with me?

Yuriko Suzina was about to say, Are you deliberately ignoring me during this period of time? But she was suddenly paused.

I feel that this sentence is very problematic. There is a sense of resentment in Oyin. He clearly hoped that Igarashi would ignore him before.

Seeing that Yuriko Suzuko didn't speak, Igarashi spoke next.

I said you should be very busy these days, and I went out of my way to avoid disturbing you.

Huh? Very busy?

You met the magician before and experienced the power of magic firsthand. Didn't you go to Kanzaki Kaori to study the magic power during this period and then fully bring it into the scope of influence of [vector operation]?

Seeing Yuriko Suzuko's stunned look, Igarashi thought about Yuriko Suzuko's performance in the past few days. Well, she must have been fishing.


Only then did Yuriko Suzuko realize that her focus these days was completely wrong. Why did she keep focusing on Igarashi?

Just when the girl felt shy about this, Igarashi reached out and grabbed the other person's shoulder, glanced at it, and said.

Have you healed the scar and forgotten the pain? Thanks to me, I helped you heal the burn before. Well, wait a minute, aren't you feeling lonely because I haven't talked to you properly? This is not the case. I know you well, Yuriko.

Stop talking nonsense there!

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