Well, I know. I obviously kept my strength just now. Fortunately, I didn't mean any harm on my part.

Then why...

When Kanzaki Kaori looked confused because of Igarashi's words, Igarashi answered.

Before negotiating or reasoning, you must first show your strength to prevent the other party from underestimating you. Just like now, if I talk to you directly, you will probably suspect some conspiracy.


Although it sounds reasonable, Kanzaki Kaori feels that it is just a fallacy, just like a dangerous person who does not take the trouble seriously.

Now, Kanzaki Kaori has not let down his guard against Igarashi.

I can let you contact Index and tell her that you are not the villain who is chasing her, but her former partner.

Hearing Igarashi's words, Kanzaki Kaori was wondering why he was only allowed to pass by himself. When he turned his eyes, he found that Steele, who was still jumping around to avoid the cracks in the ground and placed magic runes, had no idea when he had stopped. Fainted next to him.

The scene in front of him made Kanzaki Kaori's pupils shrink suddenly. Yuriko Suzuko, who had been touched by Igarashi on the head before and even if she glared back just looked like a pet angry at its owner, now showed a cruel smile.

I never show mercy to people who hurt me. He burned my arm. Is it fair that I let him spend ten and a half days in the hospital??

How could Kanzaki Kaori calmly accept the fact that Suzuko Momotaiko had reached this level? She grabbed the [Seven Heavens and Seven Swords], but she couldn't pull it out.

Wu Qianwei, who was at least three or four meters away from Kanzaki Kaori, didn't know when she appeared next to her and grabbed the weapon in her hand. Under the strength of the other party, Kanzaki Kaori There was no way to draw out the weapon, and even the power of the saint fell strangely silent.

The methods shown by the other party were too terrifying. Kanzaki Kaori wanted to distance himself from him, but he could not abandon his [Seven Days and Seven Swords] like this, so he could only maintain his position and asked questions in a solemn voice.

Are you sure?

Igarashi, a high-level executive of Academy City, is here to convey the message of Academy City. Academy City strongly condemns the series of behaviors of the British Puritan Church that does not respect human rights, and has decided to punish those who have been unfairly treated. Tix takes in and protects her.

This statement was a bit too official, causing Suzuko Momotai to raise her eyebrows in amusement, and Kanzaki Kaori to frown deeply.

Are you going to put that kid under house arrest?

Don't be so exaggerated. We will not restrict her freedom. We will only provide her with food, clothing, housing and transportation. In comparison, the Puritans are the guilty party. In order to prevent the Demonic Book of the Hundred Thousand Three Kings from being taken away by others, the Puritans Isn’t what the church has been doing even worse than house arrest? It has set a taboo spell on Index so that she has to erase her memory once a year. I was not lying when I said that the Puritan Church does not respect human rights.

The amount of information contained in Igarashi's words was too much. Rikkaori was stunned for a while before digesting it, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Forbidden spell? The memory must be erased every year, just because most of the child's brain is occupied by 13,000 magic books. The remaining space is not enough to hold her memory for more than a year with full memory ability.

...Ha, what are you talking about?

Next to her, Yuriko Suzuko sneered, looking at Kanzaki Kaori who looked confused and even helpless, and mocked.

Although the human brain is not infinite, at least all research so far has not found its limit. Have magicians secretly done more research on the brain than scientists? How? Take this Do scales and scales weigh data from the brain, or is there some research magic more exaggerated than scientific instruments?”

No way, the bishop can't be joking about this kind of thing.

Igarashi didn't expect Kanzaki Kaori to have violent mood swings so easily. It seemed that the other party really cared about Index. After taking a breath, he signaled Suzuka Momotaiko to stop sarcastic and said.

Of course it's not a joke, it's just to prevent the [Catalogue of Forbidden Books] from leaking the magic book due to personal emotions. It's useless to say more. Come with me, I'll take you to see Index and the [Shackles] ], Well, speaking of which, if I didn’t want you to see it with your own eyes, I would have unlocked it.”

Kanzaki Kaori pursed his lips, his lips did not look like he was joking or trying to provoke Igarashi, and silently followed him into the Tokiwadai campus.

As for Steele, he was picked up by the rescuer Azuma who arrived about three minutes later, and enjoyed Academy City's meticulous treatment that was ahead of the outside world. He had been fractured by Yuriko Suzina's secret use of vector manipulation.

Chapter 1153 Collar

There are many tragic things in the world, and what Kanzaki Kaori is facing at this moment is one of them.

Index, Kanzaki Kaori's close friend and the one she once decided to protect with everything she had, was looking at Kanzaki with the fear of a stranger, no, a dangerous person who wants to harm herself. Fireweave.

Index didn't say anything, but ran behind Igarashi, seeking the protection of this kind-hearted person who gave her delicious food after she fainted from hunger. In the girl's eyes, Kanzaki Kaori was one of the magicians who was chasing her. First, she didn't quite understand why Igarashi brought her here, but Index didn't have any malicious speculation at all, and just looked at Igarashi with some confusion.

She is not a bad person, or in other words, she is a friend you once had, a very good friend.\

,"After simply defining Kanzaki Kaori's identity, Igarashi told Index that she had to clear her memory every two years, and Kanzaki Kaori was there to add some details from time to time. Index quickly understood what had happened.

In fact, it is not easy to change the character image that has been fixed in the heart, not to mention that the original image of Kanzaki Kaori in Index's heart is still the evil magician who is chasing her.

However, when Index looked at Kanzaki Kaori and saw the sadness in her eyes because of her guarded actions, Index, who was still very hesitant at first, pursed her lips and showed her unrestrained expression again. , a smile that makes people feel happy.

It seems that I wrongly blamed you before, sorry.

Seeing Index's familiar smiling face that completely overlapped with his own memory, and seeing her small movement of taking a step closer to him, Kanzaki Kaori was stunned, and then lowered his head.

No, it's me who should apologize. I did attack you before, and it's entirely my responsibility to be chased.

Because I am wearing a mobile church, I can understand it.

Listening to Index's words and looking at her demeanor, Kanzaki Kaori's face became softer. Even if her memory was erased, Index still had her original character, which was both childish and mature. A child who doesn't seem to care about anything and only wants to eat delicious food, but can show a different attitude in some subtle ways.

Okay, let's stop talking about old times here. It's time for you to see Index's shackles to prove that what I said before is not nonsense.

Igarashi clapped his hands and stopped the suspicious look between Kanzaki Kaori and Index that seemed to be tender and affectionate. When he heard Igarashi's words, Kanzaki Kaori's face gradually became serious.

Good work.

In fact, Kanzaki Kaori just tried to get a feel for Index's condition. As he has always known, in Kanzaki Kaori's eyes Index is a completely ordinary person, except for Apart from having the gift of complete memory to store one hundred and thirty thousand magic books in his mind, it does not have any magic power in itself. The church said that people without magic power will not be able to use magic books. The terrible abuse of knowledge in the book was accepted by Kanzaki Kaori.

While Kanzaki Kaori was thinking secretly, Igarashi asked Index to open her mouth and then motioned Kanzaki Kaori to come over and take a look.

Index was very obedient. It seemed that the feeding Igarashi had done to her had gained a lot of favorability in the girl's heart. At this moment, the girl opened her mouth wide, and Kanzaki Kaori, who was approaching, could also see Index. The rune at Dix's throat quietly exuded black energy.


When Kanzaki Kaori's eyes widened due to this, Igarashi explained.

That is, the collar. It threatens Index's life, causing her to undergo a memory erasure ritual every year. It is also a shackle that binds her to prevent betrayal. It is protected by multiple barriers. Once the collar is damaged, If you interfere with Index, she will enter the automatic secretary state and fight. By the way, the reason why she has no magic power like an ordinary person is just because all her magic power is used to maintain the collar. She also has a large appetite. After entering and automatically writing, she can also use magic.

How do you know so many things?

I can know a lot of things if I want to know them. You can try to overestimate my knowledge.

Index, who was tired of opening her mouth when she saw Kanzaki Kaori had finished her observation, quickly closed it and sat down at the dining table again to eat the snacks Igarashi had prepared for her. As for the so-called collar, There is also the matter of memory erasure. Kesi pretended not to hear it for the time being. After all, she had no way to change the status quo. She had already thought about it. If the method Igarashi said to help her get rid of the collar would cost a lot, Intick Si would rather erase her memory than let others worry too much about her.

Start writing a diary today?

The girl who seemed to be eating snacks attentively thought this silently in her heart.

what should I do?

Kanzaki Kaori took a deep breath and looked determined, while Igarashi raised his eyebrows in interest.

Have you made up your mind to help Index break the collar? I originally thought you would happily return to the church to protest to the bishop.

Protesting now will only cause confusion. Since the church has deceived us, 36 will naturally not change his plan just because I am reasonable. Only after I really find a way to break Xiang Yuan will I return to the church to discuss matters with Bishop Laura. .”

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