At this thought, Oita Mikoto let out a breath and returned to her dormitory in a daze.


Shirai Kuroko, who was anxiously waiting for Misaka Mikoto's return in the dormitory, happily rushed forward. He was already prepared to be blocked by Misaka Mikoto on the way, but surprisingly he touched her smoothly. Just as Shirai Kuroko was excited about this intimacy Exposure to moments of surprise and confusion. Oita Mikoto said in a daze.

Heizi, what kind of gift should a girl give a boy?

Chapter 1146 The vacation is over


Misaka Mikoto's words made Shirai Kuroko utter a few meaningless words, and then her eyes widened completely.

What? What's wrong with you, sister? Didn't you look bitter and resentful when you went out before? Why is the girl pregnant now??

What does it mean to be a young girl Huaichun!

Misaka Mikoto awkwardly knocked Shirai Kuroko on the head, and then explained.

Just to express my gratitude, Teacher Igarashi stopped the Absolute Abilities Project and asked all my sisters to receive professional treatment. I am very grateful and want to send something to express my gratitude. Just saying thank you verbally is very difficult. As for Wanwan, you are usually Mr. Igarashi’s student. Do you know what his hobbies are??”

Like? He likes beautiful girls, and he also likes to have beautiful girls serve as his maids, serving tea and water, that's right.

Shirai Kuroko muttered for a while in a voice that Mikoto Misaka could clearly hear. Then he noticed some key words in Misaka Mikoto's previous words, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

My sister, my sister, where are the other sisters? I have to visit Kuroko, and then I have to take personal care of him. If I can make those sisters feel grateful and dependent on Kuroko, Gu 640 hehe.

At the end of the sentence, Heizi, who was constantly imagining, let out a dirty laugh.


At this moment, Misaka Mikoto controlled the thunder and lightning, while Shirai Kuroko was bathed in thunder and lightning.

I'm back, Igarashi, are you not starving to death?

In a corner of Tokiwadai Middle School, in a single-family villa, Mugino Shimuri, who got a vacation and went out to have fun with [props], came back with some shopping bags. Although the content of his words was a bit harsh, his tone was clear Even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in happiness.

However, Mugino Shenli did not see Igarashi. On the contrary, she saw another figure - Yuriko Suzuko.

Unlike LV5s such as Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki, Mugino Shiri, who was originally a member of ANBU, clearly knew the true appearance of Accelerator who occupied the top position. Yes, it was the girl in front of him. Although I remember that the information said that she usually wore neutral clothes, and it was a bit difficult to connect with the beautiful girl in a dress in front of her. However, feeling her sixth sense that kept alerting her whenever she saw her, Mugino Shenli concluded that she was It's Academy City's number one.


Mugino took a step back warily, wanting to ask the other party if he had hurt Igarashi, but seeing Yuriko Suzuko half-leaning on the sofa as if she were staying at her own home, it didn't look like it, so she just uttered a single word for a while. Silent.

Yuriko Suzukina only raised her head to look at Mugino Shenli at first, and then lowered her head again.

My name is Suzuko Yuriko. I was captured by Igarashi. I currently live here.

Even you were forced by that guy to become a maid?

Hearing Yuriko Suzukina's words, Mugino Shenli couldn't help but exclaimed, but what she got in exchange was Yuriko Suzukina's expression of interest and faint gloating.

Maid? No, I'm not a maid. I was only urged by him to exercise my breath body before.

After Suzuka Momotaiko said these words, the sense of identification that Mugino Shenri had just had in thinking that the other person was someone who had the same disease as him disappeared instantly, and he even became a little angry.

It's absolutely fine for him to find a maid when he's on vacation! If he regards Academy City's number one as a maid, Mugino Shiri even feels that there is no shame in his previous experience. After all, even the number one cannot disobey the big devil Igarashi. As the fourth, he What can you do?

But what's going on now? Is this guy Igarashi trying to treat people differently? Although the little girl in front of me is quite good-looking, she is not bad either, and she is undoubtedly better than her in terms of figure.

After Mugino Shenli was silent for a moment, he tried hard to hold back the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Have you known him before?

No, I met you after you, when I took the initiative to trouble him. He saw that my body was affected by super powers and he helped me treat him.

Although Yuriko Suzina's body was stunted due to the incorrect use of [Vector Operation] before, her brain was very normal. After meeting Igarashi, she found that pure strength could not solve the problem, and she started to think again. At this moment Observing Mugino Shenli's expression, he quickly learned a lot of information. It was clear that Suzuko Momotaizi had been taught a lesson by Igarashi before, but at this moment, she didn't mention a word and described her relationship with Igarashi extremely well. Friendly, even a little ambiguous.

Anyway, Igarashi is not at home now, and Yuriko Suzukina can say whatever she wants. Even if Mugino Shiri finds out the truth later, Yuriko Suzukina will not be afraid of Academy City No. 4 coming to trouble her.

And Mugino Shenli was really gritting her teeth at the moment. She remembered that she was not actively provoking Igarashi like Yuriko Suzuko, but that Igarashi suddenly appeared in the secret stronghold to act in self-defense. However, now, although she has been sick for a few days She was on vacation, but she was still a maid. The guy in front of her looked like a young lady.

He was very angry, and Mugino Shenhe knew that he was not Igarashi's opponent, nor was he the number one opponent in Academy City in front of him, so he had the courage.

At this moment--

I'm back.

Igarashi returned home and happened to see Mugino Shenli standing in the middle of the hall, and said hello without thinking much. Have you finished your vacation? I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much. How about this?

Miss you?? With the cute and powerful Number One of Academy City by your side, you have already been fascinated, right?

Mugino Shenli's words made Igarashi fall into silence. It was not that the other party told the truth. In fact, it was completely inconsistent with the facts. What made Igarashi speechless for a moment was Mugino Shenli's strange and somewhat resentful tone.

Chapter 1147 The Coming Magician

After a week-long vacation, Mugino Shenri was not distracted by entertainment-related things because of the vacation. Instead, he showed further feelings for himself. What happened?

The so-called separation is better than a wedding?

Although Igarashi was confused in his heart, he did not ask directly. Instead, he put on a serious expression and argued.

What does it mean to be so fascinated? Yuriko Suzuko has a flat figure with no breasts and butt, and only her face is worth admiring, but this guy always has a twisted expression. You actually think that I will be fascinated by her, Are you looking down on me too much?

Igarashi's words are well-founded and convincing.

Mugino Shenli thought about it and felt that what he said was indeed reasonable, but Suzuko Yuriko was angry.

Academy City's No. 1 was about to use super powers to teach Igarashi a lesson, but she suddenly realized that she was no match for him. Just as the girl was furious at this feeble fact, she found that her current state was even worse. It fits exactly what Igarashi said earlier: He always has a twisted expression. Although he is angry, it seems to be the truth.

Yuriko Suzukina was so depressed that she got up from the sofa with a cold snort, and returned to her room without seeing anything.

Mugino Shenli, who was watching the whole process, opened her eyes slightly. She could tell to some extent that the number one in Academy City and Igarashi did not seem to have any close relationship. On the contrary, it seems that she is the same as herself, the object of Igarashi's oppression, and Igarashi's bullying of her seems to be a little more severe than her -

Mai Zhao and Shen Li felt very relieved.


In any case, I should apologize now to avoid Igarashi causing trouble for me. Mugino Shimari, who was also bullied many times by Igarashi, is actually flexible and flexible at the moment. He bowed his head to admit his mistake for his previous casual speculation about Igarashi, with a look on his face. If someone else from [Props] saw his faint look of weakness, it would be unbelievable.

It doesn't matter, please continue to take on the task of delivering food to me in the future? You haven't been here these past few days, and I have no appetite for food.


It was difficult for Mugino Shenli to connect his absence with Igarashi's loss of appetite, and he couldn't help but let out a soft cry of confusion.

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