Shirai Kuroko knew that she was no match for Shokuhou Misaki. Even her elder sister lost more than she won in the confrontation with Shokuhou Misaki.

Under the premise that a person's superpower can be immune to the opponent's superpower, even if his ability is put aside, Shokuhou Misaki is a simple and scheming girl, so at this moment, Shirai Kuroko did not hesitate to ask Igarashi for help. King Qing Wang Li, Igarashi really shouldn't ignore this favor. This is what Shirai Kuroko thinks.

As for Igarashi’s own safety, ever since I saw Igarashi risking all kinds of terrorist attacks to meet Saten Ruiko, in addition to being speechless at Igarashi’s weird persistence, Shirai Kuroko also saw him Ability, those attacks all failed, it must be because Igarashi was well prepared. Although Shokuhou Misaki has LV5 psychological mastery, the amazing Shirai Kuroko did not think that Igarashi would succeed in Shokuhou Misaki. I pray that my men will suffer.


Being bullied? I feel Shokuhou Misaki is helping you, helping you convey your inner feelings. Otherwise, wouldn't it be love that you can't get?

Seeing the reply from Igarashi, Shirai Kuroko became angry and dialed the number directly.

Hey, do you have any principles? Don't you distinguish between right and wrong? It's wrong to use superpowers to play with her at will no matter what, right?

Although there was a feeling of irritation that something was going on in his mind, Shirai Kuroko did not lose his composure and deliberately changed the subject.

On the other hand, Igarashi didn't expect Shirai Kuroko to call her directly in anger, but her move to seek help from her and seek revenge on Shokuhou Misaki also somewhat reflected the other party's trust in her at this moment. Zigui stopped provoking the other party and replied.

What kind of punishment do you think is more suitable for her? Explain it in advance. Her actions this time are not serious enough to impose any serious punishment. Forget about expulsion from school. I know you are somewhat willing to take this opportunity to help Misaka. Mikoto is a smaller opponent.

At present, the faction headed by Shokuhou Misaki is the largest force in Tokiwa Taichung, followed by Misaka Mikoto, a free agent who has not established a small group. Although she has not established a backing force, she has some influence due to her identity and personal charm as LV5 Misaka Mikoto. It is not too difficult to respond to everything when necessary. In addition, the two have different personalities, and they have always been more or less antagonistic.

Anyway, with Shokuhou Misaki's ability, he can still enter any other school - Xiang Dodai, why should he go against his elder sister in Tokiwadai and make both sides angry about it? Shirai Kuroko did have some such considerations.

After hearing Igarashi's words, Shirai Kuroko was silent for a brief moment, and then still had no intention of letting Shokuhou Misaki go. After all, this incident really embarrassed her, even though Igarashi cooperated with her and changed the topic. .

I heard that Shokuhou Misaki's athletic ability is very poor. How about making her run a kilometer in five minutes?

This punishment is indeed just a bit tiring for others, but for Shokuhou's analysis, she may die. The data shows that her physical fitness may be worse than that of an elementary school student. If you can get close to her, you can probably Knock the opponent down with one punch?

To be honest, Igarashi had the urge to let Yuriko Suzuko and Shokuhou Misaki compete with each other without using superpowers and relying only on their physical abilities. Let’s see who is more powerful. The difference between these two guys in terms of physical fitness is astonishing. They really deserve to be LV5. 467 is indeed outstanding.

Then what should we do? Just let her go like this? I said you guys are not really obsessed with each other? Because she was courteous to you some time ago?

Am I obsessed with her? The possibility of such a thing is very small. Since you definitely want to punish her, she will definitely not be able to run two kilometers in five minutes, but her physical fitness is so low.

You really can't leave it alone. I'll let her do some exercise later. Running is a good choice, so be it. Let her run a thousand meters without any time limit. Think of it as punishment, can you calm down?

Tch, okay.

Hearing that the anger and displeasure contained in Shirai Kuroko's words gradually disappeared, Igarashi hung up the phone.

It just so happened that Suzuko Yuriko and Shiken Kaoru were both in extremely low physical condition, so they simply became partners for some training together.

Whether it's Yuriko Suzuko who is still staying in Igarashi's villa thinking about the changes needed to deal with Kihara Shinken, or Shokuhou Misaki who is battling wits with his subordinate who hides desserts in order to stay in shape. At this moment, they don’t know that Igarashi has made a decision that is terrible for them.

Chapter 1130: Sympathy for the Same Suffering

When someone asks how to exercise, most of the answers are running. When it comes to the benefits of running, it is enough to write an essay. According to the experts, it is like it has all the benefits and no harm. It can be a great way to prolong your life, but it can also detoxify and nourish your skin.

However, almost everyone knows the benefits of running, but not many people stick to it. Those who refuse will give many reasons - running is a waste of time, and you have to take a shower and wash clothes afterwards. How can you have so much free time or... It's because after a day of study and work, you are already very tired and you still have the energy to exercise. In the final analysis, most people only have one word - tired.

When Igarashi proposed running to exercise, both Yuriko Suzuko and Shokuhou Misaki refused without hesitation.

Why does Tangtang LV5 need to exercise? Can you fight against the army by exercising your rest body? Can exercising make your superpowers stronger? Obviously I am already so strong, why do I have to resort to the most common exercise methods to ask for trouble?

Although it is said that way, and it makes sense, it has always been true. Regardless of the small number of grave grass that dared to guide Yuriko Suzuko's training courses in the early days, the grass on the grave has grown taller. The scientific researchers still once said similar words to Igarashi, and Shokuhou prayed to directly use their superpowers to produce Shokuhou. Tokiwadai teachers who believed that you don't need to do physical training, Mr. Qi have all received this response. They wanted to refute it at the time, but unfortunately they all ended in failure. After all, these two debates will not be based on who is better. Reasonable and well-founded criteria are used to determine victory or defeat, but success or failure is determined by whose fist is bigger.

Facing LV5, the researchers and teachers were more than a step behind.

But Igarashi is different. LV5 is no different from LXO in front of him, so I originally wanted to use my very mature fallacy to persuade Igarashi's Yuriko Suzuko and Shokuhou Misaki, but they could only be half-hardened by Igarashi with a dark face. They were brought to the playground. Now the only place they can talk about and masturbate is probably that there are more than two playgrounds in Tokiwadai. The small playground they are in now has been reserved by Igarashi using his own authority, so that they will not be embarrassed in front of ordinary students. .

Yuriko Suzukina and Shokuhou Misaki don't know each other. The information network Shokuhou Misaki has can't reach Yuriko Suzukina, who is the number one in Academy City, and Yuriko Suzukina will never go there without any reason. Even if the other party is looking for information about others, they are also V5, so when they first met, they just nodded to each other and said nothing.

On the one hand, they don’t want to have too much interaction with each other. After all, their own family members know their own affairs. Yuriko Suzuko and Shokuhou Misaki both know how weak their physical strength is. Talking to each other now is simply asking for trouble. When the time comes, follow each other. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to die if you flex your buttocks and eat dust from behind? On the other hand, talk less now to save energy, so as not to run out of energy when running.

Since they found that they could not persuade Igarashi to let him go and learned that they had to run a full kilometer, Yuriko Suzuko and Shokuhou Misaki stopped talking or made any unnecessary movements and followed Igarashi honestly. Lan could feel their heartbeats slowly accelerating. It was not a warm love, but a simple nervousness when they were about to face the horror.

Okay, let's start running. If you run 800 meters in school, it takes about four minutes for a girl to pass. I've raised the distance to 2,000 meters. As for the time, I'll give you ten minutes. Of course, if you can pass the 800-meter run, I don’t have to make any changes.

Didn't you agree not to time it?

Shokuhou Misaki and Suzuko Momotai shouted in annoyance because they didn't care at all about the strange tacit understanding between the other party and themselves at this moment, and they stared at Igarashi with angry eyes.

Ten minutes is long enough, right? Not to mention running, even if you just walk a little briskly, you can almost complete a thousand meters in ten minutes. If you really can't hold on, I won't go too far. There will be no punishment for exceeding the time limit. I just hope you won’t be lazy.”

Knowing that they could not change the facts, Shokuhou Misaki and Suzuko Momotai's expressions turned a little darker. They said nothing and rushed out without waiting for Igarashi to give the starting order when they arrived at the starting line.

The word rush seems a little inappropriate, because the speed of Shokuhou Kanana and Suzuko Yuriko is unexpectedly slow.

Logically speaking, although it is a long-distance run, normal people who have sufficient physical strength at the beginning will generally run faster. As the distance increases, the speed will decrease due to physical exertion. However, people who are planned by the King of Goodness can They maintained a constant speed throughout the entire process and even sprinted at the last moment. However, the speed at which Shokuhou Misaki and Suzukina Yuriko started at this moment——

Even slower than the average student jogging.

Yuriko Suzuko was a little better. She didn't seem to use all her strength and just calculated her speed according to the ten minutes designated by Igarashi. Although her face was a little ugly, it was mainly because she was angry with Igarashi, but Shokuhou fucked Taku. It seems a bit bad. It looks like she has tried her best?

Igarashi watched from the sidelines and kept complaining in his heart. On the track, Yuriko Suzuko and Shokuhou Misaki looked sympathetic to each other.

I didn't expect that among the able-bodied peers in this world, other than myself, there were other people with such poor physical strength.

Although Yuriko Suzukina is a high school student, she still doesn’t have the concept of “she is already a high school student” because she doesn’t usually go to high school. Seeing that Shokuhou Cousin has developed so well among junior high school students, of course it is Treat her as a peer.

The mood that was originally irritated by Igarashi gradually calmed down. Yuriko Suzuko noticed that the ugly face of Shokuhou Misaki, who was slightly slower than her, actually felt a little pity for the first time.

Chapter 1131 The rewards of physical exercise

It's just pity. It's impossible for Yuriko Suzuko to slow down specifically for Shokuhou Misaki. Running 2,000 meters in ten minutes is not a difficult task for Momotai Suzuko. She is indeed. His poor physical fitness is not that bad.

According to Shokuhou Misaki, if this speed is her ultimate speed, then she will inevitably slow down again after a large amount of physical exertion, and she has basically lost the possibility of running a thousand meters in ten minutes. Suzuko Yuriko didn't plan to accompany Shokuhou Misaki, and God knew if Igarashi would use this as an excuse to cause trouble.

Shokuhou Misaki watched helplessly as Suzukina Yuriko got farther and farther away from him. Originally, Suzukina Yuriko ran in front, which could reduce some air resistance for herself, which gave her some psychological comfort. But now, the same sympathy that happened before The feeling suddenly disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for the worry that Igarashi would notice and be punished for using super powers, Shokuhou Misaki at this moment said that he must not embarrass the guy in front of him who gave him some hope but disappointed him.

For Shokuhou Misaki and even Suzuko Yuriko, the running time is very difficult. They hope to achieve results? 4Z To put an end to this sudden suffering, I also hope that time will pass slower to avoid overtime.

It took Yuriko Suzuko more than seven minutes to finish the 1,000-meter run. She squatted down weakly to calm down her violent heartbeat. After a while, she regained her composure and looked at Igarashi with eyes that seemed to crush him to ashes. She was usually fierce, but when she saw Shokuhou Misaki in the playground, her mood suddenly improved a lot.

Even for a girl, running a thousand meters in more than seven minutes is bad enough. This is not a performance that can tell her at all. But if there is a guy who is worse and in a worse situation, everything will be different or even worse. Generate some sense of pride.

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki's face look even uglier than her own, seeing the opponent running at a speed similar to that of an ordinary person's walking, Suzuko Yuriko felt very relieved to see that the opponent still had nearly two-and-a-half of the distance to go.

And Igarashi next to him saw everything. Yuriko Suzuko's running speed was not very fast, which indeed reflected her extremely average physical fitness. This was expected by Igarashi, but Shokuhou Misaki's performance It was completely unexpected by Igarashi.

This guy's physical strength and body coordination are surprisingly poor. If it weren't for the fact that Shokuhou Misaki didn't have any real physical defects, Igarashi even suspected that Shokuhou Misaki was responsible for managing the movement of the external brain that he had previously destroyed. Cultured from brain tissue harvested from the brain.

Okay, stop running and take a good rest.

Seeing that Shokuhou Naoki couldn't hold on anymore, Igarashi no longer insisted. The moment he said his words, Shokuhou Naoki, who was already very tired and clenched his teeth and persisted, suddenly sat down. On the track, it was impossible to say Don't sit down after strenuous exercise because Shokuhou Misaki had already lost the strength to stay standing.

Shokuhou Misaki also glared at Igarashi, but his silence was not because he had any scruples about Igarashi. Now that he felt that half of his feet had stepped into the gate of hell, Shokuhou Misaki had no intention of worrying about anything that was not for the violent breathing and The extreme lack of physical strength prevented her from speaking. At this moment, she had already cursed at Igarashi.

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