You also know that person

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were stunned to testify, and were shocked by Shokuhou Misaki's sudden statement. Although Shirai Kuroko, as a member of the disciplinary committee, would come into contact with some villains from time to time, Misaka Mikoto would not be the one she usually comes into contact with. Bad people are just street gangsters, and it's impossible for a street gangster to make Shokuhou Misaki look like this.

We know each other?

Yes, that's the new male teacher from Tokiwadai, Igarashi.


Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were both dumbfounded. Then, Shirai Kuroko thought of her experience when she just met Igarashi, and recalled the title of Queen that Shokuhou Misaki had in Tokiwadai, and she suddenly had many ideas. , this guy, could it be that he deliberately provoked Igarashi and then got caught by the other party, and he wanted to become a maid like himself? The Queen is about to become a maid. Then he exaggerated the matter and asked himself and his sister for help.

Just when he thought of this, Shirai Kuroko couldn't help but gloat and laugh.

This smile made Shokuhou Misaki, who was usually attentive, turn dark.

why are you laughing?

Being threatened by Igarashi and becoming his opponent's maid for two weeks was undeniable. Shokuhou Misaki was also LV5, so it was best not to mess with her casually. Shirai Kuroko tried hard not to show a serious expression.

...I think of happy things

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki waiting for Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto on the side quickly diverted Shokuhou Misaki's attention.

Go on, what did Igarashi-sensei do to you? Aren't you mentally controlling? Even if Igarashi-sensei really wants to do evil to Megumi as you said, shouldn't you be able to do anything about him to be so powerful against him?

It's not a question of whether he's powerful or not, he's kind of... a very mysterious kind. He's a director of Academy City. He seems to be very familiar with upper-class etiquette, and somehow he's immune to my superpowers. , knows a lot about Academy City.

Shokuhou Misaki showed a divine expression. To be honest, in the eyes of Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto, this was simply the ecstasy of an adolescent girl thinking about her lover.

Shirai Kuroko was more certain of his previous thoughts and yawned lazily.

It's getting late, Shokuhou-san, you should go back to bed. It's so late at night, Igarashi-sensei didn't even look for you, but you went to look for him. It's easy for people to misunderstand, right? I heard that during this period, I was supposed to be with you. Mr. Mugino, who lives with Mr. Igarashi, has asked for leave. If you go now, you and Mr. Igarashi will be alone in a room. Well, if you insist on it, onee-sama and I will not bother you about what happened before. Just pretend it didn’t happen.”

Although he has always been against Igarashi, Shirai Kuroko is completely unable to connect him with the villain. As for Shokuhou Misaki saying that Igarashi is a director, Igarashi did not deliberately hide this kind of thing. It turned out that Shirai had previously Kuroko knew about it and told Misaka Mikoto. Also knowing many things about Academy City, Shirai Kuroko knew the existence of Anbu through Igarashi's introduction, which should be the biggest secret.

Shokuhou Misaki's behavior is really suspicious. Not only Shirai Kuroko, who knows a lot, but even Misaka Mikoto is suspicious. Is it a trap for the two of them to go looking for Igarashi with her in the middle of the night? When they arrived at the door of Igarashi's house, Shokuhou 750 secretly left, and then asked the people who had been waiting there to take some photos, and spread shock the next day. A well-known student from Tokiwadai went to Wuji in the middle of the night. This kind of thing happened in Teacher Juran's dormitory and other gossips, Misaka Mikoto felt that she would never be able to look up and meet people in school from now on.

Seeing that Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko both looked disbelieving and wary of themselves, Shokuhou Misaki went a little crazy. She only cared about the kindness of the other person, but she really forgot about the suspicious nature of her own behavior.

However, if we don’t seize the time to figure it out, and wait until Igarashi really makes some arrangements at Tokiwadai like placing cronies in Sai’s labor room, Shokuhou Misaki feels that it will really be too late to work on Mugino Shiri It's very suspicious that Shokuhou Misaki feels that she is also a very dangerous character.

Moreover, now that he has figured out everything, he can still escape at night. Although students are active on campus during the day, with Igarashi's methods, this will not be a hindrance to him at all.

You have to believe me!

Okay, okay, then tell me, Mr. Igarashi invaded your research institute, and what was the most precious thing that he destroyed?

my brain


Chapter 1110 It’s that simple

If the original Misaka Mikoto was still worried about the safety of the nervous Shokuhou Misaki because of the kindness in her heart, then now, after hearing from Shokuhou Misaki that Igarashi had destroyed her brain, Misaka Mikoto was already sure that this guy was deliberately playing tricks on her in the middle of the night.

Looking at the door slamming shut in front of her, Shokuhou Misaki opened her mouth, but she also knew that it was impossible for Misaka Mikoto to help her anymore in her current state.

It seems that both Misaka Miju and Shirai Kuroko believe that Igarashi is not a bad person, and their vision of people should not be too wrong. In fact, from the beginning to the end, Igarashi has never really persecuted himself. Even destroying the external brain is not a bad thing. For Shokuhou Analyst himself, the destruction of the external brain means that Academy City is no longer in power. There is a substitute for Shokuhou Misaki, which is much safer.

If Igarashi really wants to do something, whether it is to rely on his immunity to [psychological control] to catch himself with extremely low motor nerves, or to accidentally pretend to be a brain threat, it is a better choice. Why bother to bend like this now? Winding and twisting.

After being rejected by Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki, who was originally very nervous, calmed down and thought about a lot of things. At that moment, she no longer expected Misaka Mikoto's protection and quickly walked towards Igarashi's side. Walk to the residence.

However, Shokuhou Misaki also called her subordinates midway and asked her to drive to the school gate to prepare for the response. Shokuhou Misaki had already prepared an escape route for herself.

As for the public opinion that Misaka Mikoto was previously worried about, such as Kanou students visiting the residence of teachers of the opposite sex late at night, that is not a problem at all for Shokuhou Misaki. As long as she uses [internal control] Shokuhou Misaki casually, she can change the minds of too many people. .

However, Shokuhou Misaki still hesitated in front of Igarashi's single-family villa.

Does this count as throwing yourself into a trap? If you think about it carefully, Igarashi would come into contact with him and then pretend to have his brain destroyed. The cause of this series of things seems to be that he took the initiative to find Igarashi before. If I hadn't taken Igarashi's class at that time, would there have been another outcome?

And if you don’t go to Igarashi now. Just lower your sense of presence and actively avoid him. Will this superior council just forget about him? After all, he had only attended two or two classes before, and then asked Mugino Shenli to take over the class. He looked very busy on weekdays.

Just when Shokuhou Misaki had many thoughts and concerns, the door opened from the inside.

Come in, I asked myself, I have been friendly enough, should I say you are cautious enough or too suspicious? Your worried look is completely opposite to the arrogant look of Shirai Kuroko in front of me, and Tokiwadai Queen, this title is very unflattering.

...You-have been spying on me?

Seeing Igarashi's expression of knowing that he was coming, Shokuhou Misaki frowned and secretly thought about the equipment that might be used for surveillance.

It's not that exaggerated. I have always respected the privacy of girls. I just saw you lingering in front of my house for a long time and made a rough guess from your behavior and expression. As a [psychological master], you came into contact with the academy. A part of the city is dark, so do you think that all the higher-ups in Academy City are people with ulterior motives? In fact, I am a good person.

Igarashi's words made Shokuhou Misaki look troubled.

...A good person wouldn't take the initiative to say that he is a good person, right?

Whatever. Since you took the initiative to ask me if you have any questions, just ask them. Well, please sit down first.

Igarashi motioned Shokuhou Naoki to sit on the sofa in the living room, and then took a can of drink for himself from the refrigerator. He didn't take Shokuhou Naoki's share. Igarashi was satisfied when he saw his opponent staring at him. He explained with an innocent face.

Look, with your vigilance towards me, even if I gave you a drink at this time, you would think that I added computer accessories to it, so you can understand why I didn't take your share, right?

Shokuhou Misaki took a deep breath. Then he spoke.

Okay, I understand, but why did you destroy the external brain? You should know that it is a device that allows anyone to use psychological control, right? Given its value, it should not be something that can be destroyed casually.

The damage sustained by the pretending brain will be fed back to you. This alone is enough to destroy it, so that it will not be used by people with intentions to cause trouble. I protect you out of good intentions. You should be grateful.

……It's that simple?

It's that simple

Why? I probably didn't know you before, right?

Because you are a beautiful girl. If you are a big man who picks his feet, I will not care about his life or death.

The reason Igarashi said was so real and brutal that it actually made Shokuhou Misaki a little bit convinced. Looking at the other party's face that didn't seem to be hypocritical, Shokuhou Misaki stood up after being silent for a moment.

I have asked all the questions I wanted to ask, can I leave now?


Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki was still wary, Igarashi did not stop her and signaled her to leave. (Zhao Li’s)

If Shokuhou Misaki was a little worried before, then when she found out that she had indeed opened Igarashi's residence safely and tried to leave Tokiwadai without any obstruction, Shokuhou Misaki's worries disappeared. I also quietly put down the rest, only laughing and crying.

That guy actually destroyed something like an external brain, the ultimate technological crystallization of Academy City, for the simple reason of protecting girls. Is he really a director? He could even do something with such wide impact as destroying the Kihara Research Institute and the ANBU borrowing force. On the surface, there has been no disturbance. That guy should not be an ordinary director. From his understanding, ordinary directors can Not that much power.

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