As a result, a rumor gradually emerged on Tokiwadai campus about a new and vicious female teacher.

Time passed slowly, and finally it was late at night.

In Igarashi's single-family villa, on the second floor, Mugino Shenli, who was not sleeping at all on a strange bed, but just pretending to close his eyes, got up quietly at this time, preparing to escape.

Chapter 1083 Mugino Shenli’s Big Adventure

Although it should be more convenient to go out through the main entrance of the villa, Mugino Shenli knew that the main entrance might have been tampered with by Igarashi or had some kind of surveillance method, so it was better to jump out of the window.

Even if she jumps out of the window, Mugino Shenri has chosen carefully. The window she chose and even the road directly opposite not only lead to the school gate of Tokiwadai, but also have a different direction from the window of Igarashi's bedroom. Make sure it's quiet enough so the other person won't notice.


Mugino, who jumped directly from the window on the second floor to the grass outside, let out a deep groan. He felt the severe pain in his ankle and became quite angry.

Although she is an ANBU, Mugino Shenri is not good at this kind of stealth combat method. She is a dignified LV5 superpower. How about stealth? As long as we kill all the enemies, no one will know about it, right? Running over him openly and honestly was the way Mugino Shenri had fought before.

This also led to Mugino Shenli being slightly injured at this moment because of this behavior that should not be difficult for a trained person. Even a LV5 superpower user has nothing to boast about in terms of physical fitness. Physically enhanced superpowers, even without the use of superpowers, have physical fitness that is within the range of ordinary people, and some even have LV5 physiques that are much weaker than ordinary people.

I will take revenge for this in the future...

She endured the pain and jogged for a while until the villa was hundreds of meters away from her. Mugino Shenli had the courage to say harsh words, but she stopped silently in the middle of the sentence because she found that even if she had to find a way this time Even though he has recovered his superpowers, he doesn't seem to have the capital to confront Igarashi head-on.

Because it was late at night, there were no pedestrians in [Academy House], not even people patrolling. This is where the young ladies study and live. Generally speaking, no one would cause trouble, [Academy House] The external defense force can also prevent almost all intruders, so Mugino Shenli did not encounter any questioning along the way and quickly arrived at the school gate.

Stop, who is it?

Of course there were guards on duty at the school gate, and they did not let up at all even in the middle of the night. In other words, precisely because it was such a special time, the guards on duty were more vigilant. When they saw Mugino Shenli's figure, they had secretly picked up the stun gun. .

The janitors at Tokiwadai Middle School are not equipped with anti-personnel weapons. That is the configuration of the security team. However, stun guns, stun batons and other equipment that only temporarily incapacitate people are very complete.

If he hadn't lost his superpowers, and now seeing someone dare to question him with such an attitude, Mugino Shenri, even if he didn't directly kill the other person with an atomic collapse, or even let the other person lie in the hospital for a few days at the least, but Now, Mugino Shenli can only be more honest. After all, she can't resist the stun gun.

This is my ID card.

Igarashi had given Mugino a Shinri ID card. Before, she also used this ID card with various functions to buy set meals in the cafeteria. The cafeteria of Tokiwadai Middle School does not accept cash and does not sell it to the outside world. It is said that one A student meal can be sold for ten times the price on the outside black market. In addition to being delicious, it is also because the nutritional mix is ​​very balanced. It is said that it can improve students' superpowers.

Of course, Mugino Shenli doesn't care about this kind of thing now. She just hopes that Igarashi didn't do anything with this identity card so that she can escape.

It's Mugino-sensei. Sorry, it's already late at night, so we're a little nervous.

The guard's reaction made Mugino Shenli breathe a sigh of relief. The guard didn't even ask why he wanted to go out at this time. He just stepped aside and signaled that he could pass through the school gate.

In Mugino, Shenli was in an ecstatic mood, and when he was halfway there——

Wait a moment!

The guard's sudden call to stop made Mugino Shenli stiffen and his expression turned ugly. However, he quickly suppressed his expression and turned his head to look at the guard with a normal expression.

Anything else?

The janitor of Tokiwadai Middle School is also a female and a professionally trained combatant. But to Mugino Shinri, she is an ant. This kind of super power can only reach LV3 at most. An ant can only have some combat effectiveness by relying on other technological weapons. In the past, Mugino Shenli didn't even want to talk to them, and would only interact with them unless he needed to buy something, but now, he had to change his face for them...

Shame, Mugino Shenli felt great shame.

That's it. Teacher Igarashi asked us before. If you pass by the gate, let us give you this...well, this letter.

With a strange look on his face, the guard handed Mugino Shenli an envelope with a love stamp on it. Although it was said to be a letter, the style of the envelope clearly showed its content. There was no doubt that this should be a letter. love letter.

I see.

Mugino Shenli took the envelope and left Tokiwadai Middle School in a hurry. He frowned and looked at the letter in his hand until the school gate disappeared from sight.

To be honest, Mugino Shenli also thought it was a love letter, but Igarashi's attitude towards him was not like he was interested in him at all. Originally, Mugino Shenli wanted to throw away this suspicious thing, but something went wrong. She didn't do that, not because she was looking forward to a relationship, but Mugino Shenli had a vague feeling that her escape this time in 2.4 seemed to be expected by Igarashi, otherwise how could she have just been threatened by Igarashi to become Maid, the doorman received such a request from Igarashi.

After hesitating for a long time, Mugino Shenli opened the envelope——

[If I don't see a prepared breakfast at breakfast time tomorrow, I think it is necessary to punish the incompetent maid more severely. ]

Looking at the content in the letter that had nothing to do with the love letter, Mugino Shenli took a deep breath and looked at the time.

There are still six hours until 7:30 in the morning.

Originally, Mugino Shenri wanted to go back and join his men and get some sleep first, but now, just in case, it was better to go to the research institute immediately.

Chapter 1084 Completely lost superpowers?

Chief...I can't sense your AIM diffusion field...

[Props] Another secret base near Tokiwadai. Takitsubo Rikou, who had always had a dull expression and looked tired, had a look of surprise on his face at this moment.

Anyone with superpowers, even LV1, will unconsciously and uncontrollably release the AIM diffusion force field to the surroundings. Without the force field, only ordinary people will be the ones. This is a rule recognized by the entire Academy City, such as universal gravity and other laws. General iron rule.

Hearing Takitsubo Rikou's words, Flanda and Kinuhata, who also came to meet up, had even more exaggerated expressions. Being able to make LV5 lose their superpowers undoubtedly means that they can also make LV4 lose their superpowers. It's a bit scary. No, it's super scary.

What?! Please look at it clearly before you answer!!!

Mugino's tone was a little manic. If Igarashi hadn't been suppressing him before, which caused him to hold back his anger for a whole day, he could have exercised his patience in disguise. At this moment, when he heard Takitsubo Rikou's words that sounded like a death sentence, Mukino Shenli has already gone crazy.

Riko Takitsubo understands Mugino Shimori's current behavior very well, or in other words, she is a little surprised that Mugino Shimri only showed this level of emotion. According to Takitsubo Rikou's original understanding of Mugino Shimri, now Mugino Shiri should have shown murderous intent towards him who conveyed the bad information.

...Maybe I can't feel the AIM diffusion field keenly under normal conditions, so do you want me to take body crystals?

Takitsubo Rikou has LV4 [Ability Tracking]. He can search and lock the target's location based on the AIM diffusion field that he has remembered. Even if the opponent escapes outside the earth, he can still capture his whereabouts, but he must use his ability to To this extent, it is necessary to use the body crystal powder accidentally produced during an experiment that went out of control, thereby inducing one's own abilities to go berserk and obtain a substantial enhancement.

As a product of failed experiments, body crystals will have a great impact on the body. Even Takitsubo Rigo, who was originally qualified, was eroded little by little after using the body crystals many times. I don’t know how many more times she will use the body crystals. It will cause the body to completely collapse.

No need.

Mugino Shenli gave a negative answer to Takitsubo Rikou's proposal. Facing the surprised looks of his subordinates, Mugino Shenli, who had learned to think in a planned way in one day, quickly guessed the three people. Thoughts, he continued impatiently.

So what if you use body crystals to sense my diffusion force field? You can't solve the problem. Is the research institute that I asked you to contact me before tested my abilities and has a relatively good scientific research staff in place?


Okay, go over now.

It was a bit strange to go to the research institute in the middle of the night, but the other three people at [Props] could probably understand the anxiety in Mugino Shimori who was suspected of losing his superpowers. They didn't say much, and Frenda soon drove the car. Rushing from the secret stronghold to the research institute.

ten minutes later.

How is that possible?! Haven't you already reached the LV5 level? Why are you no different from ordinary people now, but what about your superpowers?!

Mugino Shenli, who skipped all unnecessary procedures and started testing his superpowers directly, looked at the researcher who had completed the test and exclaimed at the results with a gloomy look on his face.

If I knew, would I still come here?

In fact, Mugino Shenli knew that the disappearance of his superpower must have been caused by Igarashi, but the specific method used was unknown, let alone the solution.

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