This is not what the devil wants to see.

The demon gods long for an arbiter, an arbiter who can judge whether the demon god's influence on the world is correct, and they can even hand over their power to him for this purpose.

The arbiter should know the original appearance of the world, and should have the power to restore the world to its original appearance no matter how the devil tamperes with it.

As a demon who can tamper with the world at will, they still have scruples in their hearts. They have a feeling that if the world is excessively changed or even collapses, the demon will not be able to survive alone.

That kind of unspeakable warning made the demon gods very concerned. They longed for a sense of peace of mind, and perhaps only the Arbiter could bring them this sense of peace of mind.

But the Demon God stands at the pinnacle that magicians cannot imagine, and exists in the realm of God. And what kind of existence is the arbiter who can judge whether the Demon God's actions are right or wrong?

The demon gods have never found an arbiter. Perhaps they have already reached the highest peak. All they can do now is to divide their own power and let those who are rare in the ages and have the qualifications to become arbiters.

This is what they think and do. Unfortunately, there has been no significant progress.

But now, the long-term existence and illusory phase, the demon gods who are in the world but also outside the world, see a scene that they cannot understand.

The phase in which the demon gods exist is the hidden world, which is different from the normal world and can carry the unlimited power of the demon gods. They live here, observe phases, create phases, wrap the world, and change the world.

This should be a realm that only the Demon God and those who touch the threshold of the Demon God can detect, the highest realm.

But today, the High Realm was visited by an uninvited guest.

This is a fairyland, at least for the demons. They carefully guard this home, the only place where their healthy self can move around. But today, there is a guy who never knows where, but there is no doubt that even the demons cannot touch it. He came over and violently kicked open the door to the hidden world.

Although they are not as weak as Little Red Riding Hood who was approached by the Big Bad Wolf, the demons are all in a state of confusion now.

Who am I and where am I?

Am I not the devil standing at the top? Isn’t this a hidden world? Why does the current scene remind me of a time that is so far away that I can no longer recall, when we were still powerless human children, feeling powerless and helpless when faced with adults? Why is it that when my door is kicked in, my first feeling is not anger, but fear that the other party will hit me?

Yo, hello.

Igarashi looked at the creatures in front of him and showed a smile full of kindness.

This onion-like world is really troublesome. Igarashi was still very patient at first looking for the weaknesses of the layers of onion skins, trying his best to get into the inner layers without damaging the onion skins, but it took a long time to travel through it. After a while, Igarashi finally lost his patience and directly broke the onion skin to get deeper.

There is not even a will of the world here, but it is a very mature world. Even the existence in front of me, who is based on the true god and has almost all the power in the world, is very interesting.

The demons looked at the stranger who broke into their home like a robber, and greeted him blankly.


By the way, I'm going to the innermost world. Can you give me a ride? Otherwise I might have to force my way in like this. It seems that the inner layers of 'onion skins' are quite important. I I think it’s best not to destroy it by force.”

Igarashi seemed very friendly, like a good friend that the demons had not seen for many years.

Among the demons, a blond girl wearing an eye patch and a magic hat, who looked a little middle-aged, said in confusion at this time.

Onion skin? Do you mean the phase? The phase that surrounds the world cannot be destroyed at will...

If even the phase can be destroyed at will, then it is no longer as simple as a demon.

And, if it’s an onion…

Yes, can you send me there? Well, I want to go to the innermost world where Academy City and various sects exist. It would be better to choose Academy City as my landing point.

Okay, I'll take you there.

The Demon God nodded and sent away this uninvited guest.

Chapter 1058 Shirai Kuroko

Although Igarashi frivolously calls it the innermost world of the onion, this world is not inferior to other worlds Igarashi has experienced, and is even more exciting to a certain extent.

In addition to the normal development of technology, there are also Academy City, which claims to be 20 to 30 years ahead of the outside world in terms of scientific level, and its superpowers, as well as various sects and magicians.

Tokiwadai Middle School is one of the few prestigious schools in Academy City, and it is also the world's top aristocratic girls' school. The admission requirements are extremely harsh. It is said that it has mercilessly refused admission to the children of a certain country's royal family, which triggered an international dispute. .

Ordinary people don't know the specific final outcome of the dispute. They only know that the imperial child still failed to enter Tokiwadai Middle School. At the same time, Academy City did not issue any public apology statement. This also made Tokiwadai The reputation of the middle school skyrocketed again.

The campus of Tokiwadai Middle School is shared with four other neighboring aristocratic girls' schools. It is not because of lack of land, but because they want to create a more stable safety structure through a joint venture.

The shared area is called the Garden of Schools. It occupies an area that is more than fifteen times the size of an ordinary school. However, it does not give the students an exaggerated sense of spaciousness. In addition to a large number of experimental facilities that must be used for special courses, it is also squeezed in There are numerous manufacturing and sales facilities. This is because all superpower development equipment is produced here and is not outsourced to outside businesses to avoid leakage of confidential technology. The appearance of each facility is unified in a Western style, and the overall look is like a small town close to the Mediterranean. In the school garden, even the shapes of road signs and traffic lights are different from those outside.

Stone pavements and marble buildings are such a waste of space.

In mid-September, although it was the end of summer, it was still hot. In the middle of the campus in the afternoon, Kuroko Shirai, a girl with twin tails, wearing a sleeveless sweatshirt and shorts like a track and field athlete, looked at the school in the distance. He said this in an annoyed tone because of the hot weather.

Then, what did Shirai Kuroko see? She had just passed the corner of the road and saw a man strolling by slowly.

He looks very young. If he is wearing a high school uniform, he would be a high school student. If he is wearing a teacher's uniform, it would look very matching. I think he would have no problem being a teacher.

But now he was wearing casual clothes that made it difficult to identify him.

These are not the important points, the important point is that this guy is a boy, and then he walked into Tokiwadai Middle School, just like taking a walk in the back garden.

Now is not the Daihasei Festival, nor is it the time when the school is open for students and relatives to visit. What is going on with the guy in front of me? !

Hey, you sneaked into Tokiwadai and you dare to be so arrogant. Come with me! I am Kuroko Shirai, the disciplinary committee member. You are in trouble.

Shirai Kuroko felt that after she said these words, the other party should show a panicked expression. She was even prepared for the other party to escape. Anyway, in front of herself who mastered [Space Movement], no matter how the other party escaped, it was just a useless effort.

What did Shirai Kuroko see? This guy actually just looked at himself with a very interested look, not panicking at all. Although he was indeed handsome, he seemed to be the legendary type who could easily make girls become nymphomaniacs, but who kind of person is Shirai Kuroko? , she will not be attracted to a man!

It seems like you don't intend to surrender.

Kuroko Shirai said this while putting on the armband of the Disciplinary Committee.

I am Tokiwadai's teacher.

The reason why Igarashi didn't react was not only because the girl in front of him could not pose any threat to him, but also because as a teacher, he came to Tokiwadai Middle School for good reason.

However, Shirai Kuroko didn't believe it.

Teacher? Are you a fool? Tokiwadai is an aristocratic girls' school. All the students are girls. In order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, the school's faculty and staff have always been female. Next time you tell a lie, remember to find someone. A more reliable reason.

Shirai Kuroko flashed across a distance of more than ten meters and appeared behind Igarashi. He used a very standard grabbing posture to subdue Igarashi.

However, it was strange. Shirai Kuroko remembered that this level of grappling could make the gangster fall to the ground helplessly. However, the man in front of him was standing perfectly still. Those weak points and weaknesses of the human body seemed not applicable to the person in front of him. Generally speaking, as a man, Kuroko Shirai, who was the active party, felt like he had nowhere to exert his strength. The sharp grabbing movements turned into some ambiguous body contact. From a distance, it looked like Kuroko Shirai threw himself on the opponent's back. Go up, begging the other party to carry him on his back.

I'm really a teacher. Look, this is my teaching certificate.

When Shirai Kuroko was a little stunned by the changed situation, Igarashi took out an ID and waved it in front of her eyes.

Although under normal circumstances, students are not very clear about what the teacher's ID card looks like. After all, most teachers do not hang their ID cards around their necks. They are usually made available for everyone to check like the staff of the exhibition. However, as a disciplinary committee member, Shirai Kuroko, who maintains order in this school district, naturally recognized that this was what Tokiwadai's exclusive teacher's certificate looked like, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The biggest mistake was that the other party was male.

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