Well, speaking of it, humans are very accomplished in art. Patterns such as Baroque style and Rococo style are quite beautiful.

In his words, Igarashi regarded the [Thunder Temple], which almost destroyed half of Tiangong City with one blow, as a gadget that could be played with at will.

In fact, Wan Yuri also realized this, and there was no doubt that Igarashi had indeed shown invincible power, and even the rampaging angel had no power to fight back.

Please don't bully it.

Wanyuri is a special spirit created from the spiritual power of many spirits. Her angel is also special. It has the ability to attack and defend independently, but it is not a living thing at all. At this moment, Igarashi is worried that he will destroy his only weapon. Wanyuri, however, made a plea as if to protect a small animal.

Chapter 1052: Announcement

Since Wanyuri made the request, Igarashi naturally stopped it and transformed the [Thunder Temple] so that it would never go berserk against the owner's will, and also removed many of the things on the sphere that would cause patients with trypophobia to die from poison. After the eyes are clean, return them to Wanyuri.

Wanyuri quickly let the angel disperse and would summon it again when necessary. At this time, the elf girl realized something. She felt that her body, which had been drained by the [Thunder Temple], was now starting to move a little bit. His eyes widened as he regained his spiritual power.


You are an elf now, a perfect elf. Your heart is a spiritual crystal, and your body composed of spiritual power is no different from that of ordinary people, but it is essentially higher than the flesh and blood body. You no longer need to think about the mission, and the so-called destiny that is destined to disappear. It’s fate, as long as I’m here, you won’t disappear.”

Oh, oh oh oh! Is this what the hero should say to the heroine? It really makes sense. With new themes and new inspiration, my next comic volume will be a big hit~

In an environment where there should have been only Igarashi and Manyuri, a third person's voice came, causing Manyuri to turn his head violently. Although Igarashi also looked at the speaker, his expression was not much. Accident.

With Igarashi's strength, he would naturally have noticed the peeping person a long time ago. If 427 was an ordinary person who did not listen to the space earthquake alarm and came to seek death, Igarashi would not care about him at all, and might be in the [Thunder Temple] When he went berserk, he deliberately let the destructive thunder light affect him and harmonize him.

Igarashi will indeed help those who suffer due to space shocks, but he will not wipe their butts behind those who take the initiative to commit suicide. On the contrary, Igarashi prefers to kick them and make them commit suicide. desire.

But the person who spoke was not the person seeking death, but the person involved, the elf.

She is a girl with short gray hair, blue-green eyes, and very delicate facial features. However, her beauty is greatly reduced by her old-fashioned flat glasses. She wears jeans and a loose shirt that seems to be worn by men. The girl in front of her is obviously naturally beautiful. But she doesn't seem to dress up specially, or in other words, she deliberately makes her image not so outstanding.

Long years no see. Erya, you are still drawing comics. You are quite perseverant.

Igarashi showed an attitude that he had long been familiar with the elf girl in front of him - Honjou Nia, which also made Wanyuri relax, who was staring at the opponent with vigilance. However, Honjou Nia didn't seem to agree with Igarashi. Lan's attitude showed confusion.

Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before? I'm sorry, sorry, my memory is always bad. I only met once, especially the kind of guy who changed my life, but also hid his head and tail, and then disappeared. , I can’t remember it at all!”

Although her words seemed confused, Honjou Niya gradually showed dissatisfaction, and in the second half of her sentence she spoke as if she had encountered a heartless man.

Fortunately, Wanyuri is not a girl who will be changed by such words. She is just silent now. After looking at Honjou Niya, she continues to keep her gaze on Igarashi. I can't seem to get enough of Igarashi.

And Igarashi curled his lips.

Don't pretend to be stupid. Even if you didn't know anything when I gave you the spiritual crystal, and I used all my methods to cover up my image and make it full of mosaics, your angel is [嫗嗫综合帙] ]Eh? Being able to get almost all the information you want is called a bug in the world. Although you definitely can't get information about me, based on some clues and other information, you should have learned everything you want to know, right? ? After all, neither Mio nor I set any obstacles on your angel.

The girl who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes was Honjou Niya. She became an elf existence decades ago. She has long been able to freely control the power to ensure that space earthquakes will not happen accidentally. She is also a well-known cartoonist in the human world. Of course, these are not the main point. The main point is that Honjou Niya seems to have a lot of resentment towards Igarashi.

If you think about it carefully, even though Honjou Fuya, who has a full-time [嗫说], cannot obtain information about Igarashi, it is simple to obtain information about the girls around Igarashi. When the information about the corresponding girl can no longer be obtained, it means that the other party has a deep relationship with Igarashi. Watching the guy who once changed his life enjoy life happily with others after disappearing for a long time. , Honjo Erya is not very happy.

When he found out that his current editor was almost unable to find out any information in the [Report Chapter 帙], Honjou Fuya wanted to rush over and fight Igarashi, because that meant that Igarashi had taken action against his editor.

He attacks his editor, but still ignores him and doesn't even meet him. Is this guy deliberately irritating?

Fortunately, everything returned to normal later. The editor had no relationship with Igarashi after all. Honjou Fuya tolerated it for the time being and wanted to see when Igarashi would wait until he came to find her. After all, he was a member of DEM Club and The big boss of AST, if he wants to find someone, even an elf can't hide unless he stays in the neighborhood, let alone an unabashed presence like Honjou Niya.

As a result, Igarashi never looked for her, and finally Honjou Niya couldn't help but jump out on her own initiative.

[嫗寗篇帙] In addition to the omniscient ability to detect everything, it can also make the things recorded on it come true. Although this article is not yet capable of destroying the world by writing a line of words, if it is targeted at a certain person, It's always been simple.

However, Niya has written this article dozens of times, asking Igarashi to drink water and stuff it between his teeth, and walking into a pit, but it has not been realized. As for the hundreds of times he wrote it, asking Igarashi to come to him on his own initiative, it has little effect. None. If not, Honjo Erya would not have come out on his own initiative.

She found that Igarashi had a great chance of forgetting her, or throwing her into an inconspicuous corner of her heart. This conclusion made Honjou Fuya very angry. If she hadn't been unable to defeat Igarashi, she would have done it long ago. .

Chapter 1053 Go Home Together

The angels of this article are giving Igarashi a headache. If his strength were not high enough, even surpassing that of this world, the angels who appeared as part of the world's authority would have clearly arranged everything for Igarashi. .

Even who Igarashi added to the harem team and who he slept with at night would be exposed.

In fact, even though due to strength reasons, [嫗嗫典帙] was unable to detect information about Igarashi and people close to Igarashi, Honjou Niya still found a way to determine the other party's actions - those who could not be The existence of the probe is someone who has a close relationship with Igarashi. At the same time, the [嫗嗫典帙] has the ability to write down future records that can be realized, and it can also control some girls around Igarashi who have not yet had a close relationship, and serve as preparations for the existence of a harem.

This angel gave Igarashi a headache, and it was also the reason why he hadn't taken the initiative to look for Honjo Nia for a long time. With Honjo Nia's somewhat out-of-touch character, he didn't know what he would do with [嗫嗫典帙]. .

As for envying this angel's ability, Igarashi is not envious.

Like many other elven angels, [嫗寗词帙] is the manifestation of the core authority of the world given by the unexpectedly generous world will of the world of Date Live. It cannot be taken away from this world at all. This kind of very restrictive thing is fifty Naturally, Lan would not be envious.

Omniscient and omnipotent, that is something that Nayako, the evil god of chaos in the small world, cannot achieve.

Since Honjou Niya took the initiative to jump out, she obviously did not intend to give up halfway, so Igarashi asked.

Want to go home with me?

No, you're going home with me!

Seeing Nina Honjo's hands on her hips, Igarashi sighed. In order to avoid Tohka, who could bring pure destruction if he lost his temper, and who could disrupt other than the great air disaster that year. Tokisaki Kurumi from other histories also wants to exaggerate the elf to do extraordinary things, so it is better to just follow her for now.

Because he had told the girls around him explicitly or covertly that he was not an ordinary person in many things before. At this moment, even though he knew that he was still under the observation of the air battleship, Igarashi did not hide his use of teleportation magic to transfer thousands of people to him. Yuri was sent back to her home and after explaining her origins, Wan Yuri, who was cute enough, was naturally warmly received by the other elves, and Igarashi quickly left home again and returned to Honjou. Where Erya met, watching the other party kicking the pebbles under his feet in boredom, Igarashi was silent for a moment before speaking.

[嫗寗平帙] will take away a lot of fun and surprises in life, so it's better not to use it in the future if it's not necessary.

Hearing this, Honjou Niya's eyes squinted.

Would it make the joy of your life disappear? Because [嗫典帙] allows me to guess when you pushed down which girl. Doesn't this feeling of having your privacy being spied on make you unhappy?

Igarashi did not refute and admitted openly.

If you know I'm unhappy, just be honest. [嫗嗫平帙] doesn't work for me. You should understand my power level to some extent. Be careful if I spank you.

Okay, come on, come on~

Well, this threat to Itsuka Kotori and Aileen, who are both trying their best, seems to have no effect on Honjou Niya. She was provoking nonchalantly. It was not the confident display of Igarashi who was sure that Igarashi would not spank her. It was a provocation that was not afraid of such a threat at all.

Igarashi took a deep breath, remembering some of Honjo Niya's character, and temporarily suspended his plan to punish her like this.

If you dare to peep indiscriminately again, I will seal your [嗫狠] The spirit of will.”

After the seal, will the evil demon king do all kinds of things to the powerless girl?

As expected of a manga artist, Honjou Nia is very imaginative.

Igarashi actually wanted to nod. After all, Nia Honjo is a very attractive girl, well, after dressing up well.

But seeing the excitement in Honjou Niya's eyes, Igarashi still held it back.

Whether you have been sealed or not, you are actually a character with no resistance to me, so don't joke.

Yes, yes, no joke, now the poor girl has to take the bad guy home.

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