This twin-like sister made Igarashi a little distracted.

Then, as usual, Yakiya and Yuzuru, let me - ah no, let Shizhi seal you, right?

Do you want to seal my storm power, and then turn into an abyss demon to do sinful things to me?

Yakuya stared at Igarashi warily and crossed his arms.

Ahem, I probably understand what you mean. I don't deny that I want to do sinful things to you, but if you are willing to be sealed, you can walk around the human world freely in the future without causing anyone's nervousness. , even if you are really in danger, the power you control will quickly flow back to protect you. It is not harmful to you, don’t you think about it?”

Yakuya and Yuxian looked at each other, and it was Yuxian who spoke.

Emphasis on. Neither Yuxian nor Yakuya have much money or a place to live.

I understand. From now on, I will take good care of you, protect you, and give you enough pocket money. The human world is very nice, and you can have a good time.

Since, since you said it this far, then I agree. Well, let me think about it, how should I express my gratitude at this time?

After saving her and Yuxuan's lives, resolving the misunderstanding between the two, conveying their feelings, and promising to take care of them in the future, according to the plot in the novel she had read, at this time, in order to express her gratitude, the heroine should--


It should be an emotional kiss.

Chapter 1038 Wuhe Shizhi was taken prisoner

After Wuhe Shiori sealed the spirit power of the Hurricane Twins, Tokisaki Kurumi, who didn't know that Five Rivers Shiori also had the spirit power of Itsuka Kotori sealed in his body, was not sure until this moment that he could only plunder Five Rivers Shiori. With the power in his body, he has enough energy to drive the Twelve Bullets back to thirty years ago.

Therefore, while the Hurricane Twins were feeling a little uneasy because they had just been sealed and were sticking to Igarashi's side, Kurumi Tokisaki sneaked into Itsuka Shiori's room.

First, give yourself a bullet that can speed up time and enable instant movement.

Kurumi Tokisaki, who was in a state of accelerated time, passed by the sleeping Mana Takamiya and Kotori Itsuka, picked up Shiori Itsuka and left a note for Igarashi, and then sneaked in instantly. disappear into his own shadow.

Allow me to borrow Wuhe Shizhi's power, and I will come to apologize later - if I am still alive at that time.

The door opened and closed, and whether it was a coincidence or not, the note that happened to fall on her face made Mana Takamiya wake up a moment later, and then suddenly found that her dear sister Shiori was missing!

After seeing the note, Takamiya Mana was shocked and quickly equipped a display device to detect the remaining power in the air. As expected, he found a familiar feeling - the smell of [Nightmare].

Takamiya Mana went to find Eileen in a panic. Tokisaki Kurumi's whereabouts have always been elusive. Now he obviously wants to do something. With [Nightmare]'s cunning character, he must have made a lot of preparations. Takamiya Mana He doesn't think that he can bring his sister back by relying on his own strength. Only by relying on Sister Ailian, who is the strongest magician in mankind, and the power of DEM Club can things turn around.

If Kurumi Tokisaki hurts Shiori-san - I will definitely fight her to the death.

Takamiya Mana looked at the words Allow me to borrow Wuhe Shiori's power on the note and was filled with uneasiness. She quietly left the room and dialed Ailian's phone.

Bang, bang, bang.

The sound of various unknown objects being smashed here and there came from the mobile phone, which made Takamiya Jinna blink in confusion.

Sister Ailian, what are you doing?

No, I didn't do anything. Is something wrong?

Because she was in the same room with a trio of girls at the moment, Aileen couldn't say Mina Takamiya's name casually. A photographer shouldn't have too close contact with ordinary students in the school, probably.

[Nightmare] kidnapped Sister Shizhi. Sister Ailian, please help me. I don't want Sister Shizhi to be harmed.

...I understand, don't worry and leave it to me.

Ailian responded gently and quickly hung up the phone. She was not worried. Wuhe Shiori and Igarashi had a close relationship. Igarashi, a god, would not let Wuhe Shiori be harmed casually, even if Even if the other party is an elf.

This is not something that Ailian needs to worry about. She is a bit unable to protect herself now.

Ailian, keep going. The pillow fight is only halfway through. We haven't decided the winner yet?

Yamabuki Ai and her two friends were happily fighting with Eileen, or unilaterally crushing Eileen, who was unimaginably weak under normal conditions. Ever since Igarashi and the others ran away, they didn’t know where they were. After the adventure, the three girls turned all their interest in the photographer Ailian.

Stop, stop, stop! I'm just a photographer. I don't want to play with you all the time. Now let me go back to sleep. I'm very tired, really tired.

Ailian felt that the three girls were her nemesis, and she was about to be tortured to death by these people.

Yamabuki Ai and others saw that the tired look on Ailian's face didn't seem to be fake, so they stopped throwing pillows and said with some sincerity.

Then Ailian, why don't you sleep with us? We happen to have an extra bed here, so we can chat later.

I don't!

Feeling that she had regained a lot of strength while speaking, Ailian quickly left the room of the three girls. After making sure that they did not follow, she breathed a sigh of relief and took out her mobile phone to call Igarashi.

Although I felt that Igarashi would not let anything happen to Itsuka Shiori, she still had to inform him now. If she received an abnormality report from Chonggong Jinan and did nothing, Aileen felt that her butt might be fucked by Five. Julan opened the flowers.

Jingle Bell.

The ringtone of the mobile phone that was not specially set suddenly rang, which made Tokisaki Kurumi, who was carrying Wuhe Shiori to a remote corner of Orimi Island, gasp in surprise.


There was a familiar figure in a place that Tokisaki Kurumi had not noticed before. That was Igarashi. He answered the phone. Before that, Tokisaki Kurumi had not noticed him at all. This situation made the elf girl His body tensed, but after he was sure that Igarashi was the only one around, he relaxed again. He was not in a hurry to extract the elf power from Itsuka Shiori's body, but watched Igarashi's phone call with interest. By the way, let’s eavesdrop on the conversation openly.

Itsukawa Shiori was captured by Tokisaki Kurumi.

Oh, I know about this matter and I'm dealing with it now.

Ok, bye.

After discovering that Igarashi already knew, Aileen couldn't wait to hang up the phone. She didn't want to face Igarashi more than the threesome of girls.

The trio of girls are not powerful, they are all ordinary people, but their overly close attitude makes Elen unable to resist, but Igarashi is different, Igarashi is unmatchedly powerful, and has a bad taste that he cannot resist.

Maybe after the trip to the beautiful island, little Ailian will temporarily live in Tiangong City for a while. We haven't seen each other for a long time and miss her very much. We should cultivate our relationship well.

However, Igarashi obviously didn't intend to hang up so easily.


Ailian wanted to cry. She thought she might as well not make this call to Igarashi. Cultivating feelings was definitely not something that made her happy. It was obvious that her feelings for Igarashi had already been very high. Really cultivating feelings. Just do what lovers should do!

After recalling the past in a very complicated manner for a while, Ailian sighed softly.

You are the sinner after all.

Chapter 1039 Back to the past

Lan Jun appears here to stop me?

Kurumi Tokisaki cautiously grabbed the arm of Shiori Itsuka who was still sleeping after time was slowed down with one hand, and looked at Igarashi and said this.

It's not to stop me, I just want to make sure that you won't really do anything excessive to Shizhi.

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