After Igarashi told the other party his home address, he hung up the phone, turned his attention to Yuxiao Miku, who had become familiar with the new living environment in a short period of time, put the items in the suitcase, and said.

Let's go on a date as you expected.

After discovering that DATE Office is not as interesting as expected, Tohka and Yoshino will not want to go out for a short time. Igarashi prepared soybean flour bread in advance and also bought a few hand puppets. They gave Yoshino toys like this and asked them to focus on other things. At this moment, they were going out on a date with Yui Xiao Miku. They didn’t think they would care too much.

At most, he would still be followed by Tobiichi Origami just like he did when he went to the DATE office.

Igarashi had been being followed by Tobiichi Origami before, and Igarashi, who had a terrible sense of perception, also knew that Tobiichi Origami took out a small notebook to record something from time to time. Rather than catching an adulterer, it was more like exploring Igarashi's various behaviors. personal preference shown in the situation.

Next time, I will take Tobiichi origami out on a date.

Knowing that Tobiichi Origami would not refuse Igarashi who was connected to the house, he directly told the girl his arrangement, and then took Miku's hand and left the house.

However, Igarashi ignored a very important thing. When he contacted the engineering team, he only said that the houses next door would be connected, but did not specify which one.

Chapter 1025 From now on we are a family

Igarashi, what on earth do you want to do?!

Yuuki Rito, who had already spent an afternoon playing with Miku Yuyu, and was very impressed by the girl's exaggerated clingy attitude, received a call from Itsuka Kotori.

Judging from the tone of the other party, it should be Itsuka Kotori who is wearing a black hairband.

Since the last time Igarashi forced her to change her headband, even Itsuka Kotori in Commander mode has softened her attitude toward Igarashi. But now she suddenly shows such a tough attitude. It seems like something big has happened. .

Igarashi feels quite innocent.

What's wrong?

What's wrong? You're still asking me what's wrong? Are you pretending to be stupid? Why did the AST engineering team show up at my house? They have already demolished the wall between my house and yours. What do they want to do?! Igarashi, are you so brazen enough to become a family on a physical level?


Listening to Itsuka Kotori's frantic tone, Igarashi quickly understood the situation.

Because he didn't make it clear, the AST engineering team seems to be trying to connect and merge the Wuhe family and Igarashi's family. In this short period of time, they have made quite effective progress - integrating the Wuhe family The wall has been demolished, and from now on everyone will be a family living in the same courtyard without even a wall between them.

Just imagining Itsuka Kotori's expression made Igarashi want to laugh. However, knowing that this incident was caused by him, Igarashi did not tease her too much and said simply.

Sorry, I'll ask them to stop and clean up the mess.

Itsuka Kotori on the other end of the phone did not expect that Igarashi, who always liked to provoke her, would be so cooperative this time. This actually made her feel a little embarrassed, and her originally harsh tone softened a lot.

Oh, that's good, it's okay.

Itsuka Kotori hung up the phone, and after being stunned for a while, she suddenly saw the AST project that was not satisfied after tearing down the courtyard wall, and seemed to want to build a bridge-like passage on the second floor of the Itsuka family and Igarashi family. Team, shouted quickly.

Stop, stop! Although I don't know what the specific requirements of that Igarashi guy are for you, but he has promised me to stop you. By the way, you guys, couldn't you have mistaken the target? In fact, Wu Julan wants you to break through Tobiichi Origami’s house?”

The more Itsuka Kotori thought about it, the more likely he felt that his guess was very likely. With Tobiichi Origami's character, he would indeed hit it off with Igarashi, and it was reasonable to do such a thing.

As for the behavior of renovating residential houses at will, and even calling in the AST engineering team to help, Kotori Itsuka could only say, The permission dog is really abominable.

The so-called engineering team of AST is actually a group of girls who use display devices. However, because these display devices are not designed for combat and have low requirements on users, they are qualified, but not very qualified. Have outstanding girls as construction workers.

At the same time, they also have to learn a series of knowledge about architecture, physics and even water and electricity, and they can be regarded as a group of academic masters.

It is very embarrassing for a top student to find out that he has made a mistake.

The girls, who were carrying out their boss's orders seriously, couldn't help but show stiff expressions when they heard Itsuka Kotori's words. They looked at each other for a long time, then turned to Ohkawa Kotori and asked uncertainly.

Made a mistake?

Yes, it's definitely a mistake!

No way? It seems that you also know Mr. Igarashi, and although you are angry on the surface, you don't actually resist much. Otherwise, you should take more direct action than making a phone call. Come and stop us.

The engineering team didn't think that Igarashi, who was very popular in AST and was super charming, would make a mistake. They also didn't think that they themselves would make a mistake. They looked at Itsuka Kotori and tried to persuade her to allow everyone to continue.

However, these words made Itsuka Kotori blush.

What do you mean there is not much resistance?! I just didn't react at first! Who would have thought that in broad daylight, AST would modify a private house without asking the owner's intention!

While Itsuka Kotori was roaring, the leader of the engineering team also received a call from Igarashi. After learning about the situation from him, he looked at the surrounding scene with a look that said, My efforts were not in vain. Then he spoke to his team members.

Clean up the stones and other residues on the ground, re-pave the lawn, turn the direction, and connect the Tobi family on the other side. It turns out that Tobi-senpai and Igarashi-sama live so close. I'm really envious.

The display device was used to complete the cleaning work very quickly. Almost as soon as the leader finished speaking, the ground that was originally scattered with a lot of gravel and soil was cleaned up, and a new lawn was laid. He looked at the engineering team who turned to leave. , Itsuka Kotori shouted after a moment of silence.

Hey! Does this count as cleaning up? Where's the wall? Where's the wall that separates the courtyard? Now my house and Igarashi's house are in the same courtyard? It would be too easy for him to come over, right?!

The residential houses in this neighborhood are designed with their doors exposed on the street, and there is a small area on the side of the house as a courtyard. Normally, you only need to enter the house first before you can enter the courtyard from the side door. However, now , the Igarashi family is already connected to the Wuhe family, and they can directly break in through the side door that does not have a tight enough door lock.

Facing the protest of Itsuka Kotori, the leader of the engineering team, the girl with short brown hair, showed a refreshing smile.

Sir Igarashi said that with his relationship with you, there is no need for a courtyard wall. We will all be a family from now on, so we need to move around each other more.


Watching the engineering team leave without saying a word, at this moment, Itsuka Kotori felt like never before, the sense of crisis that originated from Igarashi.

Not only is it his sister, but he also seems to be insecure? What does based on his relationship with you mean? Do we have a very close relationship?

Chapter 1026 What is it implying?

Wuhe Shiori went out to buy some daily necessities and food before. She and Kotori depended on each other, and a series of tasks in life naturally needed to be completed. In order to prepare the necessary three meals a day, a large amount of ingredients needed to be purchased, and daily necessities were also consumed or Damage, I am very busy during school days, so weekends become a time to complete some family chores.

Wuhe Shizhi, who shouldered the burden of life, did not complain and worked hard. However, she was so busy that she did not expect that when she came back, the layout of her courtyard had changed drastically. Why was it connected to the Igarashi family? Although they are in a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, they haven’t even done that kind of thing yet!

what happened?

It's Igarashi. That guy asked the AST engineering team to come over and do this kind of thing without even asking for our opinion. Sister Shiori, you must teach him a lesson!

It felt like he was vaguely aware of Igarashi's ambition. Itsuka Kotori was still in commander mode. At this moment, he didn't intend to say that Igarashi didn't make it clear at the beginning, and the engineering team also got the construction target wrong. At this moment, with A little malicious to smear Igarashi's image to her sister.

Itsuka Kotori's words made Itsuka Shiori startled. Instead of feeling disgusted with Igarashi's actions, Hisuka Shiori, who had always been gentle and kind-hearted, considered other things.

Is Igarashi's behavior urging him to become a real family with him in a disguised form?

But where are the girls who take the initiative to ask to do that kind of thing with boys? Moreover, Igarashi always socializes with other girls, Wuhe Shiori thinks that he should be regarded as the one who has been temporarily forgotten.

Itsuka Shiori, who had various thoughts, now felt a little headache, and Itsuka Kotori took his sister's slightly frowning expression as dissatisfaction with Igarashi, and immediately pulled Itsuka Shiori Zhi walked out.

Let's go find Igarashi now. Sister, please talk to him carefully.

Itsuka Kotori did not take the main entrance. She seemed to think it was more convenient to go through the courtyard to Igarashi's house through the side entrance. At this moment, she pulled her sister through the side entrance.

Compared with the Wuhe family whose side door had been closed before, the side door of the Igarashi family was open, as if the Wuhe sisters were welcome to come over at any time, which caused Wuhe Shizhi to confirm her suspicion, and Wuhe's family He Qinli also made some unnatural movements.

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