Igarashi also didn't expect that the proprietress of the hotel was a beautiful woman who looked to be no more than 28 years old. What a pity. When he chose the hot spring hotel, he just made a little confirmation that the owner and the clerk were both women, and that the conditions of the hotel were OK. After that, the payment was made.

Well, it's me. As expected, I was charged 5 million yen for a two-day stay at a hot spring hotel. It's very nice.

To the proprietress, Igarashi's words were obviously a sigh, but in fact they were implying that her charges were too high.

To be honest, the fees are indeed quite high.

Tiangong City is a city that was rebuilt after the space earthquake. The people who originally lived here came here because of the low housing prices and various preferential policies. Although this hot spring hotel can accommodate hundreds of people, it is a pity that after a long time There are not many customers at all times. If it were not for the fact that compared to Tiangong City, this kind of suburbs would not charge much as long as they can ensure that the shops use the environment without damaging the environment. Otherwise, the landlady who often plays the role of a hands-off shopkeeper is very difficult. It is difficult to keep this hot spring hotel afloat, and even now it has temporarily increased the hotel's reputation.

Facing Igarashi's words, the proprietress covered her mouth slightly and said softly, full of charm.

The fee is indeed a bit high. I just saw it as a joke at the time. I didn't expect you to be so generous and pay it all in one go. Hey, brother Igarashi, I'm really sorry. Otherwise, I will give you my life. Want to apologize?

Yatogami Tohka, Itsuka Shiori, and even Mio raised their brows at this moment, glaring at the landlady who appeared out of nowhere.

The landlady was not an ordinary person either. She didn't feel any difference when being stared at by such beautiful girls. She just looked at Igarashi with eyes that looked full of tenderness.

Is this a case of bad luck?

Igarashi blinked. Although the proprietress looked affectionate and charming, the experienced Igarashi quickly noticed the clumsiness in her acting skills.

The person in front of me should be a twenty-eight-year-old spinster, maybe not the type who often interacts with people.

Probably like Okamine Tsue, she was older and unmarried for various reasons, so she started to panic.

No matter what, my charm is still great.

Igarashi smiled proudly.

If you promise me with your body, you still have to line up honestly. There are several people in front of you. Now, please lead us.

These unkind words made the landlady look at Igarashi with resentment, but she also knew that she was at the door of the hotel and it was not the time to continue talking nonsense and led everyone into the store.

Chapter 990 Right next door

This is the men's bath, and there is the women's bath. Hey, brother Igarashi, everyone at AST is already soaking in the hot springs. Do you want me to take you to inspect the situation?

The landlady extended an invitation to Igarashi with a smile.

An invitation that serves no purpose other than to disturb people's minds and malicious temptation.

Igarashi knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to watch other girls take a bath under the watchful eyes of the Itsuka sisters and Yatogami Tohka.

Even Yatogami Tohka, who originally knew nothing about human relations, would not let Igarashi go to the women's bath at this moment. She already knew some related concepts.

The only one who can let Igarashi go is Mio, who trusts him wholeheartedly, and can even be said to indulge Igarashi.

No need.

Igarashi glanced at the landlady with an expressionless expression. The coldness in his eyes made the landlady stiff at first, but then he quickly calmed down and showed a charming and flattering smile.

Okay, okay, I understand. I will find a good time next time. Now, please go take a bath first, Igarashi. It is right next to the men's bath. There is a passage connected to the bath. I will take the bath first. The others went to the women's baths.

The proprietress bowed to Igarashi before leading everyone away. Even Yatogami Tohka didn't specifically say that she wanted to wash with Igarashi at this time.

However, seeing that she was obviously worried, it was very likely that she waited until the proprietress left and then sneaked up to Igarashi in the women's bath while no one was paying attention.

That was what happened later. At this moment, Igarashi, whose body had long been dirt-free, naturally did not need to wash carefully before entering the hot spring bath. He just walked through the shower room and then entered the men's bath straight away.

Because the entire hot spring hotel was booked, and Igarashi was the only male visitor, there was only one male guest in the huge male bath.

However, he could hear the laughter and laughter coming from the women's bath next door in this quiet environment.

As expected, it is impossible for hot springs to have two springs in one place. This hot spring hotel also diverts one spring through stones, waterways and the like to flow into the men's bath and the women's bath respectively.

Therefore, the two baths are very close to each other, but as advertised on the Internet, there is indeed no possibility of peeping between the two baths.

This bathhouse with natural traces such as stones is covered with valuable-looking wooden boards, forming a semi-enclosed building. In the middle of the two bathhouses is a four-meter-high wooden wall without any holes. There are no gaps, completely eliminating the possibility of peeping.

Under the condition that Igarashi does not use extraordinary means.

Igarashi, who was lazily soaking in the hot spring, leaned against the bathtub and listened casually to the laughter and laughter in the women's bath. As time passed, Mio and others entered the hot spring after taking a serious shower. Kotori Itsuka said that she was Igarashi. After Lan brought it, the women's bath suddenly became silent.

Igarashi is next door now, right?

Ryouko Kusakabe asked cautiously.

I am here.

Without waiting for her to respond, Igarashi shouted and took the initiative to answer.

There was a messy sound of water flowing from the women's bath.

Igarashi curled his lips. He didn't try to use extraordinary means to understand the situation in the bath on the other side. He could easily guess what kind of state the girls were in.

Don't be so panicked. It's so high and blocked by a wall that I can't see.

However, Igarashi's comfort did not have the desired effect.

You say you can't see it, but why do you know we are panicked?!

Ryouko Kusakabe roared in shame and anger.

And Igarashi gave the answer honestly.

You guessed it, the sound of water flowing just now was probably caused by you shrinking into the hot spring, right? If I guessed correctly, only the parts above your neck are exposed on the water, and your hands are covering your chest in the water, right? wrong?


Igarashi's words made most of the girls start to look fiercely at the wooden wall, trying to find the hidden holes on it that they had ignored, as well as Igarashi's peeping eyes.

Because he guessed it completely!

However, after a long period of silence, the girls could not find anything of value. Just as they hesitantly accepted the facts, they chose to believe that Igarashi did not peek, and indeed guessed the reality of the situation almost exactly by guessing. when--

Don't look for it. This wooden wall is very formal and tight. There are no loopholes...

Igarashi's supplement, which was like There is no silver here, made the girls' faces, already blushing from the heat of the hot springs, even redder.

of course there are exceptions.

Yatogami Tohka had only a look of confusion on her face, Mio seemed to be enjoying the hot springs wholeheartedly, and Tobiichi Origami was expressionless the whole time.

Tobiichi Origami stood up while keeping an expressionless expression.

Captain, it seems that the team members are very concerned about the fact that the men's bath is suspected of being able to peek into the women's bath. Please let me go to the men's bath to check.

Oh? Oh oh oh! Okay, please, Origami!

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