Oh~ Is it the little brother this time? We were all young ladies before, well, no, no, Yoshino clearly didn't cause a space shock this time, not even a small one. Brother, are you a passerby?

The doll in the girl's hand made a sound that was completely different from the girl's timbre and intonation. Not only the timbre and tone, but also the personality was very different. One was introverted, the other was too lively.

In response, Igarashi nodded.

Yes, I am a kind passerby who kindly helped a girl when she saw her fall.

Oh, thank you then~

The hand puppet was still talking to Igarashi, and after the hand puppet thanked her again, the girl ran away.

Turning around the corner, it quickly disappeared.

Igarashi feels that although this elf, Yoshino, is naturally introverted, AST will definitely not do anything too extreme under his supervision. The hand puppet should refer to the term little sister of AST members 1.7 At that time, he did not reveal any negative emotions. It seems that Yoshino did not have much objection to AST.

Maybe Yoshino, with her petite body and soft voice, inspired the maternal instincts of the AST members? Although Yoshino's range of actions after appearing in the world will definitely be restricted, there may be people who will talk to Yoshino or even play with her.

As for the reason why she left so quickly after thanking her just now, it must be that Yoshino was worried about accidentally triggering the power of the elves and hurting innocent passers-by, right?

Yoshino should be just such a kind girl.

After making some guesses, Igarashi was very moved and decided to confirm AST's attitude towards elves with Ryouko Kusakabe. If there was no difference with his guess, he would give them a bonus.

Chapter 986 Take a vacation

After that, it’s now.

At this moment, Igarashi has arrived at the station where the AST troops are stationed in Tiangong City. The young female team members did not show any strange expression when they saw Igarashi's arrival.

They were in their youthful and active years. They had learned from various details a long time ago that there was a special relationship between Captain Ryouko Kusakabe and Igarashi, who was the top executive of AST. At this moment, they were not affected by the appearance of Igarashi. And if there are abnormal movements, continue to perform their duties——

In fact, they were training to improve their physical fitness while chatting leisurely.

When the space earthquake did not erupt and the elves did not appear, the work of AST was very leisurely, which is why many of its team members can continue their studies.

Of course, excellent talent in using manifestation devices is a necessary prerequisite for entering the AST.

Igarashi soon discovered Ryouko Kusakabe who was exercising in a corner of the hall filled with fitness equipment. She was training hard in a black vest, sweat was dripping from her legs, and her limbs obviously had a lot of strength, but she did not appear unfit. The muscles that show off the girl's soft beauty only make her capable and neat temperament more obvious.

Igarashi watched from the sidelines for a long time, and then stepped forward while Ryouko Kusakabe was resting.

Thanks for your hard work.

Ryouko Kusakabe subconsciously wiped the sweat from her forehead with the towel handed to her. Only then did she realize that the person who made the noise was not one of her team members, but another acquaintance. She turned her head sharply and saw Igarashi, Kusakabe Liaozi's originally sassy temperament became a bit weaker.

W-why are you here?

Come to see you.


As Igarashi finished speaking, the eyes of the team members who were secretly observing around him suddenly started to light up, as well as his own heartbeat that was gradually accelerating, Ryouko Kusakabe said in shame.

I don't believe it. What on earth are you here for?!

Oh, have you been discovered? Actually, I just came to confirm AST's attitude towards elves. I saw Yoshino before. You should know this name, right?

Although Igarashi told the truth and it was an important matter about the elves, Kusakabe Ryouko became even more unhappy.

He might as well lie!

Kusakabe Ryouko continued to exercise angrily, turning her head to the other side away from Igarashi.

The girl who was easily irritated by Igarashi in the past has unknowingly turned into a woman with a leadership temperament and a heroic appearance.

However, one can still see the cute heart hidden under Ryouko Kusakabe's mature appearance from various details, such as her peeking into Igarashi's eyes.

Igarashi will not stupidly ask why Kusakabe Ryouko is sulking now, but will comfort him with words.

Actually, to confirm AST's attitude towards elves, I can send you a message to ask. It's very convenient. I came here specially. Of course, the main reason is to see you, so don't be angry, right?

I'm not angry.

Ryouko Kusakabe defended herself feebly, then took a deep breath and said seriously.

Yoshino, the elf identification name is [Hermit], she looks like a little girl. She is one of the few elves that makes us feel at ease. She has a docile personality and is timid and shy. Just like her character, every time she is... The space shock caused by it has obvious precursors and appears slowly, giving enough time to evacuate the crowd. At the same time, the scope and power of the space shock are very small. It is an elf that makes us worry-free. I have had some encounters with her before. Communicate and ask her not to run around after she appears in the world, she is quite obedient.

Because he knew from many actions that elves were not too cruel, Kusakabe Ryouko did not have much prejudice against elves.

Of course, she still doesn't like that [Nightmare]. It is said that it is an elf who suffers from Chuunibyou and will kill guilty humans at will. Many people died in her hands, and more than half of them were guilty. Not to death.

If that guy dares to appear in Tiangong City, Ryouko Kusakabe will lead a team and beat her up.

No wonder Yoshino doesn't reject me too much. That's right, that's right. You didn't push the elves into the opposite direction.

Igarashi's words made Ryouko Kusakabe raise a brow.

I'm not too repelled by you...Have you met her? We obviously didn't observe the space shock!

Seeing that Kusakabe Ryouko, the leader of the AST Amamiya branch, had a wrong view, as an AST senior executive, Igarashi decided to educate her.

Ahem, Ryouko, some elves can appear in the world without causing a space shock, and this time, Yoshino is like this.

It seems that Kusakabe Ryouko still doesn’t know that her good friend Miku Yuuya has become an elf, and in the future, Tobiichi Origami will do the same.

Now, Igarashi is very lucky. Fortunately, he saved Tobiichi Origami's parents in the fire caused by Itsuka Kotori. Otherwise, if Tobiichi Origami had strong hostility and resistance to the elves in his heart, Igarashi might not be able to do it again. Let Tobiichi Origami become a spirit and have to pick a new target.

That is not an easy task. Girls with elf qualifications are very rare. This is equivalent to the potential of a god.

Is that so? That's true...

Ryouko Kusakabe kept the new information Igarashi told in mind, thoughtfully.

And Igarashi said with a smile.

Yoshino should not cause space earthquakes in the future. Of course, it is safer to ask Wuhe Shizhi to help seal this kind of thing. In any case, I should give you some rewards, or give you AST Will everyone be given a monthly bonus?”


Ryouko Kusakabe pondered for a moment, looked at the teammates around him, and said hesitantly.

I want to take a hot spring bath, but there is no vacation...

Team members like Tobiichi Origami don't have to wait long in the AST and can even continue their studies.

But Kusakabe Ryouko cannot do that. She is the captain, the core of a team. Anyone else can take leave at will. Only Kusakabe Ryouko must be on standby at all times to ensure that when a space earthquake occurs, she can convey orders and lead the team members.

She wants a vacation more than a bonus, and uses this vacation to go on a hot spring trip.

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