That's right, before roll call today, the teacher wants to give everyone a surprise - come in!


There was a response from outside the classroom door.


Accompanied by the surprise of Itsuka Shiori and Tobiichi Origami.

I am Tohka Yatogami who will be transferred to this class starting today. Please give me your guidance.

Tohka, wearing the uniform of Raizen High School, walked into the classroom with a charming smile that made people feel dazzling just by looking at it, causing a commotion in the classroom.

Tohka didn't pay attention to those glances at all, picked up the chalk, and wrote the word Touxiang on the blackboard in a crooked way, then gave a satisfied hmm and nodded.

His eyes wandered around the classroom for a while, and he quickly found Tohka, his target, with an incredible radiance in his eyes.

Oh, Igarashi, you are really here, that's great!

She shouted Igarashi's name loudly and jumped lightly to the seat next to Igarashi - on the other side happened to be Itsuka Shiori and Tobiichi Origami.

Igarashi once again attracted the attention of the entire classroom after just transferring in last time.

There was a buzz of chatter all around. Everyone was making random speculations about the relationship between the girl who appeared and Igarashi. They also contacted Shiori Itsuka and Tobiichi, who had just arrived in class this morning and were suspected of competing for favor in different ways. Origami, everyone expressed their amazement at how Igarashi opened such a large harem in such a short period of time.

What's wrong? You look very lethargic. Ah, are you feeling lonely because I'm not around? Well, really, we obviously stayed together the whole night.

Oh oh oh?!

At this moment, the discipline that the students had managed to maintain for Okamine Sumie finally collapsed completely. Because of Tohka's overly special speech, the whole classroom erupted into enthusiastic gossips, and the commotion in the class reached a climax. Tobiichi Origami's gaze became a little sharper.

She had seen from Captain Ryouko Kusakabe that Tohka lived alone in a room, which was Origami's final bottom line. Could it be that after she confirmed that Tohka was indeed sealed and left, Tohka actually slept with Igarashi? together? !

I'm not energetic because I feel bored just thinking about having to go to class again and listening to things that I already know by heart.

Igarashi felt that Tohka would not say such thought-provoking words with her personality.

Did Mio teach her?

Igarashi knew that Tohka entered Raizen High School because he had completed some procedures, but Mio had not said anything about Tohka's speech at this moment.

Now Tobiichi Origami looks at Tohka with extremely sharp eyes, right? It is much more aggressive than when restricting the movement of elves as an AST member.

Igarashi felt that he had to make amends.

Ahem, Tohka is staying at my house now, but so far, our relationship is still very pure.

To a certain extent, living together was as exciting a line as sleeping together for a night. The students were very excited, but Tobiichi Origami was secretly relieved.

Fortunately, Tohka didn't get there first.

Tobiichi Origami-san, who had already been warned, decided to hurry up.

Tohka, who only had Igarashi in her eyes, completely ignored Tobiichi Origami's sharp eyes and moved her pretty face towards Igarashi.


A pen passed in front of Tohka's eyes at a high speed, making him startled.


Following the direction in which the pen flew, Tohka and Origami met each other's eyes.

Uh, why are you here?

That's my line.

The attitudes of both parties are not good, but they have no intention of taking action.

Tohka naturally doesn't have a good impression of the AST Force, which has always restricted the scope of her activities after appearing in the world, but from Igarashi's words, she also knows that the AST Force does that to protect the citizens, and the hostility towards Origami mainly comes from She prevents herself from being intimate with Igarashi.

Origami knew that Igarashi valued this elf very much. At the same time, Tohka's power was indeed sealed, and she lost the ability to cause space shocks.

Okay... okay! It's over! That's it! You guys get along well.

When Tohka and Origami stared at each other and fell into silence, Okamine Tame dared to speak, which finally put an end to the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two.

Then, Yatogami-san's seat is——

When Takee Okamine was looking for a seat for Tohka, Tohka cast a sharp look at the boy sitting next to Igarashi.

No need, get out of the way!


The boy who was gossiping and talking quietly with his classmates before did not expect that the flames of war would spread to him. He was startled by Tohka's terrifying gaze and ran to the empty seat on the side of the classroom with his things.

Tohka couldn't wait to sit down and looked at Igarashi. However, the positions of her, Igarashi and Tobiichi Origami were exactly in a straight line. Tohka looked at Igarashi at the midpoint, and she could also see the same thing. Tobiichi Origami was looking at Igarashi.

At this moment, Tobiichi Origami and Yatogami Tohka stared at each other in silence again.

Igarashi feels quite distressed, after all, this is a harem feud.

And Takee Okamine is even more distressed, as the class order seems to be a bit out of control.

Chapter 983 A small battle

If it weren't for Tohka's obviously harsh attitude towards people other than Igarashi, the students in the class would probably gather around her during the break at the end of the class meeting, curiously communicating with this new classmate.

And if the place Igarashi was in was not the center of the eye-to-eye confrontation between Tohka and Tobiichi Origami, and became an absolutely dangerous zone, with hidden swords and flashes of swords, the classmates in the class would probably gather around Igarashi again, satisfied. The fire of gossip burning in your heart.

But now, the classroom is quiet.

The poor classmates felt that the gazes of Tohka and Origami had a vaguely terrifying attack power, and they were even worried that if they spoke a little louder, they would turn their gazes to them, and then they would be riddled with wounds from those fierce gazes. , everyone tried not to talk, but the students who left the classroom seemingly normally showed a look of relief from the first moment they stepped out of the classroom door.

As for Wuhe Shizhi, he was also shrinking his head at this moment, trying his best to reduce his sense of presence.

Fortunately, this depressing atmosphere did not last long.

Tobiichi Origami suddenly stood up. When everyone thought that there would be a real battle between Tobigo Touka and Yatogami Toka soon, and they were trembling with fear, Tobiichi Origami walked up to 947 Yuki Rito and said, Put the arms around him.

Seeing this, Tohka rushed up and hugged the other one.

Igarashi is mine!

After saying this, Tohka glared at Origami with a hostile face, but Origami remained expressionless.

Igarashi won't like a girl who treats him as his possessions.

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