Ahem, that's just to control emotions. Wuhe Shizhi's sealing ability must ensure that neither she nor the elves have any intention of resisting, and that they do not reject each other. Therefore, Origami, you can't do anything to Ten anymore in the future. Xiang has taken restrictive action, and as for Liaozi, I will talk to her again.

Movement restrictions?

Toka repeated Igarashi's words in a low voice, then carefully looked at Tobiichi Origami, and after combining it with her own memory, her eyes widened.

Are you that guy from the robot army?!

It's AST.

Tobiichi Origami corrected Tohka calmly, which obviously lacked the nature of talking to Tohka. Seeing Tohka's angry expression, Tobiichi Origami turned his head and looked at Igarashi and asked.

How are you going to house her?

Of course I'll take it with me.

That would be dangerous.

After hearing Tobiichi Origami say that she was in danger, Tohka immediately shouted.

I won't hurt Igarashi! Well, you will believe me, right?

The first sentence Toka said was to Tobiichi Origami, but the last sentence was said by her looking at Igarashi pitifully.

But you will cause a space shock, and you can't control it at all. What if there is a problem with the seal? I think it would be better for Igarashi to throw you away.

Tobiichi Origami still maintained an expressionless expression, which made Tohka even more panicked.

Igarashi felt that it was easy for Tobiichi to play with origami, and he was truly a master of origami.

Okay, okay, the seal is useful, and didn't Shixiang appear in the world this time without causing a space shock? Plus, with the guarantee of the seal, it will only be safer. Even if there is a space shock, I won't If you encounter danger, don't worry, Origami.

I'll go back to the AST base first and get some equipment to determine Tohka's current condition. Please be careful until there are results.

After Origami said this, she hurriedly left. Even with Igarashi's assurance, the girl was not relieved so easily.

Toka, on the other hand, felt pitiful at Tobiichi Origami's words. There were even faint tears in her big, pure eyes, but her mood did not change because of Tobiichi Origami's departure.

You're not going to throw me away, are you?

After all, Tohka is not mature enough and will easily have mood swings because of other people's words.

Igarashi decided to educate her well.

Well, absolutely, hey, how could your mood change so easily because of Tobiichi's words of Origami? Although she is indeed very cute, she sometimes shows a bad side. You just need to trust me in the future. ”

As Igarashi said this, he rubbed Tohka's head, causing the girl to show an expression of enjoyment.

As for Wuhe Shizhi, he came back with large and small bags.

In fact, there is a long distance from this park to the nearest clothing store, but with the help of air battleships, Itsuka Shiori got it after walking to a certain distance and feeling that Igarashi and Tohka couldn't see him. Clothes delivered by aerial battleship.

Apart from the teachings of Auxiliary Officer Murasame Reine, the role played by the air battleship now seems to be just like running errands, and his sister, apart from sitting on the commander's seat and eating lollipops, has not shown any performance at all. Other functions.

And it will also cause trouble for yourself.

Thinking of what happened in the restaurant before, Wuhe Shizhi couldn't help but shook his head.

I'm back, try it on, it should fit.

Itsuka Shiori handed the clothes to Tohka, and then quickly discovered a problem.

The current environment is not suitable for changing clothes.

Although there were indeed no other passers-by around, and he specifically told his sister not to continue peeping with the micro-drone, Igarashi was still here.

Chapter 979 Everything goes smoothly

Facing the deep gaze of Itsuka Shiori looking at him, Igarashi raised his hands in surrender.

Yes, yes, I will turn my back. Remember to help Tohka change her clothes a little. She may not know how to wear them.

Although Tohka was a little ignorant of the world, she did not question Igarashi's words at this time. She seemed to know that girls should not expose their bodies to men casually.

Igarashi didn't feel sorry for this, but felt very relieved. He turned around, even took a few steps further away, distanced himself, and quietly set up a barrier to block his vision.

This unswerving gaze and a gentleman's style made Wuhe Shiori, who was quietly observing Igarashi, very pleased.

After about five or six minutes, the rustling sounds behind Igarashi stopped.

Okay, you can turn around now.

After hearing this, Igarashi turned around and saw Tohka in a lavender dress. The size, style and temperament were all very suitable. There was even an extra hairpin on Tohka's head, which made her originally casual. The spiritual outfit disappeared and her long hair spread out into a single ponytail, adding a bit of cuteness.

The well-fitting clothes, shoes and hairpins seemed to have been carefully selected with Tohka's temperament and hair color in mind. It didn't look like Itsuka Shiori bought it in a short period of time, but more like it was prepared in advance, which inevitably made people feel uncomfortable. Create doubts.

But of course Igarashi wouldn't ask, but gave Tohka a thumbs up.

It's very beautiful.

Hey hey hey...

Tohka smiled foolishly after being praised by Igarashi, while Itsuka Shiori looked at Igarashi and asked.

Toshika is an elf. She will not return to the neighborhood after her power is sealed. How do you plan to settle her in the future?

Origami also asked this question once. Itsuka Shiori was not present at the time, but Tohka already knew Igarashi's decision. At this time, she did not wait for Igarashi to repeat what she had said before, and happily answered it first. road.

I will stay at Igarashi's house, and he agreed.

Igarashi nodded to indicate that this was indeed the case, while Wuhe Shiori fell into deep thought.

Normally, the state of the elves after being sealed needs to be tested with professional instruments on the air battleship Fraxinas, but if we say this now, the air battleship will be exposed and the elves will be taken away without Igarashi's knowledge. Checking, it is not wise to keep the elf secret for this or to simply anesthetize the elf for the whole process. Now Itsuka Shiori, and even Itsuka Kotori on the air battleship, who confirmed from his sister that Tohka has changed her clothes, resumed surveillance. We can only pray that Igarashi, as a senior AST executive, will check on Tohka's condition.

By the way, Shizhi, how do you know about the elves?

Igarashi finally asked at this time. He was curious about what kind of excuse Wuhe Shiori would find.

If Igarashi had asked this question before, Itsuka Shiori would still have difficulty answering it, but taking advantage of the opportunity to buy clothes, Itsuka Shiori had already discussed the countermeasures with his sister on the air battleship, and spoke without pause. road.

My relatives work for the Ratatosk company that provides equipment for the AST, so they know some relevant information.

Shiori Itsuka didn't lie. Her sister, Kotori Itsuka, who is the commander of the air battleship Fraxinus, is indeed affiliated with Ratatosk Company. Speaking of which, AST's parent organization is also Ratatosk. company, but due to differences in philosophy, the existence of Fraxinus has to be kept secret from AST, which is really funny.

In fact, this is just a bit of Igarashi's bad taste.

Facing Wuhe Shiori's explanation, Igarashi nodded to express his acceptance, then looked at Wuhe Shiori and said.

As for why I know about the elves... I still have some say in the AST, so I was able to rush to the scene in time after learning about Tohka's existence.

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