Igarashi successfully achieved the hug from left to right!


Chapter 975 Horrible Soybean Flour Bread

However, it is false after all.

Realizing that he was gradually leaving Raizen High School, which was closed, and entering a street with many pedestrians, Itsuka Shiori put a little distance away from Igarashi, then looked at Tohka's clothes and said.

If Tohka goes out on the street wearing this dress, she will be watched by many people. Because it is too gorgeous, it is best to change her clothes.

This is not a dress, it is my spiritual dress!

Tohka persistently corrected Itsuka Shiori's wording, then looked at Igarashi, silently asking for his opinion.

Although there are many clothes in Igarashi's space bag, it seems a bit abrupt to take them out like this.

Let's go, I'll take you to the clothing store.

Clothing store? It seems like a lot of trouble. I'll find a way to make a set of clothes myself.

Saying this, Tohka didn't wait for Igarashi's response. She looked at Itsuka Shiori's clothes and flicked her fingers handsomely.

The dress she was originally wearing changed in the light, forming other styles of clothing.

It was the same uniform as Shiori Itsuka's, a high school girl's uniform at Raizen.

oh oh?

Igarashi was a little surprised. Tohka, who could not avoid even the space shock, could already control the transformation of spiritual equipment?

And Wuhe Shiori was also speechless. She didn't know what kind of expression she should put on now. When ordinary people saw Tohka's actions and this unscientific change in clothing, would they be stunned or panicked?

Facing the two people with different expressions, Tohka let out a proud hum, crossed her arms and said.

Undo the spiritual costume and reconstruct it into a new costume. Since I only have the impression of seeing it, the details will be slightly different, but it shouldn't matter, right?

It's okay, it's fine.

Igarashi gave a thumbs up and praised Tohka, which made Tohka even more impressive. When Igarashi saw Itsuka Shiori still had the same speechless expression, he patted her on the shoulder and said nonchalantly.

Now, Shizhi, if you think about it carefully, after every space earthquake, it should be very unreasonable for the damaged buildings to be rebuilt in such a short period of time. But because we have seen it so much, So I got used to it, well, now you see Toh-hsiang’s change of clothes is very sudden, in the future there may be many people with clothes like this, this world is very magical, just get used to it, get used to it.”

Itsuka Shiori knew that Tohka was an elf and had seen the spectacular aerial battleship Fraxinus. Therefore, Itsuka Shizhi felt that no matter what special features Tohka showed, he would no longer feel embarrassed. Confidence.

Now that Igarashi had given him a very reasonable explanation, Of course Itsuka Shiori would not ask any more questions.

The three of them walked side by side. Instead of Igarashi hugging him on the left and right, Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori walked on Tohka's side, one on the left and the other on the right.

Because Tohka is too active.

After seeing the flow of people on the street for the first time, he tensed up and looked like he was in a fighting state. If Igarashi hadn't specifically warned the AST troops before and put some restrictions on their behavior, they would not let the elves attack humans. If the impression was too bad, Tohka might just take out a weapon at this moment.

After Shizhi Wuhe's sincere persuasion, Tohka temporarily ignored the passers-by, but he still remained uncomfortably long. His delicate nose wrinkled slightly, and Tohka became active again after smelling the good smell. .

What does this smell like? Is it food?!

Seeing that Tohka seemed to want to rush to the bakery following the scent, Itsuka Shiori felt a little powerless.

Would this elf, who lacked common sense in life, just smash the glass of the store, grab the bread and eat it?

……I wanna go.

Tohka looked straight at the bakery, the corners of her mouth curled into an interesting arc, and her stomach made a proper growling sound.

Go if you want.

Igarashi didn't stop her, and Itsuka Shiori couldn't hold Tohka down alone, so the girl just rushed into the bakery.

Poor Miss Itsuka Shiori anticipated the commotion that might happen next, and looked at Igarashi with complaints.

Why don't you hold her back properly?

It's not necessary. She can eat whatever she wants.

Igarashi's calm look made Itsuka Shiori thoughtful.

Will you pay for her? Then you'd better follow up now to avoid misunderstandings. Tohka probably doesn't know that you have to pay for things.


The owner of the bakery is a kind-hearted middle-aged woman. When Shixiang entered the store, there were no other customers, so she received the cute elf girl warmly and kindly.

Although Tohka was tempted by the aroma of bread, she still knew how to behave and did not do anything reckless like breaking the glass on the counter to grab the bread. She only pointed at the bread that attracted her the most when the store owner asked.

I want to eat that!

Oh, soy flour bread.

The middle-aged woman neatly packed a large portion of bread in a paper bag and handed it to Tohka. Igarashi appeared at the right time and paid for Tohka.

Normally, few people would buy something and eat it on the spot in a food store without a dining table. However, Tohka took a bite of the bread the moment she took it.


Tohka exclaimed with happiness on her face, and her previous reckless actions caused the store owner to also show a kind smile, but Tohka's next words made the middle-aged woman's smile freeze on her face. .

This tastes so good! If it is allowed to exist in this world, it will cause big problems... People will definitely go crazy and start a war to fight for more soybean flour bread!

If a war would start because of something like this, it would be so miserable for mankind.

Igarashi covered his face silently, and after a moment tried hard to maintain a normal expression.

Well, in order to avoid war, I will buy you all the soy flour and bread.

At this moment, the shopkeeper, who was originally shocked by Tohka's exaggerated description, finally smiled again.

Chapter 976 Tenderness and Cruelty

What on earth is a man and two women shopping together?

Dating? Blatantly hugging each other?

Logically speaking, it is indeed easy for young men and women of the same age to create such an ambiguous atmosphere when they walk together. However, Tohka is too lacking in common sense, and also too straightforward and naive. In appearance, in the eyes of passers-by, the three people walking together looked more like a bunch of young lovers with a little sister-like child.

Holding a pile of soybean flour bread, Tohka would let out an innocent and contented cry from time to time. No passerby would think it was a date.

Wuhe Shiori had a kind smile on his face, while Igarashi was carefully calculating Tohka's actual age.

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