Kiss Igarashi.

Itsuka Kotori's straightforward answer made Itsuka Shiori, who had finally calmed down in order to prevent his sister from seeing the flaw, instantly blushed.

You, you, you, how did you find out? You can't see over there from here! No, no, no, I didn't do anything! Don't think too much.

There is a wall between Igarashi's house and Itsuka Shiori's house on the first floor, but you can't see anything at all.

The concealment of her sister's appearance made Itsuka Kotori, who was wearing a black hairband, curl her lips in disdain and take out her mobile phone from her pocket.

In addition to transmitting images to the air battleship, the micro-drone following you can also transmit images to my mobile phone. I can clearly see what happened before.

When Wuhe Shizhi was still trying to defend himself, Wuhe Kotori slapped the table.

Obviously you like him, why do you act like we are forcing you now? The air battleship spent a lot of money to get you in touch with Igarashi.

Because I feel very uncomfortable being monitored, and it costs a lot of money, so I'd better not make a special battle plan for this kind of thing in the future.

As the crystallization of the highest technology, a final fantasy-like war weapon, the Fraxinus air battleship is making plans for his date with Igarashi, and is carrying out a series of deployments in a very formal manner. Itsuka Shiori feels very funny.

What is the original purpose of air battleships? The role it plays now is like a toy given by adults to children.

What kind of idiot would treat something as terrifying as an aerial battleship as an entertainment toy?

Next door to Wuhe's house, Igarashi, who was chatting with Mio, suddenly felt that someone was making fun of him. Since there was not much malice, he let it go without going into details.

Facing Wuhe Shiori's speech, Wuhe Kotori frowned.

Then you don't want someone to monitor you when you come into contact with elves in the future? The consequence of that is that even if the elves attack you, we won't be able to know in time, and your life and safety will always be threatened. Do you hope that's the case?


At this moment, Wuhe Shizhi was speechless.

Itsuka Kotori said while lowering her head and continuing to write a book of reflection.

If you don't want to, get used to it early. In front of the elves, you are very fragile because you have the ability to seal.

Chapter 971 Pick a name

Laizen High School, which was supposed to be in normal classes, experienced a space earthquake again. Compared to the last time, the scope of the impact was much smaller, and it was only limited to a few thousand meters around Laizen High School.

The students, who had spent the day off and were a little lazy, felt very complicated at the moment.

On the one hand, I was happy to have another vacation, but on the other hand, I was shocked that space shocks had appeared in Laizen High School many times.

Is it possible that this school was targeted by Space Shock?

Although due to the presence of the AST troops, the damage to the building can be repaired in a very short period of time, if there are deaths due to space earthquakes, Laizen High School will inevitably undergo re-planning or even the closure of the school. The current students among them may be They were suspended from school for a long time or were randomly assigned to other schools.

When it comes to their future, the students at Lai Zen High School still have a little panic.

At this moment, Igarashi walked through the campus that was once again in ruins, walked up the dilapidated stairs, and entered his class.

The originally solid wall seemed to have been chipped away by some huge sharp weapon, and the early morning light shone in without any hindrance, illuminating the only purple figure in the classroom brilliantly.

The black-haired girl in a dreamy dress was sitting on Igarashi's desk with one knee bent.


Igarashi had already ordered the AST troops not to enter Laizen High School in advance and could only guard the perimeter. At this moment, Igarashi greeted the elf girl leisurely.

Oh? It's you, the guy named Igarashi!

The elf girl who heard the noise and thought that the robot army had appeared again showed an angry expression, but disappeared when she saw Igarashi.

She knew that Igarashi was different from those robot troops, and their costumes and attitudes were very different.

At least, there was no strange look in Igarashi's eyes as he looked at a foreign object.

Well, we meet again. It seems that we are destined to be together. How about making friends?

Igarashi's friendly attitude caused the elf girl who had manifested the sword out of vigilance to temporarily put it away again. Her beautiful eyes showed undisguised emotion, and then the girl seemed to notice her performance. It was so obvious that he quickly turned his head to avoid Igarashi's gaze.

Making friends or something...if, if that's what you really want, I won't be too opposed to it, but you have to answer a few questions first!

Although he is a fool, he still knows how to bargain.

Igarashi complained secretly in his heart, but still maintained a gentle smile on his face as he replied.


Then let me ask you, what exactly is this place? I have never seen a place like this.

This is a school classroom. Among humans, people of my age will study as students, sitting like this and listening to the teacher standing on the podium.

Igarashi is pretending to be young again.


The girl's eyes widened in surprise.

Are all these tables occupied? No kidding, there are nearly forty of them.

It's true. There are a lot of humans. You can't see them usually. It's because every time you come to the earth, you cause space earthquakes, causing humans to take refuge. When you can appear without causing space earthquakes, you can See what the normal human world is like.”

Igarashi was good at tempting, but the elf girl didn't seem to listen. She lowered her hand to her chin and thought for a while, then said something unrelated.

Well...since we have someone to talk to now, it's necessary.

As if to convince herself, the girl nodded to herself.

Igarashi, what do you want to call me?

Can I call you wife?

Before Igarashi could speak, the girl crossed her arms and continued speaking in a proud tone.

Choose a name for me.

My name is Nicholas David!


The sound of grabbing a sharp weapon and cutting through the air.

The elf girl raised the sword in her hand and pointed it at Igarashi.

She frowned.

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