It's already noon, shall we go to that restaurant? Or maybe Ms. Shiori has something else she wants to eat, but it doesn't matter, my wallet is ready.

Just go to that restaurant.

Wuhe Shizhi would not give up this opportunity to use the lottery tickets. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the two of them to find anyone else to join them for lunch.

At this moment, Wuhe Shizhi had forgotten his sister.

Watching Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori walk away, Hazakura Mai pulled the sleeves of Yamabuki Ai who was silently holding a bear toy next to her and seemed to be in a daze.

Want to follow?

Hazakura Mai's words brought Yamabuki Ai back to her senses. Her distracted eyes regained focus. She looked at the distance and then at the bear doll in her hand. Yamabuki Ai buried her head in the thick plush of the doll in distress. The body asked in a low voice.

Isn't it bad for us to follow them secretly like this?

Then just follow them openly. Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori seem to be going to have lunch. I'm hungry too, so just follow them to the restaurant for lunch. Since it's a date, they should have done research in advance, otherwise the snack street It’s so big, if you just pick one up, it’s probably not to your liking.”

It seemed that Yamabuki Ai wanted to continue to follow Igarashi and Itsukawa Shiori. Now that Yamabuki Ai gave her a reason, she no longer hesitated and nodded.


Chapter 966 This luxurious restaurant only has fast food

The location designated by the special prize ticket is a restaurant with a Western-style classical decoration style.

The air battleship staff wearing black and white maid uniforms took the initiative to open the store door when Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori appeared and welcomed them in.

With a cursory glance at the restaurant, Igarashi even felt that he had arrived at a maid cafe.

The five staff walking in the restaurant at the moment are all women, all wearing maid uniforms. Together with the good looks of the air battleship staff, the atmosphere of this restaurant seems very ambiguous.

Did Itsuka Kotori and the others have any misunderstandings about Western restaurants?

What a wonderful misunderstanding.

Igarashi knew that this restaurant was full of maids at the moment, and it was partly his own reasons.

If there had not been any special restrictions on the gender of the staff on the air battleship, there would be a few men wearing deacon uniforms in the restaurant now.

But Igarashi has no regrets at all.

“Because it’s a meal for two designated by the lottery, you two don’t need to order. You just have to wait for a while and the food will be served.”

The maid didn't bring the menu.


Itsuka Shiori nodded confusedly. She didn't quite understand why she and Igarashi were the only two people in the restaurant at this time, and why Murasame Reine, who had been guiding her from time to time during this period, Or Itsuka Kotori, who was making complaints, lost his voice at this time.

About a minute later, the restaurant staff showed unexpected efficiency and brought a cup of tempting-looking, colorful and layered fruit milkshake to the middle of Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori, pointing at the insertion. He picked up a milkshake with two straws and said with a smile.

Please, a special milkshake for couples in the meal for two is made from a variety of fruits. It not only tastes great, but is also rich in nutrition~

Wuhe Shizhi carefully looked at the drink in front of him that did not look like it was prepared for one person, and asked hesitantly.

Two straws means...

Does this mean that each of you uses one straw and drinks from the same glass of juice, or do you want two of you to share one straw?

The maid smiled ambiguously.

No, no need!

Itsuka Shiori hurriedly stopped the embarrassing words of the waiter in maid uniform in front of him. After the waiter left, he lowered his head to avoid Igarashi's sight, and did not look at the colorful milkshake. He whispered road.

You drink it, I, I won't drink it.

There's no point in having a drink by yourself while a girl watches.

Igarashi did not deliberately take this opportunity to tease Itsuka Shiori, but pushed the milkshake in front of the girl, indicating that she did not need to pay attention to him.

Just an indirect kiss, Igarashi would not give up his noble moral integrity for this.

At least it has to be a direct kiss.

When Wuhe Shizhi wanted to say something, the three girls pushed open the door of the restaurant.

Yamabuki Ai, who was holding a giant bear doll, looked a little embarrassed, but in fact, it was the staff in the restaurant who were in a more volatile mood.

People had already blocked the snack street beforehand. How did this trio get here? Did you come to the snack street earlier than Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori, didn't leave until now, and happened to enter this restaurant?

What should I do? Should I find an excuse to let them leave now, or should I play it out to the end and treat them as customers?

The staff, who had not yet been able to contact the stall owner who was disguised as a lottery game stall, looked at the sudden appearance of the trio of girls and were filled with confusion.

This scene was seen by the girl who came out of the restaurant.

She seemed to be reluctant because she was wearing a maid uniform. She reacted quickly, managed a fairly standard smile, and faced the trio of girls.

Welcome, please feel free to take a seat at any of the available seats.

Itsuka Shiori, who saw the girl clearly from the side, was stunned.

That's Itsuka Kotori.

In addition to being the captain and commander of an air battleship, does she also work part-time in a restaurant?

No, no.

Recalling that there was no sound coming from his headset for quite a while, Itsuka Shiori finally determined that this restaurant might have been commandeered by the people from the air battleship in order to complete the so-called love operation.

No wonder some of the maids looked familiar. Aren't they technicians on the air battleship?

So, this drink is also Kotori’s creation, right?

Wuhe Shizhi glanced at the juice in front of him, which was causing him great embarrassment, and his eyes towards Wuhe Kotori became unkind.

The deep resentment even made Itsuka Kotori, who was in black headband mode, tremble.

She turned slightly to avoid her sister's emotional gaze, and handed the menu in her hand to the trio of girls.

Um...for some reason, most of the items on the menu don't have ingredients. The only ones that are plentiful are burgers, fried chicken, fries, etc., okay?

In fact, there are ingredients.

But the people in the air battleship can't cook it, at least not to the level of a regular restaurant. And the only staff member with this level of cooking skills is currently preparing Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori's portion.

Itsuka Kotori could only temporarily use fast food that did not require high cooking skills and was already half-finished to recharge.

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