So I think I know you well enough that if you have anything you want to know about me, you can ask me.

Listening to Tobiichi Origami's calm words and facing her plain eyes, Igarashi felt like he couldn't laugh or cry, and he sighed after a moment.

You are really amazing, Origami. If you could figure out everything just by observing it with the naked eye, it would be an eye-opener for me.

I can only do this when I face you.

Is Tobiichi Origami simply explaining the facts now, or is he deliberately saying some love words?

Igarashi feels like he is being conquered by Tobiichi Origami.

Compared to the clumsy words Itsuka Shiori said following the instructions of the staff in the air battleship for unknown reasons, the aggression shown by Tobiichi Origami at this moment was really terrifying.

Igarashi feels that his favorable impression of Tobiichi Origami is constantly improving. His initial favorable impression of Tobiichi Origami, which was originally high because of his understanding of the world of Date A Live, may have exploded now.

The girl who was as white as snowflakes and as cold as snowflakes showed enthusiasm like the sun in front of her.

Is it true that my restless heart is filled with love, or is it more of a macho sense of achievement?

Igarashi wasn't sure, but what he knew was that the girl in front of him was really attractive.

Chapter 960 Mio’s Changes

Tobiichi Origami-san is not too obsessed with intimate matters. At least, after getting a kiss from Igarashi and confirming his attitude, he is no longer so obsessed.

This is of course based on the fact that Origami does not know Mio's existence. Otherwise, the Origami master would have chosen to increase the progress.

When Igarashi returned from Tobiichi Origami's house, he felt pretty good.

Both body and mind.

Even if you don't rush to the last step, it doesn't matter if you do other things. Anyway, Origami said it doesn't matter and cooperated as much as possible.

In the evening, when Igarashi came to the door of his house, the lights of Wuhe's house next to him were on, and he could faintly hear the crackling sound of cooking oil being heated at high temperature, and the enticing aroma of food came out.

Igarashi did not choose to go to Wuhe's house to have a meal, or to see what kind of attitude Wuhe Shizhi would face him after saying those ambiguous words, but quickly walked into the house.

As expected by Igarashi, Mio had arrived 387 steps ahead, still wearing the unattractive brown uniform that she only wore on the air battleship.

This scene reminded Igarashi.

What's going on with Itsuki Shiori? Why did you suddenly start letting her get close to me?

Although it was interesting for Ohkawa Shiori to blush and say something like a confession, Igarashi was more curious about what happened to Ohkawa Shiori.

I just used the reason that she was not mature enough to eliminate the fear in her heart, understand the pain of the elves and seal the elves, so that she could fall in love and speed up her growth.

Mio's answer made Igarashi look surprised. He looked up and down in front of him, and saw more of the innocent and cute Origin Elf, and said in astonishment.

Did you think of these things yourself?

Well, are there any loopholes?

If the target is a girl like Wuhe Shizhi, it can be said to be flawless and perfect. Precisely because it is so perfect, it is hard for me to imagine that an elf who was originally so ignorant would become so cunning now.

It was you who led me astray.

Mio put all the blame on Igarashi and showed an indignant expression. It seemed that she was hurt by the word cunning that Igarashi said.

Igarashi stroked Mio's head skillfully to comfort her.

Yes, yes, it's my fault, well, but this can be considered a good change. You have become smarter. If you are still as ignorant as before, although I will not be in trouble to take care of you, it will be very difficult. It’s hard to trust you to go out alone.”

So are you saying that I was stupid before? Or are you planning to let me go now? Are you protesting strongly?

Now wearing plain glasses and a prim and serious uniform, Mio shows off her intellectual beauty. The words she speaks are very cute in terms of tone and content, and they are really interesting.

Of course not. If Mio wants me to accompany her, just tell her and I will definitely agree.

Hmph, that's nice to say. Aren't you going to go out with Itsuka Shiori tomorrow?

...You know it very well. Why do I feel now that what Wuhe Shizhi said, at least about hanging out together, was something you taught her?

Uh uh...

Mio whimpered and lost her voice.

And Igarashi had already determined the answer from her reaction.

Well, the girl with whom he had the closest relationship was helping another girl attack him. It was really a farce.

When Igarashi and Mio got along, Mio was never the one who took the initiative. This was probably the reason why Itsuka Shiori, who was taught by Mio, performed so poorly before.

Is Mio trying to make up for her past regrets now? Switch the identities of offense and defense and play a love game?

Classmate Itsuka Shiori, you seem a little pitiful.

Igarashi's sigh made Mio, who had been silent, immediately raise his head and defend himself.

I'm not just a prank. Haven't you, Igarashi, always been interested in Shiori? Shizhi Wuhe should also have a crush on you. When I asked her to try to have a serious relationship, I casually mentioned the people in her class. Several of the names were rejected by her directly. Only when she mentioned you, she blushed and remained silent. Her thoughts were too easy to guess. Otherwise, I would not have been rejected by the other party. , forcibly interfering in her emotional affairs.

Okay, okay, my Mio is the most considerate.

Igarashi was really curious. When Mio asked these words and Itsuka Shiori showed various reactions, what was Itsuka Kotori's attitude? Logically speaking, Itsuka Kotori should be a sister-controller.

After thinking about it funny for a while, Igarashi praised Mio for constantly assisting him. When he saw the girl lazily yawning, he couldn't help but laugh.

After distributing the power of the elves, will you become sleepy so easily?

I heard that generally only a comfortable and comfortable environment can easily make people who are already in good spirits feel sleepy. I feel very comfortable around you, so I feel sleepy.

Mio said this and moved her head affectionately into Igarashi's arms, just like she did many years ago.

At that time, she had just woken up from a long slumber. She came to the earth from the neighboring world and was ignorant of everything. Now she has understood many things, the way of life of human beings, the specific meanings of various titles and nouns, and all kinds of life. How to use supplies, the specific purchasing power of money, and even the manufacturing principles of high-tech products.

She can even play the role of Murasame Reine very well. She exists as a very dignified and capable captain behind the air battleship. Later, she hands over the captain's position to Itsuka Kotori and can perfectly serve as an auxiliary officer. .

But in front of Igarashi, her behavior has not changed much. She has always been cute and sometimes acts coquettishly.

Various details seem to indicate that Mio has not changed, but in fact, Mio has indeed changed a lot.

Become more mature and considerate of others.

Chapter 961 Restless mind

Wuhe Shizhi was troubled.

I have been wandering around since I started making dinner, so my sister complained that the hamburger was burnt.

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